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米国土安全保障省が今週、同省科学技術局が進めていた米国南部の国境で、犬の形をした四足歩行ロボットを使用する研究の詳細を明らかにした。Boston DynamicsのSpotのようなロボットに、人間の政府職員に対して友好的でない地域をパトロールさせるつもりだ。

このニュースに付随する声明で、国土安全保障省のBrenda Long(ブレンダ・ロング)氏は「南部国境は人間や動物にとって敵対的な場所である可能性もあるため、マシンの方が有効だと考えられる。科学技術局による研究開発事業は、地上監視用自動走行車両(Automated Ground Surveillance Vehicles、AGSV)と呼ばれ、基本的にはロボット犬だ」と述べている。

この事業はフィラデルフィアのロボット企業Ghost Robotsと協同で行われる。同社は過去に、Verizonなどの大企業の仕事も経験している。最近、同社が新聞の見出しを飾ったのは、ある見本市に登場した、SWORD Defense Systemsの特殊用途無人ライフル(Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle、SPUR)というリモコン狙撃手のロボットだ。それは四足歩行ロボットで最も有名なBoston Dynamicsが、DARPAの話を一応聞いたが、結局越えなかった一線(ロボットの軍事利用)だ。




CEOのJiren Parikh(ジレン・パリク)氏は、2021年のインタビューで次のように述べている。「私たちはペイロードを作りません。武装について宣伝や広告も、おそらく行いません。武装は答えにくい問題でもあります。しかし軍に渡すため、軍が何をするのかわかりません。政府に、ロボットの使い方を指示することはできません。売る・売らないを決める線引きはない。私たちとしては単純に、米国とその同盟国の政府に販売するだけです。敵対的な国の市場の企業に私たちのロボットを販売する気はありません。弊社ロボットへの、ロシアや中国からの引き合いはたくさんあります。しかし、それが弊社のエンタープライズ顧客のためでもそちらには販売しません」。


米国税関国境警備局のBrett Becker(ブレット・ベッカー)捜査官は「他の国と同じように通常の犯罪行為もありますが、国境沿いでは、人間の密輸、麻薬の密輸、銃器や大量破壊兵器を含むその他の禁制品の密輸もあります。これらの活動は、個人のものから国際犯罪組織、テロリスト、敵対する政府まで、あらゆる人によって行われる可能性があります」と投稿している



画像クレジット:Ghost Robotics


The United States Department of Homeland Security this week detailed ongoing work with its Science and Technology Directorate exploring the use of quadruped dog robots on the nation’s southern border. Specifically, the department is deploying these Spot-like robots to patrol stretches that might otherwise be inhospitable to human agents.

“The southern border can be an inhospitable place for man and beast, and that is exactly why a machine may excel there,” the DHS’s Brenda Long said in a statement tied to the news. “This S&T-led initiative focuses on Automated Ground Surveillance Vehicles, or what we call ‘AGSVs.’ Essentially, the AGSV program is all about…robot dogs.”

The program is partnering with Ghost Robots, a Philadelphia-based firm that has, in the past, worked with large corporations like Verizon. More recently the company made headlines when one of its robots was seen sporting a remote-controlled sniper rifle (SWORD Defense Systems Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle or SPUR) at a trade show. It’s a line that the best-known quadrupedal robotics firm, Boston Dynamics, hasn’t been willing to cross, despite earlier conversations with DARPA.

The stated use for these robots on the border is patrolling. The systems can wander autonomously or be controlled remotely, sending live video feeds to operators. There’s certainly no indication here that these robots would be equipped with any sort of weapons systems of course, in spite of that being the thing that put the company on many people’s radar.

For its part, Ghost says it proudly partners with the U.S. government and takes a largely agnostic approach to things like payload.

“We don’t make the payloads. Are we going to promote and advertise any of these weapon systems? Probably not,” CEO Jiren Parikh told me in an interview last year. “That’s a tough one to answer. Because we’re selling to the military, we don’t know what they do with them. We’re not going to dictate to our government customers how they use the robots. We do draw the line on where they’re sold. We only sell to U.S. and allied governments. We don’t even sell our robots to enterprise customers in adversarial markets. We get lots of inquiries about our robots in Russia and China. We don’t ship there, even for our enterprise customers.”

DHS cites myriad reasons for interest in technology, beyond the often inhospitable nature of the area.

“Just like anywhere else, you have your standard criminal behavior, but along the border you can also have human smuggling, drug smuggling, as well as smuggling of other contraband—including firearms or even potentially, WMD,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent Brett Becker says in the post. “These activities can be conducted by anyone from just a lone individual, all the way up to transnational criminal organizations, terrorists or hostile governments—and everything in between.”

There’s no specific time frame for deployment noted in the post, but the team is field testing robots equipped with things like night vision and they are being put to work in outdoor spaces and scenarios designed to mimic residential buildings.

“Technology such as semi-autonomous drones (air, ground, and even water) are used effectively as force multipliers elsewhere—and robot dogs are no different,” Long said. Given the history of the United States government’s use of drones, however, it might not be the ideal connection for the DHS to draw in singing the praises of putting robots to work in the field.

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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