Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する

今回は「Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する」についてご紹介します。

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企業創設者は、みんなが地元の爆弾処理班と名前で呼び合う親しい間柄というわけではない。しかもすべての企業がNoya Labs(ノヤ・ラブズ)であるわけでもない。この会社は、米国内の工業地帯や建物に備えられているおよそ200万本の冷却塔を、二酸化炭素吸着兵器に転換して、世界的な気候変動と戦おうとしている。


55ガロンの石油用ドラム缶と低温調理用のコンテナに入った黄色い冷却水のタンクに赤と青のケーブルがつながっている。ご近所さんには異質な代物だ。そこでJosh Santos(ジョシュ・サントス)氏とDaniel Cavero(ダニエル・カヴェロ)氏は、何度も爆弾処理班のふりをしたと、同社の最高責任者であるサントス氏は話す。







Noya Labsの共同創設者ジョシュ・サントス氏とダニエル・カベロ氏(画像クレジット:Noya Labs)



Noya Labsはすでに、家族経営のオーガニック農場Alexandre Family Farm(アレクサンダー・ファミリー・ファーム)と共同でパイロットプラントの建設を行っている。そこでは、500キログラムから1トンの二酸化炭素の生産が見込まれている。

この初のパイロットプラント建設と人材集めのために、同社は120万ドル(約1億2700万円)の資金調達に成功した。出資を行ったのは、Ela Madej(エラ・マデイ)氏とSeth Bannon(セス・バノン)氏が設立した先端技術を対象とする投資会社Fifty Years、Chris Sacca(クリス・サッカ)氏のLowercarbon Capital(「地球をフ●ックしない」ための時間稼ぎができる企業に投資するというこの投資会社の企業理念は最高)。また同社はY Conbinatorにも参加している。


しかも、Noyaが市場に向けて販売を予定しているCO2を買いたいという企業が、すでに何社も手を挙げている。CO2から製品を作るスタートアップも数多く成長している。これらの中には、Aether Diamonds(イーサー・ダイヤモンド)のようにCO2を原料に、なんとダイヤモンドを作るという冗談のような企業から、CO2から合成燃料を作るPrometheus Fuels(プロメシアス・フュエルズ)や、石油化学製品の代替品にCO2を使うOpus12(オーパス・トゥエルブ)などがある。



Introducing "the Mr Burns test" for sustainability companies.

Build a product that Mr Burns (the prototypic self-absorbed egoistic greedy capitalist) would buy not because it's sustainable but because it's the best / cheapest / most convenient.

That's the ? to impact at scale.

— Seth Bannon ?‍? (@sethbannon) January 6, 2020




画像クレジット:plus49/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images / Getty Images


Not every company’s founders find themselves on a first-name basis with the local bomb squad, but then again not every company is Noya Labs, which wants to turn the roughly 2 million cooling towers at industrial sites and buildings across the U.S. into CO2-sucking weapons in the fight against global climate change.

When the company first started developing prototypes of its devices that attach to water coolers, the company’s founders, Josh Santos and Daniel Cavero, did what all good founders do, they started building in their backyard.

The sight of a 55-gallon oil drum and a yellow refrigeration tank in a sous vide bath attached to red and blue cables didn’t sit so well with the neighbors, so Santos and Cavero found themselves playing host to the bomb squad multiple times, according to the company’s chief executive, Santos.

“We proved that it could capture CO2, and we achieved something that no startup should achieve,” Santos said of the dubious bomb squad distinction.

Santos and Cavero were inspired to begin their experiments with direct air capture by an article describing some research into plants’ declining ability to capture carbon dioxide that Santos read on Caltrain on his way to work back in 2019. That article spurred the would-be entrepreneur and his roommate to get to work on experimenting with carbon chemistry.

Their first product was a consumer air purifier that would pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in homes and capture it. Homeowners could then sell the captured gases to Santos and Cavero who would then resell it. But the two quickly realized that the business model wasn’t economical, and went back to the drawing board.

They found their eventual application in industrial cooling towers, which the company’s tech can turn into CO2-capturing devices that have the capacity to take in between half a ton and a ton of carbon dioxide per day.

Noya’s tech works by adding a blend of CO2-absorbing chemicals to the water in the cooling towers. They then add an attachment to the cooling tower that activates what Santos called a regeneration process to convert the captured CO2 back into gas. Once they have captured the CO2 the company will look to resell it to industrial CO2 consumers.

It’s not green yet, at least not exactly, because that CO2 is being recirculated instead of sequestered, but Santos said it’s greener than existing sources of the gas, which come from ammonia and ethanol plants.

Noya Labs co-founders Josh Santos and Daniel Cavero. Image Credit: Noya Labs

“Five years from now we fully intend to have vertically integrated carbon capture and sequestration. Our first step is locally produced low-cost atmospherically captured CO2,” said Santos. “ If we were to go all-in on a carbon capture, that would require a lot of time for us to develop. What this initial model allows us to do is fine-tune our capture technology while building up long-term to go to market.”

Santos called it the “Tesla roadster approach” so that the company can build up capital and get revenue and prove one piece of it as an MVP so they can prove other steps of it down the line.

Noya Labs already is developing a pilot plant with the Alexandre Family Farm that should capture between the estimated half a ton and one-ton target.

To develop the initial pilot and build out its team, the company has managed to raise $1.2 million from the frontier tech investment firm Fifty Years, founded by Ela Madej and Seth Bannon, and Chris Sacca’s Lowercarbon Capital (whose mission statement to invest in companies that will buy time to “unf*ck the planet” might be one of the greatest). The company’s also in Y Combinator.

“One of the things that makes us excited about this technology is that in the U.S. alone there are 2 million cooling towers. Looking conservatively — if our initial pilot plant can capture 1 ton per day — we’re at right over half a gigaton of CO2 capture.”

And companies are already raising their hands to pick up the CO2 that Noya would sell on the market. There’s a growing collection of startups that are using CO2 to make products. These companies range from the slightly silly, like Aether Diamonds, which uses CO2 to make… diamonds; to companies like Dimensional Energy or Prometheus Fuels, which make synthetic fuels with CO2, or Opus12, which uses CO2 in its replacements for petrochemicals.

Prices for commercial CO2 range between $125 per ton to $5,000 per ton, according to Santos. And Noya would be producing at less than $100 per ton. Current Direct Air Capture companies sell their CO2 from somewhere between $600 to $700 per ton.

Stoya’s first installation could cost around $250,000, Santos said. For Bannon, that means the company passes his “Mr. Burns test.”

“We’ve been digging into the DAC space but haven’t liked the techno-economics we’ve seen. Previous approaches have had too much capex and opex and not enough revenue potential,” Bannon wrote in an email. “That’s what Noya has solved. By leveraging existing industrial equipment, their model is profitable. And better yet, they make their carbon capture partners money, allowing them to scale this up fast. This creates an opportunity to profitably remove 1 gigaton-plus a year.”

(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:金井哲夫)

Noya Labs turns cooling towers into direct air capture ...

Not every company’s founders find themselves on a first-name basis with the local bomb squad, but then again not every company is Noya Labs, which wants to turn the roughly 2 million cooling towers at industrial sites and buildings across the U.S. into CO2-sucking weapons in the fight against global climate change. When the company […]

Noya Labs turns cooling towers into direct air capture ...

Not every company's founders find themselves on a first name basis with the local bomb squad, but then again not every company is Noya Labs, which wants to turn the roughly 2 million cooling towers at industrial sites and buildings across the U.S. into CO2 sucking weapons in the fight against global climate change. When […]

Noya Labs turns cooling towers into direct air capture ...

Not every company's founders find themselves on a first-name basis with the local bomb squad, but then again not every company is Noya Labs, which wants to turn the roughly 2 million cooling towers at industrial sites and buildings across the U.S. into CO2-sucking weapons in the fight against global climate change.. When the company first started developing prototypes of its devices that ...

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Noya Labs turns cooling towers into direct air capture ...

Not every company's founders find themselves on a first name basis with the local bomb squad, but then again not every company is Noya Labs, which wants to turn the roughly 2 million cooling towers at industrial sites and buildings across the U.S. into CO2 sucking weapons in the fight against global climate change.Noya Labs, which wants to turn

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Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する | TechCrunch Japan

企業創設者は、みんなが地元の爆弾処理班と名前で呼び合う親しい間柄というわけではない。しかもすべての企業がNoya Labsであるわけでもない。この会社は、米国内の工業地帯や建物に備えられているおよそ200万本の冷却塔を、二酸化炭素吸着兵器に転換して、世界的な気候変動と戦おうとしている。

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Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する - KURAGE ...

Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する 投稿日: 2021年2月25日 それでCO2が 回収 できることを、私たちは実証しました。

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Noya Labsは200万本の冷却塔をCO2回収装置に変え産業に二酸化炭素を販売する | TechCrunch Japan

企業創設者は、みんなが地元の爆弾処理班と名前で呼び合う親しい間柄というわけではない。しかもすべての企業がNoya Labsであるわけでもない。この会社は、米国内の工業地帯や建物に備えられているおよそ200万本の冷却塔を、二酸化炭素吸着兵器に転換して、世界的な気候変動と戦おうとしている。

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火星には水と二酸化炭素の氷からなる極冠があり、火星の季節によって変化する。二酸化炭素の氷は夏には昇華して岩石からなる表面が現れ、冬には再び氷ができる。楯状火山であるオリンポス山は標高27キロの太陽系最高の山である 。

ヤフオク! - 二酸化炭素減圧器 Co2レギュレータゲージ 圧力調...

商品詳細 二酸化炭素減圧器 CO2レギュレータゲージ 圧力調整器 アルゴンガスメーター溶接作業用 TIG溶接 流量計 36m3/h高品質の素材:バルブ本体は、亜鉛合金、焼結真鍮製フィルター付きの給水管、酸素キャップ、出口ノズル、亜鉛合金の鋳造、厚くて丈夫です。 使用便利:減

FXでキャシュバックサイトの進め | 農業監視と管理のFlurostatが土壌炭素のエキスパートDaganと合併し ...




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