

関連ワード (NFT等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




このトピックがStartups Weekly(スタートアップ・ウィークリー)ニュースレターに掲載されるのは、このことが初期段階と後期段階にあるスタートアップの勢いが増している仮想通貨の動きに影響を与えるかもしれないためだ。私が今週Equity(エクイティ)で論じたように、NFTが普及することで、平均的なビットコイン保有者だけでなく仮想通貨にあまりなじみのない人でも、通貨の保有を検討するようになる可能性がある。NFTを販売するプラットフォームでは通常、仮想通貨(通常はイーサリアム)を使って購入することが必要になる。このことを、人間には所有している資産を保護して、その資産をずっと所有していたいという欲求が備わっている一方で、人生には何が起こるかわからないという事実と合わせて考えてみよう。デジタルアーティストのビープルが作品を売却して6900万ドル(約75億円)を手に入れたという出来事は、大きな金額が動くニュースとなったのは確かだが、これはつまり、仮想通貨の支持者と仮想通貨資産に関するトピックが、一般大衆の話題となったことを示しているのだ。







このスタートアップは3月第2週の資金調達イベントで5000万ドル(54億円)を調達したことは注目に値する。TechCrunchのMary Ann Azevedo(メアリー・アン・アセベド)によれば、2021年の第1四半期には数千万ドル(数十億円)がこのプラットフォームで取引されたという。

画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin




画像クレジット:TechCrunch/Bryce Durbin


Spending millions for a digital work of art that could be screenshotted feels similar to traipsing around a strip of concrete as a tourist activity. The optics don’t make immediate sense — there’s hardly any appeal in something as accessible as a Google image or street.

That’s my best bet at explaining at least some of the confusion around the explosive rise of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. The token, minted on the blockchain, can give digital assets a unique signifier. In other words, anyone could screenshot a piece of art, but only one of us will own the true, original piece of art. This context is part of the reason why Beeple, a digital artist, had his artwork sold for $69 million just a few days ago.

The reason this topic is coming up in a Startups Weekly newsletter is because of the impact it could have on the cryptocurrency movement, of which there is a growing tide of early-stage and late-stage startups. The popularization of NFTs, as I argued in Equity this week, could be what makes cryptocurrency finally palpable to the average human — beside the average bitcoin hoarder. Platforms that sell NFTs usually need you to use cryptocurrency (usually Ethereum) to purchase anything. Mix that with the fact that humans have an innate desire to own, protect and immortalize their assets, and you might have the perfect storm. Beeple, a digital artist, made $69 million for his work, and this isn’t just a big financing event, it’s a signal that crypto enthusiasts and crypto assets are getting to an inescapable spot in public dialogue.

Ownership as a way for a decentralized network to become mainstream is its own meta conversation, and I’ll be clear that the blockchain and NFTs have a long way to go before they are truly equitable, accessible and hit their stride. But, it’s hard to not to let your mind wander about the opportunities here.

It’s more than a screenshot, it’s about the potential of pixels having more meaning than they ever did before. And it’s more than a strip of concrete, it’s the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Finding exclusive aspects of accessible things in our lives is compelling to a consumer and could be great for creators.

In the rest of this newsletter, we’ll discuss Coupang’s competitive industrial edge, a startup hoping to be the Nasdaq for revenue and Google’s brains fighting Google itself. As always, you can follow me on Twitter @nmasc_ for my thoughts throughout the week and tech news.

The Amazon of South Korea goes public

Coupang, which some describe as the Amazon of South Korea, priced and started trading this week on the public markets. At one point on Thursday, the company was valued at $92 billion.

Here’s what to know: When Coupang first launched, it found that South Korea had an absence of third-party logistics companies similar to UPS or FedEx in the United States. Now, it wasn’t without competition, but it did have an opportunity to build an end-to-end logistics company that is now worth a boatload of money.

Other IPO news:

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch

The Nasdaq for Revenue

Pipe has a compelling narrative: It’s anti-VC, doesn’t like naming its rounds and says its goal is to be the Nasdaq for revenue. The goal since it started was to give SaaS companies a way to get their revenue upfront by connecting them to investors that would pay a rate for the annual value of those contracts. It turns monthly recurring revenue into annual recurring revenue.

Here’s what to know: The startup raised $50 million in a financing event this week. In the first quarter of 2021, tens of millions of dollars were traded through its platform, reports TechCrunch’s Mary Ann Azevedo.

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin

Can you beat Google with Google’s brains?

In our main Equity show this week, the trio discussed a slew of news that naturally lended itself over to a piece we wrote months ago, Meet the anti-antitrust startup club.

(By the way, if you want a huge discount for Extra Crunch, just use our code, EQUITY, when you sign up to access great articles like this one and most of our analytical work).

Here’s what to know: Neeva, built by a team of ex-Googlers including the guy who built Google’s advertising engine, is one startup to watch. There’s a lot to chew and we do it best during the episode, so take a listen and figure out if you’re team Natasha and Danny, or team Alex.

Other news bits:

Image Credits: TechCrunch

‘Blaming the intern’ won’t save your startup from cybersecurity liability

As SolarWinds is showcasing, a company can be liable for the mistakes of its employees via a legal term called “vicarious liability.”

Cybersecurity writer Chandu Gopalakrishnan explains what it means for you and what you can do to stay on the right side of the law.

Around TechCrunch

A few house-keeping things this week:

Across the week

Seen on TechCrunch

Zapier buys no-code-focused Makerpad in its first acquisition

Eye, Robot

Sequoia Capital puts millions of dollars into Gather, a virtual HQ platform

Seen on ExtraCrunch

There have never been more $100 million fintech rounds than right now

What I wish I’d known about venture capital when I was a founder

White-label voice assistants will win the battle for podcast discovery

4 ways startups will drive GPT-3 adoption in 2021

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Dragonfly)

NFT Market Rages On: NFTs Market Cap Grow 1,785% In 2021 ...

The demand for NFTs is continuing to surge and the NFT market is showing no signs of slowing down.

'What the hell's an NFT?' — 'SNL' explains in an amazing ...

"Saturday Night Live" takes on non-fungible tokens, and actually offers a pretty decent explanation for the phenomenon that still confuses many investors.

Non-fungible token - Wikipedia

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data on a digital ledger called a blockchain, where each NFT can represent a unique digital item, and thus they are not interchangeable.NFTs can represent digital files such as art, audio, videos, items in video games and other forms of creative work. While the digital files themselves are infinitely reproducible, the NFTs representing them are tracked ...

What is NFT: The Blockchain System That Certifies Digital ...

NFT certifies any digital file that what we are acquiring is completely original, although it belongs to the intangible world of digital.

New NFT Platform Launched By Circle Accepting Crypto And ...

Circle, Allaire explained, is quite keen on supporting all facets of this industry, be it platforms, creators, storefronts, marketplaces.

The NFT (non-fungible token) phenomenon: How 2 friends ...

It took a few minutes for Vignesh Sundaresan and Anand Venkateswaran to realize that they'd parted with $69.3 million for a digital artwork stored in a JPEG

Why the NFT Boom Takes Me Back to Fifth Grade in Moscow ...

The other part of the NFT phenomenon that brings back my fifth grade memories is, of course, the small amount of fiat money changing hands in that market. The buyers of the $69.3 million Beeple ...

Atari launches nostalgic NFT collectibles for Pong and ...

Atari is cashing in on the NFT craze with the sale of the Atari Capsule Collection of Pong and Centipede NFTs.

Professional Call of Duty League Gamer to Launch eSports NFT

PRESS RELEASE. 27th March 2021, Al Murar, Dubai – Diamondcon is one of the fastest rising Call of Duty league players in the world, and part of the

NFT products using the latest technology blockchain ...

An e-sports-focused site that uses blockchain protocol with next-generation technologies to eliminate manipulation of video views has launched non-fungible

Justin Sun announces the launch of his NFT Fund - Coindesk ...

Justin San, the founder of Tron, announced the launch of his own cryptocurrency platform's NFT fund. Only the most valuable non-replacement tokens, valued at more than a million dollars, will be shown. The Sun Foundation dubbed it the "Only NFT fund" because they didn't want to worry about it for a long time.

TRON Founder Justin Sun Unveils Exclusive 'Million-Dollar ...

TRON Foundation CEO, Justin Sun launches the JUST NFT Fund. Artwork to start at $1 million. His $6 million bid-winning NFT artwork by Beeple to be showcased on Tron. TRON Foundation's CEO, Justin Sun, unveils the JUST NFT Fund, a project aiming to create, register and showcase exclusive non-fungible token (NFT) artwork on TRON. In […]

Justin Sun Launches JUST NFT Fund to Further Venture ...

Justin Sun Launches JUST NFT Fund to Further Venture Digital Art World - Crypto News Cloud

NFT (NFT) Achieves Market Cap of $21.58 Million - Riverton ...

NFT (CURRENCY:NFT) traded up 26.4% against the U.S. dollar during the one day period ending at 21:00 PM Eastern on March 28th. During the last week, NFT has traded down 16.5% against the U.S. dollar. One NFT token can now be bought for about $0.59 or 0.00001058 BTC on popular exchanges. NFT has a market […]

Fnnch's NFT 'The Afikomen' Put Up for Auction in Clubhouse ...

Fnnch’s NFT 'The Afikomen' Put Up for Auction in Clubhouse Passover Seder - Crypto News Cloud

What is NFT, How to Buy and Sell? Here is the NFT Guide ...

In this article, we have prepared an NFT guide for you. You may have seen the term NFT in the headlines lately. Often you come across news about some large

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)? A Comprehensive Guide ...

For those who've been intently following cryptocurrency information, you may need already heard about non-fungible tokens (NFT). And fairly Sunday, March 28, 2021

Justin Sun Launches JUST NFT Fund to Further Venture ...

The establishment of the JUST NFT Fund follows a recent successful bid by Sun on Beeple’s NFT artwork ‘Ocean Front’ for a whopping $6 million.

Joining NFT Mania, Lindsay Lohan Explains Why NFTs Are ...

From digital artists to tech billionaires, and now Hollywood stars, everyone's willing to taste the pie of the NFT world. Popular Hollywood start Lindsay Lohan is the latest to join the NFT craze and thinks that NFTs will have massive acceptance in the Hollywood industry. On Saturday, March 27, Lindsay announced that she will launch The post Joining NFT Mania, Lindsay Lohan Explains Why NFTs ...

What Are NFT Stocks? Your Guide To Non-Fungible Tokens ...

NFT Speculation Is Taking The Stock Market By Storm This Week Unless you've been living under a rock, chances are you have heard about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) making a scene in the stock market today. But before we dive straight into finding the best NFT stocks to buy, let's consider if they are actually worth […]

Uniswap V3 Video NFT Sells for $525,000 - CoinBriefs

Key Takeaways A tokenized version of Uniswap's V3 video teaser has sold for $525,000. A DAO set up to buy the NFT placed the winning bid. The video's artist pplpleasr said that the funds would be donated to charities supporting ethnic minority groups. Uniswap announced its highly anticipated V3 update earlier thi ...

NFT impressive footprint in the crypto market - The ...

Whether folks are interested or not, in recent times, it can't deny the remarkable development of NFT in the crypto market.

Iconic 'Obey' Street Artist Shepard Fairey to Auction an ...

The iconic contemporary street artist, Shepard Fairey is getting into the non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem.

This NFT Will Sell Out SOON!

The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by journalists. Crypto Buds has released a completely original, inaugural collection of 10,000 NFT digital playing cards for sale to the general public. At the time of writing this, 1753 tokens have been sold and only 247 remain before the next price definitely act now and get yours ASAP at

Lindsay Lohan unveils new single Lullaby as NFT | Music ...

Lindsay Lohan has entered the NFT market with her new single, 'Lullaby'. The 34-year-old singer-and-actress shared a teaser of the track on social media over the weekend, which she made available via the FansForever digital platform.



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