関連ワード (Everli、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
今回のラウンドはVerlinvestがリードし、新たな投資家としてLuxor、DN Capital、C4 Ventures、Convivialité Venturesが参加している。それに加え、FITEC(Fondo Italiano d’Investimentoの一部)、360 Capital、Innogest、DIPもフォローオンを行った。
EverliのCEOであるFederico Sargenti(フェデリコ・サルゲンティ)氏は次のように述べている。「Everliは、特にグローサリー分野に注力しています。小さな買い物かごに入るような、基本的な必需品だけをピックアップするのではなく、Everliはお客様が必要とするものをなんでも、1週間分のお買い物に至るまで、当日配達もしくは1時間の配達時間を選択していただきお届けすることに重点を置いています」。
VerlinvestのエグゼクティブディレクターであるSimone Sallustio(シモーネ・サルスティオ)氏は次のように述べている。「Everliは、その卓越した技術とデータ、そしてパートナーのグローサリー小売店での経験を組み合わせ、消費者には最高の体験を、小売店のパートナーには価値を、そしてブランドにはデジタル・アクティベーションを提供することで、欧州のeグローサリー市場のリーダーとしての地位を確立する完璧なポジションにあります」。
Everli, the European marketplace for online grocery shopping that started in Italy but now also operates in Poland, Czech Republic and France, has raised a $100 million in Series C funding.
The round is led by Verlinvest, with participation from new investors Luxor, DN Capital, C4 Ventures and Convivialité Ventures. FITEC (part of Fondo Italiano d’Investimento), 360 Capital, Innogest and DIP also followed on.
Everli, formerly called Supermercato24, says it will use the injection of capital to accelerate growth and further expand its international footprint.
Founded in 2014, Everli lets customers order from local supermarkets for delivery. The company uses gig economy-styled personal shoppers who go into the store and “pick” the products ordered and then deliver them same-day, or for an added cost within an hour. The company charges a delivery fee to consumers, but also generates revenue from fees charged to partnering merchants, and, notably, through advertising.
It has become the delivery partner of some of Europe’s largest grocery brands, offering access to over 300,000 products across the 70 cities in which it operates. And, like other online grocery offerings, Everli has benefited from a boost in e-commerce and a reliance on delivery services prompted by the pandemic and country lockdowns.
“Everli is focused specifically on the grocery space,” says Federico Sargenti, CEO at Everli. “Rather than small baskets, or picking up just the basic essentials, Everli is focused on delivering whatever you need right up to your full weekly shop, with same-day delivery and a one-hour delivery window of your choice.”
He says that what further differentiates Everli is its strong relationships with retailers, and the use of their existing infrastructure. “Instead of being tethered and restricted to a radius around our own expensive central warehouses, we are able to operate across a much wider geographical footprint, entering small-to-medium density areas and offering many customers their first opportunity to receive same-day groceries, [all] while retaining sustainable unit economics”.
Sargenti describes Everli as more similar to Instacart than many other European delivery firms, including the new crop of dark stores or those that offer groceries as a secondary service to take-outs. “[This is] why we’re leading the grocery space in Europe and securing brands like Lidl, Kaufland and Carrefour,” adds Sargenti.
In 2020, Everli sales almost quadrupled to $130 million. That growth is happening more and more outside Italy, with its international expansion now responsible for over 20% of orders.
“We are proud to have played a role in helping many people during these difficult times, but we are only getting started, as this industry will never be the same again,” says Sargenti in a statement. “The shift to online delivery is not reversing, and expectations on all sides are only increasing. We have built a model which we believe offers unparalleled value to consumers, through wide access to the retailers and products they love, even in less urban areas, and to retailers, who are now able to affordably compete online and reach a whole new consumer base”.
Adds Simone Sallustio, executive director at Verlinvest: “Everli combines its tech & data excellence with the grocery retail experience of its partners and this combination provides it with the perfect position to cement itself as the European e-grocery market leader, delivering the best experience to consumers, value to retail partners, and digital activation to brands”.
(文:Steve O’Hear、翻訳:TechCrunch Japan)
Choose your country, get your groceries delivered and enjoy peace of mind.
Everli, the European marketplace for online grocery... | TechCrunch
Everli, the European marketplace for online grocery shopping that started in Italy but now also operates in Poland, Czech Republic and France, has raised a $100 million in Series C funding. The round is led by Verlinvest, with participation from new investors Luxor, DN Capital, C4 Ventures and Convivialité Ventures. FITEC (part of Fondo Italiano […]
Everli: Wear Your Story
Meaningful fine jewelry that celebrates your story...
Everli / Everly (2014) Online
Temperamentingoji, Oskarui nominuota Selma Hayek vaidina drąsią prostitutę Everlę, kurią jos pačios bute užpuola sąvadautojo ir buvusio mylimojo Taiko samdyti žudikai. Taiko tiesiog įsiunta
Everli - Home | Facebook
Everli to innowacyjne, wygodne i szybkie zakupy spożywcze online z dostawą do Twojego domu Po to, żeby już na zawsze pożegnać się z uciążliwymi zakupami. Od dzisiaj Szopi staje się Everli!
Everli (@Everli_It) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Everli (@Everli_It). La spesa online nei tuoi supermercati preferiti.
Jobs & Careers @ Everli: Work with us
Everli was founded in 2014 with the aim of making grocery shopping simple, fast and convenient. Clients choose their favorite supermarket and do their grocery online: then, a personal Shopper goes...
From Supermercato 24 to Everli.. How we've changed our... | Medium
Supermercato24 is now Everli - Story of a rebranding.
Everli - App su Google Play
Di' ciao alle complessità della spesa e vivi una vita più serena. Con Everli fai la spesa online scegliendo i tuoi prodotti preferiti tra i migliori supermercati... e poi ciao. Al resto pensa il tuo Shopper, che si occuperà di andare alsupermercato e selezionare i prodotti migliori per poi consegnarteli alla porta di casa, all'orario che preferisci. + Scegli tu il supermercato tra quelli nella tua zona. + Ricevi l'aiuto di uno Shopper formato per scegliere i prodotti migliori. + Scegli l’orario di consegna e aggiungi o togli prodotti fino all'ultimo momento. + Scegli come pagare: carta di credito, in contanti alla consegna o con Google Pay. + Risparmia tempo e denaro grazie alle promozioni esclusive Everli. Al momento il servizio è attivo nelle seguenti PROVINCE: Roma, Milano, Torino, Verona, Bologna, Padova, Genova, Vicenza, Brescia, Modena, Varese, Bergamo, Monza Brianza, Treviso, Venezia, Mantova, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Ravenna, Pordenone, Pesaro, Trieste, Udine, Como, Parma, Savona, Livorno, Firenze, Pisa, Latina, Napoli, Cremona, Pavia, Massa, Imperia, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Biella, Grosseto, Lucca, Bolzano, Trento, Rovigo. Ricevi la spesa da Alì, Aliper, Auchan, Bennet, Biosapori, Carrefour, Carrefour Express, Carrefour Market, Conad, Conad City Coop, Decò, Despar, Elite, Emisfero, Esselunga, Esselunga Superstore, Eurospar, Eurospin, Famila, Famila superstore, Galassia, Il Gigante, Interspar, Iper Martinelli, Iper tosano, Iperal, Iperconad, Ipercoop, Iperfamila, Iperlando, Ipermercato Conad, Italmark, La Buona Bottega, Leclerc Conad, Lidl, Martinelli, Mercatò, Migross, Natura Sì, Pam, Panorama, Punto Simply, Sapore di Mare, Simply, Simply Market, Simply Store, Super A&O, Super Elite, Super Gulliver, Super Migross, Super Rossetto, Superbasko, Tigros, U2, Zooplanet, Ipercarni and Ipertriscount. Everli, Ciao ciao spesa.
資金調達 - Wikipedia
資金調達(しきんちょうたつ、英: financing)とは、事業に必要な資金を調達することをいう。 資金調達という用語は、政府組織、民間企業、個人事業主の事業などについて幅広く用いられている。 「資金調達」という用語は、広義には、自己がすでに有している資本(勘定科目上で自己資本にあた...
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資金調達 - English translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "資金調達" – English-Japanese dictionary and search engine for English translations.
出資を受ける企業側にとっては、各投資ラウンドで最適な資金調達の手段を見直す指標となります。 資金調達方法には、個人投資家による第三者割当増資を活用しています。 調達した資金は、研究開発費や既存サービスの基盤を固めるために用いられています。
資金調達の基本! 経営者が知っておくべき3つの方法
設備投資をするにしろ、新たな事業を始めるにしろ、資金調達は経営者にとって避けては通れない問題です。しかし資金調達の基本的な方法は3つしかありません。 それは「負債を増やす」「資本を増やす」「既存の資産の現金化」です。ここではこの3つの方法の具体例を挙げながら、それぞれのメリット・デメリットについて解説します。
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国内スタートアップ資金調達 2019年最新トレンド - Initial
__2019年の国内スタートアップの資金調達額は、11月18日時点で3,200億円を突破。6年連続で最高額更新なるか。__ 2019年11月19日に行われた日本ベンチャーキャピタル協会主催のメディアプレゼンテーションにおいて、インキュベイトファンド代表パートナーの村田祐介氏と『Japan Startup Finance 2018』執筆者の森敦子が、「未公開ベンチャー企業/VCファンド資金調達の状況」ついてプレゼンテーションを実施しました。 > ※本記事はプレゼンテーションの内容を記事化したものです。 > > ※各種データは、2019年11月18日基準でINITIAL上で取得した数値を元に作成しています。
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2021-04-02 20:29先程資金調達を告知して希望者が殺到していますが、順番に対応させて頂きます! 毎日恒例の配布企画も見逃さないように"通知オン"設定お願いしますね。 皆さんの期待に応えるべく資金調達と配布企画、2通りでの救済を全うします。