関連ワード (Scribe、Zoom、ビデオ会議、文字起こし、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Optimizely(オプティマイズリー)の共同創業者Dan Siroker(ダン・シロカー)氏は、自身の新しいスタートアップScribe(スクライブ)のアイデアはいくつかの個人的な体験に端を発していると話した。そして、Scribeの初のプロダクトはZoom(ズーム)にフォーカスしているが、そうした個人的な体験はまったくZoomに関連していなかったとも述べた。
シロカー氏が2010年にPete Koomen(ピート・クーメン)氏とOptimizelyを設立し、2017年にCEO職から退き、そして同スタートアップが2020年Episerverに買収されたと書くと、思い出す人もいるかもいるかもしれない(そしていまEpiserverそのものがOptimizelyにブランド変更されている)。
「これは永久記録ではありません。ミーティングを持つ時のように作る、ちょうどGoogle Docのような共有アーティファクトで、いつでも戻って変更を加えられます」。
ScribeはOpenAIのCEO、Sam Altman(サム・アルトマン)氏がリードしたラウンド、そしてFirst Round Capitalがリードしたラウンドで計500万ドル(約5億4000万円)を調達した。
シロカー氏は、ZoomをScribeにとって単に「上陸拠点」としてとらえていると筆者に語った。次に同社はGoogle MeetやMicrosoft Teamsのようなプロダクトのサポートを追加する。ゆくゆくは、組織のための新たな「集合精神」の構築を同氏は望んでいる。そこでは、会話や知識が検索可能なためにみんなが「よりスマートで向上している」。
画像クレジット:P Getty Images
Optimizely co-founder Dan Siroker said the idea for his new startup Scribe goes back to a couple of personal experiences — and although Scribe’s first product is focused on Zoom, those experiences weren’t Zoom-related at all.
Instead, Siroker recalled starting to go deaf and then having an “epiphany” the first time he put in a hearing aid, as he recovered a sense he thought he’d lost.
“That really was the spark that got me thinking about other opportunities to augment things your body naturally fails at,” he said.
Siroker added that memory was an obvious candidate, particularly since he also has aphantasia — the inability to visualize mental images, which made it “hard to remember certain things.”
It may jog your own memory if I note that Siroker founded Optimizely with Pete Koomen in 2010, then stepped down from the CEO role in 2017, with the testing and personalization startup acquired by Episerver last year. (And now Episerver itself is rebranding as Optimizely.)
Fast-forward to the present day and Siroker is now CEO at Scribe, which is taking signups for its first product. That product integrates into Zoom meetings and transforms them into searchable, shareable transcripts.
Siroker demonstrated it for me during our Zoom call. Scribe appears in the meeting as an additional participant, recording video and audio while creating a real-time transcript. During or after the meeting, users can edit the transcript, watch or listen to the associated moment in the recording and highlight important points.
From a technological perspective, none of this feels like a huge breakthrough, but I was impressed by the seamlessness of the experience — just by adding an additional participant, I had a full recording and searchable transcript of our conversation that I could consult later, including while I was writing this story.
Image Credits: Scribe
Although Scribe is recording the meeting, Siroker said he wants this to be more like a note-taking replacement than a tape recorder.
“Let’s say you and I were meeting and I came to that meeting with a pen and paper and I’m writing down what you’re saying,” he said. “That’s totally socially acceptable — in some ways, it’s flattering … If instead, I brought a tape recorder and plopped in front of you and hit record — you might actually have this experience — with some folks, that feels very different.”
The key, he argued, is that Scribe recordings and transcripts can be edited, and you can also turn individual components on and off at any time.
“This is not a permanent record,” he said. “This is a shared artifact that we all create as we have a meeting that — just like a Google Doc — you can go back and make changes.”
That said, it’s still possible that Scribe could record some embarrassing comments, and the recordings could eventually get meeting participants in trouble. (After all, leaked company meeting recordings have already prompted a number of news stories.) Siroker said he hopes that’s “not common,” but he also argued that it could create an increased sense of transparency and accountability if it happens occasionally.
Scribe has raised around $5 million in funding, across a round led by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and another led by First Round Capital.
Image Credits: Scribe
Siroker told me he sees Zoom as just the “beachhead” for Scribe’s ambitions. Next up, the company will be adding support for products like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. Eventually, he hopes to build a new “hive mind” for organizations, where everyone is “smarter and better” because so many of their conversations and knowledge are now searchable.
“Where we go after that really depends on where we think we can have the biggest positive impact on people’s lives,” he said. “It’s harder to make a case for personal conversations you have with a spouse but … I think if you strike the right balance between value and privacy and control, you could really get people to adopt this in a way that actually is a win-win.”
And if Scribe actually achieves its mission of helping us to record and recall information in a wide variety of contexts, could that have an impact on our natural ability to remember things?
“Yes is the answer, and I think that’s okay,” he responded. “Your brain has limited energy … Remembering the things somebody said a few weeks ago is something a computer can do amazingly. Why waste your precious brain cycles doing that?”
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(文:Anthony Ha、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)
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