関連ワード (AR、Google、Googleマップ、地図等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Google(グーグル)は米国時間3月30日、Googleマップの大規模なアップデートをいくつか発表した。その内容は「Live View(ライブビュー)」機能によるARルート案内が一部の屋内でも使えるようになることや、地図に気象データが追加されたことなど多岐にわたる。だが、最も気になるニュースは、それがいつになるのか時期は明らかにされていない(典型的なGoogleらしいやり方だ)ものの、同社が大幅に改善された3DレイヤーをGoogleマップに導入することを計画しているというものだ。
Microsoft(マイクロソフト)の「Flight Simulator(フライトシミュレーター)」で世界の広い範囲を詳細に描き出すことを可能にしたのと同じ技術であるphotogrammetry(フォトグラメトリー)を使って、Googleもその地図サービスのために世界の3Dモデルを構築している。
「私たちは、何十億枚もの航空写真、StreetView(ストリートビュー)、衛星画像を融合させる技術を引き続き改良し、平面的な2Dマップから、従来よりも正確な3Dモデルへと進化させていきます。しかも、これまで以上に速く、詳細に描き出すことが可能になります」と、GoogleのGeo Product Experience(地理製品体験)担当VPであるDane Glasgow(デーン・グラスゴー)氏は、この日の発表に先立って行われたプレスイベントで語った。同氏によれば、この3Dレイヤーによって、同社のすべてのデータを新しく興味深い方法で視覚化できるようになるという。
関連記事:Googleマップが歩行者のためのナビ「Live View」を拡張現実で実装
画像クレジット:Sundry Photography / Getty Images
Google is announcing a handful of major updates to Google Maps today that range from bringing its Live View AR directions indoors to adding weather data to its maps, but the most tantalizing news — which in typical Google fashion doesn’t have an ETA just yet — is that Google plans to bring a vastly improved 3D layer to Google maps.
Using photogrammetry, the same technology that also allows Microsoft’s Flight Simulator to render large swaths of the world in detail, Google is also building a model of the world for its Maps service.
“We’re going to continue to improve that technology that helps us fuse together the billions of aerials, StreetView and satellite images that we have to really help us move from that flat 2D map to a more accurate 3D model than we’ve ever had. And be able to do that more quickly. And to bring more detail to it than we’ve ever been able to do before,” Dane Glasgow, Google’s VP for Geo Product Experience, said in a press event ahead of today’s announcement. He noted that this 3D layer will allow the company to visualize all its data in new and interesting ways.
Image Credits: Google
How exactly this will play out in reality remains to be seen, but Glasgow showed off a new 3D route preview, for example, with all of the typically mapping data overlaid on top of the 3D map.
Glasgow also noted that this technology will allow Google to parse out small features like stoplights and building addresses, which in turn will result in better directions.
“We also think that the 3D imagery will allow us to visualize a lot of new information and data overlaid on top, you know, everything from helpful information like traffic or accidents, transit delays, crowdedness — there’s lots of potential here to bring new information,” he explained.
Image Credits: Google
As for the more immediate future, Google announced a handful of new features today that are all going to roll out in the coming months. Indoor Live View is the flashiest of these. Google’s existing AR Live View walking directions currently only work outdoors, but thanks to some advances in its technology to recognize where exactly you are (even without a good GPS signal), the company is now able to bring this indoors. This feature is already live in some malls in the U.S. in Chicago, Long Island, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle, but in the coming months, it’ll come to select airports, malls and transit stations in Tokyo and Zurich as well (just in time for vaccines to arrive and travel to — maybe — rebound). Because Google is able to locate you by comparing the images around you to its database, it can also tell which floor you are on and hence guide you to your gate at the Zurich airport, for example (though in my experience, there are few places with better signage than airports…).
Also new are layers for weather data (but not weather radar) and air quality in Google Maps. The weather layer will be available globally on Android and iOS in the coming months, with the air quality layer only launching for Australia, India and the U.S. at first.
Image Credits: Google
Talking about air quality, Google Maps will also get a new eco-friendly routing option that lets you pick the driving route that produces the least CO2 (coming to Android and iOS later this year), and it will finally feature support for low emission zones, a feature of many a European City. Low emission zones on Google Maps will launch in June in Germany, France, Spain and the U.K. on Android and iOS. More countries will follow later.
And to bring this all together, Google will update its directions interface to show you all of the possible modes of transportations and routing options, prioritized based on your own preferences, as well as based on what’s popular in the city you are in (think the subway in NYC or bike-sharing in Portland).
Also new are more integrated options for curbside grocery pickups in partnership with Instacart and Albertsons, if that’s your thing.
And there you have it. As is so often the case with Google’s announcement, the most exciting new features the company showed off don’t have an ETA and may never launch, but until then you can hold yourself over by getting your weather forecasts on Google Maps.
(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
2021-04-01 20:55伊万里のパンフレットが リニューアルされて この度、「フランシュシュ」の皆様に 大川内山を紹介していただいてます! フランシュシュのイメージカラーが ピンク色という事で、 以前の地図と比べると華やかさが?? co/8HFOGtR…