Instagramが他ユーザーの動画とコラボできるTikTok「Duets」的機能「Remix on Reels」を正式ローンチ
今回は「Instagramが他ユーザーの動画とコラボできるTikTok「Duets」的機能「Remix on Reels」を正式ローンチ」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (Instagram、TikTok、ショートビデオ等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
最近TechCrunchは、InstagramがRemixを準備していることを報じたが、その際、Snapchatも独自にRemix的な機能を開発していることを伝えた。実際、Snapchatが現在開発中のTikTok Duetsに似た機能をRemixと名づけているようだ。
これまでTikTokのライバルはInstagram Reelsをはじめ、SnapchatのSpotlight、YouTubeのShortsなど、単にショートビデオの配信プラットフォームというだけで、TikTokのようなエンゲージメント機能や編集機能がなかった。そのためこれらのアプリは機能的に劣ったコピーのように見えてしまうきらいがあった。Remix on Reelsはこの現状を打破する第一歩であり、ユーザーが他のクリエイターと関わり、コラボレーションするための重要な選択肢を提供するものといえる。
Remix機能を使うには、まずRemixしたいReelを開き3ドットメニューをタップして、Remix this Reelというオプションを選択する。すると画面がオリジナルのReelとユーザーがこれから新しく作ろうとしているReelにに分かれる。このときオリジナルのReelの再生と同期して録画ができる。録画が終わったらオリジナル、自分のビデオ双方の音量など細部を調整する。またナレーションも追加できる。こうした編集、調整を経てRemixを公開することになる。
Re-re-re-remix ?
Now you can use the Remix feature in Reels to create your own reel next to one that already exists ?
Whether you’re capturing your reaction, responding to friends or bringing your own magic to trends, Remix is another way to collab on Instagram
— Instagram (@instagram) March 31, 2021
Instagram today is officially launching a new feature called Remix, which offers a way to record your Reels video alongside a video from another user. The option is similar to TikTok’s existing Duets feature, which also lets users react to or interact with another person’s video content while creating their own. Instagram’s new feature has been in public testing before today, so some Instagram users may have already gained access.
We recently reported on Instagram’s plans with Remix, when noting that Snapchat was developing a Remix feature of its own. In fact, Snapchat is also using the name “Remix” for its TikTok Duets rival that’s currently in development.
On TikTok, Duets are a key part to making the app feel more like a social network and less of just a passive video-watching experience. Users take advantage of Duets to sing, dance, joke or act alongside another user’s video. They will do things like cook someone else’s recipe, record a reaction video, or even just watch a video from a smaller creator to give them a boost.
Meanwhile, TikTok competitors — like Instagram Reels, Snapchat’s Spotlight or YouTube’s Shorts, for example — have launched their short-form video experiences without a full set of engagement or editing features like TikTok has, making their apps feel like pale knockoffs of the original. Remix on Reels is a first step toward changing that perception, by giving users at least one important option to engage and collaborate with their fellow creatives.
To use the new Remix feature, you’ll first tap on the three-dot menu on a Reel and select the new “Remix this Reel” option. The screen will then split into the original Reel and your own new one, where you can begin to record side by side with the original. When you’ve finished, you can tweak other aspects of the recording like the volume of the original video or your audio and you can optionally add a voiceover. After applying these or any other edits, you can publish the Remix.
The feature will only be available on newly uploaded Reels — so unfortunately, if you want your older Reels to be duetted, you either need to reupload them or go back to your old Reel and specifically enable Remix.
Image Credits: Instagram
Your Remixes will appear alongside any other Reels you’ve recorded on the Reels tab on your Instagram profile, and you’ll be able to track who has remixed your content through Instagram’s Activity tab.
The feature is rolling out, starting today, says Instagram. It will be enabled by default on all new Reels published from a public account.
(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:滑川海彦@Facebook)
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