慢性的に過小評価と資金不足に悩まされる有色人創業者支援プロジェクトをBlack Innovation AllianceとVillage Capitalが結成

今回は「慢性的に過小評価と資金不足に悩まされる有色人創業者支援プロジェクトをBlack Innovation AllianceとVillage Capitalが結成」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Black Innovation Alliance、Resource、Village Capital等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Black Innovation Alliance(ブラック・イノベーション・アライアンス)とVillage Capital(ビレッジ・キャピタル)は米国時間4月7日、有色人ファウンダーが率いる有色人ファウンダーのための起業家支援組織(ESO)の取り組みを支援するResourceと名づけた国家的プロジェクトを発表した。





Village CapitalのCEOであるAllie Burns(アリー・バーンズ)氏によると、同社は「歴史的に投資家の盲点にいた起業家に支援と出資を行ういます。盲点になった原因が解決しようとしていた問題であれ、地理的条件であれ、資金がごく一部の人々や場所、問題に集中する原因となっている人口統計学的要因であれ、構いません」。Village Capitalはこれまでに100以上のESOと一緒に仕事をして、過去5年間にわたりあらゆる生い立ちのファウンダーの会社の成長を支援してきた。



Black Innovation Allianceのエグゼクティブ・ディレクターであるKelly Burton(ケリー・バートン)氏は、黒人が率いるこれらの組織は黒人起業家支援の最前線にいることが多いのに、その成功の恩恵に預かっていないと指摘する。


Resourceは、有色人起業家の支援を表明している資金提供者の全米連合から支援を受けている。初期の連合メンバーにはMoody’s、The Sorenson Impact Foundation、Travelers、およびUBSらがいる。

これに関連して、TechCrunchはニュージャージー州のPhil Murphy(フィル・マーフィー)知事の、州予算1000万ドル(約11億円)を投じて黒人およびラテンアメリカ人スタートアップのシードファンドを作る提案について報じた。


2021年2月に、国とシカゴ拠点のいくつかの組織が団結し、アーリーステージの黒人、ラテンアメリカ人起業家を支援するTechRiseというプログラムを立ち上げた。非営利団体のP33は、Verizonと民間ビジネスインキュベーターテクノロジーハブの1871などと提携して同プログラムをスタートし「シカゴの貧富差を縮め、数千のテック関係職を生み出し、黒人、ラテン系起業家に500万ドル(約5億5000万円)の助成金を出す」目標を掲げたことをChicago Sun Timesが報じた(情報開示:VerizonはTechCrunchの親会社)。

テキサス州オースチンでは、DivIncという非営利プレアクセラレーターが恵まれないテックファウンダーのために12週間のプログラムを開講した。2016年Dellの元幹部であるPreston James(プレストン・ジェームズ)氏が設立した組織は「有色人および女性起業家に力を与え、教育、メンター、バーチャルネットワークなどの利用を提供することによって成功する高成長ビジネスの構築を手助けする」ことを目指している。

画像クレジット:pinstock / Getty Images


Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital today announced Resource, a national initiative aimed at boosting the efforts of entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) led by, and focused on, founders of color.

The motivation behind the project is straightforward. ESOs “face record demand, declining resources and are chronically underestimated, underappreciated and underfunded,” the organizations say.

Resource aims to give local accelerators and incubators support in the form of training and community.

Resource’s “ESO Accelerator” will train startup ecosystem leaders on how to build a more financially sustainable organization, as well as help connect them to potential funders. It also will provide milestone-based financial support tied to organizational development.

Resource also plans to build a national community of practice among ESO leaders of color and their funders to share best practices and “develop stronger capital and mentorship pathways” for Black, Latinx and Indigenous founders across the U.S.

Village Capital, says CEO Allie Burns, supports and invest in entrepreneurs “who have been historically sitting in historical blind spots of investors, whether that’s by the problems they’re trying to solve, the geography they’re located in or demographic factors that we have seen lead to capital being concentrated in very few people, places and problems.” Village Capital has worked with more than 100 other ESOs to help grow companies with founders from all backgrounds over the past five years.

The goal with Resource is to help ensure that incubators and accelerators focused on supporting people of color have the resources they need to flourish, she added.

“We want to make sure that those accelerators and other ESOs have the financial, social and human capital to keep their doors open and grow,” Burns said.

Black Innovation Alliance Executive Director Kelly Burton points out that these Black-led organizations are often the first line of support for Black entrepreneurs yet reap few benefits from their success over time.

“They receive very little support and very little funding,” she said. “It’s almost like they do all the heavy lifting, they plant seeds and do all the cultivation but they don’t really get to benefit once that founder and that startup has really taken off. This is an opportunity for us to stabilize these organizations to help them build their own capacities and capabilities so that that organization can be sustainable.”

Resource is supported by a national coalition of funders committed to supporting entrepreneurs of color. The initial coalition includes Moody’s, The Sorenson Impact Foundation, Travelers and UBS.

In related news, on Tuesday we covered New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s proposal for a $10 million allocation in the state budget to create a seed fund for Black and Latinx startups.

In that piece, we noted that there are a number of organizations out there that are committed to funding diverse founders.

In February, several national and Chicago-based organizations banded together to support early-stage Black and Latinx tech entrepreneurs through a new program dubbed TechRise. The nonprofit P33 launched the program in partnership with Verizon and 1871, a private business incubator and technology hub, among others, with the goals “of narrowing the wealth gap in Chicago, generating thousands of tech-related jobs and giving $5 million in grant funding to Black and Latino entrepreneurs,” according to the Chicago Sun Times. (Disclosure: Verizon is TechCrunch’s parent company).

Also in Austin, DivInc is a nonprofit pre-accelerator that holds 12-week programs for underrepresented tech founders. Founded in 2016 by former Dell executive Preston James, the organization aims to “empower people of color and women entrepreneurs and help them build successful high-growth businesses by providing them with access to education, mentorship and vital networks.”

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Black Innovation Alliance, Village Capital team up to ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital today announced Resource, a national initiative aimed at boosting the efforts of entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) led by, and focused on, founders of color. The motivation behind the project is straightforward. ESOs “face record demand, declining resources and are chronically underestimated, underappreciated and underfunded,” the organizations say. Resource aims […]

Black Innovation Alliance, Village Capital team up to ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital today announced Resource, a national initiative aimed at boosting the efforts of entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) led by, and focused on, founders of color. The motivation behind the project is straightforward. ESOs “face record demand, declining resources and are chronically underestimated, underappreciated and underfunded,” the organizations say. Resource aims …

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital Launch ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital Launch Project to Build Infrastructure for Founders of Color. on: April 07, 2021 In: No Comments. Print Email. Share 0. Tweet. Share. Resource is the first-ever country-wide project to support entrepreneur support organizations led by and focused on entrepreneurs of color.

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慢性的に過小評価と資金不足に悩まされる有色人創業者支援プロジェクトをBlack Innovation ...

Black Innovation AllianceとVillage Capitalは米国時間4月7日、有色人ファウンダーが率いる有色人ファウンダーのための起業家支援組織(ESO)の取り組みを支援するResourceと名づけた国家的プロジェクトを発表した。

慢性的に過小評価と資金不足に悩まされる有色人創業者支援プロジェクトをBlack Innovation ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:慢性的に過小評価と資金不足に悩まされる有色人創業者支援プロジェクトをBlack Innovation AllianceとVillage Capitalが結成 | TechCrunch Japan

Black Innovation Alliance, Village Capital team up to ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital today announced Resource, a national initiative aimed at boosting the efforts of entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) led by, and focused on, founders of color. The motivation behind the project is straightforward. ESOs “face record demand, declining resources and are chronically underestimated, underappreciated and underfunded,” the organizations say. Resource aims […]

Black Innovation Alliance, Village Capital team up to ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital today announced Resource, a national initiative aimed at boosting the efforts of entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) led by, and focused on, founders of color. The motivation behind the project is straightforward. ESOs “face record demand, declining resources and are chronically underestimated, underappreciated and underfunded,” the organizations say. Resource aims …

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital Launch ...

Black Innovation Alliance and Village Capital Launch Project to Build Infrastructure for Founders of Color. on: April 07, 2021 In: No Comments. Print Email. Share 0. Tweet. Share. Resource is the first-ever country-wide project to support entrepreneur support organizations led by and focused on entrepreneurs of color.

Burkina Faso - Wikipedia

Burkina Faso (UK: / b ɜːr ˌ k iː n ə ˈ f æ s oʊ /, US: /-ˈ f ɑː s oʊ / (); French: [buʁkina faso]) is a landlocked country in West Africa that covers an area of around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi) and is bordered by Mali to the northwest, Niger to the northeast, Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south, and the Ivory Coast to the southwest.

47-55 Lagrange Street Public Meeting | Boston Planning ...

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Why is Everyone Surprised by How Cool Milwaukee Is?

Photo Illustrtion by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/GettyThis is the latest in our series on underrated destinations, It's Still a Big World.In the ’70s, Milwaukee was known for the upbeat TV shows Laverne and Shirley and Happy Days; in fact, the “Bronze Fonz” statue that gleams over the Milwaukee River is a persistent reminder of what some consider to be the city’s glory days. In the ’80s, Jeffrey Dahmer took over as the city’s (very!) unfortunate claim to fame and, at one point, when I’d tell people I’m from Milwaukee, their first reaction would be “Oh, that’s where Jeffery Dahmer is from!” Indeed, it is.For a while, we Wisconsinites didn’t have a lot going for us on the national stage so when a film about the cannibalistic “Milwaukee Monster” was screened in Manhattan a few years ago, just a few miles from where I lived at the time, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit excited that my hometown would be on the big screen. Is that weird? Please don’t answer that.Times have changed. In recent years, when I tell others that I’m from Milwaukee, I’m surprised by how many respond by saying they had recently visited. Virtually all of them tell me they loved the city and I can tell by the shock in their voices that every single one of them was surprised they had such a great time. What did they expect from the land of beer and cheese? Actually, they probably expected little more than fantastic beer and cheese (which they surely found) but were then blown away by everything else the city has to offer – and how cheap it is.Milwaukee is a great city to wander around and get lost in alone but if you’d like some guidance, check out Milwaukee City Tours, which feature history, culture, and food tours around the city (most of the food tours will resume in May, 2021).Arts and CultureGiven its population is just over 600,000, many would be surprised that Milwaukee can sustain a symphony orchestra, an opera, and a vibrant theater culture. As the birthplace of Harley Davidson motorcycles, it’s no shock that the city has a Harley Davidson Museum. What fewer out-of-towners know is that the city will soon also be the home of America’s Black Holocaust Museum, which will re-open its doors later this year after closing in 2008.The Milwaukee Art Museum is reason enough to visit the city. The strikingly modern structure completes the downtown skyline, peering out onto Lake Michigan and opening (then closing) its retractable “wings” each morning and evening. Its designer, Santiago Calatrava, went on to design the famed World Trade Center Oculus in lower Manhattan; I take great pride in pointing out to my fellow New Yorker that the building is beautiful, but it also looks like a rip off of Milwaukee’s Art Museum. The museum has become so ingrained into the identity of the city that its silhouette serves as the logo of the Visit Milwaukee tourism site and appears on welcome signs at the city’s General Mitchell International Airport.Each summer, Milwaukee hosts (depending on who you ask) the world’s largest outdoor music festival, Summerfest, where about $20 will give you access to a full-day of live performances by local and national acts like Jason Mraz, Jimmy Eat World, Chaka Khan, Rodrigo y Gabriela, The Roots, Hanson, Ludacris, Foreigner, and Third Eye Blind. For an additional cost, you can get a ticket to shows in the ground’s amphitheater to see even bigger acts. 2019 performers included Willie Nelson, Lionel Richie, The Killers, Jennifer Lopez, Lil Wayne, and Snoop Dogg, just to give you an idea of the festival’s musical diversity. After the 10-day mid-summer festival, the sprawling, waterfront fairgrounds host cultural festivals through the fall that celebrate the diversity of the city: German Fest, Festa Italiana, Mexican Fiesta, Irish Fest, PrideFest, Black Arts Fest MKE, etc.Food and DrinkI’m not going to pretend that Milwaukee isn’t known for its beer and cheese or that its massive German population hasn’t made it a great place to find traditional German fare. You should know, however, that Milwaukee is an extremely diverse city so limiting yourself to any preconceived notions about its food would be a mistake. Yes, you should visit some of the city’s best German restaurants and beer halls on Old World Third Street. While you’re downtown, pick up some sausage at Usinger’s, where it’s been made for 140 years. You should also visit Alem Ethiopian restaurant (also downtown), which happens to be my favorite restaurant in the city. Shout out to their killer vegetarian lunch buffet!For non-Ethiopian meals, my favorite place to eat in the city (and to purchase hard-to-find cheeses for my dairy-starved friends in New York City) is the Milwaukee Public Market. Have your pick of Thai, Mexican, Italian, seafood, or vegan fusion, then wash it down with a craft beer or one of Milwaukee’s signature over-the-top Bloody Marys, topped, of course, with sausage sliders and fried cheese curds.Personally, I can’t wait for the new 3rd Street Market Hall to open this spring. The food hall occupies a former shopping mall where I worked at Foot Locker as a teenager and it’s being redeveloped into a huge food hall with a beer garden and gaming area (think giant Jenga, virtual golf, and original console video games).Outdoors and NatureMilwaukee is kind of like a small Chicago (which is a quick 90-minute drive south) in that it borders Lake Michigan and has beautiful rivers flowing throughout the city. The downtown Riverwalk area is charming any time of year but in the summertime, you can also kayak or paddleboard in the river or watch lively boat parades. Wisconsinites are known to be friendly and if you’re lucky enough to make friends with someone with a boat, ask them to take you to one of the riverfront bars that will serve you right in the boat. Then please send me their number so I can ask them to take me for a boat ride next time I visit.For urban exploring in Brew City, grab a Bublr bike share bike, named after the everyday drinking fountains that Wisconsinites affectionately call “bubblers”. The East Side, downtown, and Bay View neighborhoods are great to explore by Bublr or you could rent a proper bike and jump on one of the city’s nature trails. Cycling enthusiasts should rent a proper bike (and a car) and head to one of the state’s 101 rail trails (former railroads converted into cycling and pedestrian paths). Two good options would be the Glacial Drumlin State Trail and the Elroy-Sparta State Trail, which, when established in 1965, became the country’s first multi-use recreational trail.If you want to stay within the city but feel like you’re in the forest, head to the Milwaukee suburb of Cudahy, named after the Irish immigrant meatpacker, Patrick Cudahy, who established a pork processing plant that still causes much of the southern suburb to smell like bacon. Seven Bridges Trail, located in Cudahy’s Grant Park, borders Lake Michigan, has its own stretch of beach, and its dense foliage, rustic trails, and meandering streams make it feel like you’re deep in the woods. Should you want to visit an actual forest, Kettle Moraine State Forest (40 minutes north of Milwaukee) is great for both summer and winter hiking.Technically, camping is also a year-round activity (and I’ve had great experiences snow camping during the Wisconsin winter), but unless you’re really into the outdoors, I’d leave camping for warm weather months.Daytrips from MilwaukeeThere’s plenty to do in Milwaukee to keep you busy but if you want to check out a few nearby cities and attractions, here are my top picks:MadisonThe state capital and college town of Madison has loads of nature opportunities within the city, like the Lower Yahara River Trail and floating boardwalk, and the 1,200-acre Arboretum and its 17 miles of trails. The city (about 90 minutes west of Milwaukee) is also in close proximity to some of the most beautiful stretches of the 1200-mile Ice Age hiking trail.Spring GreenTwo hours west of Milwaukee (about 45 minutes past Madison) is the village of Spring Green, best known for the American Players Theatre. The renowned outdoor theater features the region’s best Shakespearean performances – aim to get there early so you have time to walk around the prairie and picnic on the grounds. One mile from the theater is Taliesin, the 800-acre former estate of Frank Lloyd Wright. In May, 2021, tours will resume of this National Historic Landmark and UNESCO World Heritage Site.Horicon MarshMore than 33,000 acres large, Horicon Marsh is the largest freshwater marsh in the US (it’s also said to be the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the country). If you’re into birds, this is the place to be. My dad was a nature-loving hippie so he took my sister and me here to watch thousands of migrating birds each fall. Though autumn is the best time see migratory birds, the wildlife area is home to dozens of bird species year-round and offers hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and educational programs to the public.SheboyganSheboygan, about an hour north of Milwaukee, is the freshwater surfing capital of the world. Yes, you read that right. Freshwater surfing is really a thing and they even do it during the freezing cold winter. I find it entertaining to just sit and watch surfers but if you want to actually do something, you could take a surfing lesson on the beach, or go kayaking, biking, hiking, or stand up paddle boarding in nearby state parks.Cassandra Brooklyn is a writer, travel expert, and group tour leader. She runs EscapingNY, an off-the-beaten-path travel company, and is the author of the guidebook Cuba by Bike.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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Nashville, TN—This week, the Tennessee Department of Education and the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) announced the launch of the Spring STE(A)M Resource Hub, which provides weekly challenges and activities for families and students to explore sustainability efforts around a healthy and safe world, food, a clean earth, and industry innovation. Additionally, each week highlights a different national holiday connected to the week’s challenges and activities.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC

Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website.. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website.

Loveland school resource officers, school officials look ...

Loveland police officer and Loveland High School resource officer Benito Avitia, right, chats with a group of students having lunch near the track March 30 at the school.

Hanna Resource Group opens office in Paducah - Lane Report ...

Lexington-based Hanna Resource Group (HRG), a human resource and business consultation company, announced today the acquisition of the Capstone HR Services’ book of business.

Wikipedia - Wikipedia

The process is widely seen as a resource-consuming scenario where no useful knowledge is added. This practice is also criticized as creating a competitive, conflict based editing culture associated with traditional masculine gender roles, which contributes to the gender bias on Wikipedia. Policies and laws

Capital District Women's Employment & Resource Center ...

WERC is a not-for-profit organization that works to advance women's success in the workplace by building their economic and personal independence. Since 1988, WERC has provided quality workforce development services to more than 9,000 women from the New York State Capital Region who have lost their source of income due to the death, divorce, separation, disability, or dislocation of a spouse ...

Human Relations | Lowell, MA

The Human Relations Office oversees and coordinates all employee related issues for the City of Lowell, including employment opportunities and benefits.

SDxCentral | The Leading Resource on Next-Generation IT ...

SDxCentral is the trusted news resource for all software-defined technologies (SDx), SDN, containers, NFV, cloud, security, and virtual infrastructure.

File a Grievance or Appeal | CareSource

We hope you are happy with Humana - CareSource. If you are dissatisfied with a provider, disagree with a decision we have made, or are unhappy with something about our health plan, let us know. You or your authorized representative can contact us. An authorized representative is someone you choose who can act and speak […]

Burlington School District scales back school resource ...

The Burlington School District is scaling back its school resource officer program. School board members approved the changes Tuesday night. The biggest change is eliminating one of the district's two SRO's. The remaining officer will also no longer be stationed on school grounds.

NHTSA Announces Connect-to-Disconnect Enforcement ...

Resource Center. Everything you need to know in one place. Prevent Fleet Drivers from Texting or Face Serious Fines NHTSA Announces Connect-to-Disconnect Enforcement Initiative for April 2021. March 3, 2021 | Ashley Preston | Fleet and Worker Safety.

PATCH is valuable resource in Early Education | The Garden ...

PATCH is valuable resource in Early Education. By Dennis Fujimoto The Garden Island | Thursday, April 8, 2021, 12:05 a.m. Share this story. Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island.

Book Review: Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to ...

Anti-extractivism, which opposes all forms of resource extraction in pursuit of a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Virginia Beach police reassign 10 school resource officers ...

Officials are working with the police department to ensure schools are covered when students return from spring break.

Human Resource Management: 902144 - My Assignment Help ...

Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 4(1), p.168. Prieto-Pastor, I. and Martin-Perez, V., 2015. Does HRM generate ambidextrous employees for ambidextrous learning? The moderating role of management support. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(5), pp.589-615. Samsung.com 2019.

School Resource Officer devotes Wednesdays to delivering ...

Officer Lynch from Enosburg Schools delivers meals to kids while they attend school remotely.

Post from Community: Convergence Resource Center hopes to ...

Convergence Resource Center (CRC) is a faith-based nonprofit community service organization providing support for men and women rebuilding their lives after trauma with an emphasis on justice involved women and female survivors of human trafficking. It collaborates with more than 50 community service organizations locally and nationally through ...

Pensacola officials eye sites for homeless resource center ...

Ideally, the site would be a one-stop shop with access to food, services, health care, and job aide.

FEMA: Recovery resource fair planned for Calcasieu and Cameron

The Southwest Long Term Recovery Committee will be holding a recovery resource fair for Calcasieu and Cameron Parish on Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ratings | TheFutonCritic.com - The Web's Best Television ...

TheFutonCritic.com is the web's best resource for primetime television ratings.

Cabot Oil & Gas (NYSE:COG) versus Centennial Resource ...

Centennial Resource Development (NASDAQ:CDEV) and Cabot Oil & Gas (NYSE:COG) are both oils/energy companies, but which is the superior stock? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their risk, profitability, institutional ownership, valuation, earnings, analyst recommendations and dividends. Volatility and Risk Centennial Resource Development has a beta of 6.82, indicating that […]

Home | Northshore Society for Human Resource Management

Northshore Society for Human Resource Management is recognized by SHRM and HRCI to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP, PHR and SPHR. NSHRM is proud to announce that we are awarded the highest awards bestowed by SHRM, they include: 2020 Awards

MPS hosting Summer Camp Resource Expo this Saturday

Montgomery Public Schools will host its third annual Summer Camp Resource Expo on Saturday.

FEMA to hold Recovery Resource Fair | KTVE - myarklamiss.com

BATON ROUGE, La. (FEMA) – The Southwest Long Term Recovery Committee will be holding a Recovery Resource Fair for Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes on Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fair will be held at the Jean Lafitte Conference Room at the Lake Charles Civic Center in […]

North of Two: 'Water Watchers,' and resource status ...

Fools Day, April 1, is quickly leaning into our northland calendars. March weather here this year north of Highway 2, southern Edge of the Wilderness, has been of the "lamb" variety with no "lions" beyond a couple of lightly teasing snowfalls. That moisture is welcome as early spring pre ...

Boom Or Bust: Where Does Centennial Resource Development ...

Centennial Resource Development, Inc. (NASDAQ:CDEV)'s Biggest Investors. Centennial Resource Development, Inc. insiders own 4.7% of total outstanding shares while institutional holders control 59.51%, with the float percentage being 62.45%. Riverstone Holdings LLC is the largest shareholder of the company, while 129 institutions own stock in it.

Women's Resource Center will host community-wide baby ...

The Natchitoches Women’s Resource Center (WRC) will once again host their annual baby clothes give-away tomorrow morning on Friday, April 5, beginning at 9 a.m. This is the ninth year the WRC has put on this giveaway, which will have gently used baby and toddler clothing and other baby equipment/toys available free of charge to…



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