

関連ワード (EU、人工知能・AI、生体認証、顔認証等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
















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A cross-party group of 40 MEPs in the European parliament has called on the Commission to strengthen an incoming legislative proposal on artificial intelligence to include an outright ban on the use of facial recognition and other forms of biometric surveillance in public places.

They have also urged EU lawmakers to outlaw automated recognition of people’s sensitive characteristics (such as gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, health status and disability) — warning that such AI-fuelled practices pose too great a rights risk and can fuel discrimination.

The Commission is expected to presented its proposal for a framework to regulate ‘high risk’ applications of AI next week — but a copy of the draft leaked this week (via Politico). And, as we reported earlier, this leaked draft does not include a ban on the use of facial recognition or similar biometric remote identification technologies in public places, despite acknowledging the strength of public concern over the issue.

“Biometric mass surveillance technology in publicly accessible spaces is widely being criticised for wrongfully reporting large numbers of innocent citizens, systematically discriminating against under-represented groups and having a chilling effect on a free and diverse society. This is why a ban is needed,” the MEPs write now in a letter to the Commission which they’ve also made public.

They go on to warn over the risks of discrimination through automated inference of people’s sensitive characteristics — such as in applications like predictive policing or the indiscriminate monitoring and tracking of populations via their biometric characteristics.

“This can lead to harms including violating rights to privacy and data protection; suppressing free speech; making it harder to expose corruption; and have a chilling effect on everyone’s autonomy, dignity and self-expression – which in particular can seriously harm LGBTQI+ communities, people of colour, and other discriminated-against groups,” the MEPs write, calling on the Commission to amend the AI proposal to outlaw the practice in order to protect EU citizens’ rights and the rights of communities who faced a heightened risk of discrimination (and therefore heightened risk from discriminatory tools supercharged with AI).

“The AI proposal offers a welcome opportunity to prohibit the automated recognition of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, disability and any other sensitive and protected characteristics,” they add.

The leaked draft of the Commission’s proposal does tackle indiscriminate mass surveillance — proposing to prohibit this practice, as well as outlawing general purpose social credit scoring systems.

However the MEPs want lawmakers to go further — warning over weaknesses in the wording of the leaked draft and suggesting changes to ensure that the proposed ban covers “all untargeted and indiscriminate mass surveillance, no matter how many people are exposed to the system”.

They also express alarm at the proposal having an exemption on the prohibition on mass surveillance for public authorities (or commercial entities working for them) — warning that this risks deviating from existing EU legislation and from interpretations by the bloc’s top court in this area.

“We strongly protest the proposed second paragraph of this Article 4 which would exempt public authorities and even private actors acting on their behalf ‘in order to safeguard public security’,” they write. “Public security is precisely what mass surveillance is being justified with, it is where it is practically relevant, and it is where the courts have consistently annulled legislation on indiscriminate bulk processing of personal data (e.g. the Data Retention Directive). This carve-out needs to be deleted.”

“This second paragraph could even be interpreted to deviate from other secondary legislation which the Court of Justice has so far interpreted to ban mass surveillance,” they continue. “The proposed AI regulation needs to make it very clear that its requirements apply in addition to those resulting from the data protection acquis and do not replace it. There is no such clarity in the leaked draft.”

The Commission has been contacted for comment on the MEPs’ calls but is unlikely to do so ahead of the official reveal of the draft AI regulation — which is expected around the middle of next week.

It remains to be seen whether the AI proposal will undergo any significant amendments between now and then. But MEPs have fired a swift warning shot that fundamental rights must and will be a key feature of the co-legislative debate — and that lawmakers’ claims of a framework to ensure ‘trustworthy’ AI won’t look credible if the rules don’t tackle unethical technologies head on.

(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:Dragonfly)

欧州連合 - Wikipedia

欧州連合(おうしゅうれんごう、英: European Union 、略称: EU )は、ヨーロッパを中心に27カ国が加盟する政治経済同盟である [1]。総面積は4,233,255.3km 2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi)で、総人口は約4億4700万人と推定されている。


 · EUの加盟国. 原加盟国. 第1次拡大国(1973年). 第2次拡大国(1981年). 第3次拡大国(1986年). 第4次拡大国(1995年). 第5次拡大国(2004年及び2007年). 第6次拡大国(2013年). 英国のEU離脱(2020年).

EU(いーゆー)とは - コトバンク

ASCII.jpデジタル用語辞典 - EUの用語解説 - 1992年のマーストリヒト条約により生まれた国際機構。欧州連合と呼ばれる。主に欧州経済共同体(EEC)、欧州石炭鉄鋼共同体(ECSC)、欧州原子力共同体(EURATOM)の3つの集合共同体、欧州共同体(EC)を核に構成されている。EU圏内は外交、安...

欧州連合(EU) 概況|外務省

1 欧州連合(EU: European Union )の概要. 欧州連合条約に基づく、経済通貨同盟、共通外交・安全保障政策、警察・刑事司法協力等のより幅広い分野での協力を進めている政治・経済統合体。. 経済・通貨同盟については、国家主権の一部を委譲。. 域外に対する統一的な通商政策を実施する世界最大の単一市場を形成している。. その他の分野についても、加盟国の権限を ...

欧州連合加盟国 - Wikipedia

欧州連合加盟国 (おうしゅうれんごうかめいこく)とは、 1951年 署名の パリ条約 によって設立された 欧州石炭鉄鋼共同体 に事実上の起源を持つ、 欧州連合 (EU)に加盟している27の 主権 国民国家 。. 原加盟国数は6で、その後7度の 拡大 が繰り返された。. その拡大の中でも2004年5月1日のものは10か国が加盟する最大のものであった。. 欧州連合は21の 共和国 、5つの ...

Official website of the European Union | European Union

European Union - Official website of the European Union

EUROPA - European Union website, the official EU website

European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies.

EU MAG 駐日EU代表部公式ウェブマガジン

 · EUは、共通安全保障・防衛政策(CSDP)の下で展開中の全ての活動にジェンダー主流化の視点を取り入れている。ジェンダー平等は、EUが掲げる基本的な価値であるからだけではなく、それは危機管理の効率を高める効果もあるからだ。

1からわかる!「ブレグジット」(1)なぜEUから離脱したいの ...

【NHKニュース】 ニュースでよく聞くイギリスのEU離脱問題。ゴタゴタしてずっと揉めているイメージ…。でもよくわからない…。そもそもどういうことなんだっけ?国際部の担当デスクにとことん聞いちゃいます!

イギリス、欧州連合を離脱 47年間の関係に終止符 - BBCニュース




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