

関連ワード (ZeroAvia、イギリス、ゼロエミッション、バッテリー、水素、炭素、燃料電池、飛行機等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



この航空機はPiper Malibu(パイパーマリブ)プロペラ機を改造して作られており、同社によると、水素を燃料とする航空機の中では世界最大のものである。「水素燃料電池を使用して飛行する実験的な航空機はいくつかあったが、この機体の大きさからすると、完全にゼロエミッションの航空機に有償旅客を乗せる時代が目前に迫っている」と、ゼロアビアのCEOであるVal Miftakhov(ヴァル・ミフタコフ)氏は付け加えた。




ゼロアビアは、ピックアップトラックでの航空機部品のテストから始めたが、4年も経たないうちに英国政府の支援を得るまでになり、Jeff Bezos(ジェフ・ベゾス)氏やBill Gates(ビル・ゲイツ)氏、そして先週にはBritish Airways(ブリティッシュエアウェイズ)などからも投資を呼び込んだ。現在の問題は、ゼロアビアが主張している軌道を進み続け、本当に航空業界を変革できるかどうかだ。



ロシア生まれのミフタコフ氏は、1997年に物理学博士号の取得を目指して勉強するために渡米した。いくつかの会社を設立して、Google(グーグル)で勤務した後、2012年に、BMW 3シリーズ用の電気変換キットを製造するeMotorWerks(EMW、eモーターワークス)を設立した。



EMWのVPであるGeorge Betak(ジョージ・ベタック)氏はミフタコフ氏に対して2件の民事訴訟を起こし、ミフタコフ氏が特許からベタック氏の名前を除外したり、報酬を渡さなかったり、さらにベタック氏が自分の知的財産権をEMWに譲渡したように見せかけるために文書を偽造したりした、などと主張した。後にベタック氏は請求を一部取り下げ、2020年夏にこの訴訟は穏便な和解に至った。



12月にゼロアビアは6人乗りのプロペラ機であるPiper PA-46 Matrix(パイパーPA-64マトリックス)を購入した。このプロペラ機は後に英国で使用することになる航空機と非常によく似ている。ミフタコフ氏のチームは、モーターと約75キロワット時のリチウムイオンバッテリーをこれに搭載した。このバッテリーは、テスラのエントリーレベルのモデルYとほぼ同じ性能である。





ミフタコフ氏は、ゼロアビアの米国での飛行テストを中断し、英国に目を向けた。英国のBoris Johnson(ボリス・ジョンソン)首相が「新たなグリーン産業革命」に期待しているからだ。

2019年9月、英国政府が支援する企業であるAerospace Technology Institute(航空宇宙技術研究所)(ATI)は、ゼロアビアが主導するプロジェクト「HyFlyer(ハイフライヤー)」に268万ポンド(約4億100万円)を出資した。ミフタコフ氏は、水素燃料電池を搭載し、飛行可能距離が450キロメートルを超えるパイパーを1年以内に完成させると約束した。出資金は、燃料電池メーカーのIntelligent Energy(インテリジェントエナジー)および水素燃料供給技術を提供するEuropean Marine Energy Centre(EMEC、ヨーロッパ海洋エネルギーセンター)との間で分配されることになっていた。

当時EMECの水素マネージャーだったRichard Ainsworth(リチャード・エインズワース)氏は「ゼロアビアは、電動パワートレインを航空機に組み込むというコンセプトをすでに実現しており、電力はバッテリーではなく水素で供給したいと考えていた。それがハイフライヤープロジェクトの中核となる目的だった」と述べている。

ATIのCEOであるGary Elliott(ゲイリー・エリオット)氏はTechCrunchに対し、ATIにとって「本当に重要」だったのは、ゼロアビアがバッテリーシステムではなく燃料電池を採用していたことだと述べ「成功の可能性を最大限に高めるには、投資を広く印象づける必要がある」と語った。

ゼロアビアはクランフィールドを拠点とし、2020年2月に、損傷したマトリックスと似た6人乗りのPiper Malibu(パイパーマリブ)を購入した。同社は6月までにマリブにバッテリーを取り付けて飛行したが、政府は安心材料をさらに求めていた。TechCrunchが情報公開請求によって入手したメールに対し、ある政府関係者は「ATIの懸念を確認し、それに対して我々ができることを検討したいと考えている」と書いた。

インテリジェントエナジーのCTOであるChris Dudfield(クリス・ダッドフィールド)氏はTechCrunchに対し、ハイフライヤープログラムは順調に進んでいるが、同社の大型燃料電池が飛行機に搭載されるのは何年も先のことであり、同氏はゼロアビアの飛行機を見たことさえもないと語った。









Universal Hydrogen(ユニバーサルハイドロジェン)は、別の航空機向けに2000キロワットの燃料電池パワートレインを共同開発している企業である。同社のCEO、Paul Eremenko(ポール・エレメンコ)氏は「水素燃料電池航空機の基本的な課題は重量だ。バッテリーはフルスロットル時のみに使用されるものであり、これをいかに小さくするかが軽量化の鍵になる」と述べている。

2月、ゼロアビアのVPであるSergey Kiselev(セルゲイ・キセレフ)氏は、バッテリーを完全になくすことが同社の目標だと語った。また、Royal Aeronautical Society(王立航空協会)に対し「離陸時の余力を確保するためにバッテリーを利用することは可能だ。しかし、航空機に複数の種類の駆動力や動力貯蔵システムを使用するとなると、認証の取得が著しく困難になるだろう」と話した。




ケルンにあるGerman Aerospace Center(ドイツ航空宇宙センター)では、2012年から水素燃料電池航空機を飛ばしている。特注設計された現在の航空機HY4は、4人の乗客を載せて最大で720キロメートル飛行できる。65キロワットの燃料電池には、冷却用の通風を確保するために、空気力学的に最適化された大きな流路を利用した水冷システムが搭載されている(写真を参照)。







9月には、Robert Courts(ロバート・コート)航空大臣がクランフィールドでデモ飛行を見学し、飛行後に「ここ数十年間の航空業界で最も歴史的な瞬間の1つであり、ゼロアビアの大きな成果だ」と語った。タイム誌は、2020年の最大の発明の1つとしてゼロアビアの技術を挙げた。


同日、ゼロアビアは2130万ドル(約23億円)のシリーズAの投資家陣営を発表した。これには、Bill Gates(ビル・ゲイツ)氏のBreakthrough Ventures Fund(ブレイクスルーベンチャーズファンド)、Jeff Bezos(ジェフ・ベゾス)氏のAmazon Climate Pledge Fund(アマゾン気候誓約基金)、Ecosystem Integrity Fund(エコシステムインテグリティファンド)、Horizon Ventures(ホライゾンベンチャーズ)、Shell Ventures(シェルベンチャーズ)、Summa Equity(スマエクイティ)が参加している。3月下旬には、これらの投資家からさらに2340万ドル(約25億3000万円)の資金を調達することを発表した。これにはAmazonは参加していないが、英国航空が参加している。





・トヨタ出資の電動航空機メーカーJoby AviationもSPAC経由で上場か



When ZeroAvia’s six-seater aircraft completed an eight-minute flight from Cranfield Airfield in the U.K. last September, the company claimed a “major breakthrough” with the first-ever hydrogen fuel cell flight of a commercial-size aircraft.

The modified Piper Malibu propeller plane was now the largest hydrogen-powered aircraft in the world, wrote the company. “While some experimental aircraft have flown using hydrogen fuel cells, the size of this aircraft shows that paying passengers could be boarding a truly zero-emission flight very soon,” added Val Miftakhov, ZeroAvia’s CEO.

But just how hydrogen-powered was it, and how close is ZeroAvia to flying passengers?

“[In] this particular setup, not all the energy is coming from hydrogen,” said Miftakhov at a press conference directly afterwards. “There is a combination of the battery and hydrogen. But the way the battery and hydrogen fuel cells combine is such that we are able to fly purely on hydrogen.”

Miftakhov’s comments don’t quite tell the whole story. TechCrunch has learned that batteries provided the majority of the power required for the landmark flight, and will continue to feature heavily in ZeroAvia’s longer flights and new aircraft. And while the Malibu is technically still a passenger aircraft, ZeroAvia has had to replace four of the Malibu’s five passenger seats to accommodate bulky hydrogen tanks and other equipment.

In less than four years, ZeroAvia has gone from testing aircraft parts in pickup trucks to gaining the support of the U.K. government, and attracting investment from the likes of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and — just last week — British Airways. Now the question is whether it can continue on its claimed trajectory and truly transform aviation.

Take off

Aviation currently accounts for 2.5% of humanity’s carbon emissions, and could grow to a quarter of the planet’s carbon budget by 2050. Biofuels can displace trees or food crops, while batteries are too heavy for anything more than short hops. Hydrogen, by contrast, can be generated using solar or wind power, and packs quite an energetic punch.

Fuel cells combine hydrogen with oxygen from the air in an efficient reaction that produces only electricity, heat and water. But that doesn’t mean you can simply drop a fuel cell into an existing aircraft. Fuel cells are heavy and complex, hydrogen requires bulky storage and there are many technical problems for startups to solve.

Russian-born Miftakhov arrived in America in 1997 to study for a physics doctorate. In 2012, after starting several companies and a stint at Google, he founded eMotorWerks (aka EMW) to produce electric conversion kits for the BMW 3-series.

But in 2013, BMW accused EMW of infringing its trademarks. Miftakhov agreed to change its logo and marketing materials, and to refrain from suggesting it was affiliated with the carmaker. He also found demand from BMW owners to be sluggish.

EMW then pivoted to providing chargers and a smart energy management platform. The new direction succeeded, and in 2017 Italian energy company Enel acquired EMW for a reported $150 million. But Miftakhov faced legal difficulties here, too.

George Betak, an EMW vice president, filed two civil lawsuits against Miftakhov alleging, among other things, that Miftakhov had left his name off patents, withheld money and even faked a document to make it seem as though Betak had assigned his intellectual property rights to EMW. Betak later withdrew some claims. The cases were quietly settled in the summer of 2020.

Weeks after selling EMW in 2017, Miftakhov incorporated ZeroAvia in San Carlos, California with the stated aim of “zero emissions aviation.” He was counting on the aviation industry being more interested in electrifying existing aircraft than BMW drivers had been.

First step: batteries

The first public outing for ZeroAvia was in October 2018 at Hollister Airport, 50 miles southwest of San Jose. Miftakhov mounted a propeller, an electric motor and batteries in the bed of a 1969 El Camino and took it up to 75 knots (85mph) on electric power.

In December, ZeroAvia bought a Piper PA-46 Matrix, a six-seater propeller plane very similar to the one it would later use in the U.K. Miftakhov’s team installed the motor and about 75kWh of lithium ion batteries — about the same as in an entry-level Tesla Model Y.

In February 2019, two days after the FAA granted it an experimental airworthiness certificate, the all-electric Piper took to the air. By mid-April, the Matrix was flying at its top speed and maximum power. It was ready to upgrade to hydrogen.

Import records show that ZeroAvia took delivery of a carbon fiber hydrogen tank from Germany in March. One company photo exists of the Matrix with a tank on its left wing, but ZeroAvia never released a video of it flying. Something had gone wrong.

In July, ZeroAvia’s R&D director posted a message on a forum for Piper owners: “We have damaged a wing of our Matrix, which we loved and pampered so much. The damage is so bad that it has to be replaced. Is anyone aware of [a suitable aircraft] that is going to be sold for parts any time soon?”

Miftakhov confirmed that the damage, not previously reported, occurred while ZeroAvia was reconfiguring the aircraft. That aircraft has not flown since, and ZeroAvia’s time as a Silicon Valley startup was coming to an end.

Moving to the UK

With ZeroAvia’s U.S. flight tests on hold, Miftakhov turned his attention to Britain, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson is banking on ”a new green industrial revolution.”

In September 2019, Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), a U.K. government-supported company, funded a ZeroAvia-led project called HyFlyer, with £2.68 million ($3.3 million). Miftakhov committed to deliver a hydrogen fuel cell Piper that could fly more than 280 miles, within a year. Sharing the money would be Intelligent Energy, a fuel cell maker, and the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), which would provide hydrogen fueling tech.

“ZeroAvia had proved the concept of retrofitting an electric power train into an aircraft and instead of powering it by batteries, they wanted to power it with hydrogen,” said Richard Ainsworth, EMEC’s hydrogen manager at the time. “That was the whole purpose of the HyFlyer project.”

Gary Elliott, CEO of ATI, told TechCrunch that it was “really important” to ATI that ZeroAvia was using fuel cells rather than a battery system: “You need to spread your investment profile, so that you’ve got as much likelihood of success as you can.”

ZeroAvia set up in Cranfield and in February 2020, bought a six-seater Piper Malibu, similar to the damaged Matrix. Although the company fitted and flew it with batteries by June, the government still needed reassuring. “I’d be happy to catch up and think about what we can do to address the concerns that are nagging away at the ATI,” wrote an official, according to an email obtained by TechCrunch under a freedom of information request.

Intelligent Energy CTO Chris Dudfield told TechCrunch that the HyFlyer program went smoothly, but that his company is still years away from flying a larger fuel cell and that he never even saw ZeroAvia’s plane.

ZeroAvia’s partnership with Intelligent Energy might have helped it secure U.K. government funding but it wasn’t going to help power the Malibu. ZeroAvia needed to find a fuel cell supplier — fast.

Second step: Fuel cell power

In August, ZeroAvia wrote to government officials that “we are now gearing up for our first hydrogen-powered flight,” and invited the Secretary of State to attend.

Miftakhov said that ZeroAvia’s demonstration flight used a 250 kilowatt hydrogen fuel cell powertrain — the largest ever in an aircraft. This is comparable in power to the internal combustion engine that Pipers typically use, giving a healthy margin of safety for the most demanding phase of flight: take off.

ZeroAvia never identified its fuel cell supplier, nor detailed how much of the 250kW came from the fuel cell.

However, the day after the demonstration flight, a Swedish company called PowerCell issued a press release stating that one PowerCell MS-100 fuel cell was “an integral part of the powertrain.”

The MS-100 generates a maximum power of just 100kW, leaving 150kW unaccounted for. This means the majority of the power needed for take-off could only have come from the Piper’s batteries.

In an interview with TechCrunch, Miftakhov acknowledged that the Piper could not have taken off on fuel cell power alone in the September flight. He said the plane’s batteries were probably operational for the entire demonstration flight, and provided “some additional safety margin for the aircraft.”

Many fuel cell vehicles use batteries, either to smooth out fluctuations or to boost power briefly, although some manufacturers have been more transparent about their sources of power. One problem with relying on batteries for take off is that the plane then has to carry them for the whole flight.

“The fundamental challenge for hydrogen fuel cell aircraft is weight,” said Paul Eremenko, CEO of Universal Hydrogen, which is collaborating on a 2000kW fuel cell powertrain for another aircraft. “One of the ways we save weight is having a much smaller battery that is only used when a pilot guns the throttle.”

In February, ZeroAvia’s vice president, Sergey Kiselev, said that the company’s goal was to do without batteries altogether. “Batteries may be used to provide an extra oomph during take off,” he told the Royal Aeronautical Society. “But if you use different types of propulsion or energy storage on the aircraft, the certification effort will be significantly harder.”

Relying heavily on batteries allowed ZeroAvia to pull off its high-profile demonstration flight for investors and the U.K. government, but could ultimately delay its first flights with paying passengers.

The problem of heat

Without an exhaust to expel waste heat, fuel cells usually need a complex air or liquid cooling system to avoid overheating

“This is really the key intellectual property, and why it isn’t just a matter of buying a fuel cell, buying a motor and plugging them together,” says Eremenko.

The German Aerospace Center in Cologne has been flying hydrogen fuel cell aircraft since 2012. Its current aircraft, the custom-designed HY4, can carry four passengers up to 450 miles. Its 65kW fuel cell has a liquid cooling system that uses a large, aerodynamically optimized channel for the cooling air flow (see picture).

Image Credits: Credit: DLR

A similar 100kW system would generally need a cooling intake longer and a third bigger than the HY4’s. ZeroAvia’s Piper Malibu has no additional cooling intakes at all.

“The openings look way too small for the air speed at take off, and even for cruise speed,” said an aviation fuel cell engineer who asked not to be named because they deal with some of the same companies as ZeroAvia.

“We had to experiment with the location and configuration of the heat exchangers… but we did not have to redesign the shape of the aircraft to handle the heat,” countered Miftakhov. He claims the fuel cell was operating at between 85 and 100kW during the flight.

Following TechCrunch’s interview with ZeroAvia, the company released a video that appears to show the Piper’s fuel cell operating at up to 70kW during a ground test, which could equate to a higher power level when airborne.

Although this still needs to be demonstrated with long-distance flights, ZeroAvia may have solved the heat problem that has dogged other engineers for years.

The next plane: bigger and better?

In September, aviation minister Robert Courts was at Cranfield to watch the demonstration flight. “It’s one of the most historic moments in aviation for decades, and it is a huge triumph for ZeroAvia,” he said after the flight. Time magazine named ZeroAvia’s technology as one of the best inventions of 2020.

Even with the HyFlyer extended flight still to come, in December the U.K. government announced HyFlyer 2 — a £12.3 million ($16.3 million) project for ZeroAvia to deliver a 600kW hydrogen-electric powertrain for a larger aircraft. ZeroAvia agreed to have a 19-seat plane ready for commercialization in 2023. (It now says 2024.)

On the same day, ZeroAvia announced its $21.3 million Series A investor lineup, including Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Ventures Fund, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon Climate Pledge Fund, Ecosystem Integrity Fund, Horizon Ventures, Shell Ventures and Summa Equity. It announced another $23.4 million raise from these investors, without Amazon but with British Airways, in late March.

Miftakhov said the Malibu has now completed about a dozen test flights, with the long-distance U.K. flight pushed to later this year, due to COVID delays. And as for HyFlyer 2, Miftakhov now says that this will initially use half batteries and half fuel cells, although “the final certifiable flight configuration will get its full 600kW from the fuel cells.”

There is no doubt that ZeroAvia is facing a steep climb to deliver its promised aircraft, starting with the 19-seater, then a 50-seater plane in 2026, and a 100-seater by 2030.

Hydrogen fuel cells still have a whiff of snake oil about them, thanks to Nikola, a startup that exaggerated a public demonstration of a hydrogen fuel cell truck, triggering a collapse in its share price and investigation by the SEC. The best option for ambitious start-ups like ZeroAvia is to be more transparent about their current technology and the challenges that lie ahead, even if that means tempering the expectations of investors and a public excited by the prospect of sustainable air travel.

“I desperately want ZeroAvia to be successful,” says Paul Eremenko. “I think we have very complementary business models and together we help complete the value chain to make hydrogen aviation happen.”

(文:Mark Harris、翻訳:Dragonfly)

イギリス - Wikipedia

グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英語: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland )通称 イギリス は、ヨーロッパ北西岸に位置し、グレートブリテン島、北東部



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2021-05-01 22:51

乗ってた飛行機が撃墜されてなんとか不時着したら、武器を持った現地の人間に襲撃されて手足をもがれて殺された奴がいるらしい 銀の人っていうんですけど。

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2021-05-01 20:34


2021-05-01 19:34


2021-05-01 18:21


2021-05-01 17:05

秋田新幹線16時か… もう飛行機で行かないと間に合わないな

2021-05-01 16:44


2021-05-01 10:36

【モニュメントバレー】 ここも事件が多かった。 ・行きの飛行機で雷目撃 ・問題のばらまく位置が予定より近かった。(どんだけ走らせるつもりだったんだ?) そして、 ・予定の時間にバラマキヘリが来なかった事件? でもお陰で、モニュメントバレーを堪能でき…

2021-05-01 09:20

ガビアファンあるある~! ザガートガビアを観るためだけに新幹線や飛行機、車で石川県に行ったことがある~。 ついでに県内を色々観てから帰るのよ。

2021-05-01 09:09


2021-05-01 04:24

帝都ヨコハマのKK-44に住む高校生です。 ラブライバーでありミルキアンでもありアイマスPでもあります。 薔薇組の幽霊の人です。 飛行機が好きです。鉄道とかナニソレオイシイノ?ウソデステツヲタデス.

2021-05-01 03:08

《連休豪華版選択制第2弾》 ①マイル券100枚 ②金鉱石90個 ③住民のしゃしん5枚ランダム ④せいざのかけら全種10個ずつ ⑤季節お花レシピ覚え放題 ⑥DAL飛行機模型1機(色指定可) ⑦みしらぬネコのカバン&しゃしんセット 1個選…

2021-05-01 03:02

パッケージ版 発売記念企画第3弾のローリングガンナーの自機、RF-42RX ストークのペーパープレーンはこちらからダウンロードできます。 こちらは期限はありません。 ダウンロードURL: …

2021-05-01 02:10

郡、祐仁くん、ロニーいないのは、、 濃厚接触判定待ち? ロニーは?だけど 他は飛行機の座席、 隣だったとかありえそう、、


Pancake Bunnyを開発したDeFiスタートアップのMOUNDが約1.8億円調達
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