

関連ワード (LGBTQ、TechNet、コラム等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


編集部注:本稿の著者であるDavid Edmonson(デビッド・エドモンソン)氏は、TechNetのState Policy and Government Relations担当副社長。TechNetは全米50州の連邦および州レベルで超党派のアドボカシー活動を通じて、イノベーション経済の成長を促進するテクノロジー企業の全米ネットワーク。








これには前例がある。ノースカロライナ州では2016年に、トランスジェンダーの公衆トイレの使用を禁止する法律を制定した。これにより同州は1年未満におよそ6億3000万ドル(約687憶円)を失い、企業投資の停止によって2000件の新規雇用を失った。インディアナ州では、インディアナポリスに拠点を置くAngie’s List(アンジーズリスト)が危険な反LGBTQ法を引き合いに出し、4000万ドル(約43憶円)と1000件の雇用拡大を凍結した。Visit Indy(ビジットインディ)では、法律の可決後、同州は最低12件のコンベンションと6000万ドル(約65億円)の収益を失ったとしている。

アリゾナ州では経済開発調査において、LGBTQに反対する法案が可決した場合、会議やコンベンションの消失により3年間で1億4000万ドル (約152億円)以上の経済ダメージを受ける可能性があると予測され、後に州知事によって否認された。






画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch


American tech companies are engaged in a worldwide competition for top talent that can pick and choose where they want to live or where they want to launch the next great startup. With the expansion of remote work and tech talent spread across the country, there are larger amounts of venture capital investment and opportunity available to companies. States should enact policies that embrace businesses and are welcoming for entrepreneurs and employees. However, far too many states are doing the opposite and trying to enact anti-equality legislation that will hurt business.

There are a number of states that are currently considering anti-LGBTQ legislation, including Montana, Texas, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, North Dakota, Mississippi and Alabama. These bills would cause irrevocable harm to tech employees and their families who may already be marginalized and susceptible to harassment.

The tech industry should therefore be more vigilant than ever in opposing discriminatory state-level legislation that would target workers and their families, become an economic liability, and negatively impact businesses’ ability to recruit and retain the best and brightest employees.

Anti-LGBTQ bills are not just harmful on the human level, they’re bad economics, as well.

Tech employees want to know that they will be treated fairly as they move through their daily lives and that they, their colleagues and their families are protected from discrimination. And tech companies want to do business in states where they can recruit top talent to promote innovation. Laws that discriminate are a major barrier to that effort.

And states that care about the growth of their innovation economies should not erect institutional barriers to opportunity and make it harder to convince people to call their state home.

Anti-LGBTQ bills are not just harmful on the human level, they’re bad economics, as well.  As states struggle to rebuild their economies post-pandemic, anti-LGBTQ legislation would negatively affect travel, tourism and business investments.

There is precedence. When North Carolina passed a law banning transgender people from using public restrooms in 2016, it cost the state approximately $630 million in less than a year, and 2,000 new jobs were lost due to halted corporate investments. In Indiana, citing a dangerous anti-LGBTQ law, Indianapolis-based Angie’s List froze a $40 million, 1,000-job expansion. Visit Indy found that the state lost at least 12 conventions and $60 million in revenue after the passage of the legislation.

In Arizona, an economic development study estimated potential economic damage of more than $140 million in lost meetings and conventions over three years after passage of a bill that was hostile to LGBTQ people and subsequently vetoed by their governor.

That’s why TechNet, on behalf of our member companies, recently spoke out against proposed anti-LGBTQ legislation in Montana, New Hampshire and elsewhere, making the case that welcoming, inclusive states are now 21st century economic imperatives. We plan to do so in any state that proposes similar discriminatory legislation.

We recognize the work these states have done to help the technology sector grow and be competitive in a national and global economy, but we caution legislators from doing anything that would make it more challenging to compete for the talented and highly educated workers many companies are looking to hire.

Businesses — and states — thrive when they are open to everyone. LGBTQ people are our family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors and community leaders. They deserve the same rights and opportunities.

Lawmakers in Montana, Tennessee and elsewhere are preparing to send unconscionable anti-LGBTQ bills to their governors shortly for signing. We strongly encourage state lawmakers to reject these extreme proposals to ban the LGBTQ community from fully participating in all aspects of society.

The technology industry will continue to take a strong public stance in opposing these bills, as they would be immensely harmful to our families, our employees, and the communities in which we thrive.

(文:David Edmonson、翻訳:Dragonfly)

US reverses Trump policy, restores LGBTQ healthcare ...

The policy restores a law signed by the Obama administration protecting LGBTQ people under federal healthcare rules.

Social Media Hate Speech, Harassment 'Significant Problem ...

LGBTQ social media users encounter hate speech and harassment at higher rates than all other identity groups at 64%, according to GLAAD's inaugural social media index report.

Social media platforms 'effectively unsafe' for LGBTQ ...

GLAAD's social media index report said the top platforms won't use tools to stop harassment, thus "effectively unsafe" for the LGBTQ community.

Social media platforms need to address anti-LGBTQ hate ...

The Social Media Safety Index (SMSI), GLAAD's first-ever report focusing on online safety for LGBTQ users, stresses the need for swift action by social media platforms to ensure safety for LGBTQ people.

Biden Reverses Trump Attack on LGBTQ People with Order to ...

The Biden administration is reversing a Trump-era directive that attempted to make it easier to discriminate against LGBTQ people, especially transgender people, seeking healthcare. A new Health and Human Services Dept. policy will direct that LGBTQ people have the same protections affirmed in a landmark 2020 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on workplace discrimination.

Reversing Trump, US restores LGBTQ health protections

The U.S. will protect LGBTQ people against sex discrimination in health care, the Biden administration announced Monday, reversing a Trump-era policy that sought to narrow the scope of legal ...

GLAAD says every top social-media site is 'categorically ...

In an interview with "Axios on HBO" that aired Sunday night, GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said the sites -- which include Facebook and Instagram,...

'Love, welcome and respect': He advocates for LGBTQ ...

It was a tumultuous time, to say the least, with activists targeting institutions they blamed for impeding LGBTQ equality and progress against the disease — governments, pharmaceutical companies ...

CIA mocked for 'woke' inclusive recruitment ads featuring ...

'If you're a Chinese communist, or an Iranian Mullah, or Kim Jong Un... would this scare you? We've come a long way from Jason Bourne,' Republican Senator Ted Cruz tweeted

to Christian colleges targeted in LGBTQ lawsuit ...

https://cnnw.com/to-christian-colleges-targeted-in-lgbtq-lawsuit/ https://cnnw.com/to-christian-colleges-targeted-in-lgbtq-lawsuit/ A federal lawsuit filed here several weeks ago could pose a major challenge to Christian colleges and universities across the nation, and directly involves several such schools here in the Northwest. Filed March 29 in the U.S. District Court for Oregon by 33 current and former LGBTQ students at religious educational institutions against…

Prospects dim for passage of LGBTQ rights bill in Senate

National News Prospects dim for passage of LGBTQ rights bill in Senate WASHINGTON (AP) — Controlling Congress and the White House for the first time in a decade, Democrats were hopeful this ...

White House to prevent LGBTQ discrimination in health care

The White House announced on Monday that it would take action against health care providers who discriminate against gay and transgender people.

Prospects dim for passage of LGBTQ rights bill in Senate ...

Legislation that would create new protections for LGBTQ Americans is stalling out in the U.S. Senate. Democrats were hopeful they could pass the Equality Act this year since they control

Seeking readers' LGBTQ stories to share during Pride Month

Prepping for Pride Month: Send stories about your Guam LGBTQ experience to life@guampdn.com

STATEMENT: Sharita Gruberg on HHS Enforcing Health ...

The administration's announcement that it will enforce these protections is a critical step toward addressing vaccine hesitancy among LGBTQ people, a population that has been disproportionately ...

'Travelers are ready to explore': LGBTQ travelers leading ...

The travel industry has rebooted before, and it will bounce back again soon. And if history is any guide, LGBTQ travelers will be leading the way.

IGLTA CEO Talks 2021 Convention, LGBTQ Travel Trends and ...

Georgia's capital city is a LGBTQ center of the southeastern United States, and Atlanta will be the host city for the IGLTA Convention in September 2021 (Photo by Paul J. Heney). TP: What sort of feedback have you gotten from your members/prospective attendees on the event?

Social Media Hate Speech, Harassment 'Significant Problem ...

The top social media sites — Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter — are all "effectively unsafe for LGBTQ users," according to a new

LGBTQ migration - Wikipedia

LGBTQ immigrants are seen frequently to immigrate to Canada, Britain, and the United States. In 1994, U.S. immigration law recognized sexual persecution as grounds for seeking asylum. U.S. President Barack Obama ordered federal agencies to provide asylum for persecuted LBGTQ persons.

Cuomo announces applications for Restoration of Honor Act ...

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced landmarks across the state would be lit in honor of Pride Month and the LGBTQ community, including the spire of One World Trade Center (shown here), the Pershing Square ...

Agency launches LGBTQ mental health effort - PressReader

Connecting People through News. All-you-can-read digital newsstand with thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines. Vast selection of top stories in full-content format available for free.

Ford County bed and breakfast still owes for LGBTQ ...

A bed and breakfast in Paxton still hasn't paid damages it owes for a 2016 LGBTQ discrimination case.

Historic Houston church leaves United Methodist Church ...

The LGBTQ community is being deeply harmed," McGehee said. The United Methodist Church doesn't generally track how many churches disaffiliate from the denomination each year, though its ...

LGBTQ travelers lead the way to tourism recovery - PressReader

Connecting People through News. All-you-can-read digital newsstand with thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines. Vast selection of top stories in full-content format available for free.

Prospects dim for passage of LGBTQ rights bill in Senate ...

WASHINGTON — Controlling Congress and the White House for the first time in a decade, Democrats were hopeful that this would be the year they finally secured civil rights protections for LGBTQ Americans. Then came an increasingly heated debate over women's and girls sports. Legislation that would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil […]

Biden reverses Trump attack on LGBTQ people with order to ...

The Biden administration is reversing a Trump-era directive that attempted to make it easier to discriminate against LGBTQ people, especially transgender people, seeking healthcare. A new Health and Human Services Dept. policy will direct that LGBTQ people have the same protections affirmed in a landmark 2020 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on ...

GLAAD finds top social media "categorically unsafe" for ...

The leading social media sites — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube — are all "categorically unsafe" for LGBTQ people, according to a new study from GLAAD, the results of which were revealed Sunday on "Axios on HBO."The big picture: GL

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Webnode - Wikipedia

Webnode (/ ˈ w ɛ b n oʊ d /) is an online website builder system, and developed by Westcom, s.r.o, a company based in Brno, Czech Republic.It can be compared with other online systems like Weebly or WIX.. The website builder is known for its simplicity and allows users to create a site by dragging and dropping elements such as blogs, photo galleries and much more.

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