

関連ワード (NAVER、Whattpad、メディア、買収、韓国等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




普通に眺めれば、この取引には意味があるように見える。韓国のPulse News(パルス・ニュース)によれば、そのウェブ漫画のなかには、より広い地域の読者を獲得し、映画にも進出しているものもあるという(記事の最後に挙げたのは「The Secret of Angel』という人気シリーズの予告編だ)。


NetflixやAppleをはじめとして、インドネシアのライドシェア大手のGoJekが2019年に立ち上げたGoPlayのようなプラットフォームまでもが、フレッシュなコンテンツを必要としていることを受けて、Webtoonと同様にWattpadもストリーミングメディアに力を入れてきた。(Wattpad Studiosに加えて、Wattpadは2019年に書籍出版部門を立ち上げた)。

WebtoonのCEOであるJun Koo Kim(キム・ジュンク)氏は、プレスリリースの中で、今回の提携は「世界をリードするマルチメディアエンターテインメント企業になるための大きな一歩」であると述べている。

一方、NAVERのSeong-Sook Han(ハン・ソンソク)CEOは、Wattpadの共同創業者であるAllen Lau(アレン・ラウ)氏とIvan Yuen(イワン・ユエン)氏が、買収後も引き続き彼らが築いてきた会社を率いると別のリリースで述べている(NAVERの子会社は東京で開発された人気メッセージングアプリのLINEを運営している)。


Wattpaidは長年にわたってアジア、米国、カナダの投資家たちから1億1780万ドル(約122億2000万円)を調達してきたが、直近のラウンドではTencent Holdings、BDC、Globe TelecomのKickstart Ventures、Peterson Group、Canso、Raine Venturesから5100万ドル(約52億9000万円)を調達した。





Wattpad, the 14-year-old, Toronto-based, venture-backed storytelling platform with reach into a number of verticals, is being acquired by Naver, the South Korean conglomerate, in a $600 million cash-and-stock deal.

Naver plans to incorporate at least part of the business into another of its holdings, the publishing platform Webtoon, which Naver launched in 2004, brought to the U.S. in 2014, and that features thousands of comic strips created by its users. It also has a huge audience. According to Naver, Webtoon was averaging more than 67 million monthly users as of last August.

On its face, the deal appears to make sense. According to Korea’s Pulse News, some of the region’s webtoons are finding a broader geographic audience and crossing over into film. (Below is a trailer for one popular series called “The Secret of Angel.”)

Similarly, Wattpad, which originally launched as an e-reading app, has evolved into a highly popular platform where users publish their original work and more than 90 million people visit monthly to read them. (Indeed, according to a story published last week in The Verge, Wattpad has published more than a billion stories over the years,  and it claims its users spend a collective 22 billion minutes per month reading these.)

Like Webtoon, Wattpad has been more focused on streaming media, given the many platforms now needing fresh content, from Netflix to Apple to farther-flung outfits, like GoJek’s GoPlay, launched by the Indonesian ride-hailing giant in 2019. (In addition to Wattpad Studios, Wattpad also launched a book publishing division in 2019.)

CEO Jun Koo Kim of Webtoon said in a press release about the new tie-up that it represents a “big step towards us becoming a leading global multimedia entertainment company.”

Meanwhile, CEO Seong-Sook Han of Naver — a search engine giant whose properties include the popular Tokyo-based messaging app Line — said in a separate release that Wattpad co-founders Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen will continue post-acquisition to lead the company they have built.

As for whether the acquisition is a win for Wattpad’s investors, it appears to be a moderate one. (It’s hard to discern much without knowing the terms under which each outfit invested.)

Wattpaid had raised $117.8 million from investors in Asia, the United States and Canada over the years and closed its most recent round with $51 million from Tencent Holdings, BDC, Globe Telecom’s Kickstart Ventures, Peterson Group, Canso and Raine Ventures.

That last deal, announced in 2018, assigned the company a post-money valuation of $398 million according to PitchBook.



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「NAVERまとめ」きょう歴史に幕 開始11年、総PVは1718億 …


NAVER、小説創作プラットフォーム「Wattpad」を約600億円で …


韓国NAVERがユーザーがオリジナル作品を10億本以上公開する …


NAVER(ネイバー)まとめが終了。代わりとなるサイト5選 …

 · NAVER(ネイバー)まとめの代わりとなるかは分かりませんが、是非、自分が見て見たいキュレーションサイトが見つかれば幸いです。 今回紹介したものでも良いですし、それ以外にも自身の趣味と合うキュレーションサイトはたくさんあるので、是非お気に入りのサイトが見つかると良いです …

Wattpad – Where stories live

Wattpad connects a global community of millions of readers and writers through the power of story

Wattpad – Read & Write Stories – Google Play のアプリ

Wattpad. Where stories live. Read Stories, write original stories in your own language anytime on the E-Story app – Wattpad Discover the social storytelling platform that connects a global community of 90 million readers and writers through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories. When you join Wattpad, you become a member of an international community of story-lovers. Connect with other passionate readers & writers, comment directly on stories as you read them, and support writers as they create and share their original stories. You can even read stories together and share your library or create reading lists so your friends always know what you’re reading. Get your story discovered Have your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share it with our community who are there to cheer you on throughout your writing journey. Think your story could be the next blockbuster? Wattpad Studios discovers untapped, unsigned, and talented writers on Wattpad and connects them to global multi-media entertainment companies. Why Wattpad App? – Book lovers, the Wattpad app offers millions of stories, novels, poems, books in English, and a number of languages at your fingertips. You can read stories, even write your own story using the app, and self publish stories online to join Wattpad's community of avid readers. Features of Wattpad – A Story Reading and Writing App – Browse popular genres and search top trending titles – Build your own library – Download to read offline – Share your comments and vote for your favorites – Get alerts when new chapters are added – Start your story writing journey and share your own story! – Read stories in a plethora of languages – Connect with a community of story-lovers Read and write stories Read millions of free stories in over 50 languages from writers around the world! You'll find romance, science fiction, mystery, comedy, action, adventure, fantasy, young adult fiction, and fanfiction; it’s all on Wattpad. Read the stories that inspired blockbusters like Light as a Feather on Hulu, and Anna Todd’s international hit series After. Start your own free library Save your favorite stories to keep them with you wherever you go. Hooked on a story? Simply sync your account to easily pick up where you left off, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, Kindle, or iPhone. Explore popular stories on the ebook app include Win Her Heart, The Babysitters, Regret the Rejection, From Her Diary to Her Heart, His Replaced Bride, and newly added stories like The Heat of Love, The Divinities of Navalok, The Shadow Circle, The Last Princess, and many more for a seamless ebook reading experience. Already a Wattpad fan? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on your favorite writers, stories, contests, and more! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wattpad/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wattpad/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wattpad

Wattpad – Read & Write Stories – Apps on Google Play

Wattpad. Where stories live. Read Stories, write original stories in your own language anytime on the E-Story app – Wattpad Discover the social storytelling platform that connects a global community of 90 million readers and writers through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories. When you join Wattpad, you become a member of an international community of story-lovers. Connect with other passionate readers & writers, comment directly on stories as you read them, and support writers as they create and share their original stories. You can even read stories together and share your library or create reading lists so your friends always know what you’re reading. Get your story discovered Have your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share it with our community who are there to cheer you on throughout your writing journey. Think your story could be the next blockbuster? Wattpad Studios discovers untapped, unsigned, and talented writers on Wattpad and connects them to global multi-media entertainment companies. Why Wattpad App? – Book lovers, the Wattpad app offers millions of stories, novels, poems, books in English, and a number of languages at your fingertips. You can read stories, even write your own story using the app, and self publish stories online to join Wattpad's community of avid readers. Features of Wattpad – A Story Reading and Writing App – Browse popular genres and search top trending titles – Build your own library – Download to read offline – Share your comments and vote for your favorites – Get alerts when new chapters are added – Start your story writing journey and share your own story! – Read stories in a plethora of languages – Connect with a community of story-lovers Read and write stories Read millions of free stories in over 50 languages from writers around the world! You'll find romance, science fiction, mystery, comedy, action, adventure, fantasy, young adult fiction, and fanfiction; it’s all on Wattpad. Read the stories that inspired blockbusters like Light as a Feather on Hulu, and Anna Todd’s international hit series After. Start your own free library Save your favorite stories to keep them with you wherever you go. Hooked on a story? Simply sync your account to easily pick up where you left off, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, Kindle, or iPhone. Explore popular stories on the ebook app include Win Her Heart, The Babysitters, Regret the Rejection, From Her Diary to Her Heart, His Replaced Bride, and newly added stories like The Heat of Love, The Divinities of Navalok, The Shadow Circle, The Last Princess, and many more for a seamless ebook reading experience. Already a Wattpad fan? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on your favorite writers, stories, contests, and more! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wattpad/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wattpad/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wattpad

韓国NAVERがユーザーがオリジナル作品を10億本以上公開する …


Wattpad 8.96.1 用 Android – ダウンロード

Android用のWattpadの最新バージョンをダウンロード. Androidデバイス上で何百万冊もの無料の本が読める. Wattpad (Free books – Wattpad)はスマートフォンやAndroidタブレット(この場合もちろんタブレットが使いやすいでしょう。)上で何百万種類もの本をダウンロードし、読むことができるアプリです。…

Wattpad Studios – Where original stories live.

Wattpad Studios has transformed how the entertainment industry finds its next great hit. Discover all the ways Wattpad is harnessing the power of storytelling.

Wattpad – Onde as histórias ganham vida. – Apps no Google …

Wattpad. Where stories live. Read Stories, write original stories in your own language anytime on the E-Story app – Wattpad Discover the social storytelling platform that connects a global community of 90 million readers and writers through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories. When you join Wattpad, you become a member of an international community of story-lovers. Connect with other passionate readers & writers, comment directly on stories as you read them, and support writers as they create and share their original stories. You can even read stories together and share your library or create reading lists so your friends always know what you’re reading. Get your story discovered Have your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share it with our community who are there to cheer you on throughout your writing journey. Think your story could be the next blockbuster? Wattpad Studios discovers untapped, unsigned, and talented writers on Wattpad and connects them to global multi-media entertainment companies. Why Wattpad App? – Book lovers, the Wattpad app offers millions of stories, novels, poems, books in English, and a number of languages at your fingertips. You can read stories, even write your own story using the app, and self publish stories online to join Wattpad's community of avid readers. Features of Wattpad – A Story Reading and Writing App – Browse popular genres and search top trending titles – Build your own library – Download to read offline – Share your comments and vote for your favorites – Get alerts when new chapters are added – Start your story writing journey and share your own story! – Read stories in a plethora of languages – Connect with a community of story-lovers Read and write stories Read millions of free stories in over 50 languages from writers around the world! You'll find romance, science fiction, mystery, comedy, action, adventure, fantasy, young adult fiction, and fanfiction; it’s all on Wattpad. Read the stories that inspired blockbusters like Light as a Feather on Hulu, and Anna Todd’s international hit series After. Start your own free library Save your favorite stories to keep them with you wherever you go. Hooked on a story? Simply sync your account to easily pick up where you left off, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, Kindle, or iPhone. Explore popular stories on the ebook app include Win Her Heart, The Babysitters, Regret the Rejection, From Her Diary to Her Heart, His Replaced Bride, and newly added stories like The Heat of Love, The Divinities of Navalok, The Shadow Circle, The Last Princess, and many more for a seamless ebook reading experience. Already a Wattpad fan? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on your favorite writers, stories, contests, and more! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wattpad/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wattpad/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wattpad

メディアの意味や定義 Weblio辞書


メディアとは – IT用語辞典 e-Words

メディア【media】とは、媒体、媒質、伝達手段、中間などの意味を持つ英単語。“medium” の複数形。情報の伝達や記録に用いられる物体や装置、およびこれを利用して人に情報を伝達・配布する仕組みや事業、組織などを指すことが多い。一般の外来語としては、人が人に情報を伝えたり広く報じるのに用いるモノや仕組みを指し、広義には電話や手紙、書籍、テレビ、映画、電子メール、Webサイトなど様々な伝達手段が含まれる。

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Mediaの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

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メディアリテラシーとは – IT用語辞典 e-Words

メディアリテラシー【media literacy】とは、情報を伝達する媒体(メディア)を使いこなす基礎的な素養のこと。メディアを通じて情報を取得・収集し、取捨選択および評価・判断する能力や、自らの持つ情報をメディアを通して適切に発信できる能力を指す。

買収(ばいしゅう)の意味 – goo国語辞書

買収(ばいしゅう)とは。意味や解説、類語。[名](スル)1 買い取ること。買いおさえること。「会社を買収する」「用地買収」2 ひそかに利益を与えて、自分の有利になるように人を動かすこと。「選挙民を買収する」 – goo国語辞書は30万3千件語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。

買収とは – Weblio辞書

「買収」の意味は 買い取ること。Weblio国語辞典では「買収」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。

買収とは – コトバンク

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合併と買収の違いやメリット・デメリット!企業のM&Aの意味と …


会社の買収とは | 企業買収の意味と仕組み | 山田 …

日本企業による企業買収は、年々、増加の一途をたどっています。 その背景には、少子高齢化の進展による人口減少によって、国内市場の成長が頭打ちになっているという現状があります。 国内の需要に依存してきた企業が成長し続けていくためには、グローバル

買収 – Wikipedia

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「買収名人」グーグルによる、事業シナジーからコアサービス …


超有名企業株での失敗談、企業買収にまつわる落とし穴、投資 …


日本ペイント、史上最大の奇策成功…海外大手に買収されたか …



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中央日報 – 韓国の最新ニュースを日本語でサービスします

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Chosun Online | 朝鮮日報


国際ニュース – Yahoo!ニュース

国際に関するニュースを新着順にお届け。Yahoo!ニュースでは、新聞・通信社が配信するニュースのほか、映像、写真や個人の書き手が執筆する …

検索結果 – Record China

韓国団体が旧日本領事館前に「断罪碑」の設置を推進も、文化財庁が不許可に=韓国ネット「設置するべき」 20日、韓国・ハンギョレ新聞による …

キムチアンテナ ~エンジョイ!韓国~ | 韓国・北朝鮮まとめ …




日本の底力!(韓国経済危機特集) | 日本の国益を重視して …

韓国経済、【ホワイトイブ!】8月27日韓国市場の結果 64.1k件のビュー 韓国経済、【8月16日の韓国市場】なんとか致命傷で済んだニダ! 59.9k件のビュー 韓国経済、9月3日韓国市場の結果 57.5k件のビュー 韓国経済、9月11日の韓国

かんこく! 韓国の反応翻訳ブログ

韓国の掲示板などを翻訳してまとめています。 しょうもないネタが多いですが、他ではあまり見かけないような部分に焦点を当てていこうと思いますので、よろしくお願いします! まだまだ誤訳も多いので翻訳をあまり信用しない …

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J:COM NET(インターネット・プロバイダ) | J:COM


[インターネットサービス] All About|Webやネットサービスを解説




最近のインターネットサービスのトレンド [インターネット …


ハローワークインターネットサービス – トップページ

緊急事態宣言対象地域のハローワークをご利用の場合、求人・求職申込み手続き等はできる限り、ハローワークインターネットサービスからのオンラインによる手続きやFAXや郵送などによる手続きをお願いします。(その他の地域でも、新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染防止等のため来所による …

インターネットサービスプロバイダ – Wikipedia

117 行  · インターネットサービスプロバイダ(英語: Internet Service Provider )とは、インターネッ …

インターネットサービスのアカウントを安全に管理するための …


OBC Netサービス

OBCNetサービスは、株式会社オービックビジネスコンサルタント製品をご利用のお客様のための支援サイトです。 2021-01-18 [NEW] 『商奉行クラウド』『蔵奉行クラウド』アップデート(一部機能の修正) 2021-01-12 [NEW] 銀行支店辞書・郵便番号辞書・市町村辞書更新プログラムのダウンロードサービス …


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