

関連ワード (Outseer、リスクインテリジェンス、詐欺等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


RSA Security(RSAセキュリティ)は詐欺とリスクインテリジェンスの事業をOutseer(アウトシア)という独立会社としてスピンアウトした。Outseerは不正取引が「これまでになく」増加する中で決済セキュリティツールに注力する。

以前ThreatMetrixのCEOを務め、そして2020年RSAの不正防止事業部門のトップに任命されたReed Taussig(リード・タウシッグ)氏がCEOとして新会社Outseerを率いる。同社は不正検知と管理、決済認証サービスを専門とする。

Outseerは引き続きRSA傘下で運営され、3つのコアサービスを引き継ぐ。リスクベースの口座モニタリングサービスOutseer Fraud Manager(以前のRSA Adaptive Authentication)、カードを物理的に介さない取引とデジタル決済認証マッピングサービスの3-D Secure(以前のAdaptive Authentication for eCommerce)、フィッシングサイトや危険なアプリ、詐欺のソーシャルメディアページを検知して追跡するFraudActionだ。これらサービスはすでに6000以上の金融機関に使用されている。




スピンアウトはプライベートエクイティ会社Symphony Technology Group (STG)がDell TechnologiesからRSA Securityを20億ドル(約2190億円)で買収して1年もたたずしてのものだ。STGはこのほどFireEyeのプロダクト事業を12億ドル(約1315億円)で買収した。Dellは2016年のEMC買収の一環としてRSAを獲得していた。



パンデミックにより詐欺取引が空前の増加を見せており、Outseerは決済認証、EMV 3-D Secure 2.x決済スタンダードに向けたマッピング、そして決済とコマースエコシステムでの新テクノロジーの統合に関するイノベーションにフォーカスするとRSAは述べた。



画像クレジット:Damien Meyer / Getty Images


RSA Security has spun out its fraud and risk intelligence business into a standalone company called Outseer that will double down on payment security tools amid an “unprecedented” rise in fraudulent transactions.

Led by CEO Reed Taussig, who was appointed head of RSA’s Anti-Fraud Business Unit last year after previously serving as CEO of ThreatMetrix, the new company will focus solely on fraud detection and management and payments authentication services.

Outseer will continue to operate under the RSA umbrella and will inherit from the company three core services, which are already used by more than 6,000 financial institutions: Outseer Fraud Manager (formerly RSA Adaptive Authentication), a risk-based account monitoring service; 3-D Secure (formerly Adaptive Authentication for eCommerce), a card-not-present and digital payment authentication mapping service; and FraudAction, which detects and takes down phishing sites, dodgy apps and fraudulent social media pages.

Outseer says its product portfolio is supported by deep investments in data and science, including a global network of verified fraud and transaction data, and a risk engine that the company claims delivers 95% fraud detection rates.

Commenting on the spinout, Taussig said: “Outseer is the culmination of decades of science-driven innovation in anti-fraud and payments authentication solutions. As the digital economy continues to deepen, the Outseer mission to liberate the world from transactional fraud is essential. Our role as a revenue enabler for the global economy will only strengthen as every digital business continues to scale.”

RSA, meanwhile, will continue to focus on integrated risk management and security products, including Archer for risk management, NetWitness for threat detection and response and SecureID for identity and access management (IAM) capabilities.

The spinout comes less than a year after private equity firm Symphony Technology Group (STG), which recently bought FireEye’s product business for $1.2 billion, acquired RSA Security from Dell Technologies for more than $2 billion. Dell had previously acquired RSA as part of its purchase of EMC in 2016.

It also comes amid a huge rise in online fraud fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal Trade Commission said in March that more than 217,000 Americans had filed a coronavirus-related fraud report since January 2020, with losses to COVID-linked fraud totaling $382 million.  Similarly, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fielded 542,300 fraud complaints in 2020, a 54% increase over 2019.

RSA said that with the COVID-19 pandemic having fueled “unprecedented” growth in fraudulent transactions, Outseer will focus its innovation on payments authentication, mapping to the EMV 3-D Secure 2.x payment standard, and incorporating new technology integrations across the payments and commerce ecosystem. 

“Outseer’s reason for being isn’t just focused on eliminating payments and account fraud,” Taussig added. “These fraudulent transactions are often the pretext for more sinister drug and human trafficking, terrorism, and other nefarious behavior. Outseer has the ability to help make the world a safer place.”

Valuation information for Outseer was not disclosed, nor were headcount figures mentioned in the spinout announcement. Outseer didn’t immediately respond to TechCrunch’s request for more information. 


(文:Carly Page、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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京都の68歳女性、約100万円詐欺被害 市職員名乗る男ら「介護保険料の還付金ある」と電話|社会|地域のニュース|京都新聞


「おれおれ」犯人の音声 特殊詐欺、尾道署が公開 方言を使い同情引く

尾道署は11日、「おれおれ詐欺」の犯人の男が市内の女性方に電話した音声を公開した。方言を使い、同情を引こうとするなど言葉巧みにだまそうとする様子がうかがえる。管内では電話で息子などを名乗り現金をだまし取る被害が相次いでおり、同署は「電話でお金の話が出たら詐欺。警察に相談を」と呼び掛ける。 音声は4分17秒。小切手をなくしたとして「のーなったなんて話したら会社くびになるんよ。現金で立て替えて払うしかないじゃろうって話しとる」と落ち着いた声で語る。「なんとか都合つけてもらえんかな。ほんま申し訳ない」などと繰り返していた。 管内の今年のおれおれ詐欺の被害は、10日時点で9件5270万円。金額は昨年1年間の約26倍に上る。いずれも病院で財布や小切手が入ったかばんをなくしたなどと説明する手口だった。谷口亨次長は「被害に遭いやすい高齢者の家族も注意して見守ってほしい」と求める。(石下奈海)

特殊詐欺被害急増 県警本部長が注意喚起 緊急メッセージ発表 /長野 | 毎日新聞

 県警は11日、特殊詐欺被害が急増していることから、安田浩己本部長が注意を呼びかける緊急メッセージを発表した。  県警特殊詐欺抑止対策室によると、6月9日時点の特殊詐欺被害の認知件数は前年同期比18件増の72件。被害額は同4177万円増の1億2703万円に上る。安田本部長は緊急メッセージで、犯人から

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詐欺 - ぽよりん




0661705693 / 06-6170-5693 ファイナンス様センター | 詐欺被害ナビ|詐欺被害検索サイト

詐欺業者は自分が犯罪行為をしているという自覚がありますので、警察に検挙されないようにするために、第三者に知られないようにします。 ですから自らが被害者の自宅や勤め先等に直接連絡をしてくることや訪問してくることは絶対にありません。

0356573253 / 03-5657-3253 カスタマー 【架空請求】 | 詐欺被害ナビ|詐欺被害検索サイト

詐欺業者は自分が犯罪行為をしているという自覚がありますので、警察に検挙されないようにするために、第三者に知られないようにします。 ですから自らが被害者の自宅や勤め先等に直接連絡をしてくることや訪問してくることは絶対にありません。

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詐欺・偽装情報(八尾市久宝寺4丁目) - 6月11日[大阪府]|ガッコム安全ナビ

6月11日午後3時10分ころ、八尾市久宝寺4丁目及び5丁目の高齢者宅に八尾警察署員を名乗り「男二人が不審な動きをしています。ご主人の通帳を持っています。」や「●●という男を知りませんか。」などと電話をかけてくる事案が連続発生しています。 ...

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お宝Naviは稼げる?詐欺? | 詐欺案件・副業スクール


競輪Youtuber ★5 インチキ 詐欺師 偽造

詐欺や怪しい有料お見合いをやってた事がバレれ本名も特定されてしまう ↓ そこからペーパーカンパニーやレンタルオフィス契約、実家や父親の名前まで バレてしまう ↓ 開き直ったハッチャンは5000万円当たったとか6000万円当たったと動画を 作成始める ↓

トピック: 一般社団法人詐欺被害情報管理機構,03-6427-8660,加藤良一 | 詐欺被害報告and集団訴訟 ...

詐欺が解決できるという触れ込みなんですが。 一般社団法人詐欺被害情報管理機構の口コミや評判が知りたいです! #一般社団法人詐欺被害情報管理機構 #03-6427-8660 #加藤良一

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中央高齢者支援センター からのメッセージ 『キャッシュカードがすり替え詐欺、急増中!』 - ちゅうおうくらしねっと

中央区内で、キャッシュカードがすり替え詐欺、急増中! 中央区内でキャッシュカードがすり替えられ、お金を騙し取られる新しい詐欺が急増しています!. ぜひ、高齢者に注意喚起をお願い致します。

【義援金も捏造ぜよ】谷村ひとし【インチキ嘘詐欺捏造】 Part113

>>144 ↑ これほど執着して粘着するのは描いた本人だけ 漫画家廃業15周年おめ 「あの人はいま」義援金詐欺師w


葵慎吾のアフィリエイトは詐欺まがいとの評判があるので注意喚起します。葵慎吾のアフィリエイトへの申込みを考えている方、参考にしてください。まずはじめに、葵慎吾のアフィリエイトの口コミをご紹介します。葵慎吾のアフィリエイトの […]

小室哲哉 - Wikipedia

5億円詐欺事件. 2006年 8月6日、小室は日本音楽著作権協会に自分名義で登録している全楽曲806曲の著作権を10億円で譲渡する仮契約を関西地方在住の個人投資家男性と締結。

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【 詐欺KLab】キャプテン翼~たたかえドリームチーム~ 254点目【課金非推奨】

不正取引が「これまでになく」増加する中、Outseerは決済セキュリティツールに注力 | TechCrunch Japan

RSA Securityは詐欺とリスクインテリジェンスの事業をOutseerという独立会社としてスピンアウトした。Outseerは不正取引が「これまでになく」増加する中で決済セキュリティツールに注力する。

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業部門のスピンアウトである ...

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自主的な企業経営と最新の企業アイデンティティーを特徴とするこの戦略的移行により、Outseerは継承製品すべてを新たに構成したポートフォリオで ...

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業部門のスピンアウトである ...

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June 11, 2021 21:40 UTCニューヨーク--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- HKAは本日、リンダ・オートンが同社のニューヨーク・オフィスを拠点とするパートナー兼最高マーケティングおよび国際事業開発責任者として入社したと発表しました。本プレスリリースではマルチメディアを使用しています。リリースの全文はこちらをご覧ください。:https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210611005488/ja/(写真:ビジネス…

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米カリフォルニア州パロアルト(ビジネスワイヤ) -- RSAセキュリティ(「RSA」または「当社」)は本日、当社の不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業部門を新たな独立企業に移行したと発表しました。この独立企業は世界中の顧客とパートナーのコミュニティーにサービスを提…

StartHome | RSAが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業 ...

科学を駆使した決済認証/アカウントモニタリング向けソリューションは、年間取引が200億件の世界中の6000機関に貢献 米カリフォルニア州パロアルト--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- RSAセキュリティ

不正取引が「これまでになく」増加する中、Outseerは決済 ...

RSA Securityは詐欺とリスクインテリジェンスの事業をOutseerという独立会社としてスピンアウトした。Outseerは不正取引が「これまでになく」増加する中で決済セキュリティツールに注力する。

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正 ...

June 11, 2021 20:43 UTC科学を駆使した決済認証/アカウントモニタリング向けソリューションは、年間取引が200億件の世界中の6000機関に貢献米カリフォルニア州パロアルト--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- RSAセキュリティ(「RSA」または「当社」)は本日、当社の不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業部門を新たな独立企業に移行したと発表しました。この独立企業は世界中の顧客とパートナーのコミュニティーにサービスを提供します。新組織のOutseerは、…

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正 ...

米カリフォルニア州パロアルト(ビジネスワイヤ) -- RSAセキュリティ(「RSA」または「当社」)は本日、当社の不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス事業部門を新たな独立企業に移行したと発表しました。この独立企業は世界中の顧客とパートナーのコミュニティーにサービスを提…

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正 ...

タウシッグCEOは2020年後半にRSAの不正行為・リスクインテリジェンス 事業部門に参加しており、不正防止とデジタル本人確認情報の業界におけるベテランです。自主的な企業経営と最新 の企業アイデンティティーを特徴とするこの戦略 ...

Rsaが顧客認証の変革とデジタル経済の収益拡大を目指し、不正 ...

自主的な企業経営と最新の企業アイデンティティーを特徴とするこの戦略的移行により、Outseerは継承製品すべてを新たに構成したポートフォリオで ...

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Top Data Analytics Jobs of the Year 2021 in India | Work Sydney

by Satavisa Pati May 27, 2021 Analytics Insight has selected the top Data Analytics jobs available in India for 2021.The pandemic forcing everyone to work from home has not been able to hamper the data analyst's job as it is highly connected with technology. Moreover, the gigantic rise of death and number of people affected by coronavirus has demanded data analysts to evaluate the huge amount of unstructured data regarding the effects of the virus and provide people with the valuable information they need to survive this pandemic. So, the 2021 job landscape of Data analytics is looking better than ever. To become successful in a data analysis job, one must be an expert in Python, SQL and must have data visualization skills. Analytics Insight has selected the top jobs of data analytics to apply for in 2021. Data Analyst at BARC INDIABroadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India is a joint-industry body founded by bodies that represent Broadcasters (IBF), Advertisers (ISA), and Advertising & Media Agencies (AAAI). It is also the world's largest television measurement science industry-body. It uses Audio Watermarking technology to measure the viewership of TV channels, and the system also allows the measurement of time-shifted viewing and simulcasts. The company was incorporated in 2010 and is based in Mumbai, India.Roles and responsibilitiesThe person assigned with this job will have to prepare insights about upcoming trends and share them with management to help decision-making. He will drive automation to improve internal efficiencies. Self-enablement of end-user is required through compact and visualization of data and collaboration with the cross-functional teams has to done to drive quality projects.The Data analyst will have to prepare business analytics, data modeling, and presentations and make a simplified process for the end-user. He will process automation Using R /python or any of the tools for consuming time. One will also provide reports on business metrics, including highlights and lowlights – raise alarms in advance. He must proactively identify issues and helps in finding solutions for the same. He should be a part of all key projects and drive for closure. One would have to impart training to end-user regarding automation.Relevant ExperienceThe applicator should have at least 2 to 4 Years of Experience.SkillsHe should have R /Python skills and be an expert in the MS office. He should also have a better understanding of Business Processes.Apply here. Data Engineer Job at ImpetusImpetus is focused on creating big business impact through big data solutions for Fortune 1000 enterprises. The company offers a unique mix of software products, consulting services, data science capabilities, and technology expertise.Required skillsThe applicator should have strong programming experience with Python OR Pyspark. One must have experience working with Big Data streaming services such as Kinesis, Kafka, Storm, etc. along with NoSQL data stores such as HBase, DynamoDB, etc. One would need to have experience working with Hadoop and Big Data processing frameworks (Spark, Hive, Nifi, Spark-Streaming, Flink, etc.) and also with SQL and SQL Analytical functions and experience participating in key business, architectural and technical decisions. One should know how to build and implement the solution. This requires being hands-on to build in quick prototypes/proof of concepts data processing benchmarks. One would have to support continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and technologies and presenting these for architectural review. One will be developing Object-oriented, multi-tier applications in a complex architectural landscape.Relevant ExperienceThe applicator should have 2-8 years of experience.Apply here. Data Scientist Job at JioReliance Jio Infocomm Limited, doing business as Jio, is an Indian telecommunications company and a subsidiary of Jio Platforms, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It operates a national LTE network with coverage across all 22 telecom circles. It does not offer 2G or 3G service, and instead uses only voice over LTE to provide voice service on its 4G network.RoleThe company is looking for a self-driven Lead Data Scientist with a "Can-Do" and "Can-Share" attitude to accelerate solving the complex problems at the scale of India. Jio Big Data Lake is the central data hub inside Jio. This role will give a person the opportunity to work across a wide variety of technology domains.ResponsibilitiesThe data scientist would have to work with large, complex data sets. Solve difficult, non-routine analysis problems, applying advanced analytical methods as needed. One would have to conduct analysis that includes data gathering and requirements specification, processing, analysis, ongoing deliverables, and presentations. One needs to build and prototype analysis pipelines iteratively to provide insights at scale. Develop comprehensive knowledge of algorithms, data structures, and metrics, advocating for changes where needed for product development. One also needs to do research and develop analysis and optimization methods to improve the quality of Jio's user-facing developer-facing and business/operation facing products.Skills requiredThe applicator should have experience in NLP, Machine Learning, Deep learning, AI, Python, SQL/NoSQL Databases, Distributed Systems, and Cloud Native Micro Services.QualificationsThe applicator must have 6 to 9 years of experience required in the Data Science field with a very good academic background.Work locationNavi Mumbai, Bangalore, HyderabadApply here. Business Intelligence Analyst at Cognizant Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world's leading professional services companies, transforming clients'​ business, operating, and technology models for the digital era. Its unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 194 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world.Business SkillsThe business intelligence analyst should have an understanding of trade life cycle events and front office to back-office system flows and should know about other financial data such as Balance Sheet, Risk-Weighted Assets, P&L, etc. One should possess working knowledge of data analysis, management, and governance concepts and tools. One must understand the contemporary requirement's elicitation, analysis, specifications, verification, and management practices and have the ability to apply them in practice. One should have a familiarity with requirements engineering books and resources.Technical SkillsThe applicator should have proficiency with Excel, MS Word, MS Visio, and PowerPoint. He should possess basic SQL skills with the ability to extract and analyze large volumes of data using Oracle or Sybase databases. One should have experience in creating interface specification documents, attribute mapping documents, functional specifications. He must have experience of using JIRA, ALM Quality Centre (or equivalent tools). One should be familiar with creating Gliffy Diagram and Balsamiq Wireframes.Apply here. Quantitative Analyst at BarclaysBarclays is a British universal bank. It is diversified by business, by different types of customers and clients, and by geography. With over 325 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 40 countries and employs approximately 83,500 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests, and protects money for customers and clients worldwide.LocationNoidaResponsibilitiesThe applicator would have to provide development and implementation support to key treasury models, including driver-based models for projecting Barclay's balance sheet. One would have to implement and design statistical projection model code within an IT infrastructure related to CCAR, IRRBB, and IFRS9 regulatory requirements and Treasury functions. One must handle the maintenance and design of the QA Asset & Liability Management quantitative library, ensuring an efficiently organized library and adherence to coding standards, regression testing, and continuous integration. This library supports quantification of Barclays funding and capital plans, forward-looking impairments, and pricing of liquidity and funding risk associated with the bank's asset/liability profile. One should develop a statistical modeling library to support the quick and efficient determination of statistical models used in Barclays Treasury.Relevant Skills The applicator should have experience in delivering Python-based quantitative finance models. One must know about the statistical model development and implementation. One should have knowledge of relevant regulatory guidelines for CCAR, IFRS9, and IRRBB.Apply here. Source link

Killing the Warthog: Milley backs A-10 action - ChinaGoSmart ...

The A-10 Warthog, is probably the greatest tank killer that ever existed. Have you ever watched one, at an airshow? Floating effortlessly, in flat, menacing trajectories. Known for an ability to keep flying after taking multiple rounds of enemy machine gun fire, land and operate in rugged terrain … destroy groups of enemy fighters with a 30mm cannon and unleash an arsenal of attack weapons, National Interest reports. The A-10 is described by pilots as a “flying tank” in the sky — able to hover over ground war and provide life-saving close air support in high-threat combat environments. “It is built to withstand more damage than any other frame that I know of. It’s known for its ruggedness,” A-10 pilot Lt. Col. Ryan Haden, 23rd Fighter Group Deputy, Moody AFB, told Scout Warrior in an interview. The pilot of the A-10 is surrounded by multiple plates of titanium armor, designed to enable the aircraft to withstand small-arms fire and keep flying its attack missions, he said. “The A-10 is not agile, nimble, fast or quick,” Haden said.  “It’s deliberate, measured, hefty, impactful calculated and sound. There’s nothing flimsy or fragile about the way it is constructed or about the way that it flies.” So why, does the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, want to kill it, along with the RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 30. Both military men clearly knew they’d face criticism from lawmakers at the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) — people who really don’t like change because it can affect jobs and cash in their districts and states, Breaking Defense reported. The SASC isn’t keen on the US Air Force’s plans to retire legacy aircraft in favor of new technology, putting a stop to some proposed aircraft retirements and delaying others. In the committee’s version of the fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, lawmakers say that the service must operate a minimum number of aircraft for each major mission set. The legislation also “prohibits the divestment of aircraft until the minima are reached to ensure that [the] Air Force can meet [National Defense Strategy] and combatant command requirements.” North Dakota Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer questioned them about plans to retire the RQ-4 Global Hawk. His state, unsurprisingly, is host to Global Hawks at Beale Air Force Base. “It has to do with relevance and pivoting to the future,” Milley explained. Ah yes, the dreaded “pivot” word — used by media and Pentagon officials alike, in various transposing situations, that ultimately yield nothing. “This budget biases the future operating environment, the change in the character of war and against the pacing threat of China,” Milley said. “That’s not to say that we’re going to stop everything with respect to A-10s, MQ-9s or some of these systems, but we’ve got to make that turn.” And, of course, some members of the SASC defended the A-10 as the best Close Air Support plane, one without peer. They ran right into Milley, who admitted he was fond of the Warthog, having been in combat a fair amount, but the Army general defended the decision. He also mentioned, obliquely, a fact A-10 supporters don’t discuss much — it’s vulnerability in a major war. “We’ve got to recognize and begin to shift toward a future operating environment and the changing character of war, and we must shift the capabilities that are going to be relevant, survivable and effective against a tier one adversary sometime in the future. “This is a modest decrease in the number of A-10s. I think it is an acceptable risk and I support the Air Force’s recommendation,” Gen Milley said. Misawa Air Base personnel welcomed the RQ-4 Global Hawk during the aircraft’s historic first landing in Japanese territory. The remotely piloted system supports U.S. intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions throughout the Pacific. (U.S. Air Force photo/Sgt. April Quintanilla)A-10 Thunderbolt has been in service since the late 1970s and served as a close air support combat aircraft in conflicts such as the Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Allied Force in Kosovo, among others. It has earned a solid reputation as a hunter killer. It’s not a hangar queen, like some “other” American fighter jets, which shall remain nameless. In fact, if the aircraft loses all of its electronics including its digital displays and targeting systems, the pilot of an A-10 can still fly, drop general purpose bombs and shoot the 30mm cannon. By the way, that cannon has 7 barrels. They are centered the way the aircraft fires. The firing barrel goes right down the center line. You can point the aircraft and shoot at the ground. Armed with 1,150 rounds, the 30mm cannon is able to fire 70-rounds a second. “I’ve seen this airplane land on a desert strip with the main gear buried in a foot of sand,” Haden said. “On most planes

Indian SIM cards used in China for frauds under lens - The ...

New Delhi | Indian agencies are engaged in getting details of 1,300 SIM cards as they were being used by a gang of Chinese to hack accounts and commit financial frauds, a suspected activity of a Chinese intelligence agency. All the telecom operators are learnt to have been directed to report to the agencies concerned soon after …

Humo y fuego archivos - Página 12 de 18

Mapea millones de infracciones a nivel nacional, estatal, municipal y local. Cuenta con la base de datos de seguridad georeferenciada privada más grande del país. Está dirigida a los sectores de seguridad, transporte



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