関連ワード (Google、ニューヨーク、店舗等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
画像クレジット:Google and Paul Warchol
バイスプレジデントのJason Rosenthal(ジェイソン・ローゼンタール)氏はプレス向け内覧会で「我々はここ数年間ポップアップストアを通じて、Googleだけがお客様に提供できるものとして何が期待されているかについて理解を深めてきました。2016年、17年、18年、19年のポップアップストアから学び、それをチェルシーにオープンする店舗に取り入れています」と説明した。
画像クレジット:Google and Paul Warchol
17フィート(約5メートル)のウインドウには製品のスクリーンやジオラマが並び、ストア内の至るところに「サンドボックス」がある。大規模家具店にあるのと同様のリビングルームなど、実際の利用状況を効果的に試せるエリアだ。Stadiaをプレイできるゲーミングエリアや、さまざまなHome / Nest製品を試せる防音スペースもある。
Apple Storeと同様に、Pixelsなどのデバイスが故障した際に持ち込んで修理してもらうことができる。Googleは、店舗内で修理できるデバイスを増やしており、画面の破損などの特定の問題は同日修理が可能になる見込みだと説明している。
・リスボンのSenseiがAmazon Go風の自動販売店舗を他小売業者に提供
・アマゾンが手のひら決済「Amazon Oneスキャナー」をスーパーWhole Foodsに導入
画像クレジット:Paul Warchol / Google
There have been plenty of pop-ups over the years, but tomorrow Google’s first store opens in NYC’s Chelsea neighborhood. The brick and mortar model finds the company joining peers like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and even Amazon, all of whom have a retail presence in Manhattan, including several just around the corner from Google’s new digs.
The new space, which opens tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. local time, fills 5,000 square feet of selling space in Google’s big, pricey West Side real estate investment. The retail location was previously occupied by a Post Office and Starbucks, which vacated the premises once their leases expired under their new corporate landlord.
Image Credits: Photos courtesy of Google and Paul Warchol
The store’s layout is designed to be experiential, highlighting the company’s growing hardware portfolio along with select third-party partners. Essentially it’s a way for the company to get Pixel phones, Home offerings, Stadia, WearOS and the newest addition to the hardware portfolio, Fitbit devices, in front of tourists and locals.
“We really used the pop-ups over the last several years to get a better sense of what are customer expectations for what we can uniquely deliver at Google,” VP Jason Rosenthal said during a press preview week. We’ve taken learnings from our 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 pop-ups and really fed that learning into what we’re opening[…] in Chelsea.”
Due to pandemic restrictions, the preview was virtual. And while it’s open to the public this week, the company will be maintaining the standard safety precautions, as the city deals with (knock on wood) the tail end of the pandemic.
And while COVID-19 almost certainly slowed the planned opening, Google promises that things will be in full force starting tomorrow. This follows several weeks of piloting, wherein the store’s 50 or so staffers were put through their paces, while the company put the finishing touches on the experience. Prior to this, Google built a full-size store mockup in a hangar space in Mountain View to test out ideas.
Image Credits: Google and Paul Warchol
In addition to product screens and dioramas lining the 17-foot windows, the company filled the store with “sandboxes” — effectively scenarios like a living room, not dissimilar to what you might find in a large furniture store — albeit better lit. There’s also a gaming area for playing Stadia and a soundproof spot for testing out various Home/Nest products.
Like Apple’s Store, customers can bring in for repair broken devices like Pixels. The company says it’s growing the number of devices that can be repaired on-site, while certain issues, like a broken screen, should be able to be fixed same day.
It seems likely that the store is a pilot in and of itself, with further plans to open additional locations in the U.S. and, perhaps, international markets where the company sells hardware. For now, however, Google won’t discuss the subject beyond tomorrow’s opening in Chelsea.
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Kaori Koyama)
2021-06-19 23:43【誕生日応援企画 PART7-1】
?時間:6月20-23日 10:00-17:00