

関連ワード (Gusto、税金、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





ロサンゼルスを拠点とする同社は、それまで会計事務所EYで10年以上勤務していたJoshua Lee(ジョシュア・リー)氏が2018年に創業した。買収条件は公表されていない。Ardiusは独立した事業として運営され、チーム全体がGustoに移る。


Gustoの共同創業者でCEOのJoshua Reeves(ジョシュア・リーブス)氏は、今回の買収は顧客とシンプルさを重視する同社の長期的な方針に沿ったものだと話す。「我々は、テクノロジーと優れたサービスを融合し、政府をよりシンプルにしたいと考えています」と同氏はいう。「ある意味では、給与計算をよりシンプルに、医療費をよりシンプルに、PPPローン(米政府の融資制度の1つ)や税額控除をよりシンプルにするなど、当社が行っている多くのことは、これらが意図された通りに機能するようにすることなのです」。Gustoはおそらくそうした機能を自社で開発することもできたが、Ardiusを最初の買収対象にしたのは「Time to Market(市場投入までの時間)」が重要なポイントだったと同氏は指摘する。

共同創業者で最高製品責任者のTomer London(トマー・ロンドン)氏は「私たちが長い間この分野に注目していたのは、独善的な製品を作るという当社の当初の製品理念の1つにつながるからです」と話す。人事のような複雑な分野で「私たちは単なるツールではなく、アドバイザーでありたいと考えています。これは、私たちがすでに持っている給与データを数回クリックするだけで、数日後にはそのビジネスにとって本当に重要なキャッシュフローにアクセスできるというすばらしい例です」。また、税額控除については「長い間、私たちのロードマップにあったものです」と述べた。







画像クレジット:Grace Cary / Getty Images


Free money from the government sounds like winning the lottery, but the reality is that most tech startups and even local retail businesses and restaurants can potentially qualify for tax credits related to research and development in the United States. Those credits, which is what helps tech giants keep their tax rates to near zero, are hard for smaller companies to receive because of extensive documentation requirements and potential audit costs.

So a number of startups have been launched to solve that gap, and now, larger companies are entering the fray as well.

Gusto, which started off with payroll for SMBs and has since expanded into employee on-boarding, insurance, benefits and other HR offerings, today announced that it is acquiring Ardius, a startup designed to automate tax compliance particularly around R&D tax credits.

The Los Angeles-based company was founded by Joshua Lee in 2018, who previously had worked for more than a decade at accounting firm EY. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, and Ardius will run as an independent business with the entire team transitioning to Gusto.

The strategy here is simple: Most R&D credits require payroll documentation, data that is already stored in Gusto’s system of record. Ardius in its current incarnation was designed to tap into a number of payroll data providers and extract that data and turn it into verifiable tax documents. With this tie-up, the companies can simply do that automatically for Gusto’s extensive number of customers.

Joshua Reeves, co-founder and CEO of Gusto, said that the acquisition falls in line with the company’s long-term focus on customers and simplicity. “We want to bring together technology, great service, [and] make government simpler,” he said. “In some ways, a lot of stuff we’re doing — make payroll simpler, make healthcare simpler, make PPP [loans] and tax credits simpler — just make these things work the way they’re intended to work.” The company presumably could have built out such functionality, but he noted that “time to market” was a crucial point in making Ardius the company’s first acquisition.

Tomer London, co-founder and chief product officer, said that “we’ve been looking at this space for a long time because it kind of connects to one of our original product principles of building a product that is opinionated,” he said. In a space as complicated as HR, “we want to be out there and be an advisor, not just a tool. And this is just such a great example of where you can take the payroll data that we already have and in just a few clicks and in a matter of a few days, get access to really important cash flow for a business.” He noted that tax credits is “something that’s been on our roadmap for a long time.”

Gusto works with more than 100 third-party services that integrate on top of its platform. Reeves emphasized that while Ardius is part of Gusto, all companies — even those that might compete directly with the product — will continue to have equal access to the platform’s data. In its release, the company pointed out that, Clarus, Neo.Tax and TaxTaker are just some of the other tax products that integrate with Gusto today.

Of course, Ardius is just one of a number of competitors that have popped up in the R&D and economic development tax credit space. MainStreet, which I last profiled in 2020 for its seed round, just raised $60 million in funding in March led by SignalFire. Meanwhile,, which I also profiled last year, has raised a total of $5.5 million.

Reeves was sanguine about the attention the space is garnering and the potential competition for Ardius. When it comes to R&D tax credits, “whatever creates more accessibility, we’re a fan of,” he said. “It’s great that there’s more awareness because it’s still under-utilized frankly.” He emphasized that Gusto would be able to offer a more vertically-integrated solution given its data and software than other competitors in the space.

While the pandemic particularly hit SMBs, who often lacked the financial wherewithal of larger companies to survive the crisis, Gusto actually expanded its business as new companies sprouted up. Reeves said the company grew its customer base 50% in its last fiscal year, which ended in April. It “turns out in a health pandemic and in an economic crisis, things like payroll and accessing health care are quite important,” he said. Gusto launched a program to help SMBs collect the government’s stimulus PPP loans.

The company’s main bases of operation are in San Francisco, Denver and New York City, and the company has a growing contingent of remote workers, including the Ardius crew, who will remain based in LA. While Reeves demurred on future acquisitions, Gusto’s focus on expanding to a comprehensive financial wellness platform for both employees and businesses would likely suggest that additional acquisitions may well be in the offing in the future.


(文:Danny Crichton、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

[税のしくみ] 税の種類と分類 | 税の学習コーナー|国税庁

2 日前  · 個人 (こじん) の 所得 (しょとく) にかかる 税金 (ぜいきん) のことを「 所得税 (しょとくぜい) 」といい、 会社 (かいしゃ) で 給料 (きゅうりょう) をもらっている 人 (ひと) や 自分 (じぶん) で 商売 (しょうばい) をして 利益 (りえき) を 得 (え) ている 人

税制(国の税金の仕組み) : 財務省



令和3年4月1日 国税庁の組織理念 令和3年3月26日 【2021年度】国税専門官採用試験の受験申込みが始まりました[申込期間:3月26日(金)~4月7日(水)] 令和3年3月25日 第1次試験地についてのお知らせ(大阪市、那覇市) 令和3

税金には、どういった種類のものがありますか : 財務省

 · 税金には、課税主体が国である「国税」と、地方公共団体である「地方税」があります。. 国税には、所得税、法人税、相続税、贈与税、消費税、酒税、たばこ税、自動車重量税などがあり、地方税には、住民税、事業税、固定資産税、地方消費税、自動車税などがあります。. 詳細につきましては、「国税・地方税の税目・内訳」をご覧ください。.

[税金] All About|知っておきたい税金・節税知識を解説


租税 - Wikipedia

現代社会ではほとんどの国が 物納 や 労働 ではなく 通貨 ( お金 )による金銭納付を採用しており、日本では 税金 (ぜいきん)と呼ばれている。. 税制 (ぜいせい)とは、歳入( 財政 )の根幹および 政治 や 経済 ( 経世済民 )そのものである。. 商売や契約・取引などの行為および所得や有形無形の財産などに対して税を賦課することを 課税 (かぜい ...



所得税・住民税の計算方法をカンタン解説!税金について知っ ...

税金の計算ができると節税対策などに役立ちます。税金の中でも特に「所得税」と「住民税」の計算方法について、ゆるキャラ「あんずちゃん」とともにわかりやすく解説していきます。 | DAILY ANDS 人生は投資の連続。ひとりでも多くの人が夢や目標を持ち、それに向かってまっすぐに、前向きに人生を楽しむことができるように。Bloom your life.

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所得税はいくらから引かれるのでしょう? アルバイトやパートで得る「給与所得」は、年間103万円以下であれば所得税を払う必要がありませんが、1カ月の収入が8万8000円以上あると、税金が引かれて手取り額が少なくなってしまう場合があります。源泉徴収税額表をもとに所得税の仕組みや税金を取り戻す方法を解説します。

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