

関連ワード (PlanetScale、Vitess、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


YouTubeで最初に開発されたMySQL用のオープンソースのデータベースクラスタリングシステムVitessを提供するPlanetScaleは米国時間6月23日、Insight Partnersが率いるシリーズBのラウンドで3000万ドル(約33億円)を調達したことを発表した。その他にもa16zとSignalFireが参加している。Crunchbaseによると、これで同社の調達総額は5500万ドル(約61億円)になる。


PlanetScaleのCEOで共同創業者のJiten Vaidya(ジテン・ヴァイディヤ)氏は、初期のプロダクトの限界について極めて率直に語る。「実のところ、2020年私たちが開発したものは、ホストされるVitessと呼んでもいいものです。今では多くのクラウドプロバイダーが自分のところでデータベースをホストしていますが、それと変わりないものです。つまりこれまでの私たちのプロダクトには、今日のデベロッパーが求める使いやすさやエレガンス、最先端のUXなどがまったく組み込まれていませんでした」。

しかし数カ月前に同社は、元GitHubのエンジニアリング担当副社長Sam Lambert(サム・ランバート)氏を同社のCPO(チーフ・プロダクト・オフィサー)に迎えた。ヴァイディヤ氏によると、ランバート氏はPlanetScaleにデベロッパーの共感をどっさりと盛り込み、この新製品の立ち上げを助けた。



PlanetScaleは今回の新しい資金でチームをグローバルに大きくし、同プラットフォームの採用を加速させたいと考えている。Insight PartnersのマネージングディレクターであるNikhil Sachdev(ニキル・サチデブ)氏が同社の取締役会に加わり、同社のマネージングディレクターであるPraveen Akkiraju(プラビーン・アッキラジュ)氏も、取締役会のオブザーバーとして参加する。


画像クレジット:PM Images/Getty Images


PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z and SignalFire. With this, the company has now raised a total of $55 million, according to Crunchbase.

Today’s announcement comes only a few weeks after PlanetScale launched its new hosted database platform, also dubbed PlanetScale. The company had previously offered a hosted version of Vitess, but with this new service, it is going a step further and offering what it calls a “developer-first database” that abstracts away all of the infrastructures to ensure that developers won’t have to think about cloud zones, cluster sizes and other details.

Indeed, PlanetScale CEO and co-founder Jiten Vaidya was quite open about the limitations of this earlier product. “What we had built last year was pretty much hosted Vitess, which was no different than how a lot of cloud providers today give you databases,” he said. “So none of this ease of use, none of this elegance, none of these state-of-the-art experiences that the developers want and expect today, we had built into our product.”

But a few months ago, the company brought on former GitHub VP of Engineering Sam Lambert as its Chief Product Officer. Vaidya noted that Lambert brought a lot of developer empathy to PlanetScale and helped it launch this new product.

“People come to you because they’re not database experts, but they have data, they have problems,” Lambert said. “And too many companies, especially in the database world, do not think about the daily lives of their users like we do. They don’t think about the complete journey of what the user is actually trying to do, which is to provide value to their customers. They’re just very impressed with themselves for storing and retrieving data. And it’s like, yep, we’ve been doing that. We’ve been doing that since the 60s. Can we do something else now?”

The company’s users today include the likes of Slack, Figma, GitHub and Square, so it’s clearly delivering value to a lot of users. As Lambert noted, PlanetScale aims to offer them a product that is simple and easy to use. “Just because it is simple and easy to use, and beautiful, honestly — like just beautiful, well-designed tooling — it doesn’t mean it’s inferior. It doesn’t mean it’s missing anything. It means the others are missing the poetry and the additional elements of beauty that you can add to infrastructure products,” he said.

PlanetScale plans to use the new funding to scale its team globally and accelerate the adoption of its platform. Insight Partners Managing Director Nikhil Sachdev will join the company’s board, with the firm’s Managing Director Praveen Akkiraju also joining as a board observer.

“PlanetScale is setting a new bar for simplicity, performance and scalability for cloud-based databases in the serverless era,” said Sachdev. “The developer experience for databases has been painful for too long. PlanetScale is breaking that chain, solving longstanding problems related to scalability and reliability in an extremely elegant, tasteful, and useful way.”

(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Database Platform PlanetScale Announces $30M Series B | AI ...

PlanetScale, the creator of Vitess, today announced that it has secured $30 million in Series B funding led by Insight Partners with participation

PlanetScale raises $30M Series B for its database service

PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z and SignalFire. Today's announcement comes only a few weeks after PlanetScale launched its new hosted database platform, also dubbed PlanetScale. Indeed, PlanetScale CEO and co-founder Jiten Vaidya was quite open about the limitations of this earlier product.

John McAfee fundamentally changed the way we target ...

John McAfee may be best known for his erratic and eccentric personality, but his contributions to cybersecurity can’t be overlooked.

PlanetScale Announces $30M Series B Funding | citybiz

SAN FRANCISCO-(BUSINESS WIRE)-PlanetScale, the creator of Vitess, today announced that it has secured $30 million in Series B funding led by Insight Partners with participation from a16z and SignalFire.Nikhil Sachdev, Managing Director at Insight Partners, joins the PlanetScale board, with Praveen Akkiraju, also Managing Director, being named a board observer.

A Scientist Tracked Down Chinese Coronavirus Sequences ...

“I think it's certainly consistent with an attempt to hide the sequences,” said the researcher, whose internet sleuthing has uncovered 13 genetic sequences from early in the outbreak in Wuhan, China.View Entire Post ›

Debezium 1.6.0.CR1 Released

Debezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture. Start it up, point it at your databases, and your apps can start responding to all of the inserts, updates, and deletes that other apps commit to your databases. Debezium is durable and fast, so your apps can respond quickly and never miss an event, even when things go wrong.

Sanity raises $39M for its "use-anywhere" approach to ...

This round, a Series B, is led by ICONIQ Growth (the growth round investment arm of the storied ICONIQ, backed by a number of high profile family offices including that of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg). It is not disclosing its valuation, but Magnus Hillestad, Sanity's CEO and co-founder, said the company was "very happy" with the number. Sanity is now being used by almost 100,000 developers, marketers, content creators and product professionals, the company said, with "active users" numbering at 30,000 (double the number of active users the company had in October, he said).

PlanetScale raises $30M Series B for its database service ...

PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z...

データベースクラスタリングのPlanetScaleはシンプルで使いやすい開発者体験を実現 | TechCrunch ...

YouTubeで最初に開発されたMySQL用のオープンソースのデータベースクラスタリングシステムVitessを提供するPlanetScaleは米国時間6月23日、Insight Partnersが率いるシリーズBのラウンドで3000万ドル(約33億円)を調達したことを発表した。

Euro court rules YouTube not automatically liable for ...

PlanetScale grabs YouTube-developed open-source tech, promises Vitess DBaaS with on-the-fly schema changes Indian MP calls for Australian-style pay for news laws In YouTube's world, parental supervision means: 'Everyone sign in to Google, click once, and trust we get it right'

PlanetScale raises $30M in Series B from Insight Partners

PlanetScale raises $30M in Series B from Insight Partners to accelerate its platform’s exposure and increase its adoption rate



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Great deal on 2021 SCOTT Contessa Active eRIDE 920: Red - New - 40cm frame size. velocorner offers 15'000+ bikes from 300+ bike stores and individuals..

Видеотрансляция матча ЮСФА - Витесс смотреть онлайн 23.06.2021

Видеотрансляция матча ЮСФА - Витесс смотреть онлайн 23.06.2021. Смотрите футбольную трансляцию, выбирайте из нескольких вариантов источников, в хорошем hd качестве.

Myanmar trial of Australian advisor to Suu Kyi still not set

The case of an Australian economist and advisor to Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi who like her was arrested when the military seized power in February remained in legal limbo Wednesday as a court considered where he should be tried. Su Kyi, her advisor Sean Turnell and three former Cabinet ministers were charged in March under Myanmar’s official secrets law, which is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Turnell has not appeared in public since he was detained on Feb. 6 and did not attend Wednesday's court hearing.

Google delays plan to phase out Chrome ad-tracking tech

Google says it's delaying plans to phase out Chrome web browser technology that tracks users for ad purposes because it needs more time to develop a replacement system. The tech giant said Thursday that its deadline to remove so-called third-party cookies will be pushed back to late 2023, nearly two years later than the initial timing of January 2022. “We need to move at a responsible pace, allowing sufficient time for public discussion on the right solutions and for publishers and the advertising industry to migrate their services,” Vinay Goel, the director of privacy engineering for Chrome, said in a blog post.

VB Home Page - Page 2 - WEBLK.NET

Tomi.ai, a digital sales optimization platform, has raised $1 million in seed funding from Begin Capital and the Phystech Leadership Fund.Read More

Voorspellingen Vitess

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Bird reveals its own e-bike as it moves into bikesharing

Bird Bikes will arrive in several North American and European cities this year.

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Héich Vitess a vill Kaméidi Vill Diskussioun ëm Verkéierssécherheet am Bärelerbierg an an der Millebaach. Vill Diskussioun ëm Verkéierssécherheet am Bärelerbierg an an der Millebaach.

How To Navigate June's Powerful Full Moon, Based On Your ...

The next full moon is coming up on Thursday, June 24.

データベースクラスタリングのPlanetScaleはシンプルで使いやすい開発者体験を実現 | TechCrunch ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:データベースクラスタリングのPlanetScaleはシンプルで使いやすい開発者体験を実現 | TechCrunch Japan

Vitess(製品・サービス) | TechCrunch Japan



PlanetsCale,它在Vitess上建立了一个类似的数据库,帮助缩放YouTube的Tech,提高了30万系列B . 2021-6-23 21:16. 欧盟司法法院称YouTube和其他平台对某些条件下用户上传的版权侵权内容不承担责任 . 2021-6-22 17:32.

RTL - Op der Pompel: 98er Bensin gëtt méi deier

Héich Vitess a vill Kaméidi Vill Diskussioun ëm Verkéierssécherheet am Bärelerbierg an an der Millebaach . 21/06/2021. Vill Diskussioun ëm Verkéierssécherheet am Bärelerbierg an an der ...

京东云靠什么撑起 618 大促? - 环信

今年的 618 前夕,何小锋显然没有以前那么紧张,人更放松,说话也更淡定。一方面,作为京东科技京东云云原生平台负责人,他已经参加过 19 次大促备战,积累了丰富的经验。

≥ Tweedehands stoelleestafel voor bij sta-op stoel - ZO ...

Deze stoelleestafel wordt u aangeboden door zorgoutlet driebergen. Deze stoelleestafel staat in de showroom, winkel van zorgoutlet in driebergen. Wij hebben een ruime keuze in nieuwe en tweedehands

PlanetScale simplifica la complejidad de las bases de ...

Nos dice que entre las innovaciones de PlanetScale hay algunas basadas en Vitess, una rama de MySQL que surgió del trabajo de YouTube para escalar el mundo horizontalmente. Vitess es utilizado por hiperescaladores como Slack, GitHub y Square. Esta entrevista ha sido editada para mayor brevedad y claridad.

≥ scootmobielen - Zorg | Brommobielen en Scootmobielen ...

Zo goed als nieuw uit 2020! Deze sterke 3 wiel scooter is niet alleen mooi om te zien maar rijdt ook super. De nova motors bendi is een driewielige elektrische scooter of te wel elektrische

PlanetScale raises $30M Series B for its database service

PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z and SignalFire. Today's announcement comes only a few weeks after PlanetScale launched its new hosted database platform, also dubbed PlanetScale. Indeed, PlanetScale CEO and co-founder Jiten Vaidya was quite open about the limitations of this earlier product.

Database Platform PlanetScale Announces $30M Series B | AI ...

PlanetScale, the creator of Vitess, today announced that it has secured $30 million in Series B funding led by Insight Partners with participation

PlanetScale Announces $30M Series B Funding | citybiz

SAN FRANCISCO-(BUSINESS WIRE)-PlanetScale, the creator of Vitess, today announced that it has secured $30 million in Series B funding led by Insight Partners with participation from a16z and SignalFire.Nikhil Sachdev, Managing Director at Insight Partners, joins the PlanetScale board, with Praveen Akkiraju, also Managing Director, being named a board observer.

PlanetScale raises $30M in Series B from Insight Partners

PlanetScale raises $30M in Series B from Insight Partners to accelerate its platform’s exposure and increase its adoption rate

Google delays Chrome's blocking of tracking cookies to ...

(Reuters) -Google's Chrome web browser will not fully block tracking cookies until late 2023, the Alphabet Inc company said on Thursday, delaying by nearly two years a move that has drawn antitrust concerns from competitors and regulators. Google had wanted to bar reams of ad-personalization companies from gathering users' browsing interests through cookies from January 2022. After an investigation, Britain's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) agreed this month with Google to oversee the Chrome changes.

PlanetScale raises $30M Series B for its database service ...

PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z...

Equinox Open Library Initiative Presents 'Developing Open ...

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A Scientist Tracked Down Chinese Coronavirus Sequences ...

“I think it's certainly consistent with an attempt to hide the sequences,” said the researcher, whose internet sleuthing has uncovered 13 genetic sequences from early in the outbreak in Wuhan, China.View Entire Post ›

Google is delaying its plan to kill third-party cookies in ...

Google had originally intended to phase out third-party cookies and replace them with new technologies from its "Privacy Sandbox" by 2022.

Extreme Networks taps up Microsoft Azure to provide UK ...

Extreme Networks will draw on Microsoft Azure's UK datacentre region to provide its customers with locally hosted versions of its flagship cloud management platform

Patterson Companies Reports Fiscal 2021 Fourth-Quarter and ...

PlanetScale, the company behind the open-source Vitess database clustering system for MySQL that was first developed at YouTube, today announced that it has raised a $30 million Series B funding round led by Insight Partners, with participation from a16z and SignalFire. Today's announcement comes only a few weeks after PlanetScale launched its ...

Myanmar trial of Australian advisor to Suu Kyi still not set

The case of an Australian economist and advisor to Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi who like her was arrested when the military seized power in February remained in legal limbo Wednesday as a court considered where he should be tried. Su Kyi, her advisor Sean Turnell and three former Cabinet ministers were charged in March under Myanmar’s official secrets law, which is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Turnell has not appeared in public since he was detained on Feb. 6 and did not attend Wednesday's court hearing.

Illumio Scores $275 Million at $2.75 Billion Valuation ...

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The Next Snowflake? Neo4j and Firebolt Raise $500M in ...

More than $500 million in new funding is going to two database vendors — Neo4j and Firebolt —as investors look for the next Snowflake in the red-hot, $50 billion database market. And Couchbase, which already has received $251 million in venture funding, announced plans on June 21 to file an initial public offering.Couchbase could be valued at up to $3 billion, according to Reuters.

Bird reveals its own e-bike as it moves into bikesharing

Bird Bikes will arrive in several North American and European cities this year.

Amazon vet Dorothy Li joins trucking startup Convoy as CTO ...

Dorothy Li. (Convoy Photo) Dorothy Li, a 23-year Amazon vet who helped the tech giant launch everything from the Kindle to its Prime membership program, is the latest experienced executive to join Convoy's leadership team.. The Seattle startup today named Li its new chief technology officer. She will oversee engineering teams building Convoy's digital freight network that matches shippers ...

Deep Instinct: AI, deep learning tools can help prevent ...

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データベースクラスタリングのPlanetScaleはシンプルで使いやすい開発者体験を実現 | TechCrunch ...

YouTubeで最初に開発されたMySQL用のオープンソースのデータベースクラスタリングシステムVitessを提供するPlanetScaleは米国時間6月23日、Insight Partnersが率いるシリーズBのラウンドで3000万ドル(約33億円)を調達したことを発表した。

VB Home Page - Page 2 - WEBLK.NET

Tomi.ai, a digital sales optimization platform, has raised $1 million in seed funding from Begin Capital and the Phystech Leadership Fund.Read More

'Dune' in Imax leads Toronto Film Festival 2021 lineup ...

As life moves to a post-vaccinated new normal, film festivals are looking to bring people together once again. While key festivals in Cannes, Venice and Telluride are forging ahead with primarily in-person events, the Toronto International Film Festival will once again go the hybrid route mixing in-person and digital screenings for this year's edition, scheduled […]

Lightspin nabs $20M to boost enterprise cloud security ...

Cloud security platform Lightspin today announced that it raised $16 million in a series A round led by Dell Technologies Capital, with participation from Ibex Investors. Cofounder and CEO Vladi Sandler says that the funds, which bring the company's total raised to $20 million, will be used to expand Lightspin's market reach and product offering.

Worse Than Ghosting: How To Know If You've Been "Zombied ...

The only thing worse than getting ghosted is when the ghost comes back.

中国のロボットタクシーユニコーンのWeRideが5カ月で660億円を超える資金を調達 | TechCrunch Japan



PlanetsCale,它在Vitess上建立了一个类似的数据库,帮助缩放YouTube的Tech,提高了30万系列B . 2021-06-23 21:16:28. 一些创建数据库的人喜欢从干净的板岩开始。 PlanetsCale,在周三的A16Z和SignalFire中获得3000万美元的B系列资金,采取了略微不同的方法。

Veracode: 79% of devs don't update third-party libraries ...

Welcome! Log into your account. your username. your password


PlanetsCale,它在Vitess上建立了一个类似的数据库,帮助缩放YouTube的Tech,提高了30万系列B . 2021-6-23 21:16. 欧盟司法法院称YouTube和其他平台对某些条件下用户上传的版权侵权内容不承担责任 . 2021-6-22 17:32.


日本初のESG重視型ベンチャーキャピタルファンド「MPower Partners Fund L.P.」(以下、MPower Partners)を設立したキャシー松井さんと村…

「会食ゼロで大型の資金調達」私たちが大企業を辞め56歳で起業した理由 五十路デビューは全然遅くない ...

日本初のESG重視型ベンチャーキャピタルファンド「MPower Partners Fund L.P.」(以下、MPower Partners)を設立したキャシー松井さんと村上由美子さん。もう一人の設立者である関美和さんも含めて、3人とも長年大企業に勤め、華やかなキャリアを築いてきた正真正銘のスーパーウーマンだ。そんな女性たちが、50代半ばでなぜベンチャーの世界に飛び込んだのか──。

3500社超が導入、属人化し蓄積されていない社内ナレッジを整理・検索できる情報共有クラウド「Qast」が1.5億円 ...

社内向けのストック型情報共有クラウド「Qast」を運営するanyは6月23日、第三者割当増資ならびに金融機関によるデット・ファイナンスを通して、総額約1億5000万円の資金調達を実施したと発表した。引受先はアーキタイプベンチャーズ、グローバル・ブレイン 、HENNGE。

中国ネット配車「滴滴」ついにアメリカでIPO申請 | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン | 経済 ...


世界に挑戦する日本発プラントベースドフードブランド「2foods」等を手掛ける株式会社TWOがJ-KISS型新株予約 ...

資金調達概要 この度、TWO(トゥー)は、J-KISS型新株予約権の発行により、初回資金調達を実施しました。今回調達した資金は、プラントベースドフードブランドである「2foods(トゥーフーズ)」事業の展開加速のために充当します。

世界に挑戦する日本発プラントベースドフードブランド「2foods」等を手掛ける株式会社TWOがJ-KISS型新株予約 ...

株式会社TWOのプレスリリース(2021年6月24日 10時00分)世界に挑戦する日本発プラントベースドフードブランド[2foods]等を手掛ける株式会社TWOがJ-KISS型新株予約権の発行により、初回資金調達を実施

「会食ゼロで大型の資金調達」私たちが大企業を辞め56歳で起業した理由 - ニュース・コラム - Yahoo!ファイナンス

日本初のESG重視型ベンチャーキャピタルファンド「MPower Partners Fund L.P.」(以下、MPowe...

累計調達額約90億円。ユニファceo土岐泰之が語るスタートアップ資金調達のポイント(第3話) | Dimension ...

「家族の幸せを生み出す あたらしい社会インフラを 世界中で創り出す」をパーパス(存在意義)に掲げ、次世代型保育施設「スマート保育園®」というコンセプトを軸に、午睡センサー、フォトサービス、体温計、シフト管理などのサービスを通して、保育業界全体のDXを牽引するユニファ株式会社。累計資金調達額は約90億円に上る。そんな同社代表取締役CEOの土岐泰之(とき やすゆき)氏に、起業家の素養や事業成長のポイントなどについてDIMENSIONビジネスプロデューサーの下平将人が聞いた(全4話)

中国初の中古ブランド品のライブコマースプラットフォーム「妃魚」が資金調達 | 36Kr Japan | 最大級の中国 ...


起業家と投資家をつなぐピッチ動画プラットフォーム「GoToPitch」がリリース | 起業・創業・資金調達の創業手帳

2021年6月24日、ScientistPage株式会社は、「GoToPitch」をリリースしたことを発表しました。 「GoToPitch」は、ピッチ動画作成・録画機能とマッチング機能を併せ持つ、登録制のクローズドな動画プラットフォームです。 専用の録画システムにより、定められたフォーマットで、起業家本人と

くにうみAI証券 資金調達実施のお知らせ 新規事業で「1-Stop×2-AI」のユニークな証券会社を目指す|くにうみ ...

くにうみAI証券株式会社のプレスリリース:くにうみAI証券 資金調達実施のお知らせ 新規事業で「1-Stop×2-AI」のユニークな証券会社を目指す

「ハマス国際金融防止法」 米国下院で提出、ビットコイン含む資金調達を防止へ


プロパー融資のメリットを銀行員が解説!ネットにある情報は真実か?| 資金調達プロ

あなたがイメージするプロパー融資のメリットは根拠があるものでしょうか?   根拠や理由がよくわからないけど、ネット記事に書いてあるメリットを鵜吞みにしているだけではありませんか?   私は勤続30年以上の銀行員で、融資担当として数多くのお客様に接してきました。プロパー融資に関するネット記事は数多くありますが、目を通してみると、正直「そうとは言い切

Securitize、Series Bラウンドで4,800万ドルを調達。デジタル証券とプライベート資本市場での ...

Securitize, Inc.は6月22日、シリーズB資金調達ラウンドにおいて当初想定の投資枠を超える投資希望を受け、新規および既存の投資家から4,800万ドルを調達した。

NFTプラットフォーム「ラリブル(Rarible)」約15.8億円調達、FLOWとの連携も | あたらしい経済

NFTプラットフォーム「ラリブル(Rarible)」約15.8億円調達、FLOWとの連携も NFTプラットフォームであるラリブル(Rarible)が約15.8億円(1,420万ドル)の資金調達を行ったことを6月24日に発表した。今回の資金調達はヴェンロック・キャピタル(Venrock

「Gencho(ゲンチョウ)」を展開する株式会社rtプロジェクトがエンジェル投資家より資金調達を実施 ...

「現場で働く誰の手にもGENCHO〜情報共有の革新から建設をアップデートする〜」をミッションに掲げ、現場調査(現調)に特化した「GENCHO(ゲンチョウ)」を展開する株式会社RTプロジェクト(本社:愛知県名古屋市、以下、… 続きを読む »


[ScientistPage株式会社]独自の録画機能とマッチング機能で、より効率的な資金調達・投資の実現へ『全ての情報を動画に』をコンセプトに動画プラットフォームサービスを開発するScientistPage株式会社(所在地:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:Shashank Tyagi、以下 ScientistPage)は、スタートアップへの投資活性化に向けて、日本初のピッチ動画作成・録画機能とマッチング機能を併せ持つ動画プラットフォーム「GoToPitch」( https://gotopitch.…



KYC as a Service「TRUSTDOCK」が、 グロービス・キャピタル・パートナーズほか複数社から13億 ...

KYC as a Service「TRUSTDOCK」が、 グロービス・キャピタル・パートナーズほか複数社から13億円の資金調達を実施

【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億ドルを資金 ...


税理士ドットコム - [資金調達]法人の借入れに伴う金銭消費貸借契約の当事者について - 個人の口座を通過させただけ ...


くにうみAI証券 資金調達実施のお知らせ 新規事業で「1-Stop×2-AI」のユニークな証券会社を目指す ...


【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億ドルを資金 ...




世界に挑戦する日本発プラントベースドフードブランド「2foods」等を手掛ける株式会社TWOがJ-KISS型新株予約 ...


【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/06/24 12:27 - 「【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億ドルを資金調達」(フィスコ)


*12:27JST 【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億ドルを資金調達 ■中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産自動車<7201>・三菱自動車<7211>の3社連合などから合計6億ドルの資金調達を実施 ■日本発プラントベースドフードブランド「2foods」等展開のTWO、三井住友海上キャピタル運営ファンドなどから資金調達を実施 ■企業の人材育成DXを支援する「Talent Amp」提供のvillio、ANRIなどからシードラウンドで資金調達を実施 ■ジンズHD<3046...

3dテクノロジーで最適な歯科矯正治療を。透明マウスピース型の歯科矯正サービスがfundinnoで資金調達へ | 株式 ...


企業の人材育成のDXを支援する「Talent Amp」を提供するvillio、ANRIをはじめとした、複数の投資家 ...

企業の人材育成のDXを支援する「Talent Amp」を提供するvillio、ANRIをはじめとした、複数の投資家からシードラウンドでの資金調達を実施、β版提供開始に伴いエンジニア採用も強化

【M&A速報:2021/06/24(1)】中国自動運転のウィーライド、仏ルノー・日産・三菱自連合等から6億ドルを資金 ...




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