AIを利用したリアルタイム音声文字起こしサービスOtter.aiがGoogle Meetでも利用可能に
今回は「AIを利用したリアルタイム音声文字起こしサービスOtter.aiがGoogle Meetでも利用可能に」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (Google Meet、、ビデオ会議、文字起こし等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
すでにZoomでオンラインミーティングやウェビナーの録音に使われているAIを利用した音声文字起こしサービスのオッターエーアイ)は米国時間1月21日、Google Meetのユーザー1億人超へのサービス提供を開始した。しかし今回の場合、Otter.aiはChromeウェブブラウザエクステンションとしてライブでインタラクティブな文字変換とビデオキャプションを行う。
インストールすると、Google Meetのコール中に「Live Notes」パネルがChromeウェブブラウザ上卯で直接起動し、Google Meetインターフェースの横に表示される。パネルは移動させることができ、ミーティングが行われている間スクロールできる。
加えて、ユーザーはカスタムボキャブラリーをサポートするOtter.aiのライブキャプション機能を使うことも可能だ。Google Meetではすでに他のライブキャプショニングの選択肢もあるが、他サービスとの違いは、Otterのシステムではミーティングが終わった時にコラボ可能な翻訳テキストを作成できることだと同社は指摘する。一方、他のシステムはミーティングの間のみライブキャプションを提供する傾向にある。
過去にOtterは、無料プランの顧客を有料プランに引きつけようとZoomでのサービス提供に踏み切ったが、今回のGoogle Meetサポートでも同じことを試みたいようだ。Otterの有料プランでは、1カ月あたりの録音できる時間が多く、音声起こしのために音声と動画のインポート、さまざまなエクスポートオプション、高度な検索機能、Dropboxのシンク、追加のセキュリティ対策などさまざまな機能が用意されている。
【原文】, the A.I.-powered voice transcription service that already integrates with Zoom for recording online meetings and webinars, is today bringing its service to Google Meet’s over 100 million users. However, in this case, will provide its live, interactive transcripts and video captions by way of a Chrome web browser extension.
Once installed, a “Live Notes” panel will launch directly in the Chrome web browser during Google Meet calls, where it appears on the side of the Google Meet interface. The panel can be moved around and scrolled through as the meeting is underway.
Here, users can view the live transcript of the online meeting, as it occurs. They can also adjust the text size, then save and share the audio transcripts when the meeting has wrapped.
The company says the feature helps businesses cut down on miscommunication, particularly for non-native English speakers who may have trouble understanding the spoken word. It also offers a more accessible way for engaging with live meeting content.
And because the transcriptions can be shared after the fact, people who missed the meeting can still be looped in to catch up — an increasing need in the remote-work era of the pandemic, where home and parenting responsibilities can often distract users from their daily tasks.
The transcripts themselves can also be edited after the fact by adding images and highlights, and they can be searched by keywords, as with any transcription.
In addition, users can access the company’s Live Captions feature that supports custom vocabulary. Otter points out that there are other live captioning options already available for Google Meet, but the difference here is that Otter’s system creates a collaborative transcript when the meeting ends. Other systems, meanwhile, tend to just offer live captions during the meeting itself.
To use the new feature, Chrome users will need to install the Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store, then sign in to their account. The new feature is available to all customers, including those on Basic, Pro and Business plans.
Otter in the past leveraged its earlier Zoom integration to push more users from free plans to paid tiers and will likely do the same with the new Google Meet support. The company’s paid plans offer the ability to record more minutes per month and include a range of additional features like the ability to import audio and video for transcription, a variety of export options, advanced search features, Dropbox sync, added security measures and more.
The company has seen its business increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying shift to online meetings. Last April, Otter said it had transcribed over 25 million meetings, and its revenue run rate had doubled compared with the end of 2019. In 2020,’s revenue was up 8x over last year, the company said. It has now transcribed over 100 million meetings and 300 billion+ minutes to date.
Google Meet(旧称 Hangouts Meet) – 無料のビデオ会議
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Google Meet (formerly Hangouts Meet) – Free Video Meetings
Google Meet(旧称 Hangouts Meet)のビデオ会議ソリューションはブラウザとモバイルアプリのどちらからでも使用できます。HD 動画でのセキュアなビデオ会議をぜひご利用ください。
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Otter Voice Meeting Notes –
Otter is where conversations live Generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations with Otter, your AI-powered assistant. Augmentation using AI is the future of online meetings. We are …
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「」をご存じでしょうか。話し言葉をテキストにするクラウド型の自動文字起こしツールです。 現時点では英語にしか対応していないものの、その精度や実用性の高さから、海外展示会の取材で必携のツールとして、テクノロジー系の記者・ライターで小さなブームとなりました(詳しくは旅人ライター中山智氏の紹介記事をご覧ください)。 関連記事: 英語音声自動認識&テキスト化サービス「Otter」をさらにリアルタイムで日本語翻訳する:旅人目線のデジタルレポ 中山智
Otter Voice Meeting Notes –
Otter Voice Meeting Notes – Otter is a smart note-taking app that empowers you to remember, search, and share your voice conversations. Otter creates smart voice notes that combine audio, transcription, speaker identification, inline photos, and key phrases.
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すでにZoomでオンラインミーティングやウェビナーの録音に使われているAIを利用した音声文字起こしサービスのOtter.aiは米国時間1月21日、Google Meetのユーザー1億人超へのサービス提供を開始した。しかし今回の場合、Otter.aiはChromeウェブブラウザエクステンションとしてライブでインタラク..
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Otter is where conversations live. It records and takes meeting notes for you in real time, so you can stay focused on the conversation and rest assured that information, actions, attendees are captured, easily searchable, and shareable with your team. Also available online at . 600 minutes free every month. English only. Supercharge your note taking with AI and use Otter for all your meetings, interviews, lectures, and everyday voice conversations. Many Uses of Otter ★ Take meeting notes automatically ★ Share meeting minutes and summary with teammates to keep everyone in sync ★ Invite collaborators to edit and highlight meeting notes ★ Record and transcribe interviews, lectures, podcasts, videos, webinars, keynotes ★ Provide live captioning to deaf, hard-of-hearing, ESL people, and anyone with accessibility needs Record & Transcribe Live ★ Record instantly in one tap, with widget and shortcut too ★ Transcribe in real time (when online) with high accuracy ★ Highlight the key points to review later ★ Insert photos of whiteboard discussions, slides, etc. ★ Scroll back to grab a quote or revisit a point ★ Input audio via built-in mic or Bluetooth device Enrich Notes with AI ★ Punctuate, capitalize, and break paragraphs automatically ★ Identify speakers (after some training) ★ Generate word clouds and summary keywords; tap on a word to jump to where it was said Share & Collaborate ★ Start a recording inside a group to share the transcript live ★ Invite group members to view, edit, and highlight collaboratively ★ Share externally via links ★ Include a link in your tweet to embed an interactive transcript Search & Playback ★ Search the text so you don't have to scrub through the whole audio ★ Playback at adjustable speeds ★ Follow along the highlighted word as the audio is playing ★ Tap on any word to skip the audio to that spot Edit & Highlight ★ Edit the text to correct any errors ★ Tag the speakers to label the paragraphs and train Otter to identify speakers too ★ Highlight sentences in one tap Organize & Export ★ Organize your conversations into personal folders ★ Copy to clipboard, or share directly into other apps ★ Export text as PDF, TXT, or SRT ★ Export audio as MP3 Import & Sync ★ Import audio (aac, m4a, mp3, wav, wma) and video (avi, mov, mp4, mpg, wmv) ★ Sync with your Zoom (Pro or higher) account to transcribe cloud recordings ★ Upload from Call Recorder – ACR or other call recording apps ★ Sync with your calendars to get reminders to record your meetings and auto-title your notes ★ Import your contacts to make it easier to share ★ Back up your data to Otter’s cloud automatically and access securely from any device Otter Pro ★ Get 6,000 minutes of transcription per month ★ Bulk export ★ More playback speeds and skip silence Otter Business ★ Built for teams and organizations ★ Capture, organize, and share valuable knowledge collaboratively ★ Manage accounts and billing centrally ★ Learn more at Top Honors ★ "Best Daily Helpers of 2018" – Google Play ★ "7 Best Apps of 2018" – Mashable ★ "25 Best New Apps of 2018" – Fast Company ★ “40 Best Free Android Apps” – Tom’s Guide ★ "100 Best Android Apps for 2019" – PCMag Requirements ※ Android 5.0 & up ※ Internet connection ※ You need to create an account to enjoy Otter. See our Terms of Service: We take security and privacy very seriously. Your data is confidential with Otter. We do not sell or share your data with 3rd parties. You have full control to delete your data permanently. Learn more at Contact Us Email: Facebook: @OtterAI LinkedIn: Twitter: @otter_ai Web:
Otter Plans –
We accept credit and debit card payments on our website, and in-app purchase charged to your iTunes or Google Play account. Yes, we offer an Educational Discount of 50% off the regular subscription price. To subscribe:
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