

関連ワード (Bugatti、Bugatti-Rimac、Rimac Automobili、VW、買収、電気自動車等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


クロアチアの電動スーパーカー・スタートアップであるRimac Automobili(リーマック・アウトモビリ)が、フランスに本拠を置く超高級車ブランドのBugatti(ブガッティ)を、Volkswagen Group(フォルクスワーゲン・グループ)から買収することになった。Financial Times(フィナンシャル・タイムズ)の報道によると、リマックは新会社「Bugatti-Rimac(ブガッティ・リマック)」の支配的な55%の株式を所有し、フォルクスワーゲン・グループのPorsche(ポルシェ)が残りの45%を所有することになるという。

「リマックとブガッティは、互いに提供し合える有益な特色が完璧にマッチします」と、リマックの創業者でCEOであるMate Rimac(マテ・リマック)氏は、声明で述べている。「若く、機敏で、急速な自動車およびテクノロジー企業として、当社は電動技術における業界のパイオニアとしての地位を確立してきました。また、当社は先日発表したNevera(ネバーラ)によって、速いだけでなく、エキサイティングで高品質な優れたハイパーカーを開発・製造できることを証明しました。ブガッティは、1世紀以上にわたる卓越したエンジニアリングの経験を持ち、また歴史上最もすばらしい伝統を持つ自動車会社の1つでもあります」。



今回の発表にともない、リマックはバッテリーシステムやドライブトレインなどの電気自動車用コンポーネントの開発・生産・供給業務を、リマック・グループが100%所有する新会社「Rimac Technology(リマック・テクノロジー)」に分離し、別の組織として世界中の自動車メーカーと協業していくと述べている。

なお、ブガッティ・リマックの設立は、リマック・グループ内の株主構成には影響しない。同社の声明によると、マテ・リマック氏は引き続きリマック・グループの37%の株式を保有し、Hyundai Motor Group(現代自動車グループ)が同12%、その他の投資家が27%の株式を保有するとのこと。ポルシェは最近、リマックへの出資比率を15%から24%に引き上げたが、その保有株式の合計によって新しいEV会社の支配権を持つことはない、と両社はFTに語っている。


関連記事:ポルシェがEVハイパーカー・部品メーカーRimac Automobiliの持分を24%に増やす

画像クレジット:Rimac Automobili


Croatian electric supercar startup Rimac Automobili is taking over Bugatti. Rimac will own a controlling 55% share in the new company, Bugatti-Rimac, with VW’s Porsche owning the remaining 45%, according to reports by the Financial Times.

“Rimac and Bugatti are a perfect match in terms of what we each bring to the table,” said founder and CEO of Rimac, Mate Rimac, in a statement. “As a young, agile and fast-paced automotive and technology company, we have established ourselves as an industry pioneer in electric technologies. With the Nevera, we have also proven that we can develop and manufacture outstanding hypercars, that are not only fast but also exciting and high-quality. Bugatti, with over a century of experience in engineering excellence, also possesses one of the most exceptional heritage of any car company in history.”

The company recently unveiled the Nevera, a hypercar powered by a 120kWh battery pack and four motors to achieve a staggering 1.4MW of power, which is about 1,914 horsepower. It can go from 0 to 60 mph in 1.85 seconds and has a top speed of 258 mph. The Nevera is expected to be the fastest sports car, a spot previously held by the Bugatti Chiron’s.

Rimac’s meteoric rise from bootstrapping in a garage in 2009 to building supercars with one of the most desirable and well-known car brands demonstrates how electric vehicles are beginning to take over the luxury and sports car market. It’s not just about doing what’s right for the environment – it’s about pioneering speed in the future of automobiles.

Along with this announcement, Rimac said it would separate the development, production and supply of battery systems, drivetrains and other EV components into a new entity owned by Rimac Group called Rimac Technology, which will work independently with other global car manufacturers.

The formation of Bugatti-Rimac doesn’t affect the shareholder structure within Rimac Group. Mate Rimac will continue to hold his 37% share in Rimac Group, with Hyundai Motor Group holding the same 12% and other investors at 27%, according to a statement from the company. Porsche recently upped its stake in Rimac from 15% to 24%, but its total ownership doesn’t give It a controlling interest in the new EV company, the companies told FT.

Mate Rimac will lead Bugatti-Rimac, which will be headquartered in Zagreb, Croatia. Bugatti’s manufacturing will remain in Molsheim, France.

(文:Rebecca Bellan、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

Rimac inks deal to purchase 55% of Bugatti from VW Group ...

Porsche will own 45% of Bugatti-Rimac while Rimac Automobili will hold the remaining 55% stake, according to Croatian media reports. Financial details of the deal were not published.

VW offloads Bugatti to Rimac to form new EV company ...

Croatian electric supercar startup Rimac Automobili is taking over Bugatti. Rimac will own a controlling 55% share in the new company, Bugatti-Rimac, with VW's Porsche owning the remaining 45%, according to reports by the Financial Times. "Rimac and Bugatti are a perfect match in terms of what we each bring to the table," said founder and CEO of Rimac, Mate Rimac, in a statement.

Bugatti taken over by Croatian company Rimac - www ...

Rimac Automobili announced Monday that it will be combining forces with Bugatti to "create a new automotive and technological powerhouse." Porsche will own 45% of Bugatti-Rimac while Rimac Automobili will hold the remaining 55% stake, according to Croatian media reports.

Electric hypercar maker Rimac takes over VW's Bugatti

Say hi to a new supercar powerhouse: Rimac Automobili has taken a controlling stake in Bugatti to form a new company, Bugatti Rimac. Rimac, which recently launched the incredibly fast, $2.44 ...

Rimac Buys Controlling Interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen ...

Rimac, a Croatia-based electric vehicle startup, has purchased a controlling interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen Group.

Rimac Automobili takes over majority stake in Bugatti

Croatia’s hypercar manufacturer Rimac forms joint venture with Porsche to produce and manage the Rimac and Bugatti brands

Bugatti merges with Croatia's Rimac Automobili, electric ...

Rimac and Volkswagen will set up a joint venture focused on Bugatti; new company to be named Bugatti-Rimac.

Bugatti merges with Rimac and announces a hybrid/electric ...

The blockbuster hypercar business deal of the decade is now official: storied brand Bugatti, with its 112-year history of ultra-exclusive automaking, is now majority owned by 12-year-old Croatian electric hypercar upstart Rimac Automobili.

Pronounce Media - RIMAC AUTOMOBILI Flying Into Its Next ...

Rimac Automobili (2009) Mate Rimac founds Rimac Automobili with the intention to build the first fully electric supercar. In April 2011 the first employees join the company and 5 months later, the Concept_One sees the light of the day at the Frankfurt Motor Show for the first time. World Records (2011)

Croatian carmaker Rimac Automobili takes control of ...

Croatian carmaker Rimac Automobili takes control of Bugatti from Volkswagen Group

Rimac and Bugatti combine forces in historic new venture ...

Rimac Automobili has announced another major milestone in its history, as it combines forces with iconic automotive brand, Bugatti Automobiles, to create a new automotive and technological powerhouse.

Rimac & Bugatti join forces to build hypercars of the ...

What happens when two giants of the automotive world, building the absolute fastest set of wheels join forces? Looks like we are about to find out soon!

Bugatti in the sea with Rimac Automobili, becomes Bugatti ...

Porsche and Rimac Automobili have finalized plans to form a new joint venture with Bugatti, called Bugatti Rimac. The CEOs of the two companies, Oliver Blume and Mate Rimac, have signed the contracts for this purpose. The creation of the joint venture will take place in the fourth quarter of 2021, subject to approval by …

Rimac And Bugatti Form New Venture Bugatti Rimac

Rimac Automobili has announced its new association Bugatti Rimac, with the automotive brand, Bugatti Automobiles. The former will have a 55 percent stake in the newly formed company. Rimac’s development, production and supply of battery systems, drivetrains and other EV components will now operate f

Bugatti Joins Forces with Electric Hypercar Leader Rimac

Leading electric hypercar manufacturer Rimac has announced a historic partnership with Bugatti, culminating in the launch of a new company, Bugatti Rimac.

Electric Hypercar Maker Rimac Takes Over VW's Bugatti - Wafful

Eventually, Rimac Group is a 100 % operator of Rimac Know-how, which focuses on producing and building battery devices, drivetrains, and other EV parts. The shareholder composition of Rimac Group. Mate Rimac, who founded Rimac Automobili as a a person-guy startup back in 2009, will be the CEO of Rimac Group.

VW hands Bugatti to Porsche, who in turn announces JV with ...

VW has given control of Bugatti to Porsche, Porsche has gone ahead and announced a new JV with the Croatian EV Supercar maker Rimac, to give birth to a new company Bugatti-Rimac! Porsche holding

A Bugatti-Rimac Alliance Is Formed With Porsche Presiding

In just 10 years, Rimac Automobili has progressed from one-man garage start-up to announcing a new company with one of the world's most iconic car brands to create Bugatti Rimac d.o.o. (in English - LLC). In an industry evolving at ever-increasing speed, flexibility, innovation and sustainability remain at the very core of Rimac's operations.


From the very top of Dubrovnik's Fort Lovjernac, Croatia's youngest entrepreneur and the owner of one of the world’s best electric car companies, Mate | FROM START-UP TO THE OWNER OF BUGATTI Rimac Reveals Spectacular News from Lovrjenac | Just Dubrovnik

Supercar maker Bugatti taken over by Croatian company Rimac

Croatia’s electric supercar maker is taking over the iconic French manufacturer Bugatti in a deal that is reported to be worth millions of euros

Bugatti merging with Croatian electric hypercar brand Rimac

Croatia's Rimac and VW Group-owned Bugatti will merge to form a new hypercar brand. Bugatti Rimac will begin public trading in Q4 of 2021.

Mate Rimac - Wikipedia

Mate Rimac (Croatian pronunciation: [mǎːte rǐːmats]; born 12 February 1988) is a Croatian innovator, entrepreneur, and founder of the Croatian electric hypercar company Rimac Automobili and Greyp Bikes, a high-tech eBike and eBike technology company.. During his high-school years, Rimac stood out by winning local, national and international competitions for electronics and innovation.

What is Bugatti Rimac and what is Porsche doing in this ...

Porsche entered into a fruitful partnership with Rimac Automobili as early as 2018, subsequently increasing its shares in the young, agile and fast-paced Croatian automotive and technology company. Today, Porsche holds a 24 percent share in Rimac Automobili. Porsche itself is known as a leading sports car manufacturer from Stuttgart, Germany ...

Supercar maker Bugatti taken over by Croatian company Rimac

ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Croatia’s electric supercar maker, which started in a garage a decade ago, is taking over the iconic French manufacturer Bugatti in a deal that is reported to be worth millions of euros. The Croatian car producer Rimac Automobili said Germany’s Volkswagen Group, including the Porsche division...

Uzbudljiv trenutak u kratkoj, ali burnoj istoriji: Rimac ...

Kompanija Rimac automobili hrvatskog preduzetnika i inovatora Mate Rimca saopštila je danas da je postala vecinski vlasnik Bugatija, čuvenog francuskog proizvođača hipersportskih automobila.

Rimac automobili - Od startap kompanije sa jednim čovekom ...

Kompanija "Rimac automobili", koja je osnovana 2009. godine, danas razvija električne pogonske sklopove i baterije visokih performansi za neke od najvećih svetskih proizvođača automobila. Rimac je lansirao i dve generacije svojih superautomobila. Ove godine predstavljen je najnoviji "rimac nevera" - električni superautomobil koji ...

Volkswagen Jual Bugatti ke Pabrikan Supercar Elektrik ...

Rimac Group akan menjadi pemegang saham utama Bugatti Rimac, dengan saham sebesar 55 persen, dan Porsche dengan saham 45 persen.

Rimac Automobili i Bugatti udružili snage: Stvara se nova ...

"Objavljujemo osnivanje nabolje kompanije hiperautomobila na svijetu - Bugatti Rimac", rekao je Mate Rimac tijekom predstavljanja ovog novog ogromnog projekta za Rimac Automobile.

Bugatti won't drop piston-powered cars under Rimac ...

Bugatti won't immediately abandon the Chiron or its W16 engine in the wake of the takeover by Rimac. It plans to launch hybrids and EVs, however.

Bugatti merges with Rimac and announces a hybrid/electric ...

The blockbuster hypercar business deal of the decade is now official: storied brand Bugatti, with its 112-year history of ultra-exclusive automaking, is now majority owned by 12-year-old Croatian electric hypercar upstart Rimac Automobili.

Electric hypercar maker Rimac takes over VW's Bugatti

Bugatti is a household name among supercar lovers with a tradition going back more than a hundred years; its newest model, the Bugatti Chiron, is the world's fastest petrol car.

VW offloads Bugatti to Rimac to form new EV company ...

Croatian electric supercar startup Rimac Automobili is taking over Bugatti. Rimac will own a controlling 55% share in the new company, Bugatti-Rimac, with VW's Porsche owning the remaining 45%, according to reports by the Financial Times. "Rimac and Bugatti are a perfect match in terms of what we each bring to the table," said founder and CEO of Rimac, Mate Rimac, in a statement.

Rimac Just Bought Bugatti. Here's Why It's a Huge EV Bet ...

Bugatti-Rimac will be headed by 33-year-old Croatian Mate Rimac.

VW Group transfers Bugatti to joint venture owned by ...

The Volkswagen Group has offloaded Bugatti, but maintains an interest via its own Porsche unit.

Rimac Takes a Majority Ownership Stake in Bugatti

After more than two decades of ownership by the Volkswagen Group, Bugatti now finds itself in the hands of Rimac, though Porsche retains a stake.

Bugatti merging with Croatian electric hypercar brand ...

Croatia's Rimac and VW Group-owned Bugatti will merge to form a new hypercar brand. Bugatti Rimac will begin public trading in Q4 of 2021.

Bugatti joins Rimac to launch new automotive and ...

At 110 years of age, Bugatti joins with 10-year-old Rimac Automobili to create a new company to produce the technology and vehicles of the future

Bugatti merges with Rimac to create a new hypercar venture ...

Porsche, Bugatti, and Rimac have joined hands to create a hypercar venture called Bugatti-Rimac, with its headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia

Bugatti Is Leaping Into the Future With Rimac and Porsche

Rimac and Bugatti are being joined together into a new company that brings the hypercar brand under the control of EV wunderkind Mate Rimac and Porsche.

Porsche and Rimac Confirm New Joint Venture with Bugatti ...

The venture will be based out of Zagreb, Croatia. However, Bugatti cars will continue to be produced at the brand's factory in Molsheim, France.

Bugatti merging with Croatian electric hypercar brand ...

Inside Volkswagen's new electric SUV Volkswagen to announce its all-electric ID.4 GTX. FoxNews.com's automotive editor Gary Gastelu with more. Volkswagen Group's hypercar brand Bugatti will merge with Croatian electric carmaker Rimac to form a new marque, the companies have announced. The entity will be called Bugatti Rimac and will be 55% owned by the newly-formed … Read More

Europe's Elon Musk Drives a Bugatti Now

Bugatti was prized by former VW patriarch Ferdinand Piech, who pushed the French manufacturer to develop epic vehicles like the 16-cylinder Veyron. The company will now be folded into a joint ...

Bugatti and Rimac to merge into Bugatti-Rimac - Geeky Gadgets

Porsche has announced that it will be merging Bugatti with Rimac into a new car company, Bugatti-Rimac to produce new hypercars and more.

Supercar maker Bugatti taken over by Croatian company ...

Croatia’s electric supercar maker is taking over the iconic French manufacturer Bugatti in a deal that is reported to be worth millions of euros

Bugatti Joins Forces with Electric Hypercar Leader Rimac

Leading electric hypercar manufacturer Rimac has announced a historic partnership with Bugatti, culminating in the launch of a new company, Bugatti Rimac.

Croatia's EV Maker Rimac Takes Over Bugatti - The Detroit ...

Rimac's new deal with Porsche will looks to revitalize the legendary supercar brand. The Detroit Bureau has the details.



Rimac Buys Controlling Interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen ...

Rimac, a Croatia-based electric vehicle startup, has purchased a controlling interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen Group.

Bugatti and Croatian electrical supercar maker Rimac to ...

Bugatti, meanwhile, will continue to build cars in its current home of Molsheim, France, according to an announcement from Porsche. It will continue to operate as a separate car brand although Bugatti and Rimac will jointly develop new Bugatti models, the announcement said.

Bugatti in the sea with Rimac Automobili, becomes Bugatti ...

Bugatti stays in Molsheim. Bugatti Automobiles SAS will continue to be located in its historic headquarters in Molsheim, France, where it was founded in 1909. Bugatti has always been at the forefront of the automotive industry, exceeding the dreams of its customers and enthusiasts around the world.

Rimac's Bugatti EV plans already sound lavish - SlashGear

Bugatti Rimac may only have announced their hypercar hook-up yesterday, but that isn't stopping the super-luxe sports car company from making some big promises

Rimac Takes Over Bugatti With the Help of Porsche

Meet the new hypercar company known as Bugatti RImac. It has just been announced that Porsche and Rimac Automobili will be creating a new joint venture

Porsche Forms Joint Venture With Rimac, Bugatti Rimac Is ...

When I first saw the news, I couldn't believe my eyes. Two of the greatest automobile manufacturers of all time and one of the fastest emerging brands on the market are getting together on a whole new level. The creation of Bugatti Rimac is something nobody would have even thought of 10 years ago, and yet here we are.

Rimac & Bugatti join forces to build hypercars of the ...

What happens when two giants of the automotive world, building the absolute fastest set of wheels join forces? Looks like we are about to find out soon!

Bugatti is on the way to the electric era - IAM Newswire

Bugatti's production will traditionally remain in Molsheim, France, close to the border with Germany. Future plans. The new company has some big plans regarding the new Rimac campus in Sveta Nedelja near Zagreb. This is where the production and development of components for Bugatti will take place in the future.

2022 BMW 2-Series, Bugatti And Rimac Team Up, 2023 Kia ...

Bugatti And Rimac Officially Joining Forces, Will Jointly Develop Future Models. After months of rumors and speculation, Porsche has officially announced Bugatti and Rimac are joining forces.

VW offloads Bugatti to Rimac to form new EV company ...

Croatian electric supercar startup Rimac Automobili is taking over Bugatti. Rimac will own a controlling 55% share in the new company, Bugatti-Rimac, with VW's Porsche owning the remaining 45%, according to reports by the Financial Times. "Rimac and Bugatti are a perfect match in terms of what we each bring to the table," said founder and CEO of Rimac, Mate Rimac, in a statement.

VW Group transfers Bugatti to joint venture owned by ...

The Volkswagen Group has offloaded Bugatti, but maintains an interest via its own Porsche unit.

China's electric VW Beetle knockoff shows up in patent images

While it hasn't publicly announced plans to bring the model to production, two versions of the electric Volkswagen Beetle knockoff appeared in patent filings in Europe. Spotted by CarScoops, the sketches sent to the European Union's Intellectual Property Office (EU IPO) depict two variants of the Punk Cat. One looks a lot like the concept displayed in Shanghai; its unabashedly Beetle-like silhouette is accented by oval headlights, pronounced rear wheel arches, and oval rear lights.

VW to send 'over-the-air' updates to ID. family - Tech Digest

Volkswagen is taking a big step towards becoming a software-oriented mobility provider with regular “Over-the-Air” updates to ID. family

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers - CGTN

The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced Monday they will team up to build a network of 1,700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green electricity. The initial plan foresees a 500 million euro ($600 million) investment to drive the five-year ...

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers

The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced Monday they will team up to build a network of 1,700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green electricity.

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers | Drive ...

BERLIN, July 6 ― The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced yesterday they will team up to build a network of 1,700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green electricity. The initial plan foresees a €500 million (RM2.4 billion) investment to...


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Vw、Evの「Id.シリーズ」でotaによるソフトウェア更新を開始 - 自動車産業ポータル マークラインズ

MarkLinesは、プロモーション広告LINES、検索サイト 情報プラットフォーム、課題解決サービス エキスパートの3つのサービスを通じて、世界の自動車産業を支援する会社です。

新一代《VW Golf R》有多兇?御用改裝廠《ABT》表示:榨到384匹沒問題 | 國王車訊 Kingautos


VW Golf 8 GTI Is One AWD System Away From Getting the R ...

The iconic GTI badge has graced the eighth generation Volkswagen Golf. The people’s hot hatch is now more exciting than ever, with lots of power, big screens inside, and assistance gear that makes it a peach to drive around town, on the highway or on twisty roads.

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers - Good ...

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers Author: Tan KW | Publish date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021, 11:07 AM BERLIN, July 6 ― The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced yesterday they will team up to build a network of 1,700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green electricity.

VW names customer experience officer - Just Auto

A VW executive in charge of vehicle product lines has been moved to a new customer-centric post. Volkswagen has appointed Markus Kleimann, formerly responsible for the G3 series (mid- and full ...

2729 Tulsa Vw, Sand Springs, OK 74063 | MLS# 2103632 | Redfin

2729 Tulsa Vw is a 4,037 square foot house on a 5 acre lot with 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. 2729 Tulsa Vw is a house currently priced at $1,173,000, which is 9.4% less than its original list price of 1295000.

1,397cc Air-Cooled VW Lowlight Karmann Ghia Engine ...

The small workshop carries out day-to-day repairs as well as engine rebuilds on all sorts of classic cars, but the primary focus is on period tuned VW and Porsche engines from the 1950s. "While VW and Porsche is the focus, we will also do work on other brands based around the air-cooled engine." Bruce says.

ABT Sportsline Makes The Mk8 2022 VW Golf R Even Faster ...

ABT Sportsline has wasted no time in adding some extra spice to the Mk8 VW Golf R and has just revealed a tuning kit for it. The new VW Golf R is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder ...

Rimac inks deal to purchase 55% of Bugatti from VW Group ...

VW Group is divesting itself of the controlling stake in French supercar builder Bugatti in a deal with Croatian EV startup Rimac.

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build truck chargers | Fin24

The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced Monday they will team up to build a network of 1 700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green electricity.

Anti-Tesla strategy bites VW's China division as local ...

VW China did not waste any time throwing some good old-fashioned shade towards Tesla, highlighting several points of criticism against the company in the ID. 4's local debut.

VW launches over-the-air software updates for electric ID ...

Starting this month, VW ID3 owners who are part of the “First Movers Club” of early adopters will receive the latest software version, with further updates planned every three months.

Rimac takes over Bugatti, VW presence continues with ...

Croatian EV hypercar maker Rimac has taken a controlling 55 per cent stake in hypercar-maker Bugatti to create Bugatti Rimac. The Volkswagen Group will continue with a minority 45 per cent stake in the brand through Porsche. - Overdrive

Višković: Došao sam "VW tuaregom" zbog ušteda | Politika

Premijer Republike Srpske Radovan Višković komentarisao je danas na sjednici Narodne skupštine RS svoj današnji dolazak pred zgradu parlamenta u novom vozilu marke "VW tuareg".

VW, Daimler, Volvo team up to build green-powered truck ...

BERLIN: The truck manufacturing units of Volkswagen, Daimler and Volvo announced Monday they will team up to build a network of 1,700 charging points for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe using green ...

Parts Driver Job in Colorado Springs, CO at Bob Penkhus ...

Bob Penkhus Mazda Volvo VW Colorado Springs, CO. Posted: July 06, 2021 Full-Time Penkhus Motor Company is a solid family-owned and operated multi-store dealer located in Colorado Springs, CO. A recent increase in both new and used vehicle sales has created the need for additional employees to join our dynamic teams. ...

VW gives Rimac control of Bugatti in electric supercar ...

VW Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess has stepped up efforts to focus funds on the German group's namesake, Audi and Porsche brands as Europe's biggest automaker embarked on the industry ...

Bugatti-Rimac: VW Hands Control of Bugatti to Croatian EV ...

Bloomberg Quicktake: Now published this video item, entitled "Bugatti-Rimac: VW Hands Control of Bugatti to Croatian EV Maker and Porsche" - below is their

Harga Mobil Bekas VW Golf Tipe MK V 2.0 FSI, Dijual Segini

Mobil bekas tipe hatchback rakitan Eropa dengan harga cukup murah Volkswagen Golf bisa dijadikan pilihan

VW Transporter 4Motion Highline Review - VanGuide.co.uk

The VW Transporter 4Motion Highline is the high-spec version of Volkswagen's famed medium panel van, sitting above the entry-level Startline in the range. However, with an eye-watering £5,000 premium over the Startline, are all the extra gadgets and sophisticated styling cues worth the hefty price tag? Read our VW Transporter Highline review ...


テスラは来年インドで電気自動車の販売を開始する アルファモーターが電動ピックアップトラックを発表 電気モバイルルノーメガネを提示しました ダチアスプリングはヨーロッパで発売する準備をしています 3.9 Cの場合は「数百」と1000 kmの予約。

「電気自動車関連」が15位、テスラの四半期ev販売が20万台超え<注目テーマ> 投稿日時: 2021/07/06 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/07/06 12:20 - 「「電気自動車関連」が15位、テスラの四半期EV販売が20万台超え<注目テーマ>」(みんかぶ)

乗用車は激レア! トヨタ「MIRAI」でおなじみ水素で走る世界のFCV・3選 | clicccar.com

■後続距離が長くできる電気自動車 最近、「カーボンニュートラル」や「脱炭素社会」などの言葉をよく耳にすることが多いと思いますが、クルマでも地球温暖化対策として「電動化」が進んでいます。

ポルシェ、Evタイカンをリコール。電源が突然落ちるバグ (2021年7月5日) - エキサイトニュース


「電気自動車関連」が15位、テスラの四半期EV販売が20万台超え<注目テーマ> - ニュース・コラム - Yahoo ...

★人気テーマ・ベスト10 1 パワー半導体 2 2021年のIPO 3 脱炭素 4 半導体 5 全固体電池 6 人材派遣...

中国の電気自動車は「高速鉄道のように世界を獲るかも知れないぞ」 | mixiニュース


ルノー 革新のEV戦略を発表2030年までに90%をEV化(Auto Prove) | 自動車情報サイト【新車・中古 ...


乗用車は激レア! トヨタ「MIRAI」でおなじみ水素で走る世界のFCV・3選(自動車ニュース clicccar ...


Evバス、バッテリーか自家発電か!?燃料電池バスの海外事情にみるアイデアとは?【動画あり】 - バス総合情報誌「バス ...


究極のオラ顔SUV! BMW「iX」生産開始 日本登場は2021年11月予定


全固体電池の開発競争激化 国内大手3社、27年商用化が目標 - Nna Asia・韓国・自動車・二輪車


メルセデス・ベンツ『EQA』試乗レポート〜手が届く価格の戦略的EV【塩見智】 | EVsmartブログ


次世代自動車の日韓対決は日本に軍配か トヨタに「勝てない」韓国勢の体質 (2021年7月6日掲載) - ライブドアニュース


オホーツクをゆく 北海道EV旅in2020 #13 - 電気自動車 ポカリでGO!

電気自動車(EV)ポカリが相棒 息子と二人で車中泊やラーメン食べ歩きを楽しんでます。 日本全国46都道府県制覇 北海道一周、四国一周、九州一周しました。 どこでも車で旅行します。 ワンオク、マンウィズ、KingGnuとか若ぶって聞いてる。


イオナマスクは品質管理Tesla電気自動車を遅くし改善するよう求められています. それに応じて、ユーザーの1人のユーザーがテスラ電気自動車を組み立てるときに、遅く、品質管理を改善するためにマスクを勧めました。彼は写真によって彼の言葉を伴った。

理想汽車が声明、「部品に水銀使用ない」 - Nna Asia・中国・自動車・二輪車


Ev(電気自動車)を実際に使用してのメリット&デメリットとは? - しがない大学生の万人のためにならない日記

どもども。 以前このブログでテスラモデル3の正直レビューについてお話しました! 内外装編→https://siganainikki.hateblo.jp/entry/2021/06/25/193000 運転編→https://siganainikki.hateblo.jp/entry/2021/06/26/210000 この車自体はとても好きで、お金があれば欲しいと思うくらいです。しかし、電気自動車というのは非常に色々な話が上がっています。そんな中で私も実際に運転した上で話をしたいと思います。 電気自動車のメリットとしては、とにかく走りが良いです。まずこれに尽きます。加速の良さと減速の良さ、こ…


【画像】 2035年までにすべての車を環境対応車にすると打ち出した中国では、電気自動車(EV)の普及が進んでいる。2020年後半からは50万円を切る中国国産の格安EVが売れ始めており、EVの低価格化も進んでい…


日経ビジネス電子版【雑誌セット定期購読】 【ダイソン・ev開発中止の経緯】 ceo、ローランド・クルーガーインタビュー もともとbmwや日産など長年自動車に関わってきたローランド・クルーガー氏が 電気自動車(ev)開発のためにダイソンに入社するものの、 半年後にはevの開発は中止を発表。

中国の電気自動車は「高速鉄道のように世界を獲るかも知れないぞ」 - ライブドアニュース


精密電気モーター市場-タイプ別、アプリケーション別:(産業機械、自動車、防衛および航空宇宙、その他)、地域別 ...


「電気自動車関連」が15位、テスラの四半期EV販売が20万台超え<注目テーマ> - ニュース・コラム - Yahoo ...

★人気テーマ・ベスト10 1 パワー半導体 2 2021年のIPO 3 脱炭素 4 半導体 5 全固体電池 6 人材派遣...

「人馬一体」で有名な自動車メーカーのマツダ、靴を作る | マイナビニュース


日産自動車と滋賀県甲良町、電気自動車を活用した「災害連携協定」を締結 | Biz/Zine(ビズジン)

日産自動車、滋賀日産自動車、滋賀県甲良町は、電気自動車を活用した「災害連携協定」を締結した。 [公開日] 2021年07月06日 [著] BizZine編集部 [タグ] SDGs EV 電気自動車 日産自動車. Tweet

車のエアコンからぬるい風が出る!冷房が効かない! 10の原因を解説します|Seibii

夏場、エアコンが故障して冷たい風が出ない、多くの人がこんな経験をしているのでは無いでしょうか?車で使用しているカーエアコンは、一般的なエアコンや冷蔵庫と同様の構造「エアコンのガスを蒸発させ、蒸発した時に周囲の熱を奪う気化熱の原理」を使用しています。カーエアコンは車 ...

韓国「電気自動車」のリアル - gendai.ismedia.jp


藤沢市 本庁舎の電気自動車用急速充電器の利用について | 湘南人

電気自動車用急速充電器の供用を開始. 藤沢市のホームページに「本庁舎の電気自動車用急速充電器の利用について」という記事が掲載されていました。 藤沢市では、ガソリン車等に替わる次世代自動車である「電気自動車(EV)」の普及促進を図るため本庁舎東側駐車スペース内に電気自動車 ...

電気自動車用急速充電器 SDQCシリーズ(30、50kW) - 協立電業株式会社

電気自動車用急速充電器. 機種. 一般社団法人 次世代自動車振興センター補助金対象機種. スタンドアローン 単相:sdqc-301-s/三相:sdqc-30/50-s 通信ネットワーク対応 単相:sdqc-301-u/三相:sdqc-30/50-u. 入力:単相3線式ac200v/三相3線式ac200v 出力:dc50~450v

電気バスやfcタクシー導入の支援先、15事業を決定 国交省(レスポンス) | 自動車情報サイト【新車・中古車 ...


日産・ホンダ、中国で販売台数大幅減 - Pars Today

ホンダと日産自動車の6月の中国での販売台数は、前年に比べて大幅に減少しました。 ロイター通信によりますと、ホンダの販売台数は前年比17%減の11万8168台。

Electric hypercar maker Rimac takes over VW's Bugatti

Say hi to a new supercar powerhouse: Rimac Automobili has taken a controlling stake in Bugatti to form a new company, Bugatti Rimac. Rimac, which recently launched the incredibly fast, $2.44 ...

Bugatti merges with Rimac and announces a hybrid/electric ...

The blockbuster hypercar business deal of the decade is now official: storied brand Bugatti, with its 112-year history of ultra-exclusive automaking, is now majority owned by 12-year-old Croatian electric hypercar upstart Rimac Automobili.

VW Group transfers Bugatti to joint venture owned by ...

The Volkswagen Group has offloaded Bugatti, but maintains an interest via its own Porsche unit.

Rimac Just Bought Bugatti. Here's Why It's a Huge EV Bet ...

Bugatti-Rimac will be headed by 33-year-old Croatian Mate Rimac.

Bugatti won't drop piston-powered cars under Rimac ...

Bugatti won't immediately abandon the Chiron or its W16 engine in the wake of the takeover by Rimac. It plans to launch hybrids and EVs, however.

VW offloads Bugatti to Rimac to form new EV company ...

Croatian electric supercar startup Rimac Automobili is taking over Bugatti. Rimac will own a controlling 55% share in the new company, Bugatti-Rimac, with VW's Porsche owning the remaining 45%, according to reports by the Financial Times. "Rimac and Bugatti are a perfect match in terms of what we each bring to the table," said founder and CEO of Rimac, Mate Rimac, in a statement.

Bugatti joins Rimac to launch new automotive and ...

At 110 years of age, Bugatti joins with 10-year-old Rimac Automobili to create a new company to produce the technology and vehicles of the future

Rimac Takes Over Bugatti With the Help of Porsche

Meet the new hypercar company known as Bugatti RImac. It has just been announced that Porsche and Rimac Automobili will be creating a new joint venture

Bugatti merges with Rimac to create a new hypercar venture ...

Porsche, Bugatti, and Rimac have joined hands to create a hypercar venture called Bugatti-Rimac, with its headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia

Porsche Forms Joint Venture With Rimac, Bugatti Rimac Is ...

When I first saw the news, I couldn't believe my eyes. Two of the greatest automobile manufacturers of all time and one of the fastest emerging brands on the market are getting together on a whole new level. The creation of Bugatti Rimac is something nobody would have even thought of 10 years ago, and yet here we are.

Rimac Buys Controlling Interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen ...

Rimac, a Croatia-based electric vehicle startup, has purchased a controlling interest in Bugatti from Volkswagen Group.

Bugatti merges with Croatia's Rimac Automobili, electric ...

Rimac and Volkswagen will set up a joint venture focused on Bugatti; new company to be named Bugatti-Rimac.

It's official, Rimac are taking over Bugatti

In time, Bugatti Rimac's global headquarters will be situated at the recently announced Rimac Campus, also serving as the home of Rimac Technology. The €200M, 100,000m2 campus, due to open in 2023, will be the base for all research and development of future Rimac and Bugatti hypercars.

Rimac & Bugatti join forces to build hypercars of the ...

What happens when two giants of the automotive world, building the absolute fastest set of wheels join forces? Looks like we are about to find out soon!

Croatia's EV Maker Rimac Takes Over Bugatti - The Detroit ...

Rimac's new deal with Porsche will looks to revitalize the legendary supercar brand. The Detroit Bureau has the details.

Supercar maker Bugatti taken over by Croatian company ...

Croatia’s electric supercar maker is taking over the iconic French manufacturer Bugatti in a deal that is reported to be worth millions of euros

Bugatti Merges With EV Hyper Car Maker Rimac, and That's a ...

We reported last fall how Volkswagen-owned Bugatti had its future products on hold, given the financially turbulent and awful year which was 2020. In addition to the global pandemic cutting production, sales, profits, and everything else, VW was pouring lots of development money into its I.D. electric vehicle lineup.At the time, there were mumblings that EV startup Rimac was in talks to purchase the brand from VW. News broke yesterday of a merger, where Volkswagen and Porsche are not entirely out of the picture. 

Bugatti Joins Forces with Electric Hypercar Leader Rimac

Leading electric hypercar manufacturer Rimac has announced a historic partnership with Bugatti, culminating in the launch of a new company, Bugatti Rimac.

Bugatti Is Leaping Into the Future With Rimac and Porsche

Rimac and Bugatti are being joined together into a new company that brings the hypercar brand under the control of EV wunderkind Mate Rimac and Porsche.

2022 BMW 2-Series, Bugatti And Rimac Team Up, 2023 Kia ...

2022 BMW 2-Series, Bugatti And Rimac Team Up, 2023 Kia Sportage, F&F Vin Diesel Memes: Your Morning Brief

Bugatti merging with Croatian electric hypercar brand ...

Croatia's Rimac and VW Group-owned Bugatti will merge to form a new hypercar brand. Bugatti Rimac will begin public trading in Q4 of 2021.

Bugatti-Rimac: VW Hands Control of Bugatti to Croatian EV ...

Bloomberg Quicktake: Now published this video item, entitled "Bugatti-Rimac: VW Hands Control of Bugatti to Croatian EV Maker and Porsche" - below is their

Rimac takes over Bugatti, VW presence continues with ...

Croatian EV hypercar maker Rimac has taken a controlling 55 per cent stake in hypercar-maker Bugatti to create Bugatti Rimac. The Volkswagen Group will continue with a minority 45 per cent stake in the brand through Porsche. - Overdrive

Rimac Buys 55% Of Bugatti From VW Group

Croatian electric car manufacturer Rimac has agreed a deal to take over Volkswagen's supercar brand Bugatti. Rimac is taking control of Bugatti as part of a joint venture with Porsche, which Volkswagen owns. Rimac will own 55% of Bugatti as part of the deal, with Porsche owning the remaining 45%. As of March, Porsche owns 24% of Rimac, following an initial investment for a 10% stake in 2018.

Bugatti And Rimac Officially Join Forces - Motordynasty

With this move, the Croatian engineering firm now holds a 55 percent share in the Bugatti-Rimac joint venture, while Porsche owns 45 percent.

Bugatti in the sea with Rimac Automobili, becomes Bugatti ...

Porsche and Rimac Automobili have finalized plans to form a new joint venture with Bugatti, called Bugatti Rimac. The CEOs of the two companies, Oliver Blume and Mate Rimac, have signed the contracts for this purpose. The creation of the joint venture will take place in the fourth quarter of 2021, subject to approval by …

Croatia: The name for the new star is "Bugatti Rimac"

The Croatian company Rimac Automobili decided to combine forces and experience with the famous automotive brand Bugatti Automobiles "to create a new automotive and technological powerhouse" called Bugatti Rimac d.o.o. (in English - LLC), the Sveta Nedelja-based company reported on Monday evening. "As part of the deal, the newly-formed Rimac Group will be the major […]

Rimac Takes a Majority Ownership Stake in Bugatti

After more than two decades of ownership by the Volkswagen Group, Bugatti now finds itself in the hands of Rimac, though Porsche retains a stake.




100人への現金提供をすべて買収だったと認定し、懲役3年の実刑判決を言い渡しました。 元大臣側は判決を不服として控訴しています。 1人に提供された金額は最高300万円で、50万円を超える現金を受け取った議員も多く、

被買収側の100人不起訴 河井夫妻選挙買収で東京地検

特捜部は20年7月、地元議員ら100人に現金計約2900万円を渡した公選法違反(加重買収など)の罪で克行氏を起訴したが、被買収側の刑事処分は ...

【セミナー】M&Aの検討から成約まで「買い手のリアル」な実情を紹介する人気セミナー「買収の参観日 -M&Aの実現と ...

株式会社日本M&Aセンターのプレスリリース(2021年7月6日 09時00分) セミナー M&Aの検討から成約まで[買い手のリアル]な実情を紹介する人気セミナー[買収の参観日 -M&Aの実現と成功のために-] 7月12日開催

リマックがブガッティをVWグループから買収、新EV会社「ブガッティ・リマック」を設立 | TechCrunch Japan

2009年にガレージで起業したRimac Automobiliが、最も魅力的で有名な自動車ブランドの1つとして、スーパーカーを製造するまでになったことは、いかに電気自動車が高級車やスポーツカーの市場を席巻し始めているかを示している。

参院選めぐる買収事件 現金受領議員ら100人全員を不起訴 |Nhk 広島のニュース


河井夫妻買収事件 現金受け取った地方議員ら100人全員不起訴 | 毎日新聞


三井住友fg、インドのノンバンク買収へ 約2200億円出資:時事ドットコム

三井住友フィナンシャルグループ(FG)は6日、インドで中小企業や個人向けのローン事業を展開するノンバンク大手フラトン・インディア・クレジットを買収すると発表した。約20億ドル(約2200億円)で発行済み株式の74.9%を取得し、将来的には完全子会社化を目指す。長期的に伸びが期待できるインドの経済成長を取り込むのが狙い。 フラトン社はインドで650超の店舗網を展開。三井住友FGのノウハウや顧客基盤を活用して事業拡大を図る。三井住友FGは、年内をめどにシンガポールの政府系投資会社テマセク・ホールディ…

三井住友fg、インドのノンバンク買収へ 2200億円投資: 日本経済新聞


Agc 米国で遺伝子治療薬工場、ノバルティスから買収 - 日刊ケミカルニュース

買収完了後は、ノバルティスから譲り受けた同工場をagcバイオロジクスのネットワークに取り込み、旧モルメドの商用gmpに対応した遺伝子・細胞治療cdmoサービスの知見を取り入れるとともに、同工場の6万㎡を超える床面積を最大限に活用し、サービスを ...

被買収側の100人不起訴 Twitterのトレンド - トップツイート | Japan

被買収側の100人不起訴 Japan: 【異例】広島の地方議員ら100人、不起訴へ 河井夫妻の買収事件 公選法は現金を受け取るなど買収された側も、3年以下の懲役や50万円以下の罰金を科すと規定。検察が被買収側を一律に起訴せず、刑事責任を問わないのは異例だという。.

中田宏氏「悪しき前例にならないか?」河井夫妻買収事件で受取側不起訴報道に疑問/芸能/デイリースポーツ online

 前横浜市長で衆議院議員も務めた中田宏氏が6日、ツイッターを更新。元法務大臣で元衆議院議員の河井克行被告と妻の案里氏から現金を受け取ったとされる地方議員らが、不起訴処分の方向で調整が進められていると報じられていることに「悪しき前例にならないか?」と疑問を呈した。 中田氏は一般紙による河井夫妻の大規模買収事件で、受け取った地方議員ら全100人が不起訴で調整が進められているという記事を添付。

河井克行元法相の買収、現金受領の100人全員を不起訴 東京地検:東京新聞 TOKYO Web


2200億円でノンバンク買収 三井住友fg、個人や中小に狙い - Nna Asia・インド・金融


買収された「Audacity」の新しいプライバシーポリシーに批判 | OSDN Magazine

オーディオ編集ソフト「Audacity」のプライバシーポリシーが議論をよんでいる。4月末にMuse Groupに買収された後、コントリビューター ライセンス契約(CLA)、プライバシーポリシーなどで変更を加えているためだ。 Audacityはマルチトラックのオーディオ編集ソフトウェアで、GNU/Linux、macOS、Windowsに対応する。ライセンスはGPL v2で、3月に最新版となるバージョ

現金受領者、大半不起訴へ 河井元法相の100人買収:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版


かっぱ寿司の社長、はま寿司から売上データ「かっぱらい」。買収以降、5度の社長交代…親会社コロワイドの圧で功を焦ったか ...

「かっぱ寿司」を展開するカッパ・クリエイトが、ライバルチェーンである「はま寿司」の売上データなどを複数回受け取ったとして、不正競争防止法違反容疑で先月28日に警視庁の捜索を受けたと判明した。 報道によると、売上データを受け取っていたのは、はま寿司の元取締役で現在はカッパ・クリエイトの社長を務めている田邊公己氏

豪建材ボラル、投資会社の66億米ドルの新買収案を拒否 | ロイター


河井夫妻大規模買収事件 現金受領側の全100人不起訴へ 東京地検|ニフティニュース


【M&A速報:2021/07/06(2)】三井住友FG、インドのノンバンクFullerton India社を買収 ...

【M&A速報:2021/07/06(2)】三井住友FG、インドのノンバンクFullerton India社を買収

特ダネ解説!安倍逮捕の動き。検察の捜査は進んでいる!河井元法相夫妻から買収の100人全員不起訴の裏。現地情報含めて ...

職業政治家小沢一郎・一月万冊特別動画が欲しい方は7,800円プラス送料1000円・合計8800円を下記口座に振り込んだ上で「氏名、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス」をreadman@raku-job.jp配送担当鈴木陽子宛てにメールで送ってください。 三菱UFJ銀行 永福町支店 普通口座 4569556 シミズユウ...

Ceron - オープンソースオーディオ編集ソフトウェア「Audacity」、買収でスパイウェアに ...

そもそも買収されてたのを知らなかったが、結局客をフォークに逃していいんかね OSSを分かってる人は当然今後はforkを使ってく事になるだろうが、スパイ行為などには構わないマジョリティは公式サイトのバイナリを使い続けるんだろうか?



河井夫妻選挙違反 被買収側100人不起訴へ 東京地検調整 | 毎日新聞


スマホodmの聞泰科技、英半導体を買収へ - Nna Asia・中国・It・通信


東京為替:1ドル110円90銭台、三井住友fgがインドのノンバンク買収 投稿日時: 2021/07/06 14:53 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/07/06 14:53 - 「東京為替:1ドル110円90銭台、三井住友FGがインドのノンバンク買収」(フィスコ)

かっぱ寿司の社長、はま寿司から売上データ「かっぱらい」。買収以降、5度の社長交代…親会社コロワイドの圧で功を焦ったか ...

「かっぱ寿司」を展開するカッパ・クリエイトが、ライバルチェーンである「はま寿司」の売上データなどを複数回受け取ったとして、不正競争防止法違反容疑で先月28日に警視庁の捜索を受けたと判明した。 報道によると、売上データを受け取っていたのは、はま寿司の元取締役で現在はカッパ・クリエイトの社長を務めている田邊公己氏

Newsflash:河井夫妻選挙違反、被買収側不起訴へ | 毎日新聞


シンジェンタ、Ipoの調達資金で買収も - Nna Europe・スイス・化学

スイスの農業化学大手シンジェンタは、上海証券取引所での新規株式公開(IPO)で調達する100億ドルを事業拡大や企業買収に充てる考えだ。ロイター通信が伝えた。 シンジェンタは同証取のハイテク・イノベーション…

【M&A速報:2021/07/06(2)】三井住友FG、インドのノンバンクFullerton India社を買収

最新投稿日時:2021/07/06 16:41 - 「【M&A速報:2021/07/06(2)】三井住友FG、インドのノンバンクFullerton India社を買収」(フィスコ)

【極めて異例】河井克行元法相夫妻から買収の「地方議員や後援会員ら計100人ら全員不起訴」 | ゲイまと

【極めて異例】河井克行元法相夫妻から買収の「地方議員や後援会員ら計100人ら全員不起訴」 スポンサーリンク Twitter Facebook はてブ Pocket LINE コピー



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