関連ワード (Mendel、コンピュータービジョン、人工知能、医療、自然言語処理、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
今回のシリーズAラウンドには、DCMを筆頭に、OliveTree(オリーブツリー)、Zola Global(ゾラグローバル)、MTVLPの他、以前からのサポーターであるLaunch Capital(ローンチキャピタル)、SOSV、Bootstrap Labs(ブートストラップラブズ)、UCSF Health Hub(UCSFヘルスハブ)の会長であるMark Goldstein(マーク・ゴールドスタイン)も参加している。
しかし結局のところ、マッチングアルゴリズムを機能させるために必要なデータに問題があったということが、メンデルのCEOであり創業者のKarim Galil(カリム・ガリル)博士によって明らかになった。
自然言語を「読む」ことの問題は、医療の世界ではこれが想像以上にニュアンスに左右されるということだ。ガリル氏は、英語の「I’m going to leave you」というフレーズになぞらえて、これが例えば部屋を出て行くという意味と、人間関係から抜け出すという意味があると説明する。真の答えは ─ 人間である私たちは、真実でさえわかりにくいことがあるとわかっているが─ 文脈の中でしか見つからない。
メンデルの役員であり、DCMのパートナーでもあるKyle Lui(カイル・ルイ)氏は、声明の中でこう述べている。「世界のヘルスケア業界がAIを活用することには大きな可能性があります。メンデルは、医療機関がAIを使用して臨床データを自動で意味がわかるものにするための、ユニークでシームレスなソリューションを生み出しました。私たちは、次の成長段階に向けて引き続きチームと協力していくことを楽しみにしています」。
画像クレジット:National Cancer Institute / Unsplash
The medical industry is sitting on a huge trove of data, but in many cases it can be a challenge to realize the value of it because that data is unstructured and in disparate places.
Today, a startup called Mendel, which has built an AI platform both to ingest and bring order to that body of information, is announcing $18 million in funding to continue its growth and to build out what it describes as a “clinical data marketplace” for people not just to organize, but also to share and exchange that data for research purposes. It’s also going to be using the funding to hire more talent — technical and support — for its two offices, in San Jose, California and Cairo, Egypt.
The Series A round is being led by DCM, with OliveTree, Zola Global, and MTVLP, and previous backers Launch Capital, SOSV, Bootstrap Labs and chairman of UCSF Health Hub Mark Goldstein also participating.
The funding comes on the heels of what Mendel says is a surge of interest among research and pharmaceutical companies in sourcing better data to gain a better understanding of longer-term patient care and progress, in particular across wider groups of users, not just at a time when it has been more challenging to observe people and run trials, but in light of the understanding that using AI to leverage much bigger data sets can produce better insights.
This can be important, for example, in proactively identifying symptoms of particular ailments or the pathology of a disease, but also recurring and more typical responses to specific treatment courses.
We previously wrote about Mendel back in 2017 when the company had received a seed round of $2 million to better match cancer patients with the various clinical trials that are regularly being run: the idea was that certain trials address specific types of cancers and types of patients, and those who are willing to try newer approaches will be better or worse suited to each of these.
It turned out, however, that Mendel discovered a problem in the data that it would have needed to enable its matching algorithms to work, said Dr. Karim Galil, Mendel’s CEO and founder.
“As we were trying to build the trial business, we discovered a more basic problem that hadn’t been solved,” he said in an interview. “It was the reading and understanding medical records of a patient. If you can’t do that you can’t do trial matching.”
So the startup decided to become an R&D shop for at least three years to solve that problem before doing anything with trials, he continued.
Although there are today many AI companies that are parsing unstructured information in order to extract better insights, Mendel is what you might think of as part of the guard of tech companies that are building out specific AI knowledge bases for distinct verticals or areas of expertise. (Another example from another vertical is Eigen, working in the legal and finance industries, while Google’s DeepMind is another major AI player looking at ways of better harnessing data in the sphere of medicine.)
The issue of “reading” natural language is more nuanced than you might think in the world of medicine. Galil compared it to the phrase “I’m going to leave you” in English, which could just as easily mean someone is departing, say, a room, as someone is walking out of a relationship. The “true” answer — and as we humans know even truth can be elusive — can only start to be found in the context.
The same goes for doctors and their observation notes, Galil said. “There is a lot hidden between the lines, and problems can be specific to a person,” or to a situation.
That has proven to be a lucrative area to tackle.
Mendel uses a mix of computer vision and natural language processing built by teams with extensive experience in both clinical environments and in building AI algorithms and currently provides tools to automate clinical data abstraction, OCR, special tools to redact and remove personal identifiable information automatically to share records, search engines to search clinical data and — yes — an engine to enable better matching of people to clinical trials. Customers include pharmaceutical and life science companies, real-world data and real-world evidence (RWD and RWE) providers and research groups.
And to underscore just how much there is still left to do in the world of medicine, along with this funding round, Mendel is announcing a partnership with eFax, an online faxing solution used by a huge number of healthcare providers.
Faxing is totally antiquated in some parts of the world now — I’m not even sure that people the age of my children (tweens) even know what a “fax” is — but they remain one of the most-used ways to transfer documents and information between people in the worlds of healthcare and medicine, with 90% of the industry using them today. The partnership with Mendel will mean that those eFaxes will now be “read” and digitized and ingested into wider platforms to tap that data in a more useful way.
“There is huge potential for the global healthcare industry to leverage AI,” said Mendel board member and partner at DCM, Kyle Lui, in a statement. “Mendel has created a unique and seamless solution for healthcare organizations to automatically make sense of their clinical data using AI. We look forward to continuing to work with the team on this next stage of growth.”
(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Dragonfly)
医療 - Wikipedia
医療(いりょう、英語: health care 、medical care)とは、人間の健康の維持、回復、促進などを目的とした諸活動について用いられる広範な意味を持った語である。
医療 |厚生労働省 - mhlw.go.jp
医療. トピックス. 重要なお知らせ. 施策情報. 関連審議会・検討会等. 政策分野関連情報. 政策分野に関連のサイト. 安全で質の高い医療サービスを提供するために. けがをしたり病気になった時に、安全で質の高い医療サービスを受けることができる医療提供体制を確立し、赤ちゃんからお年寄りまで全ての国民が、健康で長生きできる社会を目指しています。.
医療とは - コトバンク
精選版 日本国語大辞典 - 医療の用語解説 - 〘名〙 医術を用いて病気を治すこと。療治。治療。※続日本紀‐宝亀五年(774)四月己卯「勅曰、如聞(きくならく)、天下諸国疾疫者衆、雖レ加二医療一、猶未二平復一」※談義本・根無草(1763‐69)後「我久々の病気にて医療(イリャウ)手を尽すと...
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健康・医療 |厚生労働省 - mhlw.go.jp
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日本の医療 - Wikipedia
日本の医療 (にほんのいりょう、 英語: Healthcare in Japan )は、複数提供者制の 社会保険 による ユニバーサルヘルスケア が実現されており、 厚生労働省 が所管している。. 2012年の GDP に占める保健支出は10.3%であった(OECD平均は9.3%) 。. 人口高齢化、一人あたり支出の増加、医薬品・医療機器の高度化によって支出は増加する傾向にある 。. 医療 制度は「 国民皆 ...
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