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著名アメフトプレイヤーのTom Brady(トム・ブレイディ)氏が共同創業に参加したNFT代理店のAutograph(オートグラフ)は、特にスターパワーの宝庫だ。同社はこのたび、このプラットフォームによって新世代のセレブリティとそのファンを、暗号資産コレクションの世界に引き込むことができると期待する暗号資産投資家たちから新たな資金を調達した。
スタートアップがクローズしたのはAndreessen Horowitz(a16z、アンドリーセン・ホロウィッツ)とKleiner Perkins (クライナー・パーキンス)が主導した1億7000万ドル(約193億5000万円)のシリーズBだ。ラウンドにはKatie Haun(ケイティ・ホーン)氏の新しいファンドとLightspeed(ライトスピード)のパートナーであるNicole Quinn(ニコル・クイン)氏も参加している。これは、01AとVelvet Sea Ventures(ベルベット・シー・ベンチャー)が共同で主導し、2021年7月にクローズしたシリーズAラウンドに続くものだ。今回の調達により、ホーン氏、a16zのArianna Simpson(アリアナ・シンプソン)氏、Kleiner PerkinsのIlya Fushman(イリヤ・フッシュマン)氏の3名が新たに取締役会に加わった。
彼らは、ブレイディ氏、Apple(アップル)のEddy Cue(エディー・キュー)氏、FTXのSam Bankman-Fried(サム・バンクマン=フライド)氏、The Weekndとして知られるアーティストのAbel Tesfaye(エイベル・テスファイ)氏などの有名人を擁する多彩な取締役会に加わることになる。
他のNFTユニコーンであるDapper Labs(ダッパー・ラボ)は、NFL Players Association(NFL選手協会)やNBA Player Association(NBA選手協会)をはじめとする、米国の包括的なスポーツリーグの選手協会とパートナーシップを結んでいるが、これに対してAutographは、個々のアスリートと、彼らがプレーするチームや彼らが所属するリーグの文脈の外で、彼らをとりまく個人的な魅力に焦点を当てているようだ。Autographの初期のパートナーは主にスポーツ界だが、ブレイディ氏、タイガー・ウッズ氏、シモーネ・バイルズ氏、デレク・ジーター氏、大坂なおみ氏、ウサイン・ボルト氏、ウェイン・グレツキー氏、トニー・ホーク氏など、それぞれのスポーツ界で最も有名なアスリートたちが名を連ねている。
またスポーツ界以外では、The WeekndやSlam Magazine(スラム・マガジン)、ホラーシリーズのSaw(ソウ)の公式NFTなどを手がけている。
Autograph, an NFT agency co-founded by athlete Tom Brady with a particularly deep bench of star power, has banked new funding from crypto investors who hope the platform can bring a new generation of celebrities and their fans into the fold of crypto collectibles.
The startup tells TechCrunch it has closed a $170 million Series B round led by Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins with participation from Katie Haun’s new fund and Lightspeed partner Nicole Quinn. This comes on the heels of a Series A round co-led by 01A and Velvet Sea Ventures that closed this past July. The raise adds three new members to the board, including Haun, a16z’s Arianna Simpson and Kleiner Perkins’s Ilya Fushman.
They join an expansive board with some major names, including Brady, Apple’s Eddy Cue, FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried and artist Abel Tesfaye, also known as The Weeknd.
Autograph is essentially an agency go-between for celebrity athletes and entertainers looking to find a personal presence in the incredibly noisy NFT world. Celebrity NFT drops have been a mixed bag since the crypto collectibles skyrocketed to popularity early last year. While some have come into the space with thoughtful projects that reward their fans, there have been a multitude of ridicule-generating cash grabs.
Crypto has generally been a tough place for discerning celebrities to make a dent or earn a buck without losing some of their cultural capital. Matt Damon received a fair share of ridicule this month for appearing in a corny crypto ad campaign. Earlier this week Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather were named in lawsuit brought by disgruntled investors who had backed a token that the two had earlier endorsed.
While fellow NFT unicorn Dapper Labs has inked partnerships with a handful overarching American sports league players associations, including the NFL Players Association and the NBA’s Player Association, Autograph seems to be more focused on the individual athletes and the cult of personality built around them outside the context of the teams they play on or leagues they are part of. Autograph has a handful of early partners largely in the sports world, but the names represent some of the most famous athletes in their respective sports, including Brady, Tiger Woods, Simone Biles, Derek Jeter, Naomi Osaka, Usain Bolt, Wayne Gretzky and Tony Hawk.
Autograph’s aim seems to be in building out an onramp to the space where triple-A listers can dip their toes into crypto influencing in a more highly curated environment.
In July, Autograph announced a partnership with DraftKings, though the startup tells TechCrunch it has been working with a number of marketplaces. Autograph has been primarily serving up its NFTs on the Polygon blockchain, which taps into Ethereum’s infrastructure but uses significantly less energy per transaction, a fact that’s likely important to celebrities who may be wary to open themselves up to environmental critiques of blockchain technologies.
Outside the sports world, Autograph has done drops with The Weeknd, Slam Magazine and officially-licensed NFTs for the horror series Saw.
(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:sako)