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この堅調な結果は、176億ドル(約2兆30億円)を少し上回る、はるかに控えめな0.3%の成長を記録した2021年第3四半期に続くものだ。そしてこの朗報は、同社が190億ドル(約2兆1625億円)のインフラストラクチャーサービス事業をスピンアウトした後にもたらされたものでもある。企業が大きな事業を失い、それがこんなに早く有利に働くというのは、少し直感に反するように思えるかもしれないが、それは、ほぼ完全にクラウドに集中すると判断したCEOのArvind Krishna(アルビンド・クリシュナ)氏の考えの大きな部分だったようだ。


同社が何年も低迷し、一時は22四半期連続で売上がマイナス成長するのを見てきた。前CEOのGinni Rometty(ジニ・ロメッティ)氏が2019年に社を去り、クリシュナ氏が就任したとき、同氏は今後変化が起こること、そして自身のビジョンに属さない事業を切り離すつもりであることを明らかにしている。

その中には、Kyndryl (キンドリル)を切り離し、ロメッティ氏が大きな賭けに出て数十億ドル(数千億円)をかけて大きな事業に育て上げたWatson Health(ワトソン・ヘルス)部門の大部分を売却することも含まれていた。うまくいかなかったときにクリシュナ氏は損切りを恐れず、IBMは1月21日にWatson Health事業をFrancisco Partners(フランシスコ・パートナーズ)に売却したが、その額はロメッティ氏がこの部門につぎ込んだ資金をはるかに下回り、10億ドル(約1140億円)程度と報道されている。

関連記事:IBMが医療データ管理「Watson Health」事業の大半をFrancisco Partnersに売却

クリシュナ氏は現在、IBMが2018年に340億ドル(約3兆8690億円)で買収したRed Hat(レッドハット)を中心に会社を作りたいと明らかにしている。Red Hatの部門ハイブリッドクラウドの売上高は、第4四半期に前年同期比18%増の62億ドル(約7050億円)となり、同社が期待していたような収益成長だった。


関連記事:IBMが約3.7兆円でRed Hat買収を完了


Moor Insight & Strategiesの創設者で主席アナリストのPatrick Moorhead(パトリック・ムーアヘッド)氏は、今回の決算は少なくともIBMにとって良い兆候だと話す。「1つの良い四半期がトレンドを作るわけではありませんが、最低3つあればトレンドになると思います。近い将来、一桁台半ばの成長が見られると確信しています」






画像クレジット:Sean Gallup


IBM reported revenue for Q3 2021 — and the news wasn’t just “good.” For a company that has seen negative or low revenue growth for almost a decade, it was great. Big Blue reported $16.7 billion in revenue for the quarter, up 6.5% year over year (8.6% on a constant-currency basis; the strengthening dollar is making a number of companies deal with FX fluctuations).

The solid results come a quarter after IBM posted far more modest 0.3% growth in the third quarter of 2021, on slightly higher $17.6 billion. The good news also comes in the wake of the company spinning out its $19 billion infrastructure services business. It may seem slightly counterintuitive to see a company lose a large chunk of business and have it work out in its favor so quickly, but that would appear to have been a big part of CEO Arvind Krishna’s thinking in making that move to focus almost entirely on the cloud.

We watched the company flounder for years, at one point recording 22 straight quarters of negative revenue growth. When former CEO Ginni Rometty left in 2019 and was replaced by Krishna, he made it clear there were changes coming and he was going to cut the parts of the business that were not part of his vision.

That included kicking Kyndryl to the curb and selling the bulk of the company’s Watson Health division, an area where Rometty had made a big bet and spent billions to build it into a substantial business. When it didn’t work out, Krishna was not afraid to cut his losses, selling off the assets on Friday to Francisco Partners in a deal that was far below the money Rometty had plowed into the division, with reports putting the deal at around $1 billion.

Krishna has made it clear he wants to build the company around Red Hat now, the company IBM bought in 2018 for $34 billion. Hybrid cloud revenue, the division where Red Hat lives, reported $6.2 billion in revenue for the quarter — up 18% year over year, giving the company the kind of growing revenue it was hoping for.

The CEO has made it known he’s looking for steady growth moving forward, not eye-popping, but the kind of steady growth you would expect from a mature company like IBM, and certainly not quarter after quarter of negative growth. This would appear to put them on that road.

That’s three straight quarters of positive growth for fiscal 2021 — 3%, 0.3% and 6.5% — and while those are not the type of growth numbers that make you scream from the rooftops, they are a positive trend for a venerable corporation that desperately needs it

Patrick Moorhead, founder and principal analyst at Moor Insight & Strategies, says the report is at the very least a good sign for the company. “While one good quarter doesn’t make a trend, I believe three do and at a minimum, I believe we will see mid-single-digit growth in the near future.”

Other bright spots

While hybrid cloud revenue growth was the obvious outlier result from the company’s matrix of Q4 outcomes, there were other bright spots worth considering. Software revenues were up 8% (10%, constant currency), and consulting-derived top line was up a strong 13% (16%, constant currency).

The result of the generally positive results was a strong profit outcome. IBM reported gross profit of $9.5 billion, up a slim 2.5%. However, that figure converted into $2.9 billion in net income at Big Blue, up a shocking 183% on a pre-tax basis. The company’s profit, after taxes, still came to a strong $2.5 billion, up a slightly more modest 107% compared to the year-ago quarter.

In simple terms, IBM’s business remains a very lucrative one. And one that, finally, after years and years of stagnation and decline from a volume (revenue) basis, has not only managed a string of growth, but, in its most recent quarter, pretty solid top line expansion, to boot.

IBM did not survive this long by accident, so perhaps we should have had more faith. But its epic run of negative growth did engender a pretty strong cadre of doubters. Investors are impressed, at least, with IBM shares up sharply in after-hours trading.

Now let’s see if the company can repeat the feat this year. Then we can really call it a comeback.

(文:Ron Miller、Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)



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