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Tesla(テスラ)をハックした19歳のDavid Colombo(デビッド・コロンボ)が騒がれるのは、当然といえば当然の話だ。彼はサードパーティソフトウェアの欠陥を利用して、13カ国にわたる世界的EVメーカーの車両25台にリモートアクセスした。ハッカーは、遠隔操作でドアのロックを解除し、窓を開け、音楽を流し、それぞれの車両を始動させることができたと話している。





最近の自動車サイバーセキュリティ規格SAE/ISO-21434と国連規則155は、自動車メーカー(通称、OEM)に車両アーキテクチャ全体に対する脅威分析とリスク評価(threat analysis and risk assessment、TARA)の実施を義務化している。これらの規制により、OEMは車両のサイバーリスクと暴露の責任を負う。つまり、そこが最終責任になる。



私たちKaramba Securityは、2021年に数十件のTARAプロジェクトを実施したが、OEMのセキュリティ対策には大きなばらつきが散見された。しかながらOEMは、顧客の安全性を維持し、新しい規格や規制に対応するためにできるだけ多くのリスクを特定し、生産前に対処することを最重要視している点で共通している。




編集部注:本稿の執筆者Assaf Harel(アサフ・アレル)氏は、Karamba Securityで研究とイノベーション活動を指揮し、革新的な製品とサービスの広範なIPポートフォリオを監督している。

画像クレジット:SOPA Images/Getty Images


The buzz about 19-year-old Tesla hacker David Colombo is well deserved. A flaw in third-party software allowed him to remotely access 25 of the world’s leading EV manufacturer’s vehicles across 13 countries. The hacker shared that he was able to remotely unlock the doors, open the windows, blast music and start each vehicle.

The vulnerabilities he exploited aren’t in Tesla’s software, but in a third-party app, so there are some limits to what Colombo could accomplish; he couldn’t do anything in the way of steering or speeding up or slowing down. But he was able to open the doors, honk the horn, control the flashlights and gather private data from the hacked vehicles.

EVs are fun. They are superbly connected, constantly updated and offer a great user experience, but they are cars, not mobile phones. Assaf Harlel

For cybersecurity pros, such remote code execution or stealing app keys is a daily occurrence, but my hope is that we don’t become so desensitized to breach disclosures that we miss the opportunity to use this one as a teachable moment to educate stakeholders across the connected car ecosystem.

This compromise is a cybersecurity hygiene 101 issue, and frankly, a mistake that shouldn’t happen. The third-party software in question may have been a self-hosted data logger, as Tesla suddenly deprecated thousands of authentication tokens the day after Colombo posted his Twitter thread and notified them. Some other Twitter users supported this idea, noting that the default configuration of the app left open the possibility of anyone gaining remote access to the vehicle. This also tracks with Colombo’s initial tweet claiming the vulnerability was “the fault of the owners, not Tesla.”

Recent automotive cybersecurity standards SAE/ISO-21434 and UN Regulation 155 mandate automakers (aka OEMs) to perform threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA) on their entire vehicle architecture. Those regulations have made OEMs accountable for cyber risks and exposures. The buck stops there.

It is somewhat awkward that a sophisticated OEM such as Tesla oversaw the risk of opening up its APIs to third-party applications. Low quality apps may not be well-protected, enabling hackers to exploit their weaknesses and use the app as a bridge into the car, as the case seemed to be here. The integrity of third-party applications lies with automakers: It’s their responsibility to screen those apps, or at least block the interface of their APIs to non-certified, third-party app providers.

Yes, consumers have some accountability to make sure that they download and update apps frequently from app stores that are endorsed or inspected by their OEMs, but part of the OEMs’ responsibility is to identify such risks in its TARA process and block the access of unauthorized apps to their vehicles.

We at Karamba Security conducted a few tens of TARA projects in 2021 and saw wide variety in the security preparedness of OEMs. Yet they all place the utmost importance on identifying as many risks as possible and to address them before production, in order to maintain customer safety, and to comply with the new standards and regulations.

Here are the best practices that we recommend OEMs employ:

Our advice to consumers is to strictly avoid downloading apps which do not reside on the OEM’s store. As tempting as it may look, such apps can expose the driver and passengers to extreme cyber and privacy risks.

EVs are fun. They are superbly connected, constantly updated and offer a great user experience, but they are cars, not mobile phones. Hacking into vehicles endangers driver safety and privacy.

(文:Assaf Harel、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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