

関連ワード (元企業家、投資、構築等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


ベンチャーキャピタルのBackstage Capital(バックステージ・キャンピタル)を2015年に設立して以来、Arlan Hamilton(アーラン・ハミルトン)氏は、自動車保険に挑戦する2人組からバーチャル学習のやり方を見直しているチームまで、数百万ドル(数億円)の資金を過小評価されたファウンダー率いる195の会社に投資してきた。業種の多様さにもかかわらず、ハミルトン氏は常に2つの質問を投資先企業から受けてきた。




概念上、Runnerは逆張り投資家ではない。Upwork(アップワーク)とFiverr(ファイバー)はフリーランス経済の上で堅調なビジネスを構築した。この会社の違うところは、そのターゲットがテック業界の事業運営者であり、彼らをどう雇うかである点だ。”runner”、すなわちギグワークを求めているパートタイムプロフェッショナルは、W-2雇用者としてRunnerに雇われる。現在、同プラットフォームには200人前後の runnerがおり、その中には幹部経験者や、新たな収入源を求める元企業家もいる。

同社の現在の幹部の多くは、かつてrunnerとして入った人たちだ。例えばカスタマーサクセス(顧客を成功に導く)を率いるMelanie Jones(メラニー・ジョーンズ)氏は、歯科医ネットワークのプロダクトマネージャーを経て同プラットフォームに加わった。1カ月以内に彼女は幹部として雇用され、runnerから企業の意思決定者へと転じた人々に仲間入りした。それとは別に、Boeing(ボーイング)の幹部、Diana Moore(ダイアナ・ムーア)氏が4カ月前にCOOとして加わった。

runnerを請負人ではなく従業員に分類することによって、彼らは基本的な保護とより安定した雇用を得ることができる。Y Combinator(ワイ・コンビネーター)出身のBluecrew(ブルークルー)もオンデマンドワーカーを派遣する類似の組織をつくり、バーテンダー、イベントスタッフ、警備員、データ入力、カスタマーサポートなどの職種でも福利厚生のある従業員として労働者を雇用した。

ハミルトン氏にとって、Runnerは彼女がベンチャー業界に入る前から温めていたアイデアに立ち返るものだ。Backstage Capitalを始める前、ハミルトン氏は4人のミュージシャンの制作コーディネーターとツアーマネージャーだった(今も彼女は投資家としての仕事の中で音楽を引き合いに出す)。その仕事をする中で、彼女は多くのrunnerたち、すなわち遠征先で右腕として役に立ってくれる地元のエキスパートたちと仕事をした。Backstageを立ち上げる中で、彼女は自身の生活でrunnerを使い始め、国を横断してファウンダーらと合う際に1日だけ手伝ってくれる人を雇った。




Backstage Ventureがベンチャーキャピタルの配り方と行き先を一変させようとしているのに対して、Runnerは企業が過小評価された人材を採用する手助けをする、という立場では作られていない。それはハミルトン氏がこの会社を固定概念化したくなかったからだという。




ラウンドの出資者は、Precursor、Lunar Startups、Kabor CapitalのFreada Klein(フリーダ・クライン)氏、360 Venture Collective、およびGaingels。Backstage Capitalのクラウド・シンジケートであるBackstage Flex Fund IIおよびBackstage Opportunity Fund IもRunnerに投資した。

投資家が自身のファンドの資金を、自分が立ち上げた企業に投入することは稀だが、ハミルトン氏がいうように皆無ではなく、Guy Oseary(ガイ・オゼアリー)氏のSound Venturesが自身の会社のBrightに投資したり、David Sacks(デビッド・サックス)氏のCraft Ventuesが彼のオーディオ会社に投資した例はある。それでも、GP(ゼネラルパートナー)の会社に投資する時、意思決定者たちがプレッシャーを感じることがあれば利益の衝突が起きかねない。なんといってもGPなのだから。

ハミルトン氏は、Runnerへの出資を決定した投資委員会の一員だったが、各委員には自主決定する権限を与えたと彼女はいう。さらに、8ページにわたる契約概要(課題、機会、ギャップなどが書かれている)をまとめたのはBackstageのパートナーであるBrittany Davis(ブリタニー・デービス)氏とアソシエートのKelly Lei(ケリー・リー)氏であり、彼女は手を加えていないことを付け加えた。Runnerチームはプレゼン資料を提供してくれた。



画像クレジット:Blake Little / Getty Images


Since launching the venture firm Backstage Capital in 2015, Arlan Hamilton has invested millions in more than 195 companies led by underrepresented founders, from a duo taking on auto insurance to a team rethinking how we virtually learn. Despite the breadth in the business, Hamilton says she is consistently asked two questions by her portfolio companies:

“Can you help us raise money? And, “Can you help us with hiring?”

While Hamilton’s fund is a response to the former, her latest bet — built by Hamilton herself — is a startup that explores the latter. Runner is a labor marketplace that connects startups with operations people looking for part-time work. It seeks to combat some of the largest tensions in early-stage startup building, such as deciding when it’s time to hire your first head of talent, or figuring out what to contract out, or what to build in-house when it comes to staffing. It’s launching with an explicit focus on operations roles.

“There are so many places you can go if you want to learn how to code or if you want to get a job as in the more technical side of things,” Hamilton says. “But where do you go right now if you want to be someone’s right hand, the COO, etc. … it’s sort of an afterthought for most [companies].”

Conceptually, Runner isn’t contrarian. Upwork and Fiverr have built solid businesses atop the freelancer economy. What’s different about the startup, though, is in who it targets — operations folks in tech — and how it employs them. Every “runner” or part-time professional who is looking to get a new gig is employed by the company under a W-2 classification. Around 200 runners are on the platform today, including those with experience in corporate roles or those who were previously entrepreneurs who want another stream of income.

Many current executives at the company first joined as runners. For example, head of customer success Melanie Jones joined the platform after spending time as a product manager at a dental network. Within a month, she was hired as an executive, alongside a number of other runners-turned-decision-makers at the company. Separately, Boeing exec Dianna Moore joined as a COO just four months ago.

For Hamilton, Runner is a return to an idea she’s been working on before she even broke into venture. Before Backstage, Hamilton was a production coordinator and tour manager for musicians (she continues to pepper music references into her work as an investor). While in that role, she would often work with runners, or individuals with local expertise who could be a right-hand helper to make things happen while on the road. When she was building Backstage, she began using runners in her own life, hiring people for one-day help while meeting founders across the country.

After the investor saw synergies between this role within the production world and tech’s love for flexibility, she brewed up Runner, with a logo and everything.

“We were building Backstage, we had no resources, because COVID hadn’t happened yet, people were really kind of confused by the idea of it,” she said. “So it was just one of those whiteboard ideas.” Now, nearly two years into a still ongoing pandemic, the market is ready.

The company’s business model is a 25% cut of a runner’s hourly rate. Additionally, if a runner is recruited by a customer to join them full-time, the customer must pay a 10% recruitment fee of the runner’s first year’s salary.

Unlike Backstage, which wants to upend the way venture capital is distributed and to whom, Runner isn’t building under the guise of helping companies recruit underrepresented talent — a choice Hamilton made, interestingly, because she didn’t want to “pigeonhole” the company.

“It would have been really easy for us to just categorize ourselves as a DEI recruitment company, but we didn’t want to be responsible for that — it should be everyone’s responsibility,” she said. That said, today, all executives at Runner come from historically overlooked backgrounds.

Before it went to the waitlist model to better deal with demand, Runner secured around 120 pilot customers at a $500,000 run rate. Its app is set to launch on March 15, 2022.

As for financing, Hamilton initially bootstrapped the company and, within the first 100 days, raised a $500,000 angel round. Most recently, Runner raised a $1.5 million pre-seed round on a SAFE note at an undisclosed valuation.

Backers in that round include Precursor, Lunar Startups, Freada Klein of Kapor Capital, 360 Venture Collective and Gaingels. Backstage Capital’s crowd syndicate, Backstage Flex Fund II and Backstage Opportunity Fund I, also invested in the startup.

It’s rare to see investors pour their own fund’s money into a company they started, but, as Hamilton notes, it’s not unheard of when you consider Guy Oseary’s Sound Ventures investing in his company, Bright, or David Sacks’ Craft Ventures investing in his audio company. Still, it can create a conflict of interest if decision-makers at the firm feel pressure to put money into a GP’s company, because they are, well, the GP.

Hamilton was part of the investment committee that decided to put money into Runner, but also gave each person authority to make autonomous decisions, she says. She also added that the eight-page deal memo — which gets into challenges, opportunity and gaps — was written by Backstage partner Brittany Davis, and associate Kelly Lei, without any alterations from her. The Runner team provided the pitch deck.

“It’s my fiduciary duty at the firm to bring back returns, and it’s my duty as a CEO of Runner to bring in the best investment partners possible. I did both,” Hamilton adds over Twitter DM. Another balance in the mix is that any Backstage portfolio company that uses Runner doesn’t have to pay the 25% service fee, or the amount that goes to the company’s revenue and operations.

“Our goal is to have 1,000 or more [runners] by the end of the year making an average of $40,000,” Hamilton said. “[Then] we are a half a billion dollar company.”

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )



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