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この勧告では、脅威を受ける特定のセクターの名前は挙げられていないが、衛星通信の利用は米国全土に広がっている。推定で約800万人の米国人が、インターネットアクセスのためにSATCOMネットワークに依存している。衛星通信システムの分析を専門とするサイバーセキュリティの専門家、Ruben Santamarta(ルーベン・サンタマルタ)氏はTechCrunchに対し、ネットワークは航空、政府、メディア、軍など幅広い業界で利用されており、遠隔地にあるガス施設や電力サービスステーションなどでも利用されていると述べた。
「私たちは現在、これが意図的で、それ自体独立した、外部要因によるサイバー事案であると考えています」とViasatの広報担当者であるChris Phillips(クリス・フィリップス)氏は話す。「Viasatによる継続的な、そして現在も続く対応により、KA-SATネットワークは安定しました」と同氏は述べ、フランス宇宙司令部のMichel Friedling(ミシェル・フリードリング)司令官が、この事件の結果 Viasatの顧客端末が「永久に使用できない」状態になったとのツイートに反論した。
画像クレジット:Al Drago / Getty Images
The U.S. government is warning of “possible threats” to satellite communication networks amid fears that recent attacks on satellite networks in Europe, sparked by the war in Ukraine, could soon spread to the United States.
A joint CISA-FBI advisory published this week urges satellite communication (SATCOM) network providers and critical infrastructure organizations that rely on satellite networks to bolster their cybersecurity defenses due to an increased likelihood of cyberattack, warning that a successful intrusion could create risk in their customer environments.
While the advisory did not name specific sectors under threat, the use of satellite communications is widespread across the United States. It’s estimated that about eight million Americans rely on SATCOM networks for internet access. Ruben Santamarta, a cybersecurity expert who specializes in analyzing satellite communications systems, told TechCrunch that networks are used in a wide number of industries, including aviation, government, the media and the military, as well as gas facilities and electricity service stations that are located in remote places.
The military, in particular, should be concerned, according to Santamarta, who says that the recent cyberattack that hit SATCOM provider Viasat, which knocked tens of thousands of customers in Europe offline in February, shows the damage that can be done.
“The military in Ukraine was using this kind of satellite terminal,” Santamarta tells TechCrunch. “It has been acknowledged by one of the representatives of the Ukrainian army that it was a huge loss for them in terms of communications, so obviously that’s one of the most significant sectors that are affected right now.”
Santamarta said for the maritime industry, for example, a successful attack could become a safety threat rather than solely a cybersecurity issue. “Vessels use satellite communications for safety operations, so if they have to send a distress call, this can be sent over a radio frequency or a SATCOM channel. If you can’t send that kind of distress call, that’s a problem,” he said.
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The joint U.S. advisory comes days after Western intelligence agencies reportedly launched an investigation into the cyberattack that hit Viasat’s KA-SAT network last month, causing a massive communications outage across Europe at the outset of Russia’s invasion.
The outage, which has not yet been fully resolved, affected satellite internet services for tens of thousands of customers in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, and disconnected roughly 5,800 wind turbines in Germany.
The cyberattack was originally believed to be the result of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, but this has since been thrown into doubt. Viasat hasn’t yet provided technical details but has confirmed that attackers leveraged a misconfiguration in the management section of the satellite network for remote access to modems. According to Santamarta, this suggests that the attackers likely deployed a malicious firmware update to the terminals.
“The attackers likely managed to compromise or spoof a ground station… to issue a command by abusing a legitimate control protocol… that deployed a malicious firmware update to the terminals,” Santamarta said in his analysis of the attack.
Given that Viasat provides its satellite communication service to the Ukrainian military, it’s believed the cyberattack may have been an attempt to disrupt communications across Ukraine during the early stages of Russia’s invasion.
“We currently believe this was a deliberate, isolated and external cyber event,” said Viasat spokesperson Chris Phillips. “Viasat’s continuous and ongoing mitigation efforts have stabilized the KA-SAT network.” Phillips rebuffed claims made by Michel Friedling, commander of the French Space Command, who said in a tweet that Viasat customer terminals had been rendered “permanently unusable” as a result of the incident.
“Viasat is actively working with distributors to restore service for those fixed broadband users in Europe impacted by this event, with a priority focus on critical infrastructure and humanitarian assistance,” added Phillips. “We continue to make significant progress and multiple resolution efforts have been completed while others are underway.”
The government’s advisory said U.S. organizations should “significantly lower their threshold for reporting and sharing indications of malicious cyber activity” due to the heightened risk of similar attacks targeting SATCOM networks.
(文:Carly Page、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)a