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2022年3月初めには、世界でも数少ない「専業」の量子技術企業Rigetti Computingが、特別目的買収企業SPACとの合併で上場した。しかし2021年10月にはもう1つの企業であるIonQがSPACとの合併で上場し、Rigettiは量子技術の商用化を明白に打ち出した最初の上場企業になる機会を惜しくも逃している。そして、もう1つのライバルD-Waveは、SPAC経由の上場を発表している。このような「動き」の意味を考えてみよう。

上場への動きは確かに量子技術が理論の域を超えて前進している1つの徴候ではあるが、もっと強力なシグナルは、それがAlphabetと強力な関係を結ぼうとしていることだ。同社は米国時間3月22日、6歳になる量子技術グループであるSandbox AQを独立した企業にすると発表した。

SandboxでAIと量子技術のディレクターを務め、長い間、X Prizeの取締役でもあるJack Hidary(ジャック・ヒダリー)氏は、引き続きこのカリフォルニア州マウンテンビューにある社員55名の企業を率いる。同社は通信、金融サービス、ヘルスケア、政府、コンピューターセキュリティなどの商用製品を開発するエンタープライズSaaS企業と自称している。

Sandboxには、元Alphabet会長でCEOのEric Schmidt(エリック・シュミット)氏、元JPMorgan Chaseの幹部でクレジット・デフォルト・スワップの開発に携わったBlythe Masters(ブライス・マスターズ)氏、元パロアルト研究所のチーフサイエンティストJohn Seely Brown(ジョン・シーリー・ブラウン)氏など、羨ましいほどのアドバイザー陣も揃っている。

さらに注目すべきは、Sandboxが額面非公開で「9桁ドル」のファンドを展開していることだ。新しい外部投資家の中には、Breyer Capitalとその創業者Jim Breyer(ジム・ブレイヤー)氏がおり、同氏はSandboxの顧問団にも加わった。その他にも、投資家集団の中にはSection 32、Guggenheim Investments、TIME InvestmentsそしてT. Rowe Price Associatesの顧問を務めるアカウントも名を連ねている。


Sandboxのコンピューティングパワーを有料で利用している顧客の中には、Vodafone Business、SoftBank Mobile、そしてMount Sinai Health Systemがいる。







画像クレジット:Justin Sullivan/Getty Images


Quantum tech may be having its moment at long last.

Consider that earlier this month, one of the few “pure play” quantum tech companies in the world, Rigetti Computing, went public by merging with a special purpose acquisition company or SPAC. It only narrowly missed becoming the first publicly traded company to expressly focus on commercializing quantum tech when another outfit, IonQ, went public through a SPAC merger in October. Meanwhile, another rival in the space, D-Wave, says it is also now planning to go public via SPAC.

While movement toward the public markets is one indicator that quantum tech is progressing beyond the realm of the theoretical, an even stronger signal that it’s getting ready for its close-up ties to Alphabet, which said this morning that it’s spinning out its six-year-old quantum tech group, Sandbox AQ, into a standalone company.

Jack Hidary, who was formerly the director of AI and quantum at Sandbox and is a longtime X Prize board member, will continue to lead the 55-person, Mountain View, California, outfit, which describes itself as an enterprise SaaS company that’s developing commercial products for telecom, financial services, healthcare, government, computer security and other sectors.

Sandbox has also assembled an enviable cast of advisers, including former Alphabet Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt; Blythe Masters, the former JPMorgan Chase exec who helped create credit default swaps; and John Seely Brown, the former chief scientist of Xerox PARC.

Notably, too, Sandbox is rolling out with an undisclosed amount of “nine-figure” funding. Among its new outside investors is Breyer Capital, whose founder, Jim Breyer, has also joined Sandbox’s board of advisers. Section 32, Guggenheim Investments, TIME Investments and accounts advised by T. Rowe Price Associates are also in the investor mix.

Seemingly, burgeoning market demand partly explains Alphabet’s decision to spin out Sandbox. According to Gartner, by next year, 20% of global organizations are expected to budget for quantum-computing projects, up from less than 1% in 2018.

Among the customers already paying Sandbox for its computing power are Vodafone Business, SoftBank Mobile and the Mount Sinai Health System.

But judging by a recent chat with Breyer, perhaps an even bigger driver of growing interest in quantum tech is the realization is that, while true, fault-tolerant quantum computing — meaning the ability to harness quantum physics to zip through numerous possibilities and determine a probable outcome — could be five or more years away, other related tech, like so-called quantum-sensing technologies — is fast becoming a reality.

Indeed, rather than work on quantum computers, Sandbox is instead focused on how quantum tech intersects with AI, developing applications to strengthen cybersecurity platforms, among other things. In the company’s own words, “[T]here are many aspects of quantum physics and technology that can be commercialized in the near term with no need for quantum computers … using today’s high-performance computers.” The resulting “quantum simulations can address real-world business and scientific challenges across a broad spectrum of industries, from financial services and healthcare to aerospace and manufacturing to communications and materials science.” 

The statements echo comments made by Breyer when we spoke a couple of weeks ago, when he told us that there are “tremendous national security opportunities for the quantum companies … But what I’m really excited about today from an investment standpoint is not necessarily the big super capital intensive quantum computers … but areas like quantum sensing.”

Think of a very high-powered 1,000x light microscope that can be applied to medicine, Breyer had offered by way of explanation. “There are quantum sensing technologies today that are being piloted at some of our great hospitals in the United States that I think will revolutionize areas such as cardiology [and] drug discovery.”

Indeed, suggested Breyer, while quantum computing platforms will eventually play a role in helping catch diseases faster, improve security systems and to protect all kinds of data — they might also be used to attack some of those systems, which is partly why larger organizations, including governments and corporations, are no longer waiting for those massive quantum computers to arrive — or shouldn’t be, in any case. “We need to get our arms around it,” he’d said.

“There are quantum technologies now where — they’re not at the breakout point of where quantum computing will be in four or five years —  but are making a very big difference,” he said. The team at Sandbox, he suggested at the time, is among those leading the charge.

(文:Connie Loizos、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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