Uberがアルコール宅配サービスのDrizlyを約1150億円で買収へ、Uber Eatsの収益性アップを狙う

今回は「Uberがアルコール宅配サービスのDrizlyを約1150億円で買収へ、Uber Eatsの収益性アップを狙う」についてご紹介します。

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Uber(ウーバー)は米国時間2月2日、アルコールデリバリーサービスのDrizlyを買収する計画を発表した。約11億ドル(約1150億円)の買収には株式と現金が含まれており、2021年前半に完了する見込みだ。計画では、DrizlyのマーケットプレイスがUber Eatsアプリに直接組み込まれる予定だが、同社は当面の間Drizlyのスタンドアロンアプリの提供も維持するとしている。

確かに、両社のマーケットプレイスには適合性がある。Uberは基本的なライドシェアと配送技術を提供しているが、Drizlyは同社がUber Eatsをさらに収益性の高いサービスに発展させるのを助けることができる。

「Cory Rellas(コリー・レラス)CEOと彼のすばらしいチームは、Drizlyを信じられないほどのサクセスストーリーに育て上げ、前年比300%以上の利益を上げています」と、UberでCEOを務めるDara Khosrowshahi(ダラ・コスロシャヒ)氏はリリースで語った。「DrizlyをUberファミリーに取り込むことでDrizlyをUberの利用者に知ってもらい、数年後にはそのプレゼンスをグローバルな拠点に拡大することでその軌跡を加速できます」。

このサービスは米国全土の市場で着実に展開されているが、現地の酒類に関する法律が拡大のハードルとなっている。2021年1月にはアトランタをサービスリストに加え、地元の十数軒の市場や酒屋と提携して配達地域を拡大した。Uber Eatsのように、Drizlyはサービスを提供する市場で地元の小売店と提携している。Drizlyによると、同社のサービスは北米の1400以上の都市におよんでいるという。パンデミックに関連したロックダウンも、アルコールデリバリーの魅力を拡大するための一助となっていることは間違いない。



画像クレジット:Getty Images


Uber today announced plans to acquire alcohol delivery service Drizly. The approximately $1.1 billion deal includes stock and cash and is expected to close in the first half of the year. The plan will build Drizly’s marketplace directly into the Uber Eats app, though the company notes that it will maintain Drizly as a standalone app offering as well, for the time being.

Certainly there’s a marketplace fit here. Uber provides the underlying ride hailing and delivery technologies, while Drizly can help the company expand Uber Eats into an even more potentially lucrative service.

“[CEO Cory Rellas] and his amazing team have built Drizly into an incredible success story, profitably growing gross bookings more than 300 percent year-over-year,” Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said in a release. “By bringing Drizly into the Uber family, we can accelerate that trajectory by exposing Drizly to the Uber audience and expanding its geographic presence into our global footprint in the years ahead.”

The service has experienced a steady roll out in markets across the U.S. Though local liquor laws have offered something of a hurdle for expansion. Last month, it added Atlanta to the list, teaming up with a dozen or so local markets and liquor stores to expand delivery. Like Uber Eats, Drizly teams with local merchants in the markets it services. The company says its services reach more than 1,400 cities in North America at last count. No doubt pandemic-related shutdowns have also gone a ways toward expanding the appeal of alcohol delivery.

Founded in 2012, Boston-based Drizly has raised just under $120 million to date, per Crunchbase. That includes a $34.5 million Series C back in late-2018. More recently, the service was hit with a data breach. The breach, which was disclosed last July, was believed to have impacted up to 2.5 million accounts.

Uber says it expects around 90% of the payment to Drizly stockholders to be made in Uber stock, with the remainder coming via cash. The deal is pending standard regulatory approval.


(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:塚本直樹 / Twitter)

Uber - Official Site

We're finding better ways for cities to move, work, and thrive. Download the app and get a ride in minutes. Or become a driver and earn money on your schedule.

Uber - Wikipedia

Uber Technologies, Inc., commonly known as Uber, is an American technology company.Its services include ride-hailing, food delivery (), package delivery, couriers, freight transportation, and, through a partnership with Lime, electric bicycle and motorized scooter rental. The company is based in San Francisco and has operations in over 900 metropolitan areas worldwide.

Uber inks $1.1B deal to buy Drizly

The San Francisco-based tech giant inked a $1.1 billion deal to acquire the largest alcohol delivery service, Drizly, the company said on Tuesday.

Uber Buys Drizly, an Alcohol Delivery Service for $1.1 ...

Uber has acquired Drizly, the alcohol delivery service, in a $1.1 billion deal, the ride-hailing company said on Tuesday. The acquisition is part of Uber's aggressive push to expand its booming ...

Uber is buying alcohol delivery startup Drizly for $1.1 ...

Uber's future used to be self-driving cars. Now it's delivering alcohol.

Uber agrees to buy alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1 ...

Uber announced Tuesday it is acquiring alcohol-delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash. Following the completion of the transaction, Drizly's marketplace will be integrated with ...

Uber to buy alcohol-delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion

Uber Technologies Inc. announced Tuesday it is acquiring Drizly, the nation’s leading on-demand alcohol-delivery service, for $1.1 billion.

Uber acquires Drizly for $1.1 billion - New York Daily News

Uber is acquiring Drizly, the alcohol-delivery service, for $1.1 billion in stock and cash, the ride-share and food-delivery company announced Tuesday.

Uber To Snap Up Alcohol Delivery Company Drizly For $1 Billion

Uber announced it has acquired alcohol delivery start-up Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash.

Uber to buy leading alcohol delivery service Drizly in $1 ...

Acquisition of Drizly, which will be integrated into Uber’s Eats platform but maintain separate app, pushes share price up 6.5%

優步 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Uber刚进入中国市场时注册美资企业御驾(上海)网络技术服务有限公司,後在开曼群岛设立海外控股公司Uber (China), Limited,經香港全资子公司Uber (Hong Kong), Limited於上海设立了外商独资企业上海雾博信息技术有限公司,並透过VIE协议控制吾步(上海)软件科技 ...

Uber to Acquire Alcohol Delivery Platform Drizly | The ...

The $1.1 billion transaction will be funded with a mix of cash and stock.

Uber Will Bring the Booze After Acquiring Drizly for $1.1B ...

Uber Will Bring the Booze After Acquiring Drizly for $1.1B Mobile ride-hailing company Uber said Tuesday that it's acquiring the alcohol-delivery platform Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash.

Uber to acquire alcohol-delivery start-up Drizly for more ...

Boston-based Drizly, the home-delivery app geared to deliver alcohol to your door, is being bought by Uber in a blockbuster deal worth over a billion dollars.

Uber is buying alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1B ...

Uber today announced plans to acquire alcohol delivery service Drizly. The approximately $1.1 billion deal includes stock and cash and is expected to close in the first half of the year. The plan will build Drizly’s marketplace directly into the Uber Eats app, though the company notes that it will maintain Drizly as a standalone […]

Uber to buy Drizly on-demand alcohol company for $1.1 ...

Shares of Uber Technologies Inc. undefined rallied 5.3% in premarket trading Tuesday, after the ride-hailing company announced an agreement to buy on-demand...

Uber is betting $1.1 billion on alcohol deliveries

Uber's future used to be self-driving cars. Now it's delivering alcohol.On Tuesday, the company...

Uber buys Boston-based alcohol delivery service Drizly for ...

Uber Technologies announced it is buying Boston-based alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion in cash and stock. The deal comes amid a massive shift in consumer behavior accelerated by the pandemic, as shoppers increasingly turn to delivery apps to fulfill their everyday needs.

Uber buys Drizly, the booze delivery app, for $1.1 billion ...

The ride-hailing business said it plans to integrate Drizly into its Uber Eats app.

Uber Purchasing Alcohol Delivery Startup Drizzly For $1.1 ...

Uber's future used to be self-driving cars. Now it's delivering alcohol.

Uber will bring the booze after acquiring Drizly for $1.1B ...

Uber said Tuesday that it is acquiring the alcohol-delivery platform Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash.

Uber Technologies (NYSE:UBER) PT Raised to $57.00 ...

Uber Technologies (NYSE:UBER) had its price objective boosted by stock analysts at Barclays from $50.00 to $57.00 in a report released on Monday, The Fly reports. The brokerage currently has an “overweight” rating on the ride-sharing company’s stock. Barclays‘s target price indicates a potential upside of 0.96% from the company’s previous close. Other equities analysts […]

Uber buys alcohol-delivery startup Drizly in $1.1 billion ...

Uber agreed to acquire Drizly, a wager that demand for home delivery will persist after the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

Uber Acquires Alcohol Delivery Platform Drizly for $1.1 ...

On Tuesday, Uber announced its plan to acquire Drizly, the largest on demand alcohol delivery service in the U.S., for $1.1 billion.

Uber, UPS rise; Vertex Pharmaceuticals, BP fall ...

Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes Tuesday:

Uber, UPS rise; Vertex Pharmaceuticals, BP fall - 660 NEWS

Uber Technologies Inc., up $3.70 to $56.46. The ride-hailing company is buying alcoholic drinks delivery app Drizly for about $1.1 billion in a cash-and-stock deal. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., up 73 cents to $62.94. The drug developer reported encouraging results from its study of a potential psoriasis treatment.

Food, Prescriptions and Now Booze: Uber Delivers It All ...

In a sign of the times, Uber said today it had agreed to purchase alcohol delivery company Drizly in a $1.1 billion stock and cash deal. The acquisition is expected to close within the first half of 2021. See: Will Delivery Services Stay Popular Through 2021? Find: Meet the 23 Companies That Are New to the Fortune 500 With ongoing lockdowns and restrictions, it makes sense for Uber to continue ...

Uber buys Drizly, an alcohol delivery service, for $1.1 ...

Uber has acquired Drizly, the alcohol delivery service, in a $1.1 billion deal, the ride-hailing company said on Tuesday. The acquisition is part of Uber's aggressive push to expand its booming ...

Uber agrees to buy alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1 ...

Uber announced Tuesday it is acquiring alcohol-delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash. Following the completion of the transaction, Drizly's marketplace will be integrated with ...

Uber buys Drizly, the booze delivery app, for $1.1 billion ...

The ride-hailing business said it plans to integrate Drizly into its Uber Eats app.

Uber to buy alcohol-delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion

Uber Technologies Inc. announced Tuesday it is acquiring Drizly, the nation’s leading on-demand alcohol-delivery service, for $1.1 billion.

Uber inks $1.1B deal to buy Drizly

The San Francisco-based tech giant inked a $1.1 billion deal to acquire the largest alcohol delivery service, Drizly, the company said on Tuesday.

Uber buys alcohol-delivery startup Drizly in $1.1 billion ...

Uber agreed to acquire Drizly, a wager that demand for home delivery will persist after the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

Uber To Snap Up Alcohol Delivery Company Drizly For $1 Billion

Uber announced it has acquired alcohol delivery start-up Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash.

Uber to acquire Drizly, the alcohol-delivery platform, for ...

Uber expects more than 90% of the consideration to be paid to Drizly stockholders in shares of Uber common stock and the remainder paid in cash.

Uber to Acquire Alcohol Delivery Platform Drizly | The ...

The $1.1 billion transaction will be funded with a mix of cash and stock.

Uber acquires Drizly for $1.1 billion - New York Daily News

Uber is acquiring Drizly, the alcohol-delivery service, for $1.1 billion in stock and cash, the ride-share and food-delivery company announced Tuesday.

Drizly COO Cathy Lewenberg discusses $1.1B acquisition by ...

Drizly COO Cathy Lewenberg said Drizly is committed to look for a larger office space in Boston and hire 100 new employees in 2021 following its acquisition by Uber.

Uber to acquire alcohol-delivery start-up Drizly for more ...

Boston-based Drizly, the home-delivery app geared to deliver alcohol to your door, is being bought by Uber in a blockbuster deal worth over a billion dollars.

Uber buys Boston-based alcohol delivery service Drizly for ...

Uber Technologies announced it is buying Boston-based alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1 billion in cash and stock. The deal comes amid a massive shift in consumer behavior accelerated by the pandemic, as shoppers increasingly turn to delivery apps to fulfill their everyday needs.

Uber to buy leading alcohol delivery service Drizly in $1 ...

Acquisition of Drizly, which will be integrated into Uber’s Eats platform but maintain separate app, pushes share price up 6.5%

Uber to buy alcohol delivery startup Drizly for $1.1 ...

Uber Technologies Inc. agreed to acquire Drizly Inc., which makes an on-demand alcohol delivery app, for $1.1 billion, beating out at least two rival companies that held talks with the startup ...

Uber to acquire Boston-based alcohol delivery service ...

Uber Technologies announced on Tuesday that it will be acquiring Boston-based Drizly, an alcohol delivery service, for $1.1 billion in stock and cash. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said Drizly had ...

Uber to buy Drizly on-demand alcohol company for $1.1 ...

Shares of Uber Technologies Inc. undefined rallied 5.3% in premarket trading Tuesday, after the ride-hailing company announced an agreement to buy on-demand...

Uber acquires alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1B

Ride-hailing major Uber has acquired alcohol delivery service Drizly in a deal worth $1.1 billion, and Drizlys marketplace will eventually be integrated

Drizly - Wikipedia

Drizly is an alcohol e-commerce platform that facilitates the delivery of alcohol. Referred to by some as the "Amazon for liquor," Drizly lets users order a variety of beer, wine, and spirits directly from local retailers to their location through a mobile app or website.

Uber Acquires Drizly | Cheers

As alcohol ecommerce and direct-to-consumer continue to evolve, Uber Technologies today announced an agreement to buy Drizly. The price is approximately $1.1 billion in stock and cash. Drizly is the …

Uber Acquires Alcohol Delivery Platform Drizly for $1.1 ...

On Tuesday, Uber announced its plan to acquire Drizly, the largest on demand alcohol delivery service in the U.S., for $1.1 billion.

Uber to Acquire Drizly

Drizly plans to innovate and expand independently in its fast-growing and competitive sector, while also gaining access to the advanced mobile marketplace technologies of the world's largest ...

Uber-Drizly Booze Delivery Deal Is Smart Move in Local E ...

The ride-hailing giant's deal for booze-delivery startup Drizly is more evidence the company is focusing on the right opportunity: local e-commerce. You order the drinks, Uber and Drizly will do ...

Uber is buying alcohol delivery startup Drizly for $1.1 ...

Uber's future used to be self-driving cars. Now it's delivering alcohol.

Uber buys alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1B ...

Mobile ride-hailing company Uber said Tuesday that it's acquiring the alcohol-delivery platform Drizly for $1.1 billion in stock and cash.

Uber buys alcohol delivery platform Drizly for $1.1B ...

Food industry news, voices and jobs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Uber is buying alcohol delivery service Drizly for $1.1B ...

Uber today announced plans to acquire alcohol delivery service Drizly. The approximately $1.1 billion deal includes stock and cash and is expected to close in the first half of the year. The plan will build Drizly’s marketplace directly into the Uber Eats app, though the company notes that it will maintain Drizly as a standalone […]

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黒岩議員 河井元大臣は公職選挙法で起訴に加え、妻の案里元議員と前代未聞の選挙買収。桜を見る会は安倍前総理の公設秘書が政治資金規正法で起訴、有罪。IR汚職で秋元元副大臣が逮捕、起訴。鶏卵問題で吉川元農水大臣も起訴。直近では与党議員が銀座ではしご酒。…

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P.S. ジョーイ“ 買収” バイデンは天才ではありません。彼には精神的能力がほとんど残っていません。彼は空虚で突っ走っている偽の大統領です。私は、神が小児性愛者、裏切り者、共産主義者を好むとは思いません。ジョーイの嘘はすぐに彼の足をす…

2021-02-05 12:11

これはJR北だけでなく、他のJRにも言えるかな。 特に買収私鉄や第三セクターとか。

2021-02-05 10:34

★9:08  ファーマフーズ-買い気配 2月12日付で東証2部から同1部に市場変更 ★9:09  カナミックネットワーク-大幅に5日続伸 1Q営業益2倍 プラットフォームサービス伸長 ★9:10  参天製薬-続落 3Q累計営業益6%減…

2021-02-05 05:31

おはよう御座います☀️ 女性軽視発言、官僚違法接待、選挙買収…コロナ禍で、皆さんが苦しい環境下にありながら前向きな良いニュースがありませんね。 誠意をもって、本気で「人」のために、地域のために皆で支え合って生きようよ! これから、呉…

2021-02-05 01:37

?Hostile Takeover 敵対的買収?? ?From:Beaze

2021-02-05 00:19



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