

関連ワード (SNS、Twitter、インド等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





インドの電子情報技術省はまた、軽蔑的で事実に反するとみなしたツイートやハッシュタグが、今週インドで拡散していることに懸念を表明している。「問題のあるツイート / ハッシュタグはパブリックドメインに残っており、公序良俗に対する危害や損失および犯罪の遂行を扇動する危険をともないながら、何度もツイートやリツイートされていたに違いないことは明らかである」と、通知は述べている。


3カ月以上にわたり、インドでは数万人の農民(に限らないが)が、2020年にNarendra Modi(ナレンドラ・モディ)首相の政府によって可決された農産物取引の自由化を目指す3つの法律に抗議してきた。


why aren’t we talking about this?! #FarmersProtest https://t.co/obmIlXhK9S

— Rihanna (@rihanna) February 2, 2021


We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India.

— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) February 2, 2021


Akshay Kumar(アクシャイ・クマール)氏、Ajay Devgn(アジャイ・デブグン)氏、Karan Johar(カラン・ヨハール)氏、Ekta Kapoor(エクタ・カプール)氏など、複数のインドの政治家や著名な俳優は、現地時間2月3日水曜日に「プロパガンダ」にだまされないようにとインド人に注意を促した。

Farmers constitute an extremely important part of our country. And the efforts being undertaken to resolve their issues are evident. Let’s support an amicable resolution, rather than paying attention to anyone creating differences. ??#IndiaTogether #IndiaAgainstPropaganda https://t.co/LgAn6tIwWp

— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) February 3, 2021


非営利のインターネット擁護団体Access Now(アクセス・ナウ)のシニア国際弁護士でアジア太平洋政策ディレクターのRaman Chima(ラマン・チマ)氏は、一連のツイートの中で、インドの電子情報技術省は、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームを脅すのではなく、「なぜハンドル全体をブロックしたり、ハッシュタグの禁止を求めたりすることがインドの憲法に違反しないのかを説明する必要がある」と述べた。同省は透明性も権利も尊重していない、と同氏はいう。



画像クレジット:Nasir Kachroo / NurPhoto / Getty Images


India has issued a notice to Twitter, warning the American social firm to comply with New Delhi’s order to block accounts and content related to a protest by farmers and not “assume the role of a court and justify non-compliance.” Failure to comply with the order may prompt penal action against Twitter, the notice warns.

The warning comes days after Twitter blocked dozens of high-profile accounts in India in compliance with New Delhi’s request, but later lifted the restriction.

Twitter “cannot assume the role of a court and justify non-compliance. Twitter being an intermediary is obliged to obey the directions as per satisfaction of authorities as to which inflammatory content will arouse passion and impact public order. Twitter cannot sit as an appellate authority over the satisfaction of the authorities about its potential impact on derailing public order,” said the notice (a copy of its summary was reviewed by TechCrunch).

India’s IT ministry has also expressed concerns over what it deemed derogatory and factually incorrect tweets and hashtags that have been circulating in India this week that it said were designed to spread hate. “It is thus clear that, the offending tweets/hashtag remained in public domain and must have been tweeted and re-tweeted several times at the risk and cost of public order and at the risk of incitement to the commission of offences,” the notice said.

Twitter declined to comment.

For more than three months, tens of thousands of farmers (if not more) in India and elsewhere have been protesting against three laws passed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government last year that they say allow greater private sector competition.

Twitter, which reaches more than 75 million users through its apps in India, has emerged as the single-most important online forum for people seeking to voice their opinion on this matter. Singer Rihanna, who has more followers on Twitter than any Indian actor or politician, tweeted a CNN news story on Tuesday about the protests in India and asked “why aren’t we talking about this!?”.

Several Indian politicians and high-profile Indian actors, including Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Karan Johar, and Ekta Kapoor cautioned Indians on Wednesday to not fall for “propaganda.”

Raman Chima, a senior international counsel and Asia Pacific Policy director at Access Now, a nonprofit internet advocacy organization, said in a series of tweets that instead of threatening social media platforms, India’s IT ministry “needs to explain why blocking entire handles & seeking the banning of hashtags does not violate the Indian Constitution.” He said the ministry has neither been transparent nor respected the rights.

“You can choose to disagree, correct, ridicule, or engage with such fears, outcry. Seeking to ban & precensor such discussions is a travesty of India’s Constitution + international human rights law. This is not what 21st Century India should permit, nor what our founders envisaged. The Ministry of Electronics and IT should release its actual orders and all documentation behind the Govt’s decisions to – (1) issue these orders and (2) press the matter with Twitter and other social media platforms. Don’t hide; explain & justify how this is not unconstitutional.”

(文:Manish Singh、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)



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SNS(ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)とは - IT用語辞 …

SNS【ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス / Social Networking Service】とは、人と人との社会的な繋がりを維持・促進する様々な機能を提供する、会員制のオンラインサービス。友人・知人間のコミュニケーションを円滑にする手段や場を提供したり、趣味や嗜好、居住地域、出身校、あるいは「友人の友人」といった共通点や繋がりを通じて新たな人間関係を構築する場を提供するサービスで、Webサイトや専用のスマートフォンアプリなどで閲覧・利用することができる。

ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス - Wikipedia

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SNSとは - コトバンク

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