関連ワード (Bitcoin、Tesla、仮想通貨等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Tesla(テスラ)によるBitcoin(ビットコイン)へ15億ドル(約1570億円)分の購入は、Elon Musk(イーロン・マスク)氏にはいいだろうが、彼を世界一の大富豪に仕立て上げた会社には、間違いなく大きなリスクだと投資家、アナリスト、米最大手クラスの銀行の資産管理担当者たちは訴えている。
「Bitcoinを加えることで資産を多様化したというTeslaの発表は、特に驚きではなく、手元現金の8%の配分で安心できたというものでもありませんでした。2020年のTeslaの研究開発費と同額のこの投資は、同社にとって極めて大きなものであり、株主への配当を最大化するという決意の表れです」とStillmark(スティルマーク)の共同創設者Alyse Killeen(アリス・カイリーン)氏は書いている。「イーロン・マスク氏には、技術的に可能なものを、後に経営上ごく普通のものにする流れを作るという原則で、企業を運営してきた長い経歴があります。それがここにも当てはまり、Teslaは大手上場企業としては初めて、現金のリターンをBitcoinで最大化しようと考えたのだと思います」。
「Bitcoinは米国時間2月8日には15%も高騰して4万4000ドル(約460万円)という高値を更新した。このような誇大広告で価格が変動する通貨は、投資家にとっても消費者にとっても心配なものです。特に、これが交換媒体に使われるとなればなおさらです」と、GlobalData(グローバルデータ)のアナリストであり主題調査部門責任者のDanyaal Rashid(ダニアル・ラシッド)氏は書いている。
Tesla’s $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin may be good for Elon Musk, but it’s definitely risky for the company that made him the world’s richest man, according to investors, analysts and money managers at some of the country’s largest banks.
As a standard bearer for the consumer electric vehicle industry and the broader climate tech movement rallying around it, Tesla’s bet to go all in on crypto could damage its climate bonafides and its reputation with customers even as other automakers pour in to the EV market.
Given Bitcoin’s current environmental footprint, the deal flies in the face of Tesla’s purported interest in moving the world to cleaner sources of energy and commerce.
Until the energy grid decarbonizes in places like Russia and China, mining bitcoin remains a pretty dirty business (from an energy perspective), according to some energy investors who declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak about Musk’s plans.
“We were talking about people doing this in Russia back in 2018 and how they were tapping coal power to run their mining operations,” one investor said. “The cost per transaction from an energy intensity standpoint has only gotten more intense. I don’t see how those things coalesce, climate and crypto.”
The stake makes Tesla one of the largest corporate hodlers of Bitcoin but represents a massive portion of the company’s $19 billion in cash and cash equivalents on hand.
“Given the size of their treasury it feels irresponsible, IMO,” wrote one investor whose firm backed Tesla from its earliest days. The company’s move could be seen as another example of the absurdity of U.S. capital markets in today’s investment climate — and the underlying cynicism of some of its biggest beneficiaries.
Meanwhile, Bitcoin investors welcomed the move, which sent the value of their holdings rocketing up by roughly 18% over the course of the day.
“The announcement that Tesla has diversified its treasury through the addition of bitcoin is not surprising, nor is the assuredness implied by an 8% allocation of cash-on-hand. Equal to Tesla’s R&D expenditure for 2020, this investment is significant to the Company and shows a commitment to maximizing shareholder returns,” wrote Stillmark founding partner Alyse Killeen. “Elon Musk has a long history of operating at the precipice of what’s possible technically and setting the trend of what’s to later become common operationally. I suspect the same will be true here, and that Tesla is the first of a larger cohort of publicly-traded companies that will aim to optimize the returns of their cash via bitcoin.”
Industry observers on Wall Street also criticized the company’s big bet on Bitcoin.
“Tesla buying $1.5 billion in BTC is interesting. Am assuming they haven’t hedged it, so they will either be cash rich in the future or have a hole in the balance sheet. Elon Musk stays wild,” wrote one capital planning executive at a major Wall Street bank who declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the press. “[It’s] not dissimilar from a large company throwing cash into a wildly volatile emerging market currency.”
Still, in the short term, the deal is showing dividends. The price of Bitcoin has risen nearly $8,000, or 18.73%, over the course of the day since Tesla made its announcement.
But the investment represents the equivalent of the company’s entire research and development budget, as Killeen noted. That’s… something. There’s also the question is whether any regulator will step in to punish Musk.
Musk has been tweeting his support for Bitcoin and other, more arcane (or useless) cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin for the past several weeks, in what seems to be a violation of his agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The world’s richest man has previously been fined by regulatory agencies for his tweeting habits. Back in 2018, the SEC charged Musk with fraud for tweets about privatizing the electric vehicle company at $420 per share.
“Bitcoin jumped over 15% to a new high of $44,000 on Monday. This sort of hype-based price power should be worrying to investors and consumers alike – especially if this is to be used as medium of exchange,” wrote GlobalData analyst Danyaal Rashid, Head of Thematic Research at GlobalData.
“If Elon Musk can help dictate the price of this asset with a tweet or large order, the same could happen to send the price back down. The task of purchasing a vehicle should not be speculative. Consumers who may have thought of buying bitcoin to use as a substitute for fiat – could very easily end up with more or less than they bargained for.”
(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:金井哲夫)
仮想通貨ランキング(ビットコイン、リップルなど)やICO ...
暗号資産(仮想通貨)の総合情報サイト | みんなの仮想通貨
日本最大級の暗号資産(仮想通貨)ポータルサイトです。リアルタイムで主要通貨の価格情報を配信中!ビットコインやリップルなどの最新ニュースや相場分析コラムのほか、ビットコイン初心者にもカンタン解説 & 用語集を揃えた「暗号資産(仮想通貨)入門」などが満載
仮想通貨 - Wikipedia
仮想通貨 (かそうつうか、 英: virtual currency )は、一般的には ネットワーク 上で電子的な決済の手段として広く流通しているが、 法定通貨 ( 法貨 )との比較において強制通用力を持たない、または特定の 国家 による裏付けのないものをいう 。. ただし、後述のように定義や分類は必ずしも一様ではなく複数存在する。. 仮想通貨と、いわゆるネットクーポンや ...
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仮想通貨(かそうつうか:virtual currency・virtual money)とは、紙幣や硬貨のような実物( 現物 )はなく、インターネット上にだけ存在するお金のことです。. すなわち、インターネット上にデータだけの形で存在するお金です。. インターネット上にだけ存在するため「仮想通貨」と呼ばれています。. 仮想通貨は、2009年に登場した「 ビットコイン 」が有名ですが、世界 ...
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