関連ワード (Zynga、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Zynga(ジンガ)がなぜ、2020年の終わりに8億7500万ドル(約915億2000万円)の転換社債を発行したのか不思議に思っている人へ。会社はさらに買収するための「軍資金」を蓄えているところだとCEOのFrank Gibeau(フランク・ジボー)氏は語った。
2020年だけで、Zyngaはトルコ、イスタンブール拠点のゲーム会社を2つ、Peak Gamesを18億ドル(約1882億8000万円)で、Rollicを1億8000万ドル(約188億3000万円)でそれぞれ買収した(後者については当初会社の80%だけを買収した)。
2021年には新しいゲームが揃っている。「Puzzle Combat」「Farmville 3」「Star Wars(スター・ウォーズ)」などだ。さらに同社はハイパーカジュアルなゲームの開発を続けていく他、クロスプラットフォームゲームを開発して海外への拡大、および広告ネットワークの構築も続ける計画だ。ちなみに、近く実施されるApple(アップル)のプライバシー規則変更はZyngaにとって追い風であることを同氏は示唆した。
関連記事:アップルのApp Tracking Transparency機能はデフォルトで有効に、早春にiOSで実装
If you’re wondering why Zynga issued $875 million in convertible notes at the end of 2020, CEO Frank Gibeau said the company was fundraising to build up a “war chest” for more acquisitions.
“As you know, we’ve been a consolidator inside of this business for a while, and we’re going to continue to be on offense [looking for] great companies, great cultures, great teams that we can bring into Zynga,” Gibeau told me.
In the last year alone, Zynga acquired two game studios based in Istanbul — Peak Games for $1.8 billion and Rollic for $180 million (in the latter case, it only acquired 80% of the company initially).
“There are now four or five examples of us having done this successfully,” Gibeau said. “When we started, nobody was picking up our phone calls. Now when we call, we are a bit of a destination of choice for a lot of developers out there.”
Gibeau and I were speaking about Zynga’s fourth quarter earnings, in which the company reported all-time high revenue of $616 million and a net loss of $53 million (though another measure of profitability, adjusted EBITDA, was actually positive at $90 million). Daily active users were up 77% year over year, to 36 million, while monthly active users were up 103%, to 134 million.
Looking ahead, Zynga is forecasting revenue of $2.6 billion (a 32% year-over-year increase) and adjusted EBITDA of $450 million for 2021. And while another acquisition could significantly grow the business, Gibeau noted that the company’s forecasts have “no acquisitions assumed,” adding, “We’re in a great position, because we would prefer to do acquisitions in 2021, but we don’t have to do any deals.”
There are new games lined up for 2021, including Puzzle Combat, Farmville 3 and a Star Wars title. The company also plans to continue developing hypercasual games, to develop more cross-platform games, to expand internationally and to continue building out its ad network — in fact, he suggested that Apple’s upcoming privacy changes could be good for Zynga.
“A lot of traditional marketing services are not going to be able to survive very well,” he said. “Because we’re a first-party data company — all the data we generate is coming to our services from our games — and because we’re at scale … IDFA is an opportunity for our company.”
(文:Anthony Ha、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )