関連ワード (App Store、Apple、Fleksy、アプリ等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Apple(アップル)は、偽のレビューや評価詐欺に対する取り締りを強化せよとの要求に直面している。ことの経緯は、App Storeでの詐欺行為がテクノロジー大手企業Appleによって根絶されなかった結果、ある開発者が、不正商慣習に立ち向かわざるを得ない状況をソーシャルメディアで明るみにしたことにある。
Fleksyキーボードアプリを開発するFleksy(フレクシー)社の創業者の1人であるKosta Eleftheriou(コスタ・エレフセリウ)氏(2016年にPinterestが獲得)は、2018年3月以来、オートコレクトアルゴリズムの専門知識を活用して、Apple Watchの小さなディスプレイでのタイピングを可能にするだけでなく、Forbes(フォーブス)のレビュアーが言うところの「シンプルで楽しく、非常に効果的」にタイピングできるようにしてきた。
The App Store has a big problem?
You: an honest developer, working hard to improve your IAP conversions.
Your competitor: a $2M/year scam running rampant.
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) January 31, 2021
ときとして、エレフセリウ氏がコントロールできないApple Watchのプラットフォームの問題について苦情が出ることもある(Appleはサードパーティーアプリによるテキスト入力へのアクセス方法を制限しているため)。機能の不足もよくある問題であり、エレフセリウ氏は、多くの回答の中で、ユーザーが求めていた設定(自動補正を無効にする機能など)を追加したと答えたり、「タイピングが簡単になる新しいルック&フィール」を紹介したりして、問題に対応している。また、バグを指摘してくれたユーザーに感謝し、修正完了を報告することもある。
それぞれの苦情が具体的にどのように対処されているかを知っている人なら、フリックタイプの開発者が顧客の期待を満たせるよう懸命に取り組んでいることを確信するだろう。総合評価では、他のApple Watchキーボードアプリの方が全体的に高いとしてもだ。
エレフセリウ氏にとっての問題は、模倣アプリメーカーが彼の大変な努力を搾取していることだ。模倣アプリメーカーは、App Storeの取り締まりが弱いことに付け込んで、同氏を踏み台にして不当に利益を得ることができる。
詐欺の手口はこうだ。フリックタイプと同じような洗練された機能を持っていると称するApple Watchキーボードアプリが多数公開され、ユーザーは目を見張るような高いサブスクリプション料金を支払うように仕向けられる。しかしその機能は、見劣りのする模倣品にすぎない。
模倣アプリに対して品質はApp Storeの最上位だという期待を持つかもしれない。しかしその裏では、模倣アプリに偽レビューや評価のスコアがつけられ、そのアプリに対して多くのユーザーから寄せられた本物の評価が締め出されている。
「購入する前にレビューを読めばよかった。自分のApple Watchでは動作しません」とコメントされているのは、エレフセリウ氏が抗議しているライバルアプリの1つWatchKey(ウォッチキー)の1つ星レビューである。それにもかかわらず、このアプリは5つ星レビューの割合が非常に高いため、彼のアプリよりも全体的な評価が高い。
別の1つ星レビューのコメントには「最悪だ」という言葉に続いて、次のように書かれている。「Apple WatchでT9を使うためにこのアプリを購入しましたが、T9は動きませんでした。また、アプリに記載されているカスタマーサービスにもメールを送りましたが返信がありません。別のアプリを探すことをお勧めします」。
エレフセリウ氏はTwitterのスレッドの中で「何百もの」偽の5つ星レビューからいくつかを紹介している。これらはApple Watchのユーザーに悪質な模倣アプリをダウンロードさせるために使われているとのことだ。偽のレビューでは、存在しない機能に注意を向ける言い回しや、他の種類のデバイスの機能に言及する言い回しが使用されている(これは偽のレビューが、別の媒体にある本物のレビューからコピー&ペーストされた可能性があることを示している)。
Then their glowing 5-star reviews start rolling in:
"Very happy with it has control alt delete what's your two of my favorite Keys even though they don't work" says user Munim Flynn, delighted to be able to invoke the Windows task manager on their Apple Watch. Huh?
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) January 31, 2021
There are hundreds of these. And then, there's hundreds of *real* ones too:
"SCAM. What shady business. Downloaded this app on concept. It doesn’t even work. There is no free version AT ALL. You are tricked into downloading and then asked to pay $7.99 per FREAKING WEEK. Wow."
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) January 31, 2021
Google(グーグル)で「buy ios reviews(iOSのレビューを購入する)」と検索すると、6億4300万件という膨大な量の検索結果が表示される。これには「AppleのApp StoreやGoogle Play(グーグルプレイ)でアプリのランクを上げる最良の方法として、アプリのレビュー、インストール、評価を請け負うこと」を売り込んでいる企業の広告が含まれ、「100%本物のユーザーによる評価がついた高品質のiOSアプリレビューを2.5ドル(約263円)」で売り出しているものもある。
First, they made an app that appeared to fulfill the promise of a watch keyboard – but was practically unusable. Then, they started heavily advertising on FB & Instagram, using my own promo video, of my own app, with my actual name on it:
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) January 31, 2021
App Storeのレビューガイドラインでは、システムを欺こうとする(評価の操作など)開発者は、App Storeからアプリが削除されるだけでなく、Appleの開発者プログラムから完全に除名される可能性があると警告している。
丁寧な言い方をすれば、Apple独自の取り締まりがApp Storeの詐欺を根絶できないために、優れた専門知識と実績のある個人開発者が非常に多くのリソースを使って詐欺に対抗しなければならないのは、Appleにとっても望ましくない状況である。エレフセリウ氏は、組織的な取り締まりの失敗を浮き彫りにするために、ソーシャルメディア上で公に呼びかけることが唯一の対抗策だと感じている。
Twitterでこの問題を提起して以来、エレフセリウ氏は模倣アプリとの戦いに一部勝利したことを報告している。同氏が苦情を述べたアプリのいくつかはApp Storeから削除された(この記事の執筆時点で、Appleは何らかの対策を取ることを公式に発表していない)。
While the “KeyWatch” $300k/month scam was removed, Apple did *not* take down their developer account.
Not only that, but their other scam, “GPS Speedometer”, remains on the App Store stealing $200k/month from unsuspecting people, with $416/year subscriptions.?
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) February 2, 2021
Appleにこの問題について問い合わせたところ、同社は、その他の該当する規定のうち、システムを欺く試み(レビュープロセスを巧妙に操る、ユーザーデータを盗む、他の開発者のアプリをコピーする、評価やApp Storeの内容を操作するなど)を禁止する開発者ポリシーに関する背景情報を提供してくれた。
偽のレビューの問題は、確かにAppleのApp Storeに限った問題ではない。そして非常に陰湿な問題である。
ユーザーレビューのシステムを組み込んでいるプラットフォームの数を考えると、Amazon(アマゾン)で買い物をしようとしている場合でも、Tripadvisorで旅行先を探している場合でも、Google Mapsのレビューを見て地元の歯科医を探している場合でも、偽のレビューはインターネット上ならほぼどこにでもある(要するにレビューは信用しないほうがいい)。
App Storeのセールスポイントの核心は、Appleのレビュープロセスは監視が不十分な他のマーケットプレイスよりも高品質で信頼できるという主張である。
簡単に言えば、消費者はAppleに高い水準を期待している。だからこそ、その製品に高い代価を支払ってもいいと思っている。App Storeのチェックと取り締まりに対するリソースが不足している状況は不経済だ。このような状況が続くと一層、エレフセリウ氏のような質の高い開発者がApp Storeから離れていってしまうリスクがあるからだ。
これほどの経歴を持つ開発者が、App Storeで自分の製品を確実に売ることができないとしたら、Appleの「プレミアム」マーケットプレイスとは一体何なんだろう。
Apple is facing calls to beef up enforcement against fake reviews and rating scams after a developer took to social media to shine a light on unfair practices he’s forced to compete with as a result of fraudulent activity on the App Store not being rooted out by the tech giant.
Kosta Eleftheriou, one of the founders of the Fleksy keyboard app (who was acquihired by Pinterest in 2016), has — since March 2018 — been applying his expertise in autocorrect algorithms to make typing on the Apple Watch’s tiny screen not only possible but “simple, enjoyable and highly effective”, as Forbes’ reviewer put it.
His app, FlickType, has also been described by app reviewers as “astonishingly accurate”, a “fundamentally better keyboard” and “way faster” than the letter-by-letter scribble method Apple supports natively.
User reviews also include a large amount of glowing five-star ratings. The overall rating from users currently is 3.5 because a number of lower scores have pulled down the average. But if you take the time to dig in the developer can be seen responding consistently and constructively to issues being raised by users who leave lower scores.
Sometimes complaints are related to Watch platform issues outside his control (as Apple limits how third party text input can be accessed). Missing features are another common issue — and in many responses Eleftheriou responds by saying he’s added the setting the person was after (such as the ability to disable Auto-Correction) or highlighting a “brand new look & feel to make typing even easier”. Other times he thanks users for raising bugs that he says have now been fixed.
Anyone reading how specifically each complaint is addressed would be confident the developer of FlickType is working hard to make sure the app meets customers expectations. Even though the overall rating means other Watch keyboard apps are ‘rated’ higher overall.
The problem for Eleftheriou is all his genuine hard work is being undercut by copycat app makers who are able to leverage weak App Store enforcement to profit unfairly and at his expense.
The scam goes like this: A bunch of Watch keyboard apps are published that purport to have the same slick features as FlickType but instead lock users into paying eye-wateringly high subscription fees for what is, at best, a pale imitation.
You might expect quality to float to the top of the App Store but the trick is sustained by the clones being accompanied by scores of fake reviews/ratings which crowd out any genuine crowdsourced assessment of what’s being sold.
Fake reviews outnumber the real deal. It’s only if you take the time to read through the comments that alarm bells might start ringing…
“Wish I read the reviews before buying. I can’t even get it to work on my watch,” runs a one-star review of WatchKey, one of the rival apps Eleftheriou has complained about — which nonetheless has a higher overall rating than his app owing to also having a very large proportion of five-star reviews.
“We are so sorry for any inconvenienced caused. Please kindly email us to describe more about your scenario so that we can support you as soon as possible,” is WatchKey’s generic response to the one-star review.
“Terrible,” writes another one-star reviewer. “I bought this app to use T9 on my watch. I haven’t been able to get T9 to work on my watch, I’ve also reached out to the customer service email that’s listed on the app. But I haven’t gotten a response, I would advise to find a different app.”
WatchKey’s response to another abysmal verdict on its software? More platitudes: “Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we haven’t received your email yet. Please kindly email us once more via to describe more your scenario so we can support you as soon as possible.”
The pattern repeats across negative reviews. Even one of the ‘five’ star reviews warns: “You need to pay if you want to use the T9. They make you write a review to ‘unlock’ and then they ask for a payment.”
One component of the manipulation involves posting generic platitudes to do the bare minimum required by Apple to manage (genuine) negative reviews. The other is flooding listings with fake five star reviews to ensure the app’s overall rating remains high. Step 3: Profit.
Eleftheriou’s Twitter thread highlights some of what he says are “hundreds” of fake five star reviews which are being used to drive Watch owners toward downloading the malicious clones — using wording that refers to non-existent features or references things you’d be doing on other types of devices (suggesting the text may have been cut and pasted from genuine reviews elsewhere).
A quick Google search for ‘buy ios reviews’ returns a staggering 643M results — including ads for companies touting “app reviews, installs and ratings [as] the best way to improve the rank of your apps at Appstore and Google Play” and selling “high quality iOS app reviews with ratings for $2.5… from 100% Real Users”.
Clearly selling fake reviews is a booming business — which in turn speaks to the woeful lack of effective enforcement.
In an extra fake kicker, Eleftheriou found that one of the scammy competitors had even ripped off his own app promo video — which was demoing the features offered by FlickType — and used it in ads targeting app consumers on Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook does have policies against third-party infringement (under section 4 of its prohibited content policy) — but you might as well whistle for pro-active enforcement from the adtech giant. It only acts when it gets a complaint of infringement so preventing abuse of his marketing materials would require Eleftheriou to spend even more of his time hunting for and reporting the malicious ads ripping off his stuff. (“I did report and Facebook did eventually take it down. But… I knew this was not going to be any sort of lasting relief,” he confirms.)
Of course the really big kicker here is that Apple’s rules for developers clearly stipulate that submitting fraudulent reviews is a violation of the developer program licence agreement.
Its App Store review guidelines also warn that developers who attempt to cheat the system (such as by manipulating ratings) may only have their apps removed from the App Store — and could be expelled from Apple’s developer program entirely.
So — to put it politely — it’s not a good look for Apple that an indie developer with proven expertise and reputation is having to spend so much resource fighting App Store scams because its own enforcement has failed to stamp them out. To the point where he feels the only path forward is to resort to a public call out on social media to highlight systematic enforcement failures.
Eleftheriou tells TechCrunch he decided to raise the complaint on social media after what he describes as “simply depressing results” from engaging with Apple’s official ‘app dispute’ channel.
“They put you in contact with the other developer in question, and oversee the thread while they hope you will resolve the issue with the other party directly,” he explains. “The scammers I complained about in that dispute weren’t even the bigger scammers I mention in my Twitter thread. Yet, the complaint I had with them barely got addressed, and there was no response from Apple whatsoever on the issue of the fake ratings and reviews. Simply a ‘if we don’t hear back from you very soon we consider the matter resolved’. We even reached out to Apple privately after that but got no response.”
“What was most impressive to me, was that in the presence of the Apple legal team, the scammers did not feel threatened one bit — almost as if they know Apple is unlikely to do anything,” he adds. “In my view, Apple simply does not devote enough resources on this area.”
Since raising the issue on Twitter, Eleftheriou has reported a partial win — in that some of the apps he had complained about have been taken down from the App Store. (At the time of writing Apple has not made any public statement confirming any action.)
However the developer accounts do not appear to have been banned at this time. “It’s astounding that even pulling a scam like that, doesn’t get your developer account revoked!” Eleftheriou told us. “I mean if that didn’t do it, what would??”
We reached out to Apple about this issue and it provided some background information related to its developer policies — which forbid attempts to cheat the system (such as by trying to trick the review process, steal user data, copy another developer’s work, or manipulate ratings or App Store discovery), among other relevant provisions.
We also asked Apple if it’s considering any policy changes in light of the issues raised by Eleftheriou — and will update this post with any response.
“The main issue in my view is not the cloning here. I didn’t even care that they were using my name, or made their screenshots similar to mine etc. If only there was a system to better prevent fake ratings and reviews, none if this would matter,” Eleftheriou also told us. “People would be able to collectively protect themselves through their 1-star ‘votes’ but when that system is allowed to get rigged, everything else goes out the window.
“The promise of ratings and reviews you can trust does not exist any more which erodes consumer trust at an ever accelerating pace,” he adds. “I did a Google search to see what those ‘companies’ look like, if you want to buy ratings and reviews. These are proper, full blown companies, with support systems, and claims that their ratings won’t get deleted by Apple, unlike their competitors. It was shocking to see that this is an industry that is thriving.”
The issue of fake reviews certainly goes far beyond Apple’s App Store. And is a very insidious one.
Fake reviews are pretty much a universal experience across the Internet — whether you’re trying to buy stuff on Amazon, looking at places to visit on Tripadvisor or trying to find a local dentist with the help of reviews on Google Maps (in short; don’t) — given how many platforms now incorporate user reviews.
But the issue does look especially toxic for Apple.
A core part of the USP for its App Store is the claim that Apple’s review process sums to a higher quality, more trustworthy experience than alternative marketplaces that aren’t so carefully overseen.
So a failure to do more to enforce against review scams and rating manipulations risks taking a lot more shine off Apple’s brand than Cupertino should be comfortable with.
Simply put: Consumers expect a higher standard from Apple. That’s why they’re willing to pay a premium for its products. Under-resourcing App Store review and enforcement thus looks like a false economy — not least because it risks driving quality developers like Eleftheriou away.
If a developer with so much pedigree can’t reliably sell his wares on the App Store what does that say about Apple’s ‘premium’ marketplace?
The issue is also likely to be increasingly on the radar of consumer watchdogs and regulators in the coming years. The European Union, for example, is planning to bake binding transparency and reporting requirements into incoming platform regulations — as it seeks to promote fairness and accountability in digital businesses.
While an EU Omnibus Directive that came into force at the start of last year — with a two year deadline for Member States to transpose it — aims to beef up consumer rights through enhanced enforcement and transparency requirements — including directly addressing the issue of fake reviews by placing an obligation on traders to take ‘reasonable and proportionate’ steps to ensure reviews are genuine, among other measures.
In the EU platforms will soon start being required to ‘justify’ their enforcement failures vis-a-vis fake reviews. And if they can’t, well, the regime includes tough ‘GDPR-level’ fines for breaches of consumer protection law. So the costs won’t only be reputational, as currently.
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority, meanwhile, has also been cracking down on the trade in fake reviews — specifically targeting Facebook, Instagram and eBay in recent years. Further attention to the issue from UK oversight bodies, which are now operating independently of the EU, also seems likely.
(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:Dragonfly)
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この記事では、おすすめのカーナビアプリを紹介します。 近年、レンタカーやカーシェアリング等、自動車を保有しない形での利用方法が増えてきました。 それに伴い普段からカーナビを使わない人の割合も増え、自動車を利用したいタイミングで車載されているカーナビを操作できないという事も。 そんな方にはスマホのカーナビアプリを利用するという手段があります。普段から使っているスマホがカーナビとして機能し、目的地入力も普段から使っているキーボードや音声入力で簡単にできます。 本記事では、カーナビアプリのメリット・デメリットも含め、おすすめのカーナビアプリについてご紹介します。ぜひ、ご参考ください。