

関連ワード (Plume、Wi-Fi、ブロードバンド、メッシュネットワーク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


2020年は世界中がパンデミックに見舞われるという特別な年となり、家で仕事をする人の数が激増したが、その生活様式の移行により、私たちのブロードバンドネットワークの質がいまひとつであることが露呈した。米国時間2月22日、ブロードバンド接続を最適化するメッシュWi-Fiプラットフォームを構築し、世界の2200万世帯に幅広いスマートホームサービスを提供するスタートアップPlume Design(プルーム)が、2億7000万ドル(約285億円)という大型ラウンドによる資金調達を発表した。Wi-Fi環境のさらなる改善が期待される。

「私たちは家庭内のWi-Fi接続の最適化に長けていますが、それが目標ではありません」とPlumeの共同創設者でありCEOのFahri Diner(ファリ・ダイナー)氏はTechCrunchのインタビューで話した。「私たちはこれを基礎と考えています。そこで経験を積んできたわけですが、さらに大きく進歩して、高度なペアレンタルコントロールや、どのデバイスがネット接続ができて、どのパスワードを使うかを管理する安全なアクセスコントロールといったサービスも提供するようになりました。私たちは、消費者が関心を高めつつあり、次の大きな市場分野になると目される洗練されたセキュリティに重点を置いています」。


今回のシリーズE投資は、投資会社Insight Partners(インサイト・パートナーズ)の単独の出資によるもので、現在のPlumeの評価額は13億5000万ドル(約1420億円)とされた。これは大変な成長だ。ちょうど1年前、同社はエクイティとデットの組み合わせで8500万ドル(約90億円)を調達したが、そのときの評価額は5億1000万ドル(約538億ドル)だった。





顧客の一部であるComcast(コムキャスト)、Charter(チャーター)、Qualcomm(クアルコム)、Belkin(ベルキン)、Cablevision(ケーブルビジョン)、Liberty Global(リバティー・グローバル)、Shaw Communications(ショウ・コミュニケーションズ)は、長年の戦略的投資者にもなっているが、これが市場のビッグプレイヤーを引き寄せている証拠だ。同社はこれまでに、総額で3億9700万ドル(約420億円)を調達した。

















「スマートホーム分野は爆発的に成長していますが、消費者のエクスペリエンスの質は低下しています」とInsight Partnersの業務執行取締役Ryan Hinkle(ライアン・ヒンクル)氏は声明の中で述べている。「私たちは、Plumeが、そのスケーラブルなクラウドデータプラットフォームのアプローチ、高効率な市場開拓戦略、大きな勢い、全SaaS KPI中でトップ4に入る業績(収益、成長率、粗利益、効率性、顧客維持率など)、世界クラスのチームによって、この分野に変革をもたらすと確信しています。このエキサイティングな旅に参加し、支援できることを心からうれしく思っています」。今回のラウンドから、ヒンクル氏はPlumeの取締役会に参加する。




The last year of life under a global health pandemic has seen a massive surge of people working from home — a shift that has thrown a stark light on the iffy quality of our broadband networks. Today a startup called Plume — which has built a mesh-Wi-Fi platform that helps optimize broadband connectivity and then uses it to deliver a range of smarter home services to some 22 million homes globally — is announcing a major funding round of $270 million that underscores the opportunity to fix that, and more.

“We’re the best at optimizing Wi-Fi connectivity in the home, but that is not what we’re about,” said Fahri Diner, Plume’s co-founder and CEO, in an interview with TechCrunch. “We see it as the foundation. We cut our teeth on it but have gone way beyond that to services like advanced parental controls, secure access controls, which devices can access networks and what passwords they use. We focus on sophisticated security, which we believe will be the next big area that consumers will start paying attention to.

“The ultimate product for Plume is a comprehensive, cloud-driven platform that enables consumers to curate, manage and deliver these services. That’s what the company is about.”

The investment, a Series E, is coming from a single investor, Insight Partners, and values the company at $1.35 billion. This is a significant step up for the company, which almost exactly a year ago raised $85 million in a combination of equity and debt at a valuation of $510 million.

Unless you have been following the business of home broadband networking, you may not be familiar with the name Plume. But if you are not already using it, chances are that you may be getting pitched a service using its technology, or will be soon.

The company, based out of Palo Alto, has deals in place with some 170 carriers around the globe that provide residential broadband services, reselling Plume’s mesh technology as a way to improve home Wi-Fi connectivity — especially critical in older or bigger homes, and dwellings where you have many people connecting to and straining your broadband network — providing Plume-powered services like network security, parental access controls and motion awareness on top of that.

Plume brands those added services as HomePass, and on top of this it also provides a cloud-based operations tools to carriers, Haystack and Harvest, which help them with customer support, to manage their networks, glean better performance analytics and provide insights on customer usage and churn.

Plume also works with a number of big and less well-known hardware makers that design the routing devices and the processors and related software that power them.

Some of its customers, like Comcast, Charter, Qualcomm, Belkin, Cablevision, Liberty Global and Shaw Communications have become strategic investors in the company over the years, which speaks to its traction with the big players in the market. (It has raised $397 million to date.)

There have been a number of efforts over the years to improve Wi-Fi in the home, from faster networks through to better routers and Wi-Fi extenders.

Plume’s technology is based on one of those alternatives, mesh architecture — also used by others like Google in its Nest Wi-Fi system — which uses a single router and then a series of nodes that operate as if they are a single device on the network (extenders by contrast use different SSIDs and passwords).

On top of the mesh architecture, Plume then runs a software-defined network to identify and better measure the traffic, using automation, for example, to then detect and fix when a device is on the network, may need more power to work properly and so on.

In all, it appears that Plume has some 170 patents and patent applications in play to underpin what it has built.

It’s interesting to note that at one time Plume was compared to Eero, the mesh-based Wi-Fi router startup that was eventually acquired by Amazon, which now resells its routers as part of its own mesh Wi-Fi solution.

But the two have some critical differences, based mainly on the business premise behind the two. As Diner points out, Plume’s service stack is based not around a router (as Eero’s primarily was) but on mesh technology that uses an open source silicon-to-cloud framework platform for building services to run on the mesh network that it calls OpenSync. This essentially allows service providers to build their own services on top of Plume’s mesh architecture.

(Diner, I should point out, has a pretty longstanding and deep understanding of what carriers need, what they actually use and also how they think. He himself trained as an engineer and worked in increasingly senior roles at a number of vendors at the cusp of when carriers were making their switch from legacy copper to fiber and optic networks. In the heyday of telecoms capital expenditures, he sold a previous company that he founded, Qtera, a pioneer in long-haul photonic networking solutions, to now-defunct Nortel for $3.2 billion. He’s also a longstanding investor and board member at a range of major next-generation communications vendors.)

In a telecoms world that has long fretted over the idea of being cannibalized and relegated to the role of a “dumb pipe”, it provides a way for those carriers to build services — apps, as it were — on top of that Wi-Fi connectivity.

That existential crisis has been even more compounded as the promise of “triple play” — carriers selling voice, broadband and video services to their customers — has failed to deliver not least because no one is particularly interested in using or keeping their fixed landlines, and carriers have been completely outplayed on content by the giant rush of tech and media companies building their own, more attractive alternatives for consumers.

That has left carriers with a focus on broadband, which itself then gets commoditized on price, with everyone more or less offering the same speeds and reliability.

“How to differentiate?” is the question they all ask now, said Diner. Plume’s answer: “We differentiate inside the home, with a new bundle of services.”

Realistically, however, Diner points out that only the very biggest carriers (and not even all of them) might have the resources and appetite to do so. Of the 170 customers it has today, only five are building their own customized services on top of the platform, he said.

This is why Plume builds services that it white-labels and resells to carriers to sell on to consumers, and why those services have seen a lot of traction among those service providers. OpenSync, Plume says, now covers some 26 million access points and is seeing a sharp rise as more people fill out their homes with more equipment that they use throughout the day.

You might argue that those home services will also start to look too similar to each other as well, and so frankly the hope is that the open platform will eventually lead to more companies and services innovating around it.

In the meantime, it’s a win-win for Plume.

“Growth in the smart home category is exploding, but the quality of consumer experience has fallen short,” said Insight Partners Managing Director Ryan Hinkle, in a statement. “We are convinced that Plume, with its scalable cloud data platform approach, highly efficient go-to-market strategy, strong momentum, top-quartile financial performance across all SaaS KPIs – including revenue, growth rates, gross margin, efficiency and retention metrics – and world class team is transforming this category. We’re delighted to join and support this exciting journey.” Hinkle is joining Plume’s board with this round.

(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:金井哲夫)

メッシュネットワークとは - IT用語辞典 e-Words

メッシュネットワーク【mesh network】とは、通信ネットワークの構成の一つで、複数の中継機器が互いに対等な関係で網の目(mesh)状の伝送経路を形成し、データをバケツリレー式に転送する方式。有線・無線の様々な通信方式に適用されるが、Wi-FiやBluetoothを応用した無線メッシュネットワークが特に有名である。

メッシュネットワーク - Wikipedia

メッシュネットワークはアドホックネットワークの一種と見ることもできる。 モバイルアドホックネットワーク (MANET) とメッシュネットワークは密接に関連するが、MANET では更にノードが移動することで発生する問題にも対処する必要がある。

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パソコンやスマホなどをインターネットに繋ぐための仕組みとして、「無線LAN」「Wi-Fi」は今では一般的な接続方法として誰もが利用しています。そんななか、近年注目を集めている「メッシュWi-Fi」をご存知でしょうか。 メッシュWi-F

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