

関連ワード (BMW、電気自動車等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


現代のクルマでは、ダッシュボードの中央にフォトフレームのような独立したディスプレイを設置するのがデフォルトのようになっている。しかし、BMWは次世代の「iDrive(アイドライブ)8」システムで、このデザイン言語から脱却し、中央のディスプレイをコクピット全体に拡大した「BMW Curved Display(BMWカーブド・ディスプレイ)」と呼ばれるアイデアで、次の段階に進むことを明らかにした。ドライバーの眼前に広がるスクリーンは、実際には12.3インチのインフォメーションディスプレイと14.9インチのコントロールディスプレイを組み合わせたものだが、まるで1枚の曲面ディスプレイのように見える。BMWはそれを「ほとんど浮いているように見える」と表現している。


関連記事:BMWが次世代電気自動車のフラグシップ「BMW iX」を発表

BMWは、基盤となる技術スタックの詳細についてはまだ公開していないものの、この新型システムでは従来の20~30倍のデータを処理できると述べている。BMWの開発責任者であるFrank Weber(フランク・ウェーバー)氏は、米国時間3月15日に行われたプレス会談で、技術的詳細を7月以降に発表する予定だと語った。




「My Modes(マイモード)」と呼ばれるドライビングモードも「Efficient(エフィシェント)」「Sport(スポーツ)」「Personal(パーソナル)」の3つから選択可能。パワーユニットのスロットル特性、ステアリング特性、シャシーの設定など、走りの核となる車両の設定やオーディオの設定を変更することができる。



「中国で我々のシステムをテストすると、パーソナライズできる機能はいくら用意しても足りないほど、同国の人々はほとんどすべてをパーソナライズしたがります」と、ウェーバー氏は説明する。「その一方で、『私はただクルマを運転したいだけで、そんなものは見たくない』という人もいます。そこで私たちはMy Modesという機能を搭載し、表面上は非常にシンプルにまとめました。My Modesのボタンを押すと、 Sport、Efficient、Personalという3種類のモードに切り替わります。これによって『非常に整理されたものを求めるか』あるいは『すべてをできるだけパーソナライズしたいか』を簡単に決めることができます。このシステムは非常に巧妙な仕組みを備えています。それでいて、非常にシンプルな選択肢も用意されています」。


パーソナライゼーションといえば、BMWはパーソナライズされた設定をスマートフォン上の新しい「My BMW」アプリに保存する「BMW ID」という新しいシステムも採用する。

今度のアップデートで、BMWは数年前にTechCrunch Disruptで公開したBMW Intelligent Personal Assistant(BMWインテリジェント・パーソナル・アシスタント)の次世代版も導入する。Microsoft(マイクロソフト)のAzure Cognitive Services(アジュール・コグニティブ・サービス)の上に構築されたこの改良版車載アシスタントは、より自然な対話を通じてドライバーとやり取りできるだけでなく、BMWは音声認識に加えて多くの視覚系コンポーネントを搭載することで、このアシスタントシステムにジャスチャー認識機能も統合させた。これがどのように機能するかは、実際に見てみないとわからない。現時点でBMWは、これらの機能に関して多くを明らかにしていない。



現行の第7世代iDriveシステムと同様、この新しいオペレーションシステムは、車両に内蔵されたSIMカードと携帯電話通信網(iXでは最大5G)またはMy BMWアプリを介した無線通信アップデートに対応する。

iDrive 7を搭載する現行モデルも、継続してアップデートが行われ、次世代のiDrive 8から移植可能な一部の新機能が搭載される予定があることを、ウェーバー氏は指摘した。


「スマートフォンの世界と少し似ていますね」と、ウェーバー氏はいう。「iDrive 8の興味深い新たな機能のうち、iDrive 7に移植可能なものは、すべてiDrive 7にも採用されます。しかし、携帯電話の特定の機能のように、そのすべてが前世代でも利用可能というわけではありません。多くの機能が移植できますが、すべての機能ではありません。しかし確かに、前世代のアップデートには引き続き取り組んでいきます。それをや止めることはありません」。




For modern cars, the standalone, photo-frame-like display in the center of the dashboard has become something of a default. But with its next-generation iDrive 8 system, BMW is moving away from this design language by introducing what it calls the “BMW Curved Display,” which takes this idea to the next level by expanding that center display all the way through the cockpit. It’s actually still two screens, the 12.3-inch information display and 14.9-inch control display, but it looks like a single curved display that BMW describes as giving an “appearance of almost floating.”

The new curved display with the new iDrive 8 system will debut in the upcoming all-electric iX and i4, which should arrive later this year.

While the company isn’t sharing any details about the underlying technology stack just yet, BMW is willing to say that its new stack is able to process 20 to 30 times more data than the previous system. The company plans to share more details about the stack after July, Frank Weber, BMW’s head of development, told me during a press roundtable earlier today.

Image Credits: BMW

The company provided a first glimpse of the new layout when it announced the iX last November, but at the time, it didn’t provide any details about the new iDrive system. At the core of it is, unsurprisingly, a wholesale redesign of the user interface. Drivers will be able to choose between different layouts, for example. There’s a standard “Drive” layout, which will feature “a dynamically changing area in the center of the information display to show individually selectable information.” There’s also a “focus” mode for “dynamic driving situations,” a “gallery” layout that minimizes driving info in favor of other widgets from apps like your media source and, for when you just want to drive and be left in peace, a “calm” mode that only shows your vehicle speed in the center of the information display, and virtually nothing else.

Image Credits: BMW

There also are three different driving modes: efficient, sport and personal, which allows you to change some of the core driving experience settings like engine throttle, steering characteristics and chassis settings, as well as the audio characteristics of the car.

For maps, which are probably still the most often used app in any car, there are also three different modes (adaptive, reduced and expanded), all going back to the central idea that the drivers should be able to decide how much information they want to see.

That’s a lot of personalization options and Weber acknowledged as much, but he also argues that the company has made them easy to use so that they don’t overwhelm the driver — and that a lot of drivers really want this functionality.

“When you test our system in China, you cannot do enough for personalization, they almost want to personalize everything,” Weber explained. “And then there are other people who say: I just want to drive my vehicle, I don’t want to see any of that. Therefore, what we did is, we have included a ‘My Mode’ function — a very simple surface in the vehicle. When you push My Mode, you find Sport and you find Efficiency and you find Personal here. And there, it is very easy to almost say ‘Do I want something that is very reduced? Or do I want something that has all the possibilities of personalization?’ There are very artful things that we have included in here. And there are very simple choices.”

Image Credits: BMW

And talking about personalization, with the BMW ID, the company now offers a new system for saving those personalized settings on your smartphone and the new My BMW app.

With this update, BMW is also launching the next generation of its BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant, which made its debut at TechCrunch Disrupt a few years ago. Built on top of Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive Services, the improved in-car assistant will get better at interacting with drivers through a more natural dialog, but in addition to voice interactions, BMW is now also adding more visual components and integrating the assistant with its gesture recognition capabilities. We’ll have to see this in action to see how this works in practice. So far, BMW hasn’t shared a lot of details about these features.

Image Credits: BMW

“In communication between people, a great deal of information is conveyed nonverbally,” the company explains. “The BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant has thus been upgraded with a greater focus on how it is presented visually. This new visualization approach features spheres of light in differing sizes and brightness levels, giving the assistant more space and new ways of expressing itself. This visual image also gives it a “face” with a clearly visible point of focus and identifiable states of activity.”

Like with the iDrive 7 system, this new operation system will also support remote software upgrades, either over the air thanks to the car’s built-in SIM card and cell connectivity (up to 5G for the iX) or through the My BMW app.

As for current cars with the iDrive 7, Weber noted that those cars will get some of the features from iDrive 8 that can be ported back to it — and iDrive 7 will continue to get updates as well.

Image Credits: BMW

“It’s a little bit like in the smartphone world,” Weber said. “All the things — and the good and interesting new things from iD8 that can be transferred to iD7, iD7 we’ll get those upgrades. But like a particular function on a phone, not all of them can be transferred back to the previous generation. So most of it can be transferred, but not all of them. But certainly, we will continue to work on updating the previous generation. We won’t stop that.”

As a side note, Weber also addressed the current chip shortage that has led some car manufacturers to slow down production. He noted that since about Christmas, BMW is “fighting for every single production day” but hasn’t lost one yet. He wasn’t willing to make any forecasts, but noted that the company has started to develop alternative solutions on the engineering side. “So far, we are really able and capable of adjusting our pipeline, so that we didn’t have to stop any production at this point,” he said.


(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

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