【レビュー】iPhone SE(第3世代)「Touch IDよ永遠に、Face IDよ無縁に」

今回は「【レビュー】iPhone SE(第3世代)「Touch IDよ永遠に、Face IDよ無縁に」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (常時、意図、格安等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Appleは、地球全体に広がるぜいたくなビックリハウスの格安チケットを提供し続けることを、ありがたくも決断した。それはiPhone SE(第3世代)。もしこの有益な商品が販売中止になっていたら、私はiPadに乗り換えるかAndroidに戻るしかなかった。なぜなら、代わりになるべきiPhoneには醜い切り欠きとFace IDが必ず付いてくるからだ。幸い、新しいSEは我々分別ある人々の思いを遂げさせてくれるだろう。ただし、Appleが(USB-AやSDカードスロットでやったように)Touch IDの位置づけを考え直すまでは、

なぜ私や、その他見識ある人たちはSEを選ぶのか?まあ、たしかに一番安く手に入るiPhoneだというのはある。一部の人たちの議論はそこに始まり、そこに終わる。それ以外の人にとって、決め手はTouch IDだ。しかし、他にも、高いお金を払って手に入るものにそれだけの価値があるのか、という合理的な疑問がある。



正直になろう。ほとんどの人にとって、手のひらより大きいiPhoneの写真を見るのはAppleイベントのときだけだ。iPhone 13 Proのカメラがすばらしいのは確かだ。しかし、すべてはInstagram(インスタグラム)で3/4秒間、5インチ画面で60cm離れて見れるようになる。携帯カメラで良い結果を手に入れたい人は、過去数年間に発売されたどの携帯でも使える。


AppleがA11、A12、A13 Bionic(バイオニック)などの新しいプロセッサーを出すたびにいっていることを思い出して欲しい。2倍速くなった!4倍速くなった!6倍速くなった!この数字は累積していることをお忘れなく。我々のスマートフォンは、数年前よりも約1000倍速くなっていることになる。あなたは1000倍速く感じるだろうか?ノー。なぜならみんながスマホでやっていることは、1000倍速くなる「必要」がないからだ。もちろん、もっと見えにくいプロセス、例えば Computational Photography(計算写真学)や言語エンジンなど、専用チップによって可能になったものもあるが、過去数年、スマートフォンで性能が問題になったことはほとんどない。

そして、Face IDだ。はい、これを好きな人たちがいることを私は知っている。しかし、そうでない人がたくさんいる。理由の一部は不気味さだ、顔で、ほんとに?おそらくそれは古い考えなのだろう。しかし、もっと大きい理由は実用性だ。実に多くの場面で、スマホをアンロックするのに親指(あるいはそれ以外の指)を使う方が、正対して画面を見つめるよりもありがたい。その逆が真であるケースはごくごく稀である、少なとも私にとって。




実際私はiPhone 6~8のデザインを好きになったことはない。まるでジェリービーンズみたいだ。それでも最近のよりはマシだ。私は古い5sのデザインか、なんなら13 miniのフォームファクターで切り欠きのないのに変えたい、ただしTouch IDがあれば。Touch IDが最初に出てきた時、我々は懐疑的だったが、すぐにセキュリティと利便性のベストバランスな方法になった。

私はAppleが過去数年付け足してきた機能のほとんどすべてを、本当にとうでもいいと思っている。反対する人が大勢いることは知っているし、幸い最新機種はその人たちにとってすばらしいものになりそうだ。しかし、そこに選択肢がある限り、私はTouch IDの付いた伝統的スタイルを選ぶ。




Apple has, thank god, deigned to continue to offer a budget ticket into its planet-spanning luxury funhouse: the iPhone SE 3. If they discontinued this useful item, I’d have to switch to an iPad or back to Android, since the only alternatives have both an ugly notch and the Face ID it contains. Fortunately the new SE should carry us reasonable people right through until Apple reconsiders its position on Touch ID, like it did with USB-A and SD ports.

Why do I, and other discerning persons, choose the SE? Well, for one thing it is straight up the cheapest iPhone you can get. For some the argument begins and ends with that. For others, Touch ID is the clincher. But there’s also a legitimate question of whether what you get when you pay more is actually worth it.

A bigger screen? Sure, but that’s a drag for some people. The SE may not be as pocket-friendly as it was when it was the best phone Apple ever made, but compared to a lot of what’s out there, it’s pretty svelte. And the idea of having it be “all screen” has never appealed to me either. So the screen has rounded corners — where buttons are supposed to be — and then a piece bit out of the top? No thanks.

More and better cameras? Well, I don’t want to make a “640 kilobytes ought to be enough” type argument here (that one’s for the ’90s kids) but really… we’ve reached a plateau in camera quality and what you can get out of the SE’s camera (and I’m talking about the last one) is more than good enough to do all the things we all ordinarily do with those images.

Let’s be honest: The only time most people see iPhone pictures bigger than their palm is at Apple events. Sure, the camera in the iPhone 13 Pro is better. But it’s all going to Instagram to be viewed for 3/4 of a second on a five-inch screen from two feet away. If you want to get good results from a phone camera, you can do it on any phone from the last few years.

What else… computing power? Do you do a lot of video editing and FX work on your phone? Or is it mostly messaging, social media and a handful of casual games that would probably run on a high-end graphing calculator? While having enough resources to quickly switch between apps and not be bogged down by big web services is great, chips left that milestone in the dust long ago.

Think about what Apple’s been saying about its new processors, A11, A12, A13 Bionic, etc., every time they come out. Two times faster! Four times faster! Six times faster! Those are cumulative, you know — by this point our phones should be about a thousand times faster than they were a few years ago. Do they feel a thousand times faster? No, because the things people actively do on phones don’t need to be done a thousand times faster. Naturally there are less visible processes, like computational photography and language engines that have been enabled by specialty chips, but performance hasn’t really been an issue on phones for years.

And then there’s Face ID. Look, I know some people like this. But there are a lot of people who don’t. Part of it is the creepiness factor — your face, really? I suppose we’re just old fashioned that way. But a big part of it is practical — there are so, so many situations where I would rather unlock my phone with my thumb, or one of several other fingers I have, rather than pick it up and stare at it. The situations where the reverse is true are few and far between, for me at least.

If the unlock mechanism is an always-on face scanner, it’s beyond your control. What if you don’t want to activate it? Putting your finger on the scanner is a deliberate choice, a stated user intent that they want to unlock the phone. I can do it in my pocket, or while it’s lying on my desk, with either hand. It’s simple — it works. Holding the phone and looking at it is something most people do half the day anyway — where’s the user intent there?

Not to mention the design choice of having one button and some safe bezels to grip is a good one. Since the early days of the iPhone a big draw was the simplicity that the home button added. Whatever you’re doing, whether you’re in a call, a game, a work document… press that button once and it’s gone, you’re at home. Having a button is a good thing. Having a bit on the corner you can grip that isn’t made of touchscreen is a good thing.

I never particularly liked the design of the iPhone 6-8; too much like a jellybean. Better than those newer ones though. I would switch to the old 5S design or even a notchless 13 Mini form factor, if only there were Touch ID. We had our doubts when it first was introduced, but it quickly became the method with the best balance of security and convenience.

I truly don’t care about almost any of the features Apple has added over the last few years. I know there are plenty who will disagree with me, and fortunately the new phones are going to be great for them. But as long as it is an option, I will be choosing the old-school style with Touch ID.

Of course I’m aware all the above comes off as slightly crusty. That’s okay. I embrace the crust — and you could too. Join me and let’s yell at clouds together!

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )



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