

関連ワード (Hadrian、工場、製造業等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




「私たちの仕事は、世界で最も効率的な宇宙防衛産業のための工場を提供することだと考えています」とHadrianの創設者Chris Power(クリス・パワー)氏は話す。


「今がどれほど最悪で、20年後にはどうなるかをお話しましょう。現在、SpaceX(スペースエックス)もLockheed Martin(ロッキード・マーティン)も、宇宙防衛産業のあらゆる企業は部品と製造を全国の小さな工場に発注しています。それらはめちゃくちゃ高価で、信頼性が低く、顧客からは一切見えません」とパワー氏。「これが宇宙防衛関連の製造業者に、設計段階での大きな問題を引き起こしています。なぜなら、リードタイムが非常に長く、作り込みにかかる時間がさらに長いからです。ソフトウェアの関係上、製品の作り直しは20日に1度だけ可能だとしましょう。ロケット製造の場合、その作業工程表の60パーセントは待機時間です。そのため3カ月前に送られてきた部品のせいで、打ち上げやら何やらの工程が大幅に遅れます。つまり、マクドナルドの経営者が、ハンバーガーやポテトの納品業者からいつ商品が届くかを教えてもらえない状態と同じです」。

航空宇宙、防衛、先進的機械の企業に部品を納入する業者にとって戦略がどれほど重要であるかは、言葉では言い尽くせない。他ならぬ製造業の権威Elon Musk(イーロン・マスク)氏もこうツイートしていた。「工場が製品だ」と。米国を卓越した製造業の中心地として返り咲かせるためは、地政学的要素もまた言葉では言い尽くせないほど重要だと、Hadrianに投資しているLux Capital、Founders Fund、Construct Capitalは語っている。それが、この非常に若いアーリーステージの企業に950万ドル(約10億円)を投入した理由にもなっている。

「米国は90年代初頭に大きな戦略的過ちを犯しました。それが全国の製造業エコシステムを完全に荒廃させてしまったのです」とFounders Fundの会長Delian Asparouhov(デリアン・アスパロホフ)氏は話す。「この悲惨な状況から抜け出す唯一の方法は、航空宇宙産業と防衛産業のサプライチェーンへのもっとも基礎的なインプットを考え直し、金属部品をすばやく製造して、許容性を高めることです。今現在、米国でもっと革新的な企業であるSpaceXも、引退間近の機械工のネットワークに依存して宇宙品質の金属部品を作らせています。テック業界で、この問題を重視している者はいません」

Factories build cars, Tesla builds factorieshttps://t.co/GaOexFInop pic.twitter.com/RLOhmr5o3S

— Sam Korus (@skorusARK) January 2, 2021

Sam Korus「工場はクルマを作り、Teslaは工場を作る」
Elon Musk「工場が製品だ」



「製造の需要は、SpaceXやBlue Origin(ブルー・オリジン)といった大手から、ロングテールのずっと末端のAnduril(アンデュリル)、Relativity(レラティビティー)、 Varda(バーダ)に至るまであります」と、Lux Capitalの共同創設者Josh Wolfe(ジョシュ・ウルフ)氏はいう。「そのほとんどが、家族経営の工場を利用しています。そしてそうした工場は、恐ろしいまでに非効率です。一貫性がなく、信頼性も低い。ソフトウェアによる自動化とハードウェアを用いることで、製造工程のあらゆる非効率なステップを排除できます。価値の創造は、無駄の削減だという考え方が私は好きです。見積もりから、予定組み、入札、計画、プログラミングに至る製造業の日常的な作業は、その1つ1つで数時間、数十時間、数日、数週間という時間がかかります。それを数分で済ませられるようになれば、悩みは解消です。Hadrianは、新しい、そして航空宇宙防衛産業に明確に特化した企業のための、最先端の選択肢となります」。

パワー氏は、まずは宇宙防衛産業全体の65パーセントをカバーする製造施設のネットワーク作りを思い描いている。ゆくゆくは95パーセントにまで拡大したい考えだ。すでに、最大手クラスのロケット打ち上げ企業や衛星製造企業数社から、数百単位の製造を持ちかけられているとパワー氏はいう。その一部の企業は、偶然にもConstruct、Lux、Founders Fundのポートフォリオに入っている。




画像クレジット:NASA / Getty Images


If the eight person team behind the new startup Hadrian has their way, they’ll have transformed the manufacturing industry within the next decade.

At least, that’s the goal for the new San Francisco-based startup, founded only last year, which has set its sights on building out a new model for advanced manufacturing to enable the satellite, space ship, and advanced energy technology companies to build the future they envision better and faster.

“We view our job as to provide the world’s most efficient space and defense component factory,” said Hadrian founder, Chris Power.

Initially, the company is building factories to make the parts that go on rocket ships, according to Power, but the business has implications for any company that needs bespoke components to make their equipment.

“Let me tell you how bad it is at the moment and what’s going to happen over the next 20 years. Right now everyone in space and defense, [including] SpaceX and Lockheed Martin, outsources their parts and manufacturing to small factories across the country. They’re super expensive, they’re unreliable and they’re completely invisible to the customers,” said Power. “This causes big problems with space and defense manufacturers in the design phase, because the lead time is so long and the iteration time is super long. Imagine running software and being able to iterate on your product once every 20 days? If you can imagine a Gantt chart of how to build a rocket, about 60% of that is buffer time… A lot of the delays in launches and stuff like that happen because parts got delivered three months ago. It’d be like running a McDonalds and realizing that your fries and burger providers could not tell you when the food would arrive.”

It’s hard to overstate the strategic importance of the parts suppliers to the operations of aerospace, defense, and advanced machining companies. As no less an authority on manufacturing than Elon Musk noted in a tweet, “The factory is the product.” It’s also hard to overstate the geopolitical importance of re-establishing the U.S. as a center of manufacturing excellence, according to Hadrian’s investors Lux Capital, Founders Fund, and Construct Capital. Which is one reason why they’re investing $9.5 million into the very early stage business.

“America made massive strategic mistakes in the early 90s which have left our national manufacturing ecosystem completely dilapidated,” said Founders Fund principal Delian Asparouhov. “The only way to get out of this disaster is to re-invent the most basic input into our aerospace and defense supply chains, machining metal parts quickly and with high tolerance. Right now, America’s most innovative company, SpaceX, relies on a network of near-retired machinists to produce space-worthy metal parts, and no one in technology is. focused on solving this.”


Power got to understand the problem at his previous company, Ento, which sold workforce management software to blue collar customers. It was there he realized the issue of. the aging workforce and the need for manufacturers to upgrade almost every aspect of their own technology stack. “I realized that the right way to bring technology to the industrial space is not to sell software to these companies, it’s to build an industrial business from scratch with software.”

Initially, Hadrian is focusing all of its efforts on the space industry, where the component manufacturing problem is especially acute, but the manufacturing capabilities the company is building out have broad relevance across any industry that requires highly engineered components.

“The demand for manufacturing from both the large SpaceX and Blue Origin all the way to this growing long tail of companies from Anduril to Relativity to Varda,” said Lux Capital co-founder Josh Wolfe. “Most of these guys are using mom and pop machine shops… [and] those shops are horribly inefficient. They’re not consistent, and they’re not reliable. Between the software automation, the hardware, you can cut down on inefficiency every step of the process… I like to think of value creation as waste reduction… so mundane things like quoting, scheduling, bidding, and planning all the way to the programming of the manufacturing… every one of those things takes hours to tens of hours to days and weeks, so if you can do that in minutes, it’s just a no-brainer. [Hadrian] will be the cutting edge choice for all of the new and explicitly dedicated and focused aerospace and defense companies.”

Power envisions a network of manufacturing facilities that can initially cover roughly 65% of all space and defense components, and will eventually take that number up to 95% of components. Already several of the biggest launch vehicle and satellite manufacturers are in talks with the company to produce hundreds of units for them, Power said. Some of those companies just happen to be in the Construct, Lux, and Founders Fund portfolio.

And the company’s founder sees this as a new way to revitalize American manufacturing jobs as well. “Manufacturing jobs in space and defense can easily be as high paying as a software engineering job at Google,” he said. In an ideal world, Hadrian would like to offer an onramp to high paying manufacturing careers in the 21st century in the same way that automakers provided good union jobs in the twentieth.

“We haven’t built any of this. If you look at the sheer number of people that we need to train and hire on our new technology and new systems, that people problem and that training problem is part of growing our business.”

A render of Axiom’s future commercial space station design.

(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:金井哲夫)



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