

関連ワード (Soda、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




「企業はデータプラットフォーム(と呼んでいるもの)を3大クラウド(Amazon Web Services、Google Cloud、Microsoft Azure)のどれかに構築し、自分たちのデータをそこに入れ、アナリティクスなとで利用できるようにしています」とSodaの共同ファウンダーでCEOのMaarten Masschelein(マールテン・マッシェライン)氏は語る。








この日、同スタートアップはSoda Cloudも公開した。組織内のデータフローを視覚化するコラボレーションウェブアプリケーションだ。これを使えば、技術系でない人も簡単にメタデータを見て、すべてが正しく流れていることを確認できる。

通常、SodaのユーザーはSoda SQLを使う。データを一覧するためのコマンドラインツールで、Soda SQLの結果を見るためのウェブアプリケーションであるSoda Cloudと一緒に使う。


Sodaは最近、1350万ドル(約14億9000万円)のシリーズAラウンドをSingularのリードで完了した。Singularはパリを拠点とする新しいVCファンドで、 今週私が紹介した。Sodaのシード投資家にはPoint Nine Capital、Hummingbird Ventures、DCFらがいるほか、さまざまなエンジェル投資家が出資している。



Meet Soda, a data monitoring platform that is going to help you discover issues with your data processing setup. This way, you can react as quickly as possible and make sure that you keep the full data picture.

If you’re building a digital-first company, you and your customers are likely generating a ton of data. And you may even be leveraging that data to adjust your product itself — think about hotel pricing, finding the right restaurant on a food delivery website, applying for a loan with a fintech company, etc. Those are data-heavy products.

“Companies build a data platform — as they call it — in one of the big three clouds [Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure]. They land their data in there and they make it available for analytics and more,” Soda co-founder and CEO Maarten Masschelein told me.

You can then tap into those data lakes or data warehouses to display analytics, visualize your data, monitor your services, etc. But what happens if there’s an issue in your data workflows?

It might take you a while to realize that there’s some missing data, or that you’re miscounting some stuff. For instance, Facebook miscalculated average video view times for several years. When you spot that issue, an important part of your business might be affected.

Soda wants to catch data issues as quickly as possible by monitoring your data automatically and at scale. “We sit further upstream, closer to the source of data,” Masschelein said.

When you set up Soda with your data platform, you instantly get some alerts. Soda tells you if there’s something off. For example, if your application generated only 6,000 records today while you usually generate 24,000 records in 24 hours, chances are there’s something wrong. Or if you usually get a new entry every minute and there hasn’t been an entry in 15 minutes, your data might not be fresh.

“But that only covers a small part of what is considered data issues. There’s more logic that you want to test and validate,” Masschelein said.

Soda lets you create rules to test and validate your data. Basically, think about test suite in software development. When you build a new version of your app, your code needs to pass several tests to make sure that nothing critical is going to break with the new version.

With Soda, you can check data immediately and get the result. If the test doesn’t pass, you can programmatically react — for instance, you can stop a process and quarantine data.

Today, the startup is also launching Soda Cloud. It’s a collaboration web application that gives you visibility in your data flows across the organization. This way, nontechnical people can easily browse metadata to see whether everything seems to be flowing correctly.

Basically, Soda customers use Soda SQL, a command-line tool that helps someone scan data, along with Soda Cloud, a web application to view Soda SQL results.

Beyond those products, Soda’s vision is that data is becoming an entire category in software products. Development teams now have a ton of dev tools available to automate testing, integration, deployment, versioning, etc. But there’s a lot of potential for tools specifically designed for data teams.

Soda has recently raised a $13.5 million Series A round (€11.5 million) led by Singular, a new Paris-based VC fund that I covered earlier this week. Soda’s seed investors Point Nine Capital, Hummingbird Ventures, DCF and various business angels also participated.

(文:Romain Dillet、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook)

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Meet Soda, a data monitoring platform that is going to help you discover issues with your data processing setup. This way, you can react as quickly as possible and make sure that you keep the full data picture. If you’re building a digital-first company, you and your customers are likely generating a ton of data. […]

Sodium hypochlorite - Wikipedia

Chlorination of soda. Potassium hypochlorite was first produced in 1789 by Claude Louis Berthollet in his laboratory on the Quai de Javel in Paris, France, by passing chlorine gas through a solution of potash lye. The resulting liquid, known as "Eau de Javel" ("Javel water"), was a weak solution of potassium hypochlorite.

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Meet Soda, a knowledge monitoring platform that's going that will help you uncover points together with your knowledge processing Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's too late - TechCrunch - Options Call Today

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Meet Soda, a data monitoring platform that is going to help you discover issues with your data processing setup. This way, you can react as quickly as possible and make sure that you keep the full data picture. If you’re building a digital-first company, you and your customers are likely generating a ton of data. […]

TikTok Vaccine Explainer — With Fork Hands! — Goes Viral ...

A viral TikTok makes vaccine science understandable and pretty funny (it's a horror film parody). NPR caught up with creator and star Vick Krishna — tech expert by day, videographer by night.

Easy and Effective Homemade Organic Pesticide and ...

At first, we take a bowl or spray bottle and add one-liter clean water. Then we add 2 teaspoons baking soda in this bowel, if your plant's pest attack too much then you can add 3 teaspoons baking soda. Next, we use one teaspoon neem oil or any vegetable oil. But neem oil make these pesticides stronger or effective.

Why isn't soda allowed in school? | Yahoo Answers

It's a dumbass rule, why do they give a damn so much about what children drink/eat? I want to be able to enjoy my coffee without having the worry about getting told to throw it away or hide it in a bottle or something, teachers can drink anything they want but we're not allowed to drink anything but water, what a load of bullshit.

Using Soda Cans to Collect Rain Water and for Early ...

Water collection is one of the most important tasks in a survival situation. Without water, they say you will last about 3 days. Depending on the situation, it could be much less than that. Finding a water source can be difficult in certain geographic locations. But the one source of water that is fairly universal…

Soda tax... - West Virginia (WV) - City-Data Forum

Just curious, but I was thinking about the soda tax that WV has. I know that the WVU Medical School was built using the soda tax and it makes up a

Akikan! - Wikipedia

Akikan! (Japanese: アキカン!, lit."Empty Can!") is a Japanese light novel series about a group of anthropomorphic soda cans who do battle. It was created by Riku Ranjō, with illustrations by Hiro Suzuhira, known for her artistry in Shuffle!.The first novel was released on May 24, 2007, and as of April 24, 2009, eight volumes have been published by Shueisha under their Super Dash Bunko label.

Global Soda Ash and Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH) Industry ...

Global Soda Ash and Aluminium Trihydrate (ATH) Industry: Marketing Channel, Distributors, Customers, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2026 April 1, 2021 6 Min Read

Homemade Pomegranate Soda Water

These Pomegranate Soda Water is made of simple ingredients, refined sugar-free and caffeine-free.

Caustic Soda Prills 99% Market Size 2021-2024 Research ...

Apr 01, 2021 (The Expresswire) -- Global Caustic Soda Prills 99% Market 2021 report presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding...

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Meet Soda, a knowledge monitoring platform that's going that can assist you uncover points together with your information processing setup. This manner, you possibly can react as shortly as attainable and just be sure you preserve the complete information image. When you're constructing a digital-first firm, you and your clients are probably producing a ton […]

Jones Soda Co. (OTCMKTS:JSDA) Short Interest Update ...

Jones Soda Co. (OTCMKTS:JSDA) was the recipient of a significant drop in short interest during the month of March. As of March 15th, there was short interest totalling 5,400 shares, a drop of 31.6% from the February 28th total of 7,900 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 444,600 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is […]

Soda Cracker Jesus - Single Review: "My Anthem" - ECLECTIC ...

I love the quirky and colorful names that musicians often come up with for their music projects, and one of the best I've seen lately is Soda Cracker Jesus, the new brainchild of longtime Tacoma-based singer-songwriter and producer Regan Lane. Lane is also front man and ringmaster of psychedelic punk-rock band Strangely Alright, who I've…

POLL: Worst soda ever?\? | Yahoo Answers

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D.C. Considers Tax on Soda | NACS

The measure takes aim at sugared beverages, including soft drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks, at $0.015 per ounce.

Starbucks announces they will no longer serve frappuccinos ...

Today, Starbucks announced that they will stop offering their signature Frappuccino beverage on Stockton University’s grounds in favor of a more popular option: soda. Spokesperson for Starbucks April First said she knew it was time for a change when she overheard a student say they were “over Pumpkin Spice Lattes.” “Lattes and frapps have had…

Sims Funeral Home : Soda Springs, Idaho (ID)

Sims Funeral Home | provides complete funeral services to the local community.

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Soda lets you create rules to test and validate your data. Basically, think about test suite in software development. When you build a new version of your app, your code needs to pass several tests to make sure that nothing critical is going to break with the new version. With Soda, you can check data immediately and get the result.

0 12500 Soda Lake Rd, Santa Margarita, CA 93453 | MLS ...

For Sale: 0 12500 Soda Lake Rd, Santa Margarita, CA 93453 ∙ $22,500 ∙ MLS# PI20252136 ∙ 2.50 acres, WESTSIDE, on paved Road, GREAT Water, 300 feet to to foothills. Nearby hunting, off road driving ...

Soda monitors data and helps you fix issues before it's ...

Meet Soda, a data monitoring platform that is going to help you discover issues with your data processing setup. This way, you can react as quickly as

Sparkling Bottled Water Market Detailed Study Mentioning ...

Sparkling Bottled Water Market Detailed Study Mentioning Positive Growth | Players - Nestle, Schweppes Club Soda, Q Club Soda, Ferrarelle Acqua Minerale, PepsiCo, San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineral Water. decisivemarketsinsights February 11, 2021.

モザキメイジ CN_Soda 荒ぶる大地 - ハースストーン ワイルド デッキ - Wild Everyday

Mozaki Mage - CN_Soda - The Barrens Wild #2 Legend. AAEBAf0EAu0FkssDDqwBwAGrBMsE5gSWBfgHtPwCn5sD9KsDwbgD99EDheQD0ewDAA== Just enter at 2 on cn server with Mozaki Mage.



資金調達方法 | Sysトラストコンサル合同会社

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今回の資金調達 | 株式会社キャンバス

今日公表したとおりキャンバスは、転換社債型新株予約権付社債と新株予約権による資金調達を実施することを決議しました。 (別紙に1文字だけ誤字があり修正開示も実施しています). 今日のブログでは、この資金調達の狙いや特徴をご説明します。 今回の資金調達の狙い


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