関連ワード (QuikNode、暗号資産等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
最近Y Combinatorが投資を行い、シード投資を完了する過程にあるQuikNodeは、ブロックチェーンの開発者がアプリケーションを作りスケールしていくための、Web 3.0ベースのクラウドプラットフォームを作ってきた。この2017年に創業されたスタートアップは、YCの2017年創業の同期たちの誰よりも、先に行っているようだ。
CEOのDmitry Shklovsky(ドミトリー・シュクロフスキー)氏は「Amazon(AWS)には2年いたから、向こうもこっちに気づいていると思う」と述べている。
現在主にマイアミで仕事をしているチームは、Ethereum、Bitcoin、xDai、Binance Smart Chain、Polygon、そしてOptimismという6つのブロックチェーン上のネットワークをサポートしている。
画像クレジット:AerialPerspective Images/Getty Images
As hot as the blockchain space appears to be these days, it’s still far from simple to get a decentralized application reliably up and running. The NFT boom and rising cryptocurrency prices have brought more attention to applications running on the blockchain, but the dominant cloud service platforms aren’t quite ready to make a full-commit to the needs of these budding developers.
QuikNode, which recently raised funding from Y Combinator and is in the process of wrapping its seed funding, has been building out a Web3 cloud platform for blockchain developers that can help them create and scale applications. The startup seems to be further along than most of its fellow YC batch mates, founded back in 2017.
At the moment, running a decentralized app can involve a lot of base infrastructure headaches that take developer attention away from their actual products. The initial setup can require days worth of downloads to sync to these networks for the first time while maintenance costs can also be high, the startup says. QuikNode allows app developers to rent access to nodes that let them operate on the blockchain network of their choice, enabling them to sidestep maintaining and monitoring their own node.
Alongside node management and maintenance, QuikNode’s product integrates developer tools and analytics to simplify running a decentralized app. The challenge for QuikNode will likely be maintaining an edge here in the shadow of cloud giants if the decentralized app market grows to a sizable (and consistent) presence on the web. QuikNode is itself a customer of these large cloud companies, opting to focus on software rather than building up physical data centers, nevertheless they’re still directly competing with these big players.
“I think we have about two years on Amazon, we’re on their radar,” CEO Dmitry Shklovsky tells TechCrunch.
For the time being, QuikNode’s small size gives it a distinct pricing advantage compared to nascent programs from other cloud providers. Plans start at just $9 for users launching the most basic applications, with structured plans increasing depending on the amount of “method calls” being performed. Renting a dedicated node is $300 per month. From there, the startup offers several chain-specific add-ons with options like Archive mode that give applications access to all historical value states inside smart contracts on the network or Trace mode, which lets developers request nodes to reexecute transactions.
The team currently operates over 1,000 nodes and has around 400 customers. As QuikNode aims to scale their customer base, Shklovsky says that one of the best paths to customer acquisition have been guides educating decentralized app developers on how to connect to the most popular networks.
Currently, the largely Miami-based team supports networks on six chains including Ethereum, Bitcoin, xDai, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Optimism.
(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)
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