関連ワード (Esri、Kubernetes等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
地理情報システム(GIS)、マッピング、空間分析最大手のEsriは、米国時間4月6日に(バーチャル)デベロッパーサミットを開催した。予想どおり、イベントでは新たなデザインシステムとJavaScript APIの改訂からArcGIS EnterpriseをKubernetes(クバネティス)のコンテナで動作させるサポートまでさまざまな発表が行われた。
Kubernetesプロジェクトは同社にとって大きな事業だったと、とプロジェクトマネジャーのTrevor Seaton(トレバー・シートン)氏とPhilip Heede(フィリップ・ヒーデ)氏が私に話した。多くの類似製品と同じく、ArcGISは伝統的に物理的なコンピューターかバーチャルマシン、あるいはクラウドでホストされたVM上にインストールするように作られていた。そしてエンドユーザーにとってはソフトウェアがどこで動いているかは関係ないが、アプリケーションのコンテナ化は企業がシステム規模を必要に応じて拡大縮小するのがはるかに簡単になることを意味している。
Esri ArcGIS EnterprizeをKubernetesにデプロイ(画像クレジット:Esri)
KubernetesへのEsri ArcGIS Enterpriseのデプロイ(画像クレジット:Esri)
「しばらく時間がかかりました、なぜならArcGIS Enterprizeを構成している3つか4つの大規模アプリケーションを扱うからです」と彼は言った。「これらを数多くのマイクロサービスに分解します。そうすることで特定のサービスをコンテナ化することが可能になり、管理者にとって複雑にすることなくシステムの供給力と回復力を高めることができるようになりました。実際、複雑さを取り除いた結果、インストールは1つのデプロイスクリプトでできます」。
Kubernetesサポートに加えて、この日Esriは新しいJavaScript APIを発表した。デベロッパーはEsriのサーバーサイドテクノロジーとクライアントサイドで分析の大部分を行うスケーラビリティを組み合わせたアプリケーションを作れるようになる。かつてEsriは、Microsoft(マイクロソフト)のSilverlight(シルバーライト)やAdobe / Apache Flexなどのツールをサポートして、高度なウェブベースアプリケーションを作れるようにしていた。「今私たちは、単一のウェブ開発技術とその周辺のツール群に専念しています」とEsriのプロダクトマネージャーであるJulie Powell(ジュリー・パウエル)氏が私に言った。
Esri, the geographic information system (GIS), mapping and spatial analytics company, is hosting its (virtual) developer summit today. Unsurprisingly, it is making a couple of major announcements at the event that range from a new design system and improved JavaScript APIs to support for running ArcGIS Enterprise in containers on Kubernetes.
The Kubernetes project was a major undertaking for the company, Esri Product Managers Trevor Seaton and Philip Heede told me. Traditionally, like so many similar products, ArcGIS was architected to be installed on physical boxes, virtual machines or cloud-hosted VMs. And while it doesn’t really matter to end-users where the software runs, containerizing the application means that it is far easier for businesses to scale their systems up or down as needed.
Esri ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes deployment. Image Credits: Esri
“We have a lot of customers — especially some of the larger customers — that run very complex questions,” Seaton explained. “And sometimes it’s unpredictable. They might be responding to seasonal events or business events or economic events, and they need to understand not only what’s going on in the world, but also respond to their many users from outside the organization coming in and asking questions of the systems that they put in place using ArcGIS. And that unpredictable demand is one of the key benefits of Kubernetes.”
Deploying Esri ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes. Image Credits: Esri
The team could have chosen to go the easy route and put a wrapper around its existing tools to containerize them and call it a day, but as Seaton noted, Esri used this opportunity to re-architect its tools and break it down into microservices.
“It’s taken us a while because we took three or four big applications that together make up [ArcGIS] Enterprise,” he said. “And we broke those apart into a much larger set of microservices. That allows us to containerize specific services and add a lot of high availability and resilience to the system without adding a lot of complexity for the administrators — in fact, we’re reducing the complexity as we do that and all of that gets installed in one single deployment script.”
While Kubernetes simplifies a lot of the management experience, a lot of companies that use ArcGIS aren’t yet familiar with it. And as Seaton and Heede noted, the company isn’t forcing anyone onto this platform. It will continue to support Windows and Linux just like before. Heede also stressed that it’s still unusual — especially in this industry — to see a complex, fully integrated system like ArcGIS being delivered in the form of microservices and multiple containers that its customers then run on their own infrastructure.
Image Credits: Esri
In addition to the Kubernetes announcement, Esri also today announced new JavaScript APIs that make it easier for developers to create applications that bring together Esri’s server-side technology and the scalability of doing much of the analysis on the client-side. Back in the day, Esri would support tools like Microsoft’s Silverlight and Adobe/Apache Flex for building rich web-based applications. “Now, we’re really focusing on a single web development technology and the toolset around that,” Esri product manager Julie Powell told me.
A bit later this month, Esri also plans to launch its new design system to make it easier and faster for developers to create clean and consistent user interfaces. This design system will launch April 22, but the company already provided a bit of a teaser today. As Powell noted, the challenge for Esri is that its design system has to help the company’s partners put their own style and branding on top of the maps and data they get from the ArcGIS ecosystem.
(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )
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Esri - Wikipedia
Esri is an international supplier of geographic information system (GIS) software, web GIS and geodatabase management applications. The company is headquartered in Redlands, California. The company was founded as the Environmental Systems Research Institute in 1969 as a land-use...
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Esri, Redlands, CA. 626,482 likes · 3,085 talking about this. | Esri helps you build and manage great information products by providing the...
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Последние твиты от Esri (@Esri). Esri users apply The Science of Where to help their organizations solve some of the world's most difficult problems. For COVID-19 resources, visit https...
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Esri builds ArcGIS, the most powerful mapping software in the world.ArcGIS connects people with maps, data, and apps through geographic information systems (...
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Esri's GIS mapping software is the most powerful mapping and spatial data analytics technology available. Unlock the full potential of your data and improve operational & business results with our...
Esri GitHub | Open Source and Example Projects from the Esri...
We are excited to bring the idea of social coding to Esri. Browse and search flexible applications, frameworks, and extensions built with our powerful developer platform.
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ESRI's ArcGIS Online.
Esri India: GIS Mapping Software, Spatial Data Analytics & Location...
Esri's GIS mapping software is the most powerful mapping and spatial data analytics technology available. Unlock the full potential of your data and improve operational & business results with our...
Esri has 606 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Esri has 606 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Esri Canada | GIS Mapping, Spatial Analytics and Location Intelligence...
Esri Canada's geographic information system (GIS) solutions enable informed decisions by leveraging mapping, spatial analytics and location intelligence.
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Esri — OpenStreetMap Wiki
Esri is an international supplier of geographic information system (GIS) software, web GIS and geodatabase management applications. Esri creates the proprietary GIS software ArcGIS. Esri is a corporate member of the Foundation.
Esri :: Pearson VUE
The Esri Technical Certification Program endeavors to develop a community of qualified individuals proficient in the best practices of the ArcGIS Platform. Certification validates your skills and allows you to showcase your knowledge and experience with Esri software.
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Esri ArcGIS Software Support | UCSB Library
Esri's server-side applications are all available for campus use. AWS and Azure both support ArcGIS Server products. Please contact the Collaboratory for information about Esri server software.
Headquartered in Redlands, California, Esri produces geographical information systems software and geodatabase management applications used by more than 350,000 organizations worldwide.
GIS technology | location analytics | mapping software | Esri Australia
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Kubernetes (/ ˌ k (j) uː b ər ˈ n ɛ t ɪ s,-ˈ n eɪ t ɪ s,-ˈ n eɪ t iː z /, commonly stylized as K8s) is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.It aims to provide a "platform for automating deployment ...
Esri brings its flagship ArcGIS platform to Kubernetes ...
Esri, the geographic information system (GIS), mapping and spatial analytics company, is hosting its (virtual) developer summit today. Unsurprisingly, it is making a couple of major announcements at the event that range from a new design system and improved JavaScript APIs to support for running ArcGIS Enterprise in containers on Kubernetes. The Kubernetes project was […]
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Esri brings its flagship ArcGIS platform to Kubernetes ...
The Kubernetes project was a major undertaking for the company, Esri Product Managers Trevor Seaton and Philip Heede told me. Traditionally, like so many similar products, ArcGIS was architected to be installed on physical boxes, virtual machines or cloud-hosted VMs.
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Esri brings its flagship ArcGIS platform to Kubernetes ...
Esri, the geographic information system (GIS), mapping and spatial analytics company, is hosting its (virtual) developer summit today. Unsurprisingly, it is making a couple of major announcements at the event that range from a new design system and improved JavaScript APIs to support for running ArcGIS Enterprise in containers on Kubernetes. The Kubernetes project was …
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Esri brings its flagship ArcGIS platform to Kubernetes
The Kubernetes project was a major undertaking for the company, Esri Product Managers Trevor Seaton and Philip Heede told me. Traditionally, like so many similar products, ArcGIS was architected to be installed on physical boxes, virtual machines or cloud-hosted VMs.
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地理情報システム(GIS)、マッピング、空間分析最大手のEsriは、米国時間4月6日に(バーチャル)デベロッパーサミットを開催した。予想どおり、イベントでは新たなデザインシステムとJavaScript APIの改訂からArcGIS EnterpriseをKubernetesのコンテナで動作させるサポートまでさまざま..
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