関連ワード (Amazon、労働問題、労働組合等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
4月8日の時点で反対票は賛成票の倍以上の1100対463となっている。4月9日に集計は再開され、終了する見込みだが、労働組合の役割を果たす可能性のあるRWDSU(小売・卸売・百貨店労組、Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union)はAmazon側の戦術を非難している。
RWDSUのStuart Appelbaum(スチュアート・アペルバウム)理事長は「システムが壊れており、Amazonはそのことを最大限に利用した。私たちは州労働委員会に訴えて、キャンペーンにおける同社の違法で悪質な行為について、Amazonの責任を求めるつもりだ」とTechCrunch宛の声明で述べている。「しかし、誤解のないように言っておくが、これはそれでもなお労働者にとって重要な瞬間であり、彼らの声は聞かれるだろう」。
Amazonにアペルバウム氏のコメントに対する返答を求めたが、まだ得られていない。1カ月前にTechCrunchにくれたコメントで同社は、アペルバウム氏にあまり良い言葉を与えず、彼のことを「偽情報最高責任者(Chief Disinformation Officer)と呼び、「長年衰退している組合を救うために、(彼は)オルタナティブファクトのレベルを未曾有の高いレベルに上げてしまった」と述べている。
画像クレジット:PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/Getty Images
It’s been a little over a week since union voting concluded for Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama. Things have been fairly quiet in the eye of the storm for most of it. That changed today, however, as vote counting began in earnest. Thus far, things are breaking pretty dramatically in the company’s favor, following a hard-fought anti-union campaign.
As of the end of the day, no votes have more than doubled the yeses, at 1,100 to 463. With counting resuming — and likely concluding — tomorrow, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which would potentially serve as the worker’s union, is decrying the company’s tactics.
“Our system is broken, Amazon took full advantage of that, and we will be calling on the labor board to hold Amazon accountable for its illegal and egregious behavior during the campaign,” RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum said in a statement provided to TechCrunch. “But make no mistake about it; this still represents an important moment for working people and their voices will be heard.”
The comments appear to be as much about actions the company has taken during the campaign as it is bracing for a likely challenge to the results. The numbers constitute around half of the 3,215 ballots that are being counted. They put Amazon around 500 no votes away from defeating union efforts.
We have reached out to the company for a response to Appelbaum’s comment, but have not heard back. In a comment offered to TechCrunch last month, the company had less than stellar words about Appelbaum, calling the union head the “Chief Disinformation Officer,” adding that “in an attempt to save his long declining union, [he] is taking alternative facts to a whole new level.”
Regardless of the final count, this process is likely to be drawn out. Among the complaints are reports that the company pushed the USPS to install an illegal ballot box, breaking National Labor Relations Board rulings in the process.
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)
2021-04-12 22:46RT たしか、アメリカの教師の労働組合って民主党だったよね?民主党って口だけでは素晴らしいことを言うけど、結局格差を広げるんだよなー