

関連ワード (ロボット、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





まずは、このMemic(メミック)の大型だったシリーズDの紹介から始めよう。Memicは、医療用ロボット企業にとって大きな一歩となるFDA(米国食品医薬品局)の認可を取得した後、Peregrine VenturesとCerosが主導する9600万ドル(約104億5000万円)の資金調達を発表した。今回のラウンドは、同社のこれまでの資金調達額である3180万ドル(約34億6000万円)の3倍以上となる。そのHominis(ホミニス)プラットフォームは現在、経膣処置用にデザインされているが、同社は他の手術にも拡大することを検討している。


それよりもずっと新しい企業のはるかに小規模なラウンドとして、Moray Media(モレイ・メディア)が、2021年初めに発表したものよりも300万ドル(約3億3000万円)多い570万ドル(約6億2000万円)の資金調達を発表した。同社が提供するCoral(コーラル)システムは、経カテーテルによる僧帽弁修復用にデザインされている。類似の多くのシステムと同様に、最終的な目標は、さまざまなスキルをもつ施術者による手術の有効性を高めることだ。

共同創業者でCEOのMark Barrish(マーク・バリッシュ)氏はこう語る。






ピッキングシステムといえば、RightHand Robotics(ライトハンド・ロボティクス)が同社にとって第3世代となるロボットを発表した。この自律型システムは、従来のシステムよりも高速で、より幅広い対象をピックアップできるように設計されている。前者の高速動作は確かにハードルが高い。動作スピードは、以前から同社の特徴の1つだったが、今回の高速化は、部分的には、6倍の速度でデータを処理できる高速なGPUのおかげでもある。




画像クレジット :Kroger



買収の話題としては、インドア農業を手がけるAppHarvest(アップハーベスト)ががRoot AI(ルートAI)を買収する意向を表明した。AppHarvestは6000万ドル(約65億3000万円)で、ボストンを拠点とするロボット企業を買収する、その目的はRoot AIの持つ作物収穫技術中のデータ収集機能を手に入れることだ。

関連記事:屋内農業のAppHarvestが農業ロボット企業Root AIを買収

AppHarvestの創業者でCEOのJonathan Webb(ジョナサン・ウェブ)氏は「異常気象、干ばつ、火災、動物による汚染など、食糧システムを不安定にする要因が増えているために、これまでの農業は崩壊しています。インドア農業は、そのような課題の多くを解決し、集められたデータは、作物の品質と収穫量の予測と管理に役立つ、より多くの洞察を大量に提供することができるのです」。

シアトルに本社を置くCarbon Robotics(カーボン・ロボティクス)は、今週、巨大な除草ロボットを発表した。同社のAutonomous Weeder(自動除草機)は、コンピュータビジョンとレーザーを使って、1時間に約10万本の雑草を取り除く。これは間違いなく「地味」な話題だが、除草剤を使わずに雑草を取り除きたいと考えている農家のにはうれしい話だろう。





Some weeks are slim pickings when it comes to pulling together interesting robotics stories. This is, decidedly, not one of those weeks. In fact, it’s been a bit tough keeping up with the deluge of robotics activity over the past seven days. I’m going to take that very small sample size as purely anecdotal evidence that investment interest in the category is still white hot.

This is another one of those weeks where investment activity really spanned the entire range of robotics. Surgical, fulfilment and agriculture companies all received funding, along with some key partnerships in groceries and food delivery. All of that, plus underwater snake robots! What’s not to like?

Image Credits: Memic

We’ll start with this big Series D from Memic. Following its recent FDA authorization (a huge step for any medical robotics company), the surgical robotics company announced a $96 million raise led by Peregrine Ventures and Ceros. The round more than triples the company’s existing funding of $31.8 million. The Hominis platform is currently designed for transvaginal procedures, though the company is looking to expand to additional surgeries.

A much smaller round for a much newer company, Moray Media just announced a $5.7 million seed – a $3 million increase in the round it had reported earlier this year. The company’s Coral system is being designed for transcatheter mitral valve repair. Like many of these systems, the end goal is increasing the efficacy of procedures across a broad range of different operator skill sets.

Per co-founder and CEO Mark Barrish:

Our Coral platform is designed to empower interventionalists at all skill levels not only to carry out these procedures but also to do so in a cost-efficient manner, with the goal of making certain that millions of additional sick patients who cannot be currently treated will get the life-saving intervention they need.

Image Credits: Pickle

On the warehouse/fulfillment side, MIT startup Pickle came out of stealth this week, telling TechCrunch that it raised $5.75 million. Silly pun name aside (not to mention a robot called “Dill”), the company says its tech is capable of 1,600 box picks per hour, an impressive number it claims is “double the speed of any competitors.”

As the seed round suggests, we’re still in quite early stages here. Still, it all seems to have come together quite quickly for the company. It’s opening up preorders on its picking system in June and expects to start shipping in early 2022.

Speaking of picking systems, RightHand Robotics announced its third-gen robot. The autonomous system is designed to be faster and pick a wider range of products than its predecessor. The former is certainly a high bar. Speed has long been one of the company’s standouts. The increase is due, in part, to a faster GPU capable of processing data at 6x the speed.

Image Credits: Nuro

Two stories worth highlighting this week about robotics reaching a wider audience through service partnerships. On Monday, pizza giant Domino’s announced that it would be rolling out (so to speak) robotic delivery via a partnership with Nuro. Customers in Houston can get a pie delivered by the company’s R2 robot. Those buying pizza from the chain’s Woodland Heights location can actually specially request the ‘bot.

Image Credits: Kroger

Supermarket chain Kroger, meanwhile, is finally delivering on a deal with Ocado, opening a massive warehouse just outside of Cincinnati. The company says the 375,000-square-foot space will employ 1,000 robots alongside 400 human workers. The location will service around 20 brick-and-mortar stores in the area.

On the acquisitions side, indoor farming company AppHarvest announced its intent to buy Root AI. The $60 million deal finds AppHarvest picking up the Boston-based robotics startup with the intention of gaining access to the data gathering functionality of its crop harvesting tech.

“Farming as we’ve known it is broken because of the increasing number of variables such as extreme weather, droughts, fire and contamination by animals that make our food system unreliable,” AppHarvest founder and CEO Jonathan Webb said. “Indoor farming solves for many of those challenges, and the data gathered can exponentially deliver more insights that help us predict and control crop quality and yield.”

Seattle-based Carbon Robotics this week announced a massive weeding robot. The Autonomous Weeder uses computer vision and lasers to get rid of some 100,000 weeds an hour. That certainly seems to fall under the “dull” distinction, and probably a nice win for farmers looking to eliminate undesired plants without the use of herbicides.

On the research side, it’s always fun to see when CMU figures out new uses for its long-standing snake robot. Seems like each time I visit the campus, they’ve cooked up something new, but I’m a little sad not to have seen the project’s newfangled swimming abilities in person. The team is looking to deploy the tech for inspections on hard to reach underwater surfaces like submarines and the bottoms of boats.

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:sako)



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