アルゴリズムを利用して賃貸住宅の特定や管理を支援し大家の頭痛を解消するKnox Financialが10.8億円調達

今回は「アルゴリズムを利用して賃貸住宅の特定や管理を支援し大家の頭痛を解消するKnox Financialが10.8億円調達」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Knox Financial、アルゴリズム、ボストン、不動産、住宅、賃貸、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





アルゴリズムを利用したプラットフォームで賃貸住宅の特定や管理を支援するボストンのスタートアップKnox Financial(ノックス・ファイナンシャル)は、1000万ドル(約10億8000万円)のシリーズA投資を調達し、目標をさらに拡大した。ボストンを拠点とするG20 Venturesがこのラウンドを主導し、Greycroft、Pillar VC、2LVC、Gaingelsなどが参加している。


Knoxの共同創設者でCEOのDavid Friedman(デイビッド・フリードマン)氏は、スタートアップ初心者ではない。同氏は2004年、不動産会社や代理店のための総合マーケティングプラットフォームとオンラインマーケティングサービスBoston Logic(ボストン・ロジック)を創設している。2016年、フリードマン氏は、現在はPropertybase(プロパティーベース)と呼ばれるその会社を、非公開の価格でProvidence Equity(プロビデンス・エクイティー)に売却した。



では、どんな仕組みなのだろうか?物件がKnoxのFrictionless Ownership Platform(フリクションレス・オーナーシップ・プラットフォーム)に登録されると、この物件の財務、税金、保険、賃貸と法務、賃借人と土地建物の管理、銀行口座管理と請求書の支払いといった処理を自動化し監督する。


画像クレジット:Knox Financial





G20 Venturesの共同創設者でパートナーのBob Hower(ボブ・ハワー)氏は、大学を卒業して数週間後に、母親の援助でボロ家を購入したことを話してくれた。改修を終えた1週間後に、彼はその家を売りに出した。それから5カ月の間、市場が軟調になるにつれて価格を次第に下げざるを得なくなり、とうとうわずかな儲けで売却してしまった。





画像クレジット:Nanette Hoogslag / Getty Images


We’ve all heard the phrase “passive income” to describe how people can make money by owning rental properties. Many Americans would love to passively earn money, but the process of becoming a landlord can be intimidating and complicated. 

I mean, how many people have looked back and wished they hadn’t sold a property after seeing its value rise years after selling it?

And those who are already landlords can get overwhelmed by the complexities of managing properties.

One startup out of Boston, Knox Financial, aims to help people identify and manage residential rentals with its algorithm-based platform, and it’s raised a $10 million Series A to help it further that goal. Boston-based G20 Ventures led the round, which included participation from Greycroft, Pillar VC, 2LVC, and Gaingels.  

The investment brings Knox’s total raised since its inception in 2018 to $14.7 million. The company closed on a $3 million seed round in January 2020, led by Greycroft.

Knox co-founder and CEO David Friedman is no stranger to startups. He founded Boston Logic — an integrated marketing platform and online marketing services for real estate offices and agents — in 2004. He sold that company (now under the name Propertybase) to Providence Equity for an undisclosed amount in 2016.

Knox launched its platform in March of 2019, with the goal of offering homeowners who are ready to move “a completely hands-off way” of converting a home they’re moving out of into an investment property. It also claims to help landlords more easily and efficiently manage their rentals.

At the time of its seed round early last year, the company was only operating in the Boston market and had 50 units on its platform. It’s now operating in seven states, has “hundreds” of investment properties on its platform and is overseeing a portfolio of more than $100 million.

So how does it work? Once a property is enrolled on Knox’s “Frictionless Ownership Platform,” the company automates and oversees the property’s finances and taxes, insurance, leasing and legal, tenant and property care, banking and bill pay.

Knox also has developed a rental pricing and projection model for calculating the investment rate of return a property will produce over time.

Image Credits: Knox Financial

“We save investors a lot and almost always make their portfolios more profitable,” Friedman said. “If someone is moving or upsizing, we can turn properties into incredible ROI generators or cash flow.”

The company’s revenue model is simple.

“ When a dollar of rent moves through our system, we keep a dime,” Friedman told TechCrunch. “We align our interests with our customers. If there’s no rent coming in, we’re not making money. Or if a tenant doesn’t pay rent, we don’t make money.”

Knox plans to use its new capital to continue expanding geographically and getting the word out to more people.

“We want to become the de facto platform for real estate investment acquisition and ownership,” Friedman said. “And we have to be coast to coast to really do that for everybody. So, we’re still very early in our growth trajectory.”

Bob Hower, co-founder and partner of G20 Ventures, shared that weeks after his college graduation, he had bought a fixer upper with his mother’s help. A week after finishing renovations, he put the house on the market. Over the subsequent five months, he gradually reduced the price as the market softened, and eventually the property sold at a small profit.

“That house now is worth a multiple of what I paid for it,” Hower recalls. “In hindsight, the mistake I made was deciding to sell the house at all.”

That experience helped Hower appreciate what he describes as a “clarity of thinking” in Knox’s business model.

“Had Knox existed decades ago, I’d likely still have that fixer-upper I bought after college,” he said. “Investing platforms such as Betterment have collapsed multiple advising and optimization activities into a simple single-sign-on service, and Knox is the first company to apply this type model to residential real estate investing.”

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:金井哲夫)



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