ドライバーモニタリングのSmart Eyeが感情検知ソフトウェアAffectivaを約80億円で買収

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ドライバーのモニタリングシステムを自動車メーカー12社に供給しているスウェーデンの上場企業Smart Eye(スマートアイ)が、感情検知ソフトウェアスタートアップのAffectiva(アフェクティヴァ)を現金と株式合わせて7350万ドル(約80億円)で買収した。

MIT Media Labから2009年にスピンアウトしたAffectivaは人間の感情を検知して理解できるソフトウェアを開発した。このソフトウェアはSmart Eyeが自社のAIベースの視線追跡テクノロジーと合体させたがっているものだ。両社の創業者たちは、ドライバーの覚醒度を追跡・計測するための高度なドライバーアシスタンスシステムによく使われているテクノロジーであるドライバーモニタリングシステム以上の機会を目にしている。両社が一緒になることで、そのテクノロジーは新たに生まれている「インテリアセンシング」マーケットに参入するのに役立つかもしれない。インテリアセンシングは車両の乗車空間全体をモニターし、乗車している人の感情に応じたサービスを提供するのに使われている。

買収取引条件に基づき、6750万ドル(約73億円)が新規発行されるSmart Eyeの235万4668株で支払われることになっており、うち201万5626株は取引完了時に発行される。残りの33万9042株は取引完了から2年以内に発行される。そして2021年6月の取引完了時に約600万ドル(約6億5000万円)が支払われる。

AffectivaとSmart Eyeは競合していた。2020年のテクノロジー展覧会CESでのミーティングが合併につながった。

「マーティンと私は、両社が互いに競うために同じ道を歩んでいて、もし力を合わせればさらに良くなるのではないかと気づいたのです」とAffectivaの共同創業者でCEOのRana el Kaliouby(ラナ・エル・カリウビー)氏は米国時間5月25日のインタビューで述べた。「一緒に取り組むことで、OEM企業のインテリアセンシングに関する要求のすべてを満たし、我々は競争で優位に立ちます。個々にやるよりもずっとうまく、そして早く達成する機会を手にします」。

ボストン拠点のAffectivaは感情検知ソフトウェアを買収取引に持ち込み、これによりSmart Eyeは既存の自動車業界のパートナーにさまざまなプロダクトを提供できるようになる。Smart EyeはAffectivaが開発やプロトタイプ作業を超えて生産契約に移れるようサポートする。Smart EyeはBMWやGMを含むOEM13社から生産契約84件を獲得した。スウェーデン・ヨーテボリ、デトロイト、東京、中国・重慶市にオフィスを置いているSmart Eyeは忠実に再現できる人間工学研究のためのアイトラッキングシステムをNASAのような研究組織に提供する部門も抱える。

Smart Eye創業者でCEOのMartin Krantz(マーティン・クランツ)氏は、ラグジュアリーでプレミアムな車両を製造している欧州のメーカーがドライバーモニタリングシステムの変化をリードした、と話した。




画像クレジット:Smart Eye


Smart Eye, the publicly traded Swedish company that supplies driver monitoring systems for a dozen automakers, has acquired emotion-detection software startup Affectiva for $73.5 million in a cash-and-stock deal.

Affectiva, which spun out of the MIT Media Lab in 2009, has developed software that can detect and understand human emotion, which Smart Eye is keen to combine with its own AI-based eye-tracking technology. The companies’ founders see an opportunity to expand beyond driver monitoring systems — tech that is often used in conjunction with advanced driver assistance systems to track and measure awareness — and into the rest of the vehicle. Together, the technology could help them break into the emerging “interior sensing” market, which can be used to monitor the entire cabin of a vehicle and deliver services in response to the occupant’s emotional state.

Under the terms of the deal, $67.5 million will be paid with 2,354,668 new Smart Eye shares, of which 2,015,626 are to be issued upon closing of the transaction. The remaining 339,042 Smart Eye shares will be issued within two years of closing. About $6 million will be paid in cash once the deal closes in June 2021.

Affectiva and Smart Eye were competitors. A meeting at the technology trade show CES in 2020 put the two companies on a path to merge.

“Martin and I realized like, wow, we are on a path to compete with each other — and wouldn’t it be so much better if we joined forces?” Affective co-founder and CEO Dr. Rana el Kaliouby said in an interview Tuesday. “By joining forces, we kind of check all the boxes for what the OEMs are looking for with interior sensing, we leapfrog the competition and we have an opportunity to do this better and faster than we could have done it on our own.”

Boston-based Affectiva brings its emotion-detection software to the deal, which will allow Smart Eye to offer its existing automotive partners a variety of products. Smart Eye helps Affectiva move beyond the development and prototype work and into production contracts. Smart Eye has won 84 production contracts with 13 OEMs, including BMW and GM. Smart Eye, which has offices in Gothenburg, Detroit, Tokyo and Chongqing, China, also has a division that provides research organizations such as NASA with high-fidelity eye tracking systems for human factors research.

Smart Eye founder and CEO Martin Krantz said that European manufacturers building luxury and premium vehicles led the charge for driver monitoring systems.

“We see the same pattern repeating itself now for interior sensing,” Krantz said. “I think a large part of the early contracts will be European premium OEMs such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, JLR, Porsche.” Krantz added that there are a number of other premium brands it will target in other regions, including Cadillac and Lexus.

The opportunity will initially be in passenger vehicles driven by humans and will eventually expand as greater levels of automated driving enter the market.

Affectiva, which employs 100 people at its offices in Boston and Cairo, also has another business unit that applies its emotio-detection software to media analytics. This division, which will be part of the deal and will operate separately, is profitable, Kaliouby said, noting the software is used by 70% of the world’s largest advertisers to measure and understand emotional responses to media content.

(文:Kirsten Korosec、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Smart Eye, the publicly traded Swedish company that supplies driver monitoring systems for a dozen automakers, has acquired emotion-detection software startup Affectiva for $73.5 million in a cash-and-stock deal. Affectiva, which spun out of the MIT Media Lab in 2009, has developed software that can detect and understand human emotion, which Smart Eye is keen […]

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Smart Eye will acquire Affectiva for $73.5 million, according to the two companies. The acquisition comes shortly after several Massachusetts tech companies announced merger and acquisition ...

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Smart Eye has over two decades of experience building AI-based eye tracking and delivering automotive-grade Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS), as proven by 84 production contracts with 12 of the 20 ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on Interior Sensing Market

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

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15 Health Problems to Get Checked Out Immediately, Say Experts

You surely know the old horror movie cliché: The murderer calls his victim to taunt her, and she soon realizes the call is coming from inside the house! A home invasion is everyone's worst nightmare. What's scarier than that: A silent killer hiding inside your body.Lurking inside all of us could be something seriously wrong, a hidden health danger that's camouflaged, masquerading as a more benign condition or not revealing itself at all. Could you have one? This special guide shines a light on some of the sneakiest conditions out there, from minor maladies to the serious stuff. Read on to see if, next time, the call coming from your house should be to the doctor.RELATED: Sure Signs You Had COVID and Didn't Know It 1 Herpes Although it's the most common sexually-transmitted infection, herpes sure is shy. Most people with the virus have no symptoms at all—but they're still contagious. That's why is spreads so easily. (A strain called HSV1 is typically the herpes that causes cold sores, and HSV2 typically causes genital sores….but the downstairs version can cause sores upstairs, and vice versa.)About 12 percent of Americans have genital herpes, though the number could be higher since so many of those infected have no symptoms. Annually, about 776,000 people in the United States will get a new genital herpes infection.So what can you do? While there's no cure, antiviral medications can prevent or shorten outbreaks. These medicines can also reduce the likelihood of transmission to partners. Also, look for signs of symptoms, which include small blisters and raw red spots around your genitals or anal region, often accompanied by itching or tingling.Recommendation: Smart sex is safe sex. While the only way to avoid sexually transmitted infections is not to have sex at all, using latex condoms the right way every time you have sex can go a long way to keeping you and your partners safe. 2 Low Vitamin-D Levels Vital for maintaining healthy bones, vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption, which is why low levels can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and weak bones. It's estimated that at least 40 percent of American adults are deficient in vitamin D and many might not even know it. Under 30 ng/mL is considered low, whereas under 20 ng/mL is deficient.Recommendation: The most natural and efficient way for your body to make vitamin D is via sunshine-on-skin, though taking supplements can help, too. According to the Vitamin Council, Vitamin D3 is the best form of vitamin D supplementation to take. 3 High Blood Pressure Hypertension affects nearly one in every three American adults—but one in five do not know it. It's often called the "silent killer" because there are no symptoms. Here's why this matters: high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke—and only about half have it under control. With numbers this high, it's likely that you or your mother, brother, or friend could have it too. What to do? Don't wait until your next check-up to find out what your numbers are; get a reading done at a pharmacy or buy a monitor to use at home.Recommendation: Write down your blood pressure numbers so that you can get a feel for your average. Our blood pressure naturally fluctuates, so this way you can see where you are. You're shooting for 120/80.RELATED: The #1 Cause of Heart Attack, According to Science 4 Lyme Disease In the glory of tranquil summer days and long-awaited vacation, there's a miniscule foe that's causing massive concern—bloodsucking, disease-spreading ticks. Blacklegged deer ticks infected with Lyme disease are making mayhem in the northeast, mid-Atlantic, northern central states, and West Coast, especially more temperate northern California. While approximately 70 to 80 percent of infected people develop a tell-tale "bullseye" rash, 20 to 30 percent do not—making detection all the more challenging. (Yolanda Hadid, a former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, called her book Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease.)According to the Centers for Disease Control, other early symptoms may include fever, headache, and fatigue. If diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics, Lyme can almost always be cured. If Lyme is not caught early, the infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.Recommendation: Tick bite prevention is the name of the game:Use insect repellents with DEET, permethrin, or picaridin.Wear light-colored clothing that fully covers your arms and legs.Tuck your pant legs into your socks.Avoid tick-infested areas.Be sure to check yourself, your children, and your pets daily for ticks—and (very) carefully remove any you might find. 5 Sleep apnea A slumbering health threat that can lead to high blood pressure, cardiovascular damage, and diabetes, sleep apnea is often misdiagnosed. In fact, a recent study found that 83 percent of postmenopausal women with insomnia actually have sleep apnea. This sleep disorder is characterized by breathing that repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly (think: buzzsaw) and feel fatigued even after a full night's sleep, you might have sleep apnea.Recommendation: Ask your doctor for a sleep study if you frequently wake at night, have trouble falling asleep, feel depressed, and unexplainably exhausted during the day. Sleep studies aid the diagnosis of sleep disorders like sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy. Be proactive about your sleep health; it's vital for your wellbeing.RELATED: 9 Everyday Habits That Might Lead to Dementia, Say Experts 6 Osteoporosis You've heard of osteoporosis, a Greek word which means porous bones––a potentially dangerous health condition that decreases bone strength and increases risk of fracture. This "silent disease" is symptomless, weakening your bones without you knowing until a fracture occurs. And sometimes, even a fracture can happen without you being aware of it––only a third of vertebral fractures are actually clinically diagnosed, which is why getting tested for this disease is so crucial, especially if you are a woman. The chances of developing osteoporosis increase when a woman reaches menopause."When we get older we don't bounce anymore, we break," Dr. Joseph Feuerstein, Director of Integrative Medicine at Stamford Hospital, and Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia University, tells Eat This, Not That! Health. Prevention packs a powerful punch. Start early to best keep bone loss at bay.Recommendation: The best way to impact your bone health is by getting enough vitamin D, and calcium, says Harvard Medical School. Another smart move? Get moving. Weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, or jumping rope are also bone strengthening! 7 Hypothyroidism Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of your neck. Its primary role is to regulate your metabolism. With an underactive thyroid, you're not producing enough thyroid hormone for your body to function well. But hypothyroidism warning signs are notoriously sneaky, with common symptoms like fatigue, sensitivity to cold, and overall sluggishness being easy to miss as they're subtle and can be explained by other things.Dr. Feuerstein takes it a step further by screening for subclinical hypothyroidism––which is when your "levels are still in a normal range, but your thyroid is struggling to keep up." He says: "The way we see that is in elevated levels of TSH—thyroid stimulating hormone—produced in your brain's pituitary gland. Levels of TSH start to go up and up, a sign that your body is compensating for the thyroid that's not working properly."Getting tested matters: Low thyroid can lead to weight gain, cardiovascular disease, fertility issues, depression, and more. Ask your doctor if you might have subclinical or standard hypothyroidism.Recommendation: One person out of every 20 has hypothyroidism in the USA, which is why getting lab results is so important, especially if you have a family history of thyroid conditions. If you're found to be low, it can be remedied easily with medication! 8 Diabetes The stats are eye-popping enough to spike your heart rate, if not your blood sugar: According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes—and up to a third do not even know it. Ninety to 95 percent of these cases are type 2 diabetes, which is linked to being overweight. Diabetes often develops gradually, as insulin production in the pancreas slows. You could have the disease for years and not know—which can spell danger for your eyes, heart, kidneys, and nervous system. If you have a family history of diabetes—make sure to get checked for the first time by age 45, especially if you're overweight.Recommendation: Much of this is reversible with diet and lifestyle changes. Following a low carb or ketogenic diet is very helpful for managing type 2 diabetes. Check out The 50 Best Foods for Diabetes for some healthy eating inspiration.RELATED: The #1 Cause of Diabetes, According to Science 9 Anemia "Younger women, many are anemic, and they have no clue about it. And it's so easy to treat—but you need to know you have it," shared Dr. Feuerstein. "I had one patient that came to see me because she was losing her hair and felt a bit fatigued. She came for hair loss and found out she was anemic."Feeling tired or weak? Have heavy or frequent periods? It could be anemia, a condition where you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen to your body's tissues, making you feel tired and weak. At first, anemia can be so slight that it goes unnoticed––but symptoms become more pronounced as anemia worsens.Recommendation: Eating healthy foods can help you avoid both iron-and vitamin-deficiency anemia. Foods to eat include those with:High levels of iron: dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, raw nuts, beefVitamin B-12: meat and dairyFolic acid: more dark green leafy vegetables, citrus juices, legumes, and fortified cerealsYour doctor can also easily check for anemia with a blood test that looks at complete blood count. 10 High Cholesterol Too much is no good: whether it's due to unhealthy diet or bum genes, high levels of "bad" or LDL cholesterol can clog your arteries and lead to heart disease and stroke. Those with high cholesterol have nearly twice the risk of cardiovascular disease as those with lower levels. This silent stalker can only be detected by a blood test, so make sure to have labs done every five years if your levels are normal, more often if they're not. If your blood work comes back showing high cholesterol, your doctor will probably recommend exercise and diet changes as the first course of treatment. If lifestyle changes aren't enough, you may be prescribed a medication like Lipitor that blocks the enzymes needed to produce cholesterol.Recommendation: Living your best heart-healthy life can be simple with these 8 Easy Hacks to Lower Your Cholesterol in 10 Seconds. 11 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Characterized by long intervals between periods, PCOS is a hormonal disorder that is common among women, which prevents ovulation. It is frequently missed in younger women because their menstrual cycles are not regular yet. Many women, in fact, don't notice an issue until they're trying to conceive–and can't. Besides fertility challenges, PCOS can lead to ovarian cysts, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and diabetes, among other things. Some tell-tale hormonal symptoms for some include hirsutism (yup, abnormal hair growth on your face and body) and acne.Recommendation: PCOS signs and symptoms are often more severe if you're obese—but losing weight can help. Eating a plant-based diet is a great way to get more nutrition and shed pounds. Check out these 15 Easy Ways to Transition to a More Plant-Based Diet for some delicious inside tips. 12 Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is hard for the pros to pinpoint—in fact, it's one of the 20 Diseases Doctors Frequently Misdiagnose—yet the symptoms aren't hard to feel: widespread chronic pain from head to little toe. Regular bodily sensations become interpreted as pain because the brain's pain receptors become more sensitive, and overreact to pain signals. Yet there's no test for the disorder, so doctors are only able to reach a diagnosis by excluding other possible diseases—which means it can take years to learn what the problem is.Fibromyalgia affects more than 3.7 million Americans—mostly women between the ages of 40 and 75—but men, young women, and children can also be affected. Many people with this condition also have irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and tension headaches, anxiety, and depression—and often awaken tired, even though they slept for a long time. There's no cure for fibromyalgia, but there's several medications and lifestyle tactics that helpRecommendation: If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to see if you might have fibromyalgia. If you are diagnosed, you can take the following steps to live your best life:Get enough sleep: aim for seven to eight hours of sleep a night.Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day.Don't drink caffeine, alcohol, or eat spicy meals before bedtimeReduce stressGet regular physical activity 13 Celiac disease With celiac disease, your body reacts negatively to gluten protein—found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye—and attacks the lining of your small intestine, eventually damaging your body's ability to absorb nutrients properly. For some, with this potentially severe condition, gastrointestinal symptoms are impossible to ignore, like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain. Others may not notice significant digestive symptoms, but have other complaints like irritability, depression, or fatigue. And some have no symptoms at all.These differences make celiac disease very difficult to diagnose, a whopping 83 percent of people with celiac disease go undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed) with other conditions. If left untreated, complications can develop from malnutrition, osteoporosis, thyroid disorders, and some cancers. Ss awareness of the disease grows, more people are being correctly diagnosed.Recommendation: The cure for celiac disease? Adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. When we say strict we mean it: ingesting even tiny amounts of gluten, like crumbs from a toaster, can trigger small intestine damage. But the good news is that going G.F. has gotten tasty, thanks to the popularity of the keto diet. Even road trips can be fun–check out The Ultimate Guide to the Best Gluten-Free Fast Food Menu Items!RELATED: 19 Ways You're Ruining Your Body, Say Health Experts 14 Stomach cancer and H.Pylori infection Heliobacter pylori, or H.pylori, is a type of bacteria that you can pick up from food, water, or utensils—and it's more common in places that lack clean water or good sewage systems. Once yours, it can live in your digestive tract, and you'll feel no pain. But at some point, after many years, they can cause sores or ulcers to develop. And for some, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.Two-thirds of the world's population have an H.pylori infection, and about 30 to 40 percent of Americans will get it.Recommendation: Prevention is possible. Since H. pylori likely spreads via unclean food and water, you can help keep yourself safe by:Washing your hands before you eat and after you go to the bathroomEating properly prepared foodDrinking water from a clean, reliable sourceFor most people, it doesn't lead to ulcers or any other symptoms, but if you do have symptoms, some medicines can kill the bacteria and help ulcers heal.RELATED: Signs You're Getting One of the "Most Deadly" Cancers. 15 Vitamin B-12 deficiency A vitamin B12 deficiency is arguably the most common nutritional deficiency in the USA, affecting up to 39 percent of the population, according to a recent study. Vegans are particularly hard hit since they don't consume meat or dairy (the primary sources of B12). Symptoms can be sneaky, as B vitamins have multiple functions in the body, ranging from energy metabolism, nerve function, and the creation of mood-governing neurotransmitters. In fact "research shows that those that are deficient are more likely to have mood disorders," reports Dr. Feuerstein.He adds that "B12 deficiency, a classic condition in the elderly, is a reversible cause of dementia; before a doctor jumps to an Alzheimer's diagnosis, make sure to check B12 levels. Granny could be deficient because she's only eating tea and cookies."Recommendation: For most people, B12 deficiency can be prevented. If you're a strict vegan or vegetarian, make sure to eat bread, grains, and cereals fortified with B12, and consider taking a daily vitamin supplement that contains vitamin B12. And to get through life at your healthiest, don't miss: This Supplement Can Raise Your Cancer Risk, Experts Say.

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ドライバーモニタリングのSmart Eyeが感情検知ソフトウェアAffectivaを約80億円で買収 ...

ドライバーのモニタリングシステムを車メーカー12社に供給しているスウェーデンの上場企業Smart Eyeが、感情検知ソフトウェアスタートアップのAffectivaを現金と株式合わせて7350万ドル(約80億円)で買収した。

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盖世汽车讯5月25日 SmartEye宣布与AI感知技术公司Affectiva达成协议 SmartEye将以7350万美元的价格收购Affectiva 两家公司计划合并创建一个跨大西洋的AI公司 领导并加速发展汽车内部传感器市场 以及媒体分析 MediaA

高級日本酒ブランド「SAKE HUNDRED」のグローバル化を目指すClearが12.96億円を調達 ...

ラグジュアリーな日本酒ブランドとして世界展開を目指す「SAKE HUNDRED」(サケハンドレッド)と、日本酒専門Webメディア「SAKETIMES」(サケタイムズ)を運営するClear(クリアー)は5月26日、第三者割当増資による総額12億9500万円の資金調達実施を発表した。

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Smart Eye, the publicly traded Swedish company that supplies driver monitoring systems for a dozen automakers, has acquired emotion-detection software startup Affectiva for $73.5 million in a cash-and-stock deal. Affectiva, which spun out of the MIT Media Lab in 2009, has developed software that can detect and understand human emotion, which Smart Eye is keen […]

Affectiva acquired by Swedish firm to create automotive AI ...

Founded in 2009 and spun out of MIT, Affectiva has developed “emotion recognition technology,” or software that tries to detect and understand human emotions.

Affectiva acquired: Smart Eye buys Boston AI company for ...

Affectiva Inc. is the latest tech company to be acquired by a buyer based outside Massachusetts — overseas, in this case. The Boston-based company, which has an artificial intelligence-powered ...

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Smart Eye, the publicly traded Swedish company that supplies driver monitoring systems for a dozen automakers, has acquired emotion-detection software startup Affectiva for $73.5 million in a cash-and-stock deal. Affectiva, which spun out of the MIT Media Lab in 2009, has developed software that can detect and understand human emotion, which Smart Eye is keen...

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Search. Search for: Search LOL LOL

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Affectiva, which employs 100 people at its offices in Boston and Cairo, also has another business unit that applies its emotio-detection software to media analytics. This division, which will be part of the deal and will operate separately, is profitable, Kaliouby said, noting the software is used by 70% of the world's largest advertisers to ...

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Affectiva, which employs 100 people at its offices in Boston and Cairo, also has another business unit that applies its emotion detection software to media analytics. This division, which will be part of the deal and will operate separately, is profitable, Kaliouby said, noting the software is used by 70% of the world's largest advertisers to ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on Interior Sensing Market

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

Affectiva's technology is also used by 28 percent of the Fortune Global 500 companies to test consumer engagement with ads, videos and TV programming. For more information, visit www.affectiva ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

GOTHENBURG, Sweden & BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 25, 2021--

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Affectiva, which spun out of the MIT Media Lab in 2009, has developed software that can detect and understand human emotion, which Smart Eye is keen to combine with its own AI-based eye-tracking technology. The companies' founders see an opportunity to expand beyond driver monitoring systems — tech that is often used on conjunction with ...

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

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Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Smart Eye, the publicly traded Swedish company that supplies driver monitoring systems for a dozen automakers, has acquired emotion-detection software startup Affectiva for $73.5 million in a cash-and-stock deal.

Emotion-detection utility startup Affectiva received for ...

Easy Ogle, the publicly traded Swedish firm that affords driver monitoring programs for a dozen automakers, has received emotion-detection utility startup Affectiva for $73.5 million…

Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for ...

Home Technology Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for $73.5M - TechCrunch. Technology; Emotion-detection software startup Affectiva acquired for $73.5M - TechCrunch. By. Liberty Red News - May 25, 2021. 3. 0. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest.

大規模買収事件、最大の問題は 1億5000万円「説明ない」 中国新聞社・ヤフーアンケート【決別 金権政治】 | 中国 ...

自民の責任問う声45% 元法相の河井克行被告(58)=公判中=と妻の案里元参院議員(47)=有罪確定=による大規模買収事件を巡り、中国新聞社とインターネット検索大手ヤフーが実施したアンケートで、自民党本部が河井夫妻側に提供した1億5千…

アマゾン、映画会社MGM買収合意を25日にも発表か-関係者 - Bloomberg


Amazon、映画製作MGM買収で合意間近と報道 約1兆円: 日本経済新聞


米アマゾン 映画製作MGMを9千億円超で買収|テレ朝news-テレビ朝日のニュースサイト

 アメリカのインターネット通販大手アマゾン・ドット・コムは、映画製作大手のMGM(メトロ・ゴールドウィン・メイヤー)を、約9200億円で買収すると発表しました。  MGMは、100年近い歴史を持つ映画製作会社で、「ロッキー」や「007」シリーズなどを手掛けてきました。  しかし、新型コロナウイルスの影響で新作映画の公開延期を余儀なくされ、経営が悪化していました。  アマゾンは、MGMを84億5000万ドル=約9200億円で買収し、映画やドラマの制作力をさらに強化します。  急成長する動画配信サービス市場では、競争が激化していて、ネットフリックスやウォルト・ディズニーなど他社に対抗する狙いがあるとみられます。

米アマゾン、老舗映画会社mgmを買収へ 9200億円:朝日新聞デジタル


【大河原克行のクローズアップ!エンタープライズ】日立とパナソニックによる海外ソフトウェア企業の大型買収、その狙いは ...

両社が買収した米ソフトウェア企業の売上高は、いずれも10億ドル前後(約1100億円)の企業だ。 国内電機大手が相次ぎ、海外ソフトウェア企業を ...


【ニューヨーク=小林泰明】米インターネット通販大手アマゾン・ドット・コムは26日、人気スパイ映画「007」シリーズを手がける米映画大手MGMを買収すると発表した。買収額は84・5億ドル(約9200億円)。アマゾンは有料会員サービス「アマゾンプライム」などで動画配信を提供しており、多くの人気作品を持つMGMを取り込んで会員を増やしたい考えだ。 米メディアによると、今回の買収額は2017年に米高級スーパーのホールフーズ・マーケットを約137億ドル(約1・5兆円)で買収したのに次いで、過去…

アマゾン、映画制作大手買収へ 「007」のmgm―米紙:時事ドットコム


ヤフー、ワイジェイFXをGMOに売却。288億円 - Impress Watch

買収後のワイジェイfxは、個人投資家向けのオンライン金融サービスに強みを持つgmo-fhグループにおいて、成長を目指す方針。 GMO-FHは、ワイジェイFXと知見、ノウハウ、経営資源を共有し、連携を強化することでサービスの価値を高め、シェアの拡大と収益 ...

【M&A速報:2021/05/25(1)】Gmoフィナンシャルhd、ヤフー子会社のワイジェイfxを買収 | 財経新聞


アマゾンが映画制作mgmを84.5億ドルで買収合意=米国株個別 - 2021年05月26日23:54|為替ニュース ...


映画大手MGMに約1兆円提示のアマゾンの「巨額買収の歴史」 | Forbes JAPAN(フォーブス ジャパン)


フォルクスワーゲン・グループ、ランボルギーニに1兆円の買収案? - ライブドアニュース


アマゾン、「007」の米映画大手mgm買収…買収額9200億円(読売新聞) 【ニューヨーク=小林泰明】米インターネ ...

アマゾン、「007」の米映画大手MGM買収…買収額9200億円(読売新聞)  【ニューヨーク=小林泰明】米インターネット通販大手アマゾン・ドット・コムは26日、人気スパイ映画「007」シリーズを手…



ランボルギーニ売却話には続きがあった!スイスの持ち株会社が1兆円にて買収を申し出る。影でポルシェ一族暗躍とのウワサ ...

この記事のもくじ1 | まさかランボルギーニの買収がこういった形で具体化するとは |1.1 いったんは落ち着いたランボルギーニの身売り話だが1.2 ただしフォルクスワーゲンは一転して売却を撤回1.3

アマゾン、映画「007」のmgm買収で合意間近 買収額90億ドル、ホールフーズに次ぐ過去2番目の大規模m&A ...


【よくわかる!買収・売却】第68回 マレーシアのm&A案件その6 - Nna Asia・マレーシア・マクロ・統計・その他経済


濫用的買収に対する買収防衛策の更新に関するお知らせ 投稿日時: 2021/05/25 17:30[適時開示 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/05/25 17:30 - 「濫用的買収に対する買収防衛策の更新に関するお知らせ」(適時開示)

IBM、Waeg買収でSalesforceサービス・ポートフォリオを拡充へ:EnterpriseZine ...


【M&A速報:2021/05/25(1)】GMOフィナンシャルHD、ヤフー子会社のワイジェイFXを買収 投稿 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/05/25 12:50 - 「【M&A速報:2021/05/25(1)】GMOフィナンシャルHD、ヤフー子会社のワイジェイFXを買収」(フィスコ)

米chロビンソン、蘭コンビネクス買収。欧3温度帯陸送を強化|日本海事新聞 電子版


Skのインテルnand買収、欧州で承認 - Nna Asia・韓国・It・通信

韓国半導体大手のSKハイニックスが推進する米インテルのNAND型フラッシュメモリー事業の買収案件について、欧州連合(EU)公正取引当局から承認を得たと明らかにした。韓国経済新聞が伝えた。 SKハイニッ…

IBMがWaegを買収 Salesforceプラットフォームの専門性を強化:SalesZine(セールスジン)


【IT】Amazon、映画製作MGM買収で合意間近と報道 約1兆円 [ムヒタ★]

買収額は約90億ドル(約1兆円)で、週内にも合意する可能性があるとしている。 mgmは人気スパイ映画「007」シリーズなどの製作で知られ、現在は米ヘッジファンドのアンカレジ・キャピタル・グループなどが株式を保有している。

クラリベイト ProQuestを買収:紀伊民報AGARA

買収した事業の統合における成功を含む、買収、合弁事業、処分などの戦略的行動。 将来の期間における設備投資の予想レベル。 コスト削減イニシアチブと移行サービス費用を成功裏に実現する当社の能力。

東テクがQuantum Automation Pte Ltdを買収/オートメーション事業のM&Aニュース | M&A ...

東テクがQuantum Automation Pte Ltdを買収/海外建設事業のM&Aニュースのページです。

経営破綻した韓国・双竜自動車の買収に名乗りを上げた企業が色々な意味で酷い面子だと判明 - U-1 News.

1:首都圏の虎 ★:2021/05/25(火) 10:18:34.92 ID:CAP_USER 【ソウル聯合ニュース】会社更生手続き中の韓国自動車5位の双竜自動車が、売却に向けて早ければ週内にも主幹事を選定する見通しだ。 […]

アマゾン、映画会社MGMを84億ドルで買収 - Media Innovation | Facebook

M&A アマゾン、映画会社MGMを84億ドルで買収 Manabu Tsuchimoto 2021年5月26日 Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin SANTA MONICA, CA - SEPTEMBER 6: The Amazon logo is projected onto a screen at a press conference on September 6, 2012 in Santa Monica, California.



Amazon.co.jp: nboxカスタムパーツ

車用インテリアパネル 車用アクセル・ブレーキペダル 車用ガーニッシュ キーケース・キーホルダー 車用ノンスリップマット 車用フロアマット・カーマット 車用ブレーキ・テールランプ

Amazon.co.jp: 人気のホンダ ヴェゼル アクセサリーランキング

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Panasonic シェーバー ラムダッシュ ES-CST2S-R 赤 ...

エクセラープラスのPanasonic シェーバー ラムダッシュ ES-CST2S-R 赤:1100035900ならYahoo!ショッピング!ランキングや口コミも豊富なネット通販。更にお得なPayPay残高も!スマホアプリも充実で毎日どこからでも気になる商品をその場でお求めいただけます。

プチギフト 結婚式 披露宴 ブライダル パーティー 売れ筋 ...

あめ・ミント・ガム あめ・キャンディ 【プチギフト】(結婚式 披露宴 ブライダル パーティー 二次会 ギフト プレゼント お返し)バラとキャンディのプチギフト 【送料無料】ブルージョイ50本セット(バスケット付)

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

GOTHENBURG, Sweden & BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 25, 2021--

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on Interior Sensing Market Companies join forces to lead and accelerate growth and development of AI for automotive Interior Sensing, Media ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on ...

Smart Eye Acquires Affectiva to Solidify Stronghold on Interior Sensing Market

コロナ禍と半導体不足で自動車各社の業績は二極化 21年度は増収、回復見込み | 財経新聞

14日に自動車大手7社の決算が出そろったが、決算書での売上高は7社いずれも前期を割り込み、7社の売上高合計は前期比12.8%減の58兆5933億円となっ ...


自動車税種別割を節約する方法はある?自動車税種別割を納める人は、原則として毎年4月1日時点において、普通自動車(特殊自動車を除く)や三輪以上の小型自動車の所有者として自動車検査証(車検証)に記載されている人です。つまり、原則として、毎年4月1日時点の所有者が納めることになります。期間から考えると自動車税種別割をお得に納めるには下記がポイントになるでしょう。 1. 3月31日までに処分する売却...

ベンツの電気自動車「Eqa」が640万円で大人気 サブスク利用も:日経クロストレンド

メルセデス・ベンツの100%電気自動車(EV)、「Mercedes-EQ」シリーズからコンパクトSUV「EQA」が登場した。先行受注分の導入記念限定車「EQA 250 エディション1」は、受け付け開始5日目に50台の予約枠がいっぱいになるなど、現実的なEVとして市場拡大につながりそうだ。

Amazon.co.jp: 車 ステッカー

車 きず消し カースクラッチ修復布 クロス,カー ポリッシング コンパウンドワックス布 簡単 傷・スクラッチ,Vigny 自動車表面スクラッチ修復傷, ペイント スクラッチ 修復布 を除去, 多目的 修理 ポリッシュ ライトペイント スクラッチ ナノテクノロジー カー修理キット. 5つ星のうち2.7.

リンカーン (自動車) - Wikipedia


次世代自動車産業研究会のホーム ... - isev.jp

日時 内容 詳細; 2021年5月25日(火) 年次総会 開催場所:リコージャパン(株) 東京都中央区築地5-6-19 浜離宮パークサイドプレイス3f 本年次総会は、コロナウィルス感染拡大状況を受けて、本年秋まで延期することとなりました。: 2021年5月年次総会

Amazon.co.jp: 車用スロープ

Ruedamann アルミスロープ 折り畳み車椅子用スロープ 台車用スロープ 段差解消 軽アルミニウム合金車椅子坂道、便利式モバイル スロープ バリアフリー通路MR607T-6(180cm). 5つ星のうち4.4. 8. ¥29,999. ¥29,999 (¥29,999/個) 300ポイント (1%) 2021/4/30 金曜日までにお届け. 通常配送料無料. 残り8点 ご注文はお早めに.

経営破綻した韓国・双竜自動車の買収に名乗りを上げた企業が色々な意味で酷い面子だと判明 - U-1 News.

1:首都圏の虎 ★:2021/05/25(火) 10:18:34.92 ID:CAP_USER 【ソウル聯合ニュース】会社更生手続き中の韓国自動車5位の双竜自動車が、売却に向けて早ければ週内にも主幹事を選定する見通しだ。 […]

小2男児をひき逃げした疑い、51歳パートを逮捕 軽自動車で自転車はねる 岐阜 (21/05/26 16:34 ...

岐阜県瑞穂市で小学生の男の子をひき逃げしたとして、51歳の女が逮捕されました。 道路交通法違反のひき逃げなどの疑いで逮捕されたのは、羽島市のパート従業員石黒治子容疑者(51)です。 警察によりますと、石黒容疑者は今月2日の午後4時前、瑞穂市穂積の信号のない交差点で、自転車に乗っていた小学2年の男の子(7)を、運転...

イベント | Ptc

自動車; 電子・ハイテク; 産業機械; Life Sciences; 石油・ガス; リテール・小売; All Industries

トラック用 フォグランプ|ライト、照明|トラック用品、パーツ|自動車|車、バイク、自転車 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング

Yahoo!ショッピング | トラック用 フォグランプ、34,168商品を取り扱い中。ランキング/カテゴリ別に商品を探せます。価格比較も可能。PayPay残高も使えてお得。

自動車用灰皿、ごみ箱|インテリア、車内用品|内装用品|自動車|車、バイク、自転車 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング

Yahoo!ショッピング | 自動車用灰皿、ごみ箱、25,499商品を取り扱い中。ランキング/カテゴリ別に商品を探せます。価格比較も可能。PayPay残高も使えてお得。

半導体で加速する『自動車の電子化』 | トウシル 楽天証券の投資情報メディア


利用者のエピソードをもとに制作、武蔵境自動車教習所のブランドムービー #ブレーン | AdverTimes(アドタイ ...



自動車用ソレノイドバルブの生産を始めました。 ・自動車の走行状態に合わせ自動変速機(at、cvt)内の油圧を精密に調整し、 快適な走行に貢献するソレノイドバルブや油圧ポンプ ・自動車の電動化に貢献する直線運動用アクチュエータ 等の開発、製造 ...


・「日の丸自動車株式会社」を設立 2012年 ・「子育てタクシー」 運行開始陣痛時やお子様の送迎を行うサービスを開始 2013年 ・交通系電子マネー対応決済機導入 2014年 ・「円陣タクシー」運行

三菱 タウンボックス ミニキャブ(U61t U61v U61tp U62t U62v U62tp) フロント ...

三菱 タウンボックス ミニキャブ(U61T U61V U61TP U62T U62V U62TP) フロント ブレーキローター + ブレーキパッド 左右セット MR249605 MR493173:mr249605set2-002:三菱 タウンボックス ミニキャブ(U61T U61V U61TP U62T U62V U62TP) フロント ブレーキローター + ブレーキパッド 左右セット MR249605 MR493173 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング

減税、キャンペーン、支払い方法、自動車税納税の得するトピックス(@Dime)(ヘッドライン) | 自動車情報サイト ...


Aoiドライビングスクール敦賀校 の【普通自動車at 】合宿料金表-合宿免許・自動車学校・教習所-運転免許のことなら ...

AOIドライビングスクール敦賀校 の【】合宿料金表。合宿免許・運転免許情報、免許試験、教習所情報など運転免許のことならお任せください。 また、教習所情報や資料請求(無料)お問い合わせ、仮申込みなど対応いたします。


ゆい自動車 沖縄県沖縄市大里2-26-8 営業時間: 10:00〜19:30 定休日: 年中無休 クロスロード物件番号:003435-3210522-N0002 図面出力日:2021/05/25

オープンキャンパス | 東京自動車大学校の資料請求・学校案内 | 専門学校の進学情報ならなるには進学

東京自動車大学校 住所 〒125-0002 東京都葛飾区西亀有3-28-3 電話番号 0120-02-2535 最寄り駅 jr、東京メトロ千代田線「亀有駅」より徒歩12分 東京メトロ千代田線「綾瀬駅」より徒歩15分

<サイエンス&テクノロジー主催セミナー>LiDARの基礎と最先端技術、活用事例とシステム構築への応用 - イベント ...


説明会・セミナー開催情報 | 障害者グループホーム わおん | フランチャイズwebリポート

自動車・中古車販売 ネットショップ その他小売販売

韓国・双竜自動車 今週にも主幹事選定し売却手続きへ | 聯合ニュース

【ソウル聯合ニュース】会社更生手続き中の韓国自動車5位の双竜自動車が、売却に向けて早ければ週内にも主幹事を選定する見通しだ。売却の動きが本格化するものの成立まで難航が予想される。 ...

民間企業経験者の公務員試験日程一覧 | 公務員試験情報サイト【KoumuWIN!】




天草自動車学校 の【普通自動車mt 】合宿料金表-合宿免許・自動車学校・教習所-運転免許のことならガクコレ!合宿免許

天草自動車学校 の【】合宿料金表。合宿免許・運転免許情報、免許試験、教習所情報など運転免許のことならお任せください。 また、教習所情報や資料請求(無料)お問い合わせ、仮申込みなど対応いたします。



[札幌]新千歳空港 → 鹿児島空港 - 飛行機時刻表/予約〔国内線〕 - Navitime

自動車ルート検索; 複数目的地ルート比較; タクシー料金検索; 高速料金・高速道路地図; 運転代行料金検索; 自転車ルート検索; トラックルート検索; ビジネスパーソン向け巡回経路サービス

日刊自動車新聞ウェブサイトの媒体資料 | 広告掲載「メディアレーダー」




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