2人乗りの自律型デモ航空機「Maker」をArcher Aviationが公開、商業運航への「足がかり」に

今回は「2人乗りの自律型デモ航空機「Maker」をArcher Aviationが公開、商業運航への「足がかり」に」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Archer Aviatio、eVTOL、エアタクシー、自律飛行等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Archer Aviation(アーチャー・アビエーション)は「Maker」(メーカー)と名づけられた自律型電動2人乗り航空機を米国時間6月10日に発表した。同社は同機を、2020年3月に発表済の、より大型の操縦士付き5人乗り航空機の認証取得に向けたテストに使用する予定だ。

6月10日に発表された航空機は、2024年に商業運転を開始した際に空を飛ぶものではない。だがArcherの認証責任者Eric Wright(エリック・ライト)氏は、TechCrunchに対して、自律型航空機から始めることでより効率的にテストプロセスを進めることができると語っている。






Archerは、United(ユナイテッド)航空から10億ドル(約1096億円)の受注を獲得したと発表した後、2人乗り機の高品質なレンダリング画像を公開するなど、ここ数カ月の間にMakerに関する情報を少しずつ提供してきた(なお、このレンダリング画像の公開によって、ライバルのeVTOL開発会社であるWisk Aero [ウィスク・エアロ]から企業秘密の流用を主張する訴訟が起こされた)。米国時間6月10日のイベントは、38億ドル(約4167億円)の評価を受けている同スタートアップが、実際の航空機を一般に公開する初めての機会となった。

・飛行モビリティWisk Aeroが特許侵害と企業秘密盗用の疑いでArcher Aviationを提訴



ArcherのCEOであるBrett Adcock(ブレット・アドコック)氏は、別のインタビューの中で次のように述べている「輸送の世界に本当に大きな影響を与えようとするなら、長期的には、操縦士を使った方法でそれを実現することは本当に難しいと思っています。航空業界に入り、認証を受け、それをすぐにでも実現するという意味では、操縦士を使うやり方は確かに正しい方法だと思います。そして将来的には、乗客とネットワークの両方の安全性を高めるために、自律的な航空業界への移行が重要になってくると思っています。だから、業界がうまくスケールして大きくなるためには、ある程度の自律化は避けられないと思っています」。

創業3年目のこの企業は、2024年にロサンゼルスとマイアミを皮切りに商用運行を開始することを目指している。同社のシステムシミュレーションチームは、VTOL機離着陸場をどこに配置するかを決めるために、Prime Radiant(プライムラディアント)という名のシミュレーションツールを使っている。同チームを率いているのは、2020年12月にJoby Aviation(ジョビー・アビエーション)に売却された、Uber(ウーバー)のエアモビリティ部門Uber Elevate(ウーバー・エレベート)の、元データサイエンス責任者だ。

関連記事:2024年までにLAでの都市型エアタクシー導入を目指すArcher Aviation






The aircraft unveiled on Thursday is not what would take to the skies should the company reach commercial operation in 2024. However, Archer’s Head of Certification Eric Wright told TechCrunch that starting with an autonomous vehicle allows the company to move through the testing process more efficiently.

“The [two-seater] Maker aircraft is a stepping stone in the path to certification,” Wright explained. He said it was “a testbed that really helps us to increase our knowledge and awareness on say, the flight control systems and the electric propulsion and the things that we’re putting into the certified aircraft, and to help the [Federal Aviation Administration] gain confidence in that design as we put it through its paces, and of course, they will be involved in watching that development occur.”

Both Maker and the unnamed five-seater aircraft bear similarities in their specs: both have a “tilt-rotor” design, meaning that of the total 12 rotors on the aircraft, the front six can tilt position. This tilting mechanism is what allows the aircraft to ascend vertically like a helicopter and move forward like an airplane.

The two also have six independent battery packs each for safety purposes, as the rest of the batteries should operate even in the case that one fails. It’s these batteries that give the crafts a 60-mile range at 150 miles per hour. While the two-seater design has a 40-foot wingspan and clocks in at around 3,300 pounds, the larger aircraft will likely weigh more, Wright said.

Image Credits: Archer (opens in a new window)

The Palo Alto-based company also said it anticipates Maker will generate only 45 decibels of sound from 2,000 feet. The noise specification is especially important for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) companies that have air taxi aspirations. Mass adoption will only likely be acceptable — both by the public and by regulators — if the aircraft is sufficiently quiet.

Archer had been slowly trickling information on Maker over the past few months, including releasing a high-quality rendering of the two-seater after the company announced it had landed a $1 billion order with United. (The release of those renders helped trigger a lawsuit from rival eVTOL developer Wisk Aero alleging trade secret misappropriation.) The event on Thursday marks the first time the public has been able to see an actual aircraft from the startup that’s valued at $3.8 billion.

When asked why the debut aircraft is autonomous, Wright said it would help the company move more efficiently through the testing and validation process. “By making the vehicle autonomous you can do things quicker without having the pilot in the aircraft actually having to fly it,” Wright said. “So you can look at the response that the aircraft has to the inputs, from an autonomous standpoint, much quicker, much more efficiently.”

While it may be years yet that autonomous air taxis are ferrying people across cities, Archer, like other eVTOL developers, does see autonomy in its long-term blueprint — as operational aircraft, rather than simply facilitating a larger certification process.

“If we’re going to have a really large impact on transportation, I think it’s really difficult to think about doing that in a piloted way really long term,” Archer CEO Brett Adcock told TechCrunch in a separate interview. “I think piloted is for sure the right way to enter the market as relates to getting into the airspace and getting certified and making that happen, basically, right away. And then I think over time, in order to drive up safety for both passengers and the network, it’s really going to be important to move to autonomous airspace. So I think [autonomy] is inevitable to the extent the industry scales really well and gets big.”

The three-year-old startup aims to launch commercial operations in 2024 starting in Los Angeles and Miami. The company’s system simulation team is using a simulation tool called Prime Radiant to determine where to place its vertiports. That team is led by Jon Petersen, the former head of data science at Uber Elevate, Uber’s air mobility arm that was later sold to Joby Aviation in December 2020.

Adcock also said the company has had conversations with ride-sharing companies about working together to integrate the first- and last-mile car trips that will inevitably be needed with the air taxi routes.

In advance of the proposed 2024 launch date, Adam Goldstein, co-founder of Archer, said the company is working with its partner, the automaker Stellantis, on two facilities: one that would deliver traditional aerospace volumes in the hundreds of aircraft per year, and a future facility that would build an even higher volume.

Archer has similar manufacturing needs as an automaker, Goldstein said, “where we use lightweight carbon fiber for a lot of the parts, we have electric motors, batteries all that like autos do.” 


(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:sako)

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The all-electric eVTOL aircraft is set to begin production in 2022, with United Airlines among the first commercial customers.

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Archer's aircraft does not yet fly commercially but it mounted an extravagant show under a new chief creative officer who has decades of experience in.. We have updated our terms and conditions and privacy policy Click "Continue" to accept and continue with ET TravelWorld.

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US-based Archer Aviation showcased the Maker, a flying taxi. Touted as the first urban air mobility vehicle, the world got a closer look at the craft at a virtual event in Los Angeles. - Flying Taxi US-based Archer Aviation showcased the Maker, a flying taxi. Touted as the first urban air mobility vehicle, the world got a closer look at the craft at a virtual event in Los Angeles.


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Just consider some of the expenses accrued by the biggest eVTOLs last year: Joby Aviation spent a whopping $108 million on research and development, a $30 million increase from 2019. Archer spent $21 million in R&D in 2020, according to regulatory filings.

Archer Aviation Pamerkan Taksi Terbang Tenaga Listrik

Taksi Terbang Ini Diklaim Memiliki Jangkauan Sekitar 95 Km Berkat Baterai 75kWh.

గంటకు 240 కి.మీ వేగంతో వెళ్లే ఫ్లయింగ్ టాక్సీ.. త్వరలో ...

Read in Telugu: Archer Aviation Showcases Maker Flying Taxi In America. ప్రపంచం అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న సమయంలో రోజు రోజుకి మార్కెట్లో కొత్త కొత్త వాహనాలు వస్తున్నాయి. ఈ సమయంలో ఇప్పుడు చాలా మంది ఎగిరే కార్ల కోసం ఎదురుచూస్తున్నారు. దీని కోసం చాలా కంపెనీలు ప్లైయింగ్ కార్లను తయారు చేయడంలో నిమగ్నమై ఉన్నాయి.

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VIDEO, FOTOS: Archer Aviation presenta un espectacular ...

Durante un evento celebrado este jueves en un hangar situado en Hawthorne (California, EE.UU.), la compañía Archer Aviation presentó su novedoso 'Maker', un espectacular taxi volador 100 % eléctrico, según se aprecia en un video publicado en su canal de YouTube. La aeronave tiene una autonomía de vuelo de 96,5 kilómetros y puede viajar a […]

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Read in Malayalam: Archer Aviation Showcased Maker Flying Taxi With 240km Top Speed In Malayalam | ഫ്ലൈയിംഗ് ടാക്സികൾ യാഥാർഥ്യമാവാൻ ഭാവിയിലേക്ക് ഇനിയും അധികം വർഷങ്ങൾ എടുക്കുമെന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ കരുതുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ, അത് തിരുത്താൻ സമയമായിരിക്കുന്നു.

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„Archer Aviation" pristatė pirmąjį skraidantį taksi „Maker ...

DELFI - Bendrovė „Archer Aviation“ pristatė pirmąjį skraidantį elektrinį taksi „Maker“. Tai dar vienas „Tesla“ stiliaus debiutas metu, kai vis daugiau investuotojų ir aviacijos bendrovių žvalgosi į šį madingą, bet dar oficialiai nepražintą urbanistinėms erdvėms tinkamiausią keliavimo būdą.Susidomėjimas aplinkos neteršiančiomis skraidančiomis transporto priemonėmis, kurios kyla ir leidžiasi tarsi sraigtasparniai, tačiau skrenda kaip lėktuvai, auga dar ir dėl to, jog verslai spaudžiami pereiti prie žaliosios energijos.„Maker“ debiutas surengtas specialiame angare, pasitelkus papildytos realybės technologijas kelionės simuliacijai sukurti.„Archer Aviation“ kūrinys kol kas dar nepradės komercinių skrydžių, tačiau ekstravagantiškas pristatymas nepaliko abejingų, juo pasirūpino naujasis vadovas, turinis daug patirties eksperimentinio dizaino ir televizijos srityje, Kenny Tahtas.„Archer Aviation“ tikisi, kad komercinis „Maker“ debiutas įvyks jau 2024 metais Los Andžele arba Majamyje, o pilotuojamo keturis keleivius gabenti galinčio oro taksi sertifikavimo Federalinėje aviacijos administracijoje procesas jau vyksta.Šie oro taksi gali skristi iki 240 kilometrų per valandą greičiu ir įveikti iki šimto kilometrų atstumą. Pirminė kaina už vieną kelionės kilometrą sieks kelis dolerius. Pavyzdžiui, Niujorke 27 kilometrų kelionė nuo Johno F. Kennedy oro uosto iki Manhatano tokiu taksi kainuos nuo 50 iki 70 dolerių ir truks vos penkias ar septynias minutes, o ne valandą ar pusantros automobiliu.Rinkai kaistant, didėja ir konkurencija. „Archer Aviation“ šiuo metu įsivėlę į teisinį ginčą su „Boeing“ palaikymą turinčiu konkurentu „Wisk Aero“, kuris jį kaltina verslo paslapčių vagyste ir patentų pažeidimais.

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Read in Kannada: Archer Aviation Showcases Maker Flying Taxi In America. ಹಾರುವ ಟ್ಯಾಕ್ಸಿಗಳು ಭವಿಷ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಸದ್ದು ಮಾಡಲಿವೆ ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ. ವಿಶ್ವದಾದ್ಯಂತ ಹಲವಾರು ಕಂಪನಿಗಳು ಕಮರ್ಷಿಯಲ್ ಆಗಬಹುದಾದ ಫ್ಲೈಯಿಂಗ್ ಟ್ಯಾಕ್ಸಿಗಳನ್ನು ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಪಡಿಸುತ್ತಿವೆ.

Archer Aviation presenta un espectacular taxi volador 100 ...

Durante un evento celebrado este jueves en un hangar situado en Hawthorne (California, EE.UU.), la compañía Archer Aviation presentó su novedoso 'Maker', un espectacular taxi volador 100 % eléctrico, según se aprecia en un video publicado en su canal de YouTube.

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銘柄名<コード>11日終値⇒前日比 自律制御システム研究所<6232> 2422 +80 石炭運搬船の船倉内でのドローン自律飛行点検の実証実験に成功。 ノムラシステム<3940> 315 +20 「日本最大の放送局 グループ企業」での 基幹システム刷新

戦姫絶唱シンフォギア - Wikipedia

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Ifis業績トピックス - Ifis株予報

銘柄名コード>11日終値⇒前日比 自律制御システム研究所6232> 2422 +80 石炭運搬船の船倉内でのドローン自律飛行点検の実証実験に成功。 ノムラシステム3940> 315 +20 「日本最大の放送局 グループ企業」での 基幹システム刷新大規模プロジェクトで後続案件を受注。 酒井重工業6358> 2561 +86 13万株・5 ...

《地質勘查活動監督管理辦法》解讀 - 楠木軒


前日に動いた銘柄 part1 SREホールディングス、ラクスル、エムアップなど(FISCO 株・企業報)銘柄名11日 ...

前日に動いた銘柄 part1 SREホールディングス、ラクスル、エムアップなど(FISCO 株・企業報)銘柄名11日終値⇒前日比自律制御システム研究所 2422 +80石炭運搬船の船倉内でのドローン自律飛行点検の実証実験に成功。ノムラシ…

株予報Pro|ニュース - 決算/業績予想速報、レーティングニュース他


株予報Pro|ニュース - 決算/業績予想速報、レーティングニュース他


This New eVTOL Will Fly You From Downtown LA to the Beach ...

The just-launched Archer Maker is the latest entry in the electric air-taxi race.

Avolon and Vertical Aerospace Announce World's Largest ...

Covering news, and technological innovations across the UAS, and UAV sectors.

Archer's Maker eVTOL Will Fly You From LA to the Beach in ...

The two-seat electric air taxi, Maker, made its debut in Los Angeles. Its founders said it should cost about $2 to $3 per mile.

Virgin Atlantic Signs An Option To Order 50 - 150 eVTOL ...

Virgin Atlantic signs an option to order 50 to 150 fully electric aircraft from Virtual Aerospace.

Virgin Atlantic and American Airlines have agreed to buy ...

Virgin Atlantic and American Airlines have agreed to buy up to 400 flying taxis Today, American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic agreed to buy up to 250 and 150 electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft from Vertical Aerospace, respectively. Let's look into it more. American Airlines has announced a US$25 million investment in Vertical Aerospace,

You Can Now Charge Your Flying Car for Five Minutes and ...

How would you like it to take a 50-mile ride in your flying car on a single five-minute charge? A recent development in battery technology brings this dream closer to reality.

Avolon and Vertical Aerospace Confirm Massive eVTOL ...

Avolon and Vertical Aerospace have agreed on a ground-breaking US$2 billion order for up to 500 electric eVTOL aircraft. This agreement, which is subject to certain conditions, will introduce the ...

EVTOL Aircraft Market Grow with a CAGR of 18.56% | Will ...

Global eVTOL Aircraft Market is expected grow with a CAGR of 18.56% over the forecast period 2021 to 2027. Increasing technological developments, rising environmental pollution & traffic ...

Manhattan To Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger ...

Manhattan To Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger Drone Bus  NYC-based startup Kelekona is designing an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle that will transport dozens of passengers and make regional travel seamless.  Most eVTOL startups (such as SureFly) are designing and developing drone taxis with a maximum capacity of between 2 and…

The air taxi market prepares to take flight - Ice Lounge Media

Taking an eVTOL from design through to manufacturing and certification will likely cost about $1 billion, Mark Moore, then-head of Uber Elevate, estimated in April 2020 during a conference held by the Air Force's Agility Prime program.

Canadian eVTOL Developer Horizon Acquired - Canadian ...

Canadian Aviator Magazine By Canadian Pilots, For Canadian Pilots. Just Another Form of Flight? Living the Dream!

American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic partner with ...

United States-based American Airlines and United Kingdom-based Virgin Atlantic have invested and partnered with Vertical Aerospace, a leading UK-headquartered engineering and aeronautical business developing (electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft. American Airlines American Airlines, as part of its ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability, has announced that it will invest in Vertical Aerospace. As part of…

The Skies Will Be Crowded With Flying Taxis

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- SPACs are striking in their herd mentality. Once one decides to take a new type of business public, then a whole bunch of similar firms do the same. This happened with electric vehicles and related technology, and now it’s the turn of flying taxis.

American and virgin Atlantic Airlines to buy upto 400 ...

American and Virgin Atlantic deals with Vertical Aerospace to acquire up to 250 and 150 electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Read more.

Manhattan To Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger ...

NYC-based startup Kelekona is designing an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle that will transport dozens of passengers and make regional travel seamless. Most eVTOL startups (such as SureFly) are designing and developing drone taxis with a maximum capacity of between 2 and 5 seats. Kelekona's founder, Braeden Kelekona, is thinking big with a 40 […]

Archer Unveils eVTOL Aircraft - oilandgaspress.com

Archer Unveils eVTOL Aircraft . June 12, 2021 . by oilandgaspress . 0 comments California-based Archer, debuted its Maker aircraft both live in Los Angeles and streamed to a global audience on the evening of June 10. The intimate, COVID-safe in-person event was held at the Hawthorne Hangar Operations and utilized industry leading XR technology ...

Manhattan To Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger ...

Manhattan To Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger Drone Bus NYC-based startup Kelekona is designing an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle that will transport dozens of passengers and make regional travel seamless. Most eVTOL startups (such as SureFly) are designing and developing drone taxis with a maximum capacity of between 2 and ...

The air taxi market prepares to take flight

Twelve years ago, Joby Aviation consisted of a team of seven engineers working out of founder JoeBen Bevirt’s ranch in the Santa Cruz mountains. Today, the startup has swelled to 800 people and a $6.6 billion valuation, ranking itself as th

DLD 337: The Tropics of New England - Wandering Aramean

American, Avalon place major Vertical Aerospace eVTOL orders. A pair of major order announcements offer a boost for UK eVTOL hopeful Vertical Aerospace, as more than 750 aircraft could have a new home by the middle of the decade.

Archer debuts Maker urban air taxi, first flights planned ...

The all-electric eVTOL aircraft is set to begin production in 2022, with United Airlines among the first commercial customers.

Japan's 'flying car' gets off ground, with a person aboard ...

Japan's 'flying car' gets off ground, with a person aboard

Manhattan to Hamptons In 30 Minutes On This 40 Passenger ...

Instead of building an interesting airframe & trying to figure out how to put the battery into that aircraft, we started with the battery & put things on top.

Protect Your Kids From The Summer Heat - CBS Dallas / Fort ...

Heat exhaustion is a more severe heat illness that can happen when someone in a hot climate or environment hasn't been drinking enough liquids.


2021-06-14 19:19

AIを搭載して自律的な飛行を可能にするということまでは倫理的な問題にはならないが、そこから殺傷能力のある行動を取ることは色々と問題を生む。どこまでAIを導入するかは行為の責任の所在が問題になるので丁寧な対応が必要。wsPicks https:/…

2021-06-14 14:39


2021-06-14 13:21

商船三井、石炭運搬船のドローン点検実験に成功‐ 商船三井と自律制御システム研究所は11日、商船三井が運航する石炭運搬船の船倉内で実施した、国産ドローンによる自律飛行点検の実証実験に成功したと発表した…

2021-06-14 12:07


2021-06-14 10:11

【MathWorks Minidrone Competition 参加募集開始】 学生の皆さん、夏休みにドローンの自律飛行に挑戦してみませんか? 参加者をサポートするSlackチャンネルもありますので、MATLABやSimulinkが初め…

2021-06-14 08:53


2021-06-14 02:54


2021-06-14 00:28

各種兵装説明 長射程レーザーカノン ブーステッドライフル スナイピングライフル 精密射撃補助レーダー Eタンク ラビオットライフル×2 飛行支援ユニット兼戦闘機『ウェイバー』:バックパックとして背負うこともライディングすることも可能。戦闘機フォーム…

2021-06-14 00:19

EHang 216が、日本での無人・自律型の初の試験飛行に成功。 試験飛行に先立ち、現地のパートナーとともに国土交通省の試験飛行許可を取得したVangang216Monejp


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