Lucid Motorsがオール電化セダン「Air」の全テクノロジーを披露、主要音声アシスタントはAmazon Alexa

今回は「Lucid Motorsがオール電化セダン「Air」の全テクノロジーを披露、主要音声アシスタントはAmazon Alexa」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Amazon Alexa、Lucid Motors、電気自動車等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Lucid Motors(ルシード・モータース)がオール電化セダンAirの最終バージョンを発表してから8カ月、同社はついにその車載テクノロジーの詳細を明らかにした。曲線を描く34インチディスプレイ、セカンドタッチスクリーンから、基盤となるソフトウェア、統合アプリ、そしてAmazon Alexa音声アシスタントに至るまで、同社が2021年後半に納車を開始すれば、ドライバーや同乗者はそれらを利用できるようになる。

同社のブランド名を冠したLucid User Experience(Lucid UX)が目指すところは、顧客が求めるテクノロジーを、複雑さや煩雑さを増すことなく、8万ドル(約878万円)から16万9000ドル(約1854万円)の価格帯のクルマに搭載することだ。

「使いやすさ、学習曲線の短さという確固とした原則を基盤にして、迅速なレスポンスと全体的なエレガントさを追求しました」とLucidの設計責任者Derek Jenkins(デレク・ジェンキンス)氏は最近のインタビューで語っている。「過度に技術的であったり、サイエンスフィクション的であったり、あるいはスプレッドシート風であることから離れて、当社のブランドやデザイン精神に一層適合するものへと真の意味で移行したいという気持ちがありました」。

その内装は、Tesla(テスラ)のModel 3やModel Yほどシンプルではないし、ドイツの高級車のようにぎっしり詰まった感じでもない。ジェンキンス氏とそのチームは、ゴルディロックスが選んだお粥のボウルのような「ちょうどいい」テクノロジーを意識した。


画像クレジット:Lucid Motors







画像クレジット:Lucid Motors

ハンドルにはタッチバーと2つのトグルがある。これらのボタンを使って、Alexa音声アシスタントの起動、先進運転支援機能のオン / オフの切り替え、クルーズコントロールによる追従走行の設定、ボリュームの制御などが行える。




他に特筆すべきハードウェアとして、Dolby Atmos(ドルビーアトモス)の21個のスピーカーで構成されるサラウンドサウンドシステムと、エアベントが醸し出すビンテージ風(そしてミアータ風)のディテールが挙げられる。Lucidは、ユーザーがデジタルタッチスクリーンを使って空気の流れの方向を変えるTesla Model 3とは異なり、人が触れて動かすことのできる物理的なエアベントをAirに持たせたいと考えた。しかしLucidは、チクレットスタイルのデザインで、空気の流れをオン/オフするためのサイドタブを追加した大きなエアベントは望まなかった。




Lucidは、オープンソースのAndroid Automotiveオペレーティングシステムからスタートし、そこでアプリやその他の機能を構築した。Android Automotive OSは、Linux上で動くGoogleのオープンソースのモバイルオペレーティングシステムAndroidをモデルにしている。Googleはしばらく前から、このOSのオープンソース版を自動車メーカーに提供してきた。近年、自動車メーカーはGoogleと協力して、GoogleアシスタントやGoogleマップ、Google Playストアなど、Googleのすべてのアプリやサービスに組み込まれたAndroid OSをネイティブに構築している。Lucidは、Googleサービスプラットフォームのルートを辿ることはなかった。

Lucidはその後、各種のサードパーティーアプリをインフォテインメントシステムに統合した。そのリストには、現時点でiHeartRadio、TuneIn、Pocket Casts、Dolby Atmos、Tidal、Spotifyが名を連ねている。

Lucidはまた、デフォルトの統合音声制御システムとしてAlexaを採用。さらにLucid Airには、Android AutoとApple CarPlayの付属も予定されている。ユーザーのスマートフォン上で動作し、車のインフォテインメントシステムと無線通信するアプリだ。つまり、ドライバーはこれらのアプリでGoogleアシスタントやSiriにアクセスできる。ただし温度調整などの車両機能は制御できない。





関連記事:Lucid Motorsが待望のセダンタイプの電動自動車「Lucid Air」を一般公開

画像クレジット:Lucid Motors


Eight months after Lucid Motors showed off the final version of its all-electric Air sedan, the company has finally revealed the in-cabin tech — from the curved 34-inch display and second touchscreen to the underlying software, integrated apps and Amazon Alexa voice assistant — that drivers and passengers will use once the automaker begins deliveries of the vehicle in the second half of the year.

The aim of the company’s branded Lucid User Experience, or Lucid UX, is to include all the tech that customers might want in a vehicle priced between $80,000 and $169,000 without adding clutter and confusion.

“We really tried to follow a strong principle of ease-of-use and a short learning curve, for it to have quick responses and an overall feeling of elegance,” Derek Jenkins, Lucid’s head of design said in a recent interview. “I kind of wanted to move away from it being overly technical or sci-fi looking or spreadsheet-like and really move towards something that was more fitting with the brand and our design ethos.”

The interior isn’t as stark as a Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model Y, nor as jam-packed as some of the German luxury vehicles. Jenkins and his team have tried to hit the Goldilocks’s equivalent the perfect bowl of tech porridge.

“At the beginning of the project I always used to tell the team, ‘Listen I want my mom to be able to get in this car and figure it out the first time,’ ” Jenkins said. “She should be able to know instinctively probably the light switch and the door locks are on the left side because that’s where they always are and not have to dig through that stuff. Or that the climate controls are probably on the lower screen because that’s where it often is and traditionally has been. I just felt like it should have intuitiveness and a degree of simplicity, while still having impressive features and having a system that can grow.”

Image Credits: Lucid Motors

The hardware

The curved 34-inch 5K display called the glass cockpit floats slightly above the dashboard and is the most visible hardware in the vehicle, although is not the only component worth mentioning. It is actually three separate displays housed under a single plate of glass, a technique that Mercedes-Benz has used in its 56-inch hyperscreen. On the far left is a touchscreen where Lucid has placed the most important, or core, vehicle controls, such as window defrosters, lighting and wiper settings.

The middle screen is the instrument cluster, which is where the driver will see the speed and remaining battery range displayed. The right side of the instrument cluster is a widget that can display a variety of information, depending on the user, including navigation or what music is playing. The instrument cluster is also where the driver will see whether the advanced driver assistance system is activated.

To the right of the steering wheel is another touch display that Lucid is calling the home screen. It’s here that navigation, media and communications will be located.

Moving down and to the center console area is another curved screen that Lucid has dubbed the “pilot panel,” which displays climate controls and seat functions, including a massage feature, along with all the other vehicle settings. The driver or passenger can swipe menus from the home screen down to the pilot panel to display in-depth controls for music or navigation. And if the driver doesn’t want that additional touchscreen, the pilot panel can be retracted, opening access to a storage space behind it.

It’s worth noting that analog switches are still within the vehicle in three areas: the doors, the steering wheel and a slice of space between the pilot panel and the upper home screen. Alongside the doors, the driver or passengers will find the window switches and interior door latches. Right above the center console display are four physical buttons that lets the driver or passenger control climate temperature and fan speed.

Image Credits: Lucid Motors

On the steering wheel is a touch bar and two toggles. These buttons can be used to launch the Alexa voice assistant and turn on and off the advanced driver assistance functions, as well as adjust the following distance in cruise control and volume.

“We did a lot of research through this discussion of analog interaction such as physical buttons and digital interaction on a touchscreen,” Jenkins said. “What we found was there was some key functionality that people still wanted to have physical interaction with.”

The vehicle is also loaded with 32 sensors, including a single lidar that is located just below the nose blade on the exterior of the vehicle. Below that is a lower air intake and then a forward-facing radar. Other radar sensors are located on the exterior corners. There are exterior cameras, as well, in the nose and header area behind the rearview mirror.

Inside the vehicle, and tucked right below the instrument cluster, is a camera that faces the driver. This camera is part of the driver-monitoring system, which is meant to ensure the operator is paying attention when the advanced driver assistance system is engaged.

Two other hardware items worth noting are the 21-speaker surround sound system from Dolby Atmos and a small vintage (and Miata-esque) detail with the air vents. Lucid wanted the Air to have physical air vents that a person could touch and move — unlike the Tesla Model 3, which requires the user to move the direction of the air flow through the digital touchscreen. But Lucid didn’t want the bulk of a vent in the chiclet-style design, which has an additional side tab to turn on or off the air flow.

The solution is a slimmed-down air vent with a single round dial right in the middle. That dial can be grabbed and moved to shift air flow. It also can be turned to shut off the air to a particular vent.

“It was a breakthrough for us,” Jenkins said laughing, “which isn’t a breakthrough because that was super common in the 60s and 70s in cars.”

The software

Behind all of the physical touchscreens and sensors is the software that delivers functions and services.

Lucid started with the open-source Android Automotive operating system and built out the apps and other features from there. Android Automotive OS is modeled after Google’s Android open-source mobile operating system that runs on Linux. Google has offered an open-source version of this OS to automakers for some time. In recent years, automakers have worked with Google to natively build in an Android OS that is embedded with all the Google apps and services such as Google Assistant, Google Maps and the Google Play Store. Lucid did not take the Google services platform route.

From here, Lucid worked with various third-party apps and integrated them into the infotainment system, a list that currently includes iHeartRadio, TuneIn, Pocket Casts, Dolby Atmos, Tidal and Spotify.

Lucid has also decided to make Alexa the default and primary integrated voice control system. Lucid Air will also come with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay — apps that run on the user’s phone and wirelessly communicate with the vehicle’s infotainment system. This means the driver, or passenger, can access Google Assistant and Siri through these apps, they just won’t be able to control the vehicle functions like climate.

The vehicle will also have integrated mobile and Wi-Fi connectivity, which will allow Lucid to update the software of the vehicle wirelessly. The over-the-air update capability lets the company add new apps and services.

The future

Jenkins said they’re already looking at bringing more content to the infotainment system, including gaming and video streaming, which would only be accessible when the vehicle is parked.

The Lucid design team is also examining other more hardware-based additions to future model years of the Air, including rear entertainment displays.

“You probably won’t see that from us until sometime in 2023,” Jenkins noted. “We think that’s an important thing to bring to the car especially because the rear seat is such a nice place to be.”


(文:Kirsten Korosec、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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必ず説明欄をお読みになってからご入札下さい。シーケー販売/古谷電気ETC SS810M (0538)CALSONICカルソニック*[商品状態] タントL350Sにて最近まで使用しておりました。動作に問題ございません。ただしカードスロット本体の裏側に滑り止め用のテープの貼り付け&粘着

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Alexa, make me happy

The packaging of the Amazon Echo boasts that Alexa is happy to help. Happy to help us in what way? What is it Alexa can help us achieve? She can help us become the people we are becoming.

More than a million employees, profits doubled ... with ...

"However, according to figures dating back a year, an American customer who is not a Prime member spends between 600 and 700 dollars per year on Amazon, a Prime subscriber between 1300 and 1400 dollars and a Prime member who has a speaker Alexa between 1700 and 1800 dollars ", recalls Vincent Mayet.

boAt Watch Xtend launching in India Soon with 1.69-inch ...

The boAt has started teasing its upcoming smartwatch the boAt Watch Xtend that supports Amazon Alexa voice assistant to set reminders, alarms, ask questions, and more. It will come with a 1.69-inch square LCD 2.5D curved screen and supports

Ticket to fly into space with Jeff Bezos auctioned for $28 ...

Space ticket A bidder spent $28 million for the chance to take a space ride with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on July 20. (John Locher,/Associated Press, file) June 12, 2021 at 4:49 pm CDT By Bob D'Angelo, Cox Media Group National Content Desk. The cost to fly into space for 11 minutes with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is out of this world.

What's The Obsession With Video Calls?

Learning how to cook on this new Amazon device. Scott Kramer. Technology is generally great, but some things I just don't see personally using. Making video calls tops the list.

How to do Data Storytelling?

In this article, I'll walk you through how to do Data Storytelling step by step. Learn How to do Data Storytelling as a Data Scientist.

Amazon Fire TV Cube: Streaming box with capabilities of a ...

Shaped like a cube, the device has buttons for volume control, muting the microphone and wake-up for Alexa.

Amazon Echo Dot 3rd Generation | Unboxing and Review ...


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Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk Purifier DP04. The Dyson Pure Cool Link DP04 is a 2-in-1 purifying fan. That's right, just ask Amazon Alexa to adjust your fan settings, and you have everything you need without having to touch your fan.

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£32.99 £63.99 Amazon Deals. Get deal* Get deal* FuturePruf 0. Posted 13th Jun 2021 (Posted 20 m ago) Use 15% voucher on Amazon and at the checkout use code CAMERA35 for another 50% off. Works with Alexa Not bad price Post Tweet Share Share with WhatsApp Share with Messenger Community Updates. Show All Show less.

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-Turn on the TV and switch to the appropriate HDMI port displaying your Amazon Fire TV Stick.-Use remote or Alexa voice commands to find UFC 263 live streaming channels in a list called MMA PPV Live Tournaments, located under the Sports & Fitness category of Prime Video Channels. Alternatively, you can or in the Sports category.


2021-06-14 19:53

電気自動車がもてはやされているのって、走行中のCO2排出が原因だけど、製造や電気を生み出す過程でのCO2排出を考えると… って話をこの前してた。

2021-06-14 18:29

電気自動車100V充電 リーフ プリウスPHV 200V→100V変換充電コンセントケーブル一度こちらをご覧ください。 ホームページです。

2021-06-14 14:05

【朗報】日本勢が韓国打倒に乗り出す 電気自動車開発に2.9兆円投資 電気自動車の市場が広がりつつあるのを見て、日本勢が満を持して登場だ。中国製や韓国製では発火や事故の懸念が払拭できない現状での日本製は歓迎されるだろう。今年の研究開発だけで2.9兆円…

2021-06-14 12:54


2021-06-14 10:58

スペインのWallbox 電気自動車の充電場所を提供する会社が大幅に市場価値をあげている。スペイン では充電地点の不足が問題視されているが、まだまだ競合他社の自力が弱いようだ。 C7の首脳陣は、2022年に10億人分のコロナワクチンを発展途上国にむけて提供することを約束した

2021-06-14 09:49

懐かしの牛乳配達車、エコな移動販売に再利用 ロンドン かつて英国の街角でおなじみだった牛乳配達用の電気自動車。ショーンさんは昨年、その中古車を1台買い求め、新商売を始めた。食料品や生活雑貨を積んで首都ロ…

2021-06-14 06:56


2021-06-14 03:19


2021-06-14 03:01



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