

関連ワード (Blue Origin、Jeff Bezos、Virgin Galactic、民間宇宙飛行等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


2人の大富豪がカーマン・ライン(高度約100キロメートル)へのラストスパートで先頭を争っているが、Richard Branson(リチャード・ブランソン)氏が7月11日にVirgin Galactic(ヴァージン・ギャラクティック)の宇宙船で飛行し、現地時間7月20日にBlue Origin(ブルーオリジン)の New Shepard(ニューシェパード)カプセルでの飛行を予定しているJeff Bezos(ジェフ・ベゾス)を僅差で抑えるかもしれない。誰が勝つにせよ、ここでの真の教訓は、十分な資金があれば、本当に何でもできるということだ。

このニュースは、Virgin Galacticからの発表という形をとった。次の試験飛行の打ち上げウィンドウが米太平洋時間の7月11日午前6時に始まること、このミッションが2人のパイロット、3人のスペシャリスト、そして1人の大富豪というフルクルーを乗せた初めてのミッションになることが述べられている。(ブルーオリジンは独自の発表を行った)。

関連記事:アマゾンのジェフ・ベゾス氏が宇宙へ、自ら設立したBlue Origin初の有人宇宙打ち上げに搭乗

Dave Mackay(デイブ・マッケイ)氏とMichael Masucci(マイケル・マスッチ)氏がVSS Unity宇宙船を操縦、チーフ宇宙飛行士インストラクターのBeth Moses(ベス・モーゼス)氏が飛行を監督、リード・オペレーション・エンジニアのColin Bennett(コリン・ベネット)氏が機内の設備と手順を監視、政府業務・研究業務担当副社長のSirisha Bandla(シリシャ・バンドラ)氏がフロリダ大学の微小重力実験を担当、最後にリチャード・ブランソン卿が「民間宇宙飛行士としての経験を評価する」としている。つまり、ブランソン氏は初めての一般人の旅客となる。

「私は、宇宙が私たち全員のものだと心から信じています」と、宇宙旅行会社の大富豪の創業者で個人的な出資者でもあるであるブランソン氏は、同社のプレスリリースで述べた。「16年以上にわたる研究、エンジニアリング、試験を経て、Virgin Galacticは新たな商業宇宙産業の先陣を切っており、宇宙を人類に開放し、世界を良い方向に変えようとしています。誰もが宇宙にアクセスできるようにするという夢を持つことと、信じられないようなチームが一丸となってその夢を現実のものにすることは別のことです。すばらしいミッションスペシャリストの一員として、未来の宇宙飛行士の旅を検証し、Virginに期待されているユニークな顧客体験を提供する役割に貢献できることを光栄に思います」。

このミッションは、Virgin Galacticの他の分野におけるスタイルと同様に、通常の方法で高い高度まで飛行した後、ロケットエンジンを搭載したVSS Unityが飛行機から切り離され、一般的に(誰もがそうとは限らないが)宇宙との境界であると考えられている80キロ以上の高さまで迫る。ブランソン氏は、将来のVirgin Galacticの宇宙旅行者が受けるのと同じ訓練を受け、もちろん同じ青い特別スーツを着用する。


ベゾス氏は(遅れをとっているものの)7月20日に、より伝統的なロケットであるBlue OriginのNew Shepardで、同氏の弟と幸運なチケットホルダーとともに宇宙へ向かう予定だ。幸運でリッチな、ということだ。つまり、このチケットはオークションにかけられ、2800万ドル(約31億円)で未公表の人物が落札した。

関連記事:ジェフ・ベゾス氏も同乗するBlue Origin初の有人宇宙飛行チケットは30億円、ライブオークションで落札者決定

しかし、同社は7月1日、初の有人飛行の4人目の乗客が、1961年に女性宇宙飛行士を養成したNASAのマーキュリー13プログラムの最初の卒業生であるWally Funk(ウォーリー・ファンク)氏であると発表した。当時、ミッションはキャンセルされ、ファンク氏は宇宙に行くことはなかった。50年間待ち続けた同氏に、ようやくチャンスが巡ってきたようだ。

A post shared by Jeff Bezos (@jeffbezos)


Two billionaires are neck and neck in the final sprint to the Kármán line, but Richard Branson may clinch it with a July 11 flight on a Virgin Galactic spacecraft, narrowly beating out Jeff Bezos’s planned July 20 trip aboard a Blue Origin New Shepard capsule. Whoever wins, the real lesson here is that with enough money, you truly can do anything.

The news came today in the form of an announcement from Virgin Galactic stating that the launch window for its next test flight opens at 6 AM Pacific time on July 11, and that the mission will be the first to carry a full crew: two pilots, three specialists, and one billionaire. (Blue Origin had its own announcement.)

Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci will pilot the VSS Unity spacecraft; Chief Astronaut instructor Beth Moses will oversee the flight; Lead Operations Engineer Colin Bennett will monitor cabin equipment and procedures; Vice President of Government Affairs and Research Operations Sirisha Bandla will be handling a University of Florida microgravity experiment; and lastly, Sir Richard Branson “will evaluate the private astronaut experience.” In other words, he’s the first plain old passenger.

“I truly believe that space belongs to all of us,” the billionaire founder and private funder of the space tourism company said in the company’s press release. “After more than 16 years of research, engineering, and testing, Virgin Galactic stands at the vanguard of a new commercial space industry, which is set to open space to humankind and change the world for good. It’s one thing to have a dream of making space more accessible to all; it’s another for an incredible team to collectively turn that dream into reality. As part of a remarkable crew of mission specialists, I’m honoured to help validate the journey our future astronauts will undertake and ensure we deliver the unique customer experience people expect from Virgin.”

The mission will, like others in the Virgin Galactic style, involve being flown by traditional means to what is normally considered a high altitude, after which the rocket-powered VSS Unity will detach from the plane and zoom up to above 80 kilometers, generally (though not universally) considered the edge of space. Branson will have gone through all the same training that future Virgin Galactic space tourists will go through, and will of course wear the same special blue suit.

If all goes according to plan, Branson will beat Bezos to space by a little more than a week, and probably win a long-running bet.

Bezos, for his part, will be going up July 11 (again, delays notwithstanding) on a more traditional launch vehicle, Blue Origin’s New Shepard, accompanied by his brother and a lucky ticket-holder — lucky and rich, that is, since the ticket ended up selling at auction for $28 million to an as-yet unannounced party.

The company did however today announce that the fourth passenger on the first crewed flight will be Wally Funk, the first graduate of NASA’s Mercury 13 program that trained women astronauts in 1961 — but the mission was cancelled and Funk never went to space. After 50 years of waiting, it seems she’ll finally get her chance.


(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

Alector, Virgin Galactic rise; Arrowhead, Boeing fall ...

Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes Friday: Alector, Virgin Galactic rise; Arrowhead…

Richard Branson to fly to space on July 11 in Virgin ...

Richard Branson announced that the spaceflight will be shared via a livestream globally by Virgin Galactic. In picture - Branson and the crew for the flight on July 11.

Virgin Galactic to launch out of New Mexico, company aims ...

"Virgin Galactic is founded explicitly to open up the doors to make space more accessible for the world," Michael Colglazier, the CEO of Virgin Galactic, said.Colglazier said the company recently ...

On July 11, Virgin Galactic will take Richard Branson to space

On July 11, Virgin Galactic will take Richard Branson to space. Branson will beat spaceflight rival Jeff Bezos to space.

Virgin Galactic - news.yahoo.com

Virgin Galactic. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Recommended Stories. E! Jonathan Taylor Thomas Photographed Publicly For the First Time in Almost 8 Years.

Virgin Galactic's next spaceflight has a Telugu wing

Virgin Galactic’s founder Richard Branson announced Thursday evening that its next test flight will be on July 11, making it nine days

Virgin Galactic soars 31% after Richard Branson said he ...

Virgin Galactic's stock surged 18% on Friday after Richard Branson said he aims to travel into space on July 11. The billionaire is set to beat Amazon CEO

Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic Attempt to Rain on ...

Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic company are attempting to rain on rival Jeff Bezos' space parade. Branson had announced that he will take off for the outer atmosphere on July, 11. This will mean that he will beat Bezos — who takes off on July 20 — by just nine days. Speaking to CNN, [...]

Alector, Virgin Galactic rise; Arrowhead, Boeing fall | WTOP

Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes Friday: Alector Inc., up $12.80 to $35.21. The biotechnology company is collaborating with…

Virgin Galactic's shares soar after knowing who will be ...

Shares of aerospace company Virgin Galactic have soared a 41 % since the previous day after knowing the News that its founder, Richard Branson, will be aboard its next suborbital test flight scheduled for July 11, thus anticipating a similar trial of its rival company Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos.. Virgin Galactic's share price stood at $ 61 this Friday morning at the Saint Petersburg ...

Richard Branson set for first space flight with Virgin ...

Billionaire businessman Richard Branson is set for his first space flight with Virgin Galactic. The company's owner is due to test the "private astronaut

Virgin Galactic is ahead of Blue Origin and Richard ...

It is a battle of billionaires in space. Virgin Galactic announced it would conduct a test flight on July 11, carrying founder Sir Richard Branson

Sirisha Bandla, The Indian-American On Virgin Galactic's ...

On July 11, when billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson, along with a crew, travels to the edge of space on a Virgin Galactic test flight, astronaut Sirisha Bandla will be taking care of theresearcher experience on the Unity22 mission.

Virgin Galactic's first crewed spaceflight scheduled for ...

Virgin Galactic is flying its founder, Sir Richard Branson, on its next test flight into space which is set to take place on July 11 if weather permits.

Virgin Galactic shares surge and then pull back as Branson ...

Virgin Galactic stock jumped as much as 28% in premarket trading, up from its previous close of $43.19 a share. The stock is up 82% so far this year, but has seen wild swings - climbing above $60 a share in February before falling to near $15 in May and then rebounding. They were last up 22% in early trading before the open.

Virgin Galactic Will Fly to Space with Richard Branson ...

Virgin Galactic says Branson will be joined by 2 pilots and 3 other astronauts on the spaceflight, with Richard "testing the private astronaut experience" … a fancy phrase for the views from space, the cabin, seating and zero gravity.

Virgin Galactic will send Richard Branson into space on ...

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Virgin Galactic shares surge and then pull back as Branson ...

Virgin Galactic shares surged on Friday after the space tourism venture announced its next spaceflight test will carry founder Sir Richard Branson. The mission - with two pilots guiding spacecraft VSS Unity carrying Branson alongside three Virgin Galactic employees - plans to launch on July 11 from the company's operations hub at Spaceport America in

Virgin Galactic stock SPCE surges as Richard Branson aims ...

Virgin Galactic stock jumped 25% shortly after opening before slipping, ending the day up 4% at $44.94 per share. The stock has more than doubled so far this year but has seen wild swings — climbing above $60 per share in February before falling to near $15 in May and then rebounding.

Telugu-origin Sirisha Bandla to join Richard Branson on ...

Sirisha Bandla's zeal to learn more about space led her to pursue Bachelors of Science degree in aeronautical/astronautical engineering from Purdue.

Virgin Galactic test stock flight 2021 Sirisha bandla ...

Virgin Galactic test stock flight 2021 Sirisha bandla virgin galactic Richard Branson spaceship twoVirgin Galactic is a British American Space flight company...

Virgin Galactic: Latest News, Photos and Videos on Virgin ...

Virgin Galactic :Find latest news, top stories on Virgin Galactic and get latest news updates. photos and videos on Virgin Galactic - ABP Live

Virgin Galactic Stock Worth Almost as Much as Vail Resorts ...

Virgin Galactic is on the move again because a battle between billionaires is heating up. And this is a battle people can watch. Galactic (ticker: SPCE) shares are soaring, with a gain of about 15% to just over $50 in early trading. The gain was some 30% before the market opened.

Sirisha Bandla, the Indian-American on the Virgin Galactic ...

Sirisha Bandla (second from right) is the company's vice president of investigative operations and government affairs.On July 11, when billionaire

Virgin Galactic's first crewed spaceflight scheduled for ...

Virgin Galactic is flying its founder, Sir Richard Branson, on its next test flight into space which is set to take place on July 11 if weather permits. "Wonderful to know that 10 days from now ...

Meet Sirisha Bandla, the Indian-origin Astronaut Flying to ...

The VSS Unity includes six people out of which two are women. It is the second SpaceShipTwo, a spaceplane by Virgin Atlantic for space tourism. The flight will be launched from Virgin Atlantic's facility in New Mexico and will land back after a period of 60 to 75 minutes. During the flight, the crew members will go to an altitude of 50,000 feet.

SPCE - Virgin Galactic Joins Clover Health, AMC, Wish, AMD ...

Space tourism company Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. (NYSE:SPCE) and exchange-traded fund SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSE:SPY) have joined Clover Health Investments Corp. (NASDAQ:CLOV) and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. (NSYE: AMC) as the stocks that are seeing the highest interest on Reddit's r/WallStreetBets forum. What Happened: SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust emerged as the most-discussed […]

Blue Origin - Wikipedia

Blue Origin, LLC is an American privately funded aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbital spaceflight services company headquartered in Kent, Washington. Founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, the company is led by CEO Bob Smith and aims to make access to space cheaper and more reliable through reusable launch vehicles.

Blue Origin: Wally Funk, 82, becomes latest member of Jeff ...

Female space pioneer has been invited on Blue Origin’s first human flight.

Blue Origin: 82-year-old woman to travel to space with ...

Wally Funk was among the Mercury 13 women trained to be astronauts in the 1960s. After decades of waiting, she is set to become the oldest person to launch into space.

It's Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic vs Blue Origin of ...

Blue Origin is more of a classic rocket experience—it has a vertical launch after which a capsule will separate from its booster, then spend four minutes at an altitude exceeding 60 miles (100 ...

Blue Origin is getting utterly humiliated by everyone ...

When it comes to reusability, Musk SpaceX and Blue Origin by Jeff Bezos come to our mind. But for many, the latter has failed to hit the mark,

Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin select former NASA trainee as ...

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has announced the special guest that will join him on his Blue Origin space flight later this month. STARBASE, TEXAS: See inside Elon Musk's tiny, rented home Bezos announced on Instagram that Wally Funk, 82, would be one of four passengers on the July 20 flight , joining Bezos, his brother Mark Bezos, and a mystery ...

A-Z on Jeff Bezos' flight into space; 82-year-old pilot ...

Jeff Bezos' flight will break a record set at 77 years of age by astronaut John Glenn when Blue Origin's New Shepard will carry 82-YO Wally Funk into space. And in the space race, the journey has just begun.

Virgin Galactic is ahead of Blue Origin and Richard ...

It is a battle of billionaires in space. Virgin Galactic announced it would conduct a test flight on July 11, carrying founder Sir Richard Branson

Astronaut Wally Funk Will Be on Blue Origin's First Flight ...

Space Technology Blue Origin Founder Jeff Bezos tells American Aviator and Goodwill Ambassador Wally Funk that she will be one[...]

Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin select former NASA trainee as ...

Jul. 2—Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has announced the special guest that will join him on his Blue Origin space flight later this month. And it's someone who was supposed to head to space decades ago. Bezos announced on Instagram that ...

Branson won't fly above Kármán line: Bezos' Blue Origin ...

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos-led Blue Origin CEO Bob Smith, while responding to Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson's trip to space, said, "We wish him a great and safe flight, but they're not flying above the Kármán line and it's a very different experience." Jeff Bezos will be crossing the Kármán line during his planned trip to space on July 20.

Pioneering female pilot to break oldest-in-space record ...

Wally Funk was only 22 years old when she aced the astronaut tests but was barred from the experience because she was a woman. Now, 60 years later, the...

Richard Branson space flight: Virgin Galactic sets launch ...

Bezos' hopes of becoming the richest man in space have been thwarted after the announcement by Branson's company Virgin Galactic

Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic Target Crewed Suborbital ...

Home » News & Blogs » Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic Target Crewed Suborbital Flights This Month . AmericaSpace Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic Target Crewed Suborbital Flights This Month 2 Jul 2021, 18:01 UTC. Latest Vodcast. Latest Podcast. Advertise PTTU. NASA Picture of the Day.

Richard Branson announces trip to space, ahead of Jeff ...

Blue Origin has yet to announce ticket prices or when the public might strap into the spacious six-seat capsule. Its New Shepard rocket is named for Alan Shepard, the first American in space.

Virgin Atlantic's Richard Branson Says He'll Be the 1st ...

It’s the battle of the billionaires as two of the world’s richest men can make it into space first. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and British entrepreneur Richard Branson are trying to one up each other as they venture into outer space with their own companies, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, respectively. Bezos plans to be on his spacecraft on July 20 when it launches from Texas, but Branson plans to lift off on July 11, beating Bezos by nine days.

Meet Wally Funk: the woman cheated out of the space race ...

The 82-year-old who has spent six decades trying to reach space is to join the entrepreneur on the first human flight by his company

Why do we celebrate July 4th? Origin and meaning and what ...

Origin and meaning and what happened in 1776 July 4th is one of the biggest holidays in the United States. But behind the red, white, and blue fireworks and parades is a deep historical significance.

Reuters Science News Summary | Science-Environment

"About one out of five pets will catch the disease from their owners," said Dr Els Broens of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, although there are no known cases of the disease spreading from pets to humans. Science, industry team up in Italy to zap virus with laser A United Nations-backed scientific research centre has teamed up with an Italian tech firm to explore whether laser light can be used to kill coronavirus particles suspended in the air and help keep indoor spaces safe.

Berita Blue Origin Terbaru Hari Ini - National Geographic

Wally Funk, Nenek Berusia 82 Tahun Akan Jelajahi Luar Angkasa

Richard Branson will beat Jeff Bezos in billionaire's ...

RICHARD Branson is planning to beat Jeff Bezos in the billionaire space race as Virgin Galactic announced he'll be on their July 11 flight.Bezos announced earlier this month that he and his brother would be heading to space on July 20 on Blue Origin'

pUC Vector | Blue White Screening | How to Perform Blue ...

pUC Vector | Blue White Screening | How to Perform Blue-White Screening | NEETThis video explains how blue-white screening is an important tool in molecular ...

Jadi Penumpang Lansia Pertama Blue Origin, Siapa Mantan ...

Mantan calon astronot Wally Funk akhirnya bisa mewujudkan impiannya pergi ke luar angkasa. Bos Amazon Jeff Bezos mengajaknya menjadi tamu Blue Origin.

Orion 10% Off When You Become Origin Access Member Jul 2021

HOT! Save 10% On Your purchases when you become an Origin Access member. Only for PC. Must be 13+ to create an EA account. One EA account per membership.

ศึกชิงจ้าวอวกาศ Virgin Galactic ปะทะ Blue Origin

ก่อนหน้านี้ ทั้ง Blue Origin และ Virgin Galactic ต่างก็แข่งขันกันในตลาดการท่องเที่ยวในอวกาศที่กำลังเติบโต โดยทั้งสองบริษัทเสนอบริการท่องเที่ยวระยะสั้น ...

Richard Branson da Virgin Galactic irá para o espaço antes ...

A Blue Origin, cujo fundador é Bezos, pretende levar sua primeira tripulação de astronautas ao espaço em 20 de julho de 2021 - nove dias depois da Virgin Galactic de Branson. Wally Funk, o irmão de Bezos, Mark, e o vencedor do leilão cuja identidade ainda não foi divulgada se juntarão ao bilionário da Amazon no primeiro voo tripulado ...

Nữ phi hành gia bay lên vũ trụ ở tuổi 82 - Báo Nhân Dân

Đây là chuyến bay đầu tiên chở phi hành đoàn vào vũ trụ của công ty tên lửa Blue Origin, chuyến bay dự kiến sẽ diễn ra vào cuối tháng 7 này. Theo thông báo mới đây của Blue Origin, bà Funk, 82 tuổi, sẽ là người lớn tuổi nhất du hành vào vũ trụ.

Глава Virgin Galactic отправится в космос раньше ...

Вашингтон, 3 июля 2021, 10:47 — REGNUM Американский предприниматель Ричард Брэнсон заявил, что совершит суборбитальный полёт на космоплане SpaceShipTwo 11 июля, опередив главу Blue Origin Джеффа Безоса.Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Virgin ...

Jeff Bezos says work-life balance is a 'debilitating ...

Bezos' work-life balance will get a bit of a shift when he steps down on July 5. A few days later, he'll head to space.

What's next for Jeff Bezos? Space, climate and media may ...

As he hands over top job at Amazon, Bezos will remain largest shareholder and ‘has never had more energy’

Opinion | The Jeff Bezos Paradox - The New York Times

As the fortunes of Amazon and its founder have increased, their public images have cratered.

Why Jeff Bezos chose this female astronaut from NASA's ...

Wally Funk, 82, was the youngest member of the Mercury 13 program, a group of intrepid women who, back in 1960, underwent the same training as Mercury 7, NASA's all-male crew of original astronauts.

Jeff Bezos' Last Days as Amazon CEO

Jul.02 -- Bloomberg's Matt Day joins Emily Chang on "Bloomberg Technology" to discuss what Jeff Bezos' last days as the CEO of Amazon will be like as he hands the baton off to Andy Jassy.

Jeff Bezos' exit is one of many among Amazon's top ranks ...

Bezos epitomized that relationship. So did Jeff Wilke, who led the global consumer business, and Steve Kessel, who ran its physical stores, and others who introduced and ran key programs ...

Jeff Bezos picks 82-year-old female aerospace pioneer to ...

Blue Origin’s Jeff Bezos has chosen an early female aerospace pioneer — an 82-year-old pilot denied astronaut wings decades ago because of her gender — to rocket into space with him later this month.

Amazon Primed Andy Jassy to Be CEO. Can He Keep What Jeff ...

He fills some of the biggest shoes in business as he takes the chief executive role from the company's centibillionaire founder, Jeff Bezos. Mr. Jassy, 53 years old, is an Amazon lifer who ...

Jeff Bezos Hands Amazon Over To Trusted Deputy Andy Jassy

Andy Jassy usually starts his keynote at Amazon.com Inc.'s cloud-computing trade show with what amounts to a tedious infomercial for corporate software.

This 82-year-old female pilot will go to space with Amazon ...

Bezos will make the first space flight on July 20 by his rocket company Blue Origin. Earlier, Blue Origin, Bezos's rocket company, had auctioned a seat

Jeff Bezos is about to step down as Amazon CEO. Here's how ...

Jeff Bezos will step down as Amazon CEO on July 5, 27 years to the day after he founded the company. Bezos got his start as a New York hedge-funder and grew Amazon into a $1.7 trillion business. Along the way, he faced antitrust scrutiny, weathered scandal, and became the world's richest man.

Jeff Bezos: Work-life balance is debilitating phrase ...

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos isn't a fan of the phrase "work-life balance." At an April 2018 event hosted by Insider's parent company, Bezos said new Amazon employees shouldn't view work and life as a balancing act. Instead, Bezos said that it's more productive to view them as two integrated parts. "It actually is a circle," Bezos ...

Jeff Bezos' Former Wife Mackenzie Scott Donates Millions ...

The ex-wife of Amazon.com billionaire Jeff Bezos is joining the elitist tradition of donating money to groups that promote abortion and fight against religious freedom for all. The Catholic News Agency reports Mackenzie Scott, one of the richest women in the world, recently donated a "significant multimillion-dollar gift" to Faith in Public ...

'I am so proud': Richard Branson aims to reach space nine ...

English business magnate, Richard Branson is aiming to beat billionaire Jeff Bezos into space by just nine days as Virgin Galactic announced first crewed flight

How to watch Jeff Bezos go to space for 11 minutes

Jeff Bezos can buy anything he wants, and apparently, that includes a (brief) trip to space.

Richard Branson to fly to space on July 11 in Virgin ...

On June 7, 2021, Blue Origin, the company founded by Bezos, announced that Bezos along with his brother Mark would join the winner of the auction for New Shepard's first human flight on July 20 ...

Jeff Bezos is about to step down as Amazon CEO. Here's how ...

After 27 years in charge, Jeff Bezos is stepping down as Amazon CEO. Over the last 16 months, Amazon experienced a surge in demand as the coronavirus pandemic forced people to shop online more than ever. And as Amazon's stock has hit new highs, Bezos' net worth has jumped as well: These days, he's worth $199 billion, according to Bloomberg.

Richard Branson announces trip to space, ahead of Jeff Bezos

Richard Branson's company announced that its next test flight will be July 11 and that its founder will be among the six people on board.

Richard Branson vs. Jeff Bezos: How the two space-bound ...

The billionaire space race is heating up again. Virgin Galactic's Richard Branson now plans to beat his fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos to space next week on a test spaceflight for the British billionaire's space tourism company that will launch July 11. That's more than a week before Bezos plans to complete his own spaceflight, along with his brother and an anonymous auction winner who ...

Richard Branson vs. Jeff Bezos: How the two space-bound ...

The billionaire space race is heating up again. Virgin Galactic's Richard Branson now plans to beat his fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos to space next week on a test spaceflight for the British billionaire's space tourism company that will launch July 11. That's more than a week before Bezos plans to complete his own spaceflight, along

Incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy's newest stock award tops ...

Amazon has granted incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy 61,000 shares. The grant, worth about $214 million at Friday's close, will vest over 10 years. Jassy on July

Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic Attempt to Rain on ...

Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic company are attempting to rain on rival Jeff Bezos' space parade. Branson had announced that he will take off for the outer atmosphere on July, 11. This will mean that he will beat Bezos — who takes off on July 20 — by just nine days. Speaking to CNN, [...]

Incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy's newest stock award tops ...

Summary List PlacementIncoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy's newest stock award totaled more than $214 million, a high-dollar payout that would vest over 10 years, but still paled in comparison with founder Jeff Bezos' company holdings. Amazon on Friday filed paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) detailing Jassy's newest award of 61,000 shares. Amazon… Read More

Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon LOSE IT over Jeff ...

Jeff Bezos made an announcement in June that he would be heading into space. The billionaire's aerospace manufacturing company, Blue Origin, will launch their New Shepherd rocket on July 20.

How to watch Jeff Bezos go to space for 11 minutes ...

(Pocket-lint) - Jeff Bezos can buy anything he wants, and apparently, that includes a (brief) trip to space.

Today Show hosts Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon LOSE ...

'That look a little odd to you?' Today Show hosts Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon LOSE IT laughing over Jeff Bezos' phallic-shaped rocket design By Jesse Hyland For Daily Mail Australia Published: 10:42 BST, 3 July 2021 | Updated: 10:43 BST, 3 July 2021 Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon couldn't hold in the laughs as […]

Blue Origin - Wikipedia

Blue Origin, LLC is an American privately funded aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbital spaceflight services company headquartered in Kent, Washington. Founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, the company is led by CEO Bob Smith and aims to make access to space cheaper and more reliable through reusable launch vehicles.

字幕:82歳女性、ベゾス氏と共に宇宙へ ブルー・オリジン発表 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

【7月2日 AFP】米小売り・IT大手アマゾン・ドットコム(Amazon.com)創業者のジェフ・ベゾス(Jeff Bezos)氏が設立した民間宇宙開発企業ブルー・オリジン(Blue Origin)は1日、今月行う同社初の有人宇宙飛行に、女性パイロットの草分けであるウォリー・ファンク(Wally Funk)さん(82)が参加すると発表した。

Tengaが宇宙に飛び出す!?今夏打ち上げられる「Tengaロケット」の機体公開|@Dime アットダイム


シエラ・スペースとga-ems、Darpaの核熱ロケットを開発 2025年に飛行試験 | Tech+


大富豪による宇宙飛行レースも最終局面、ヴァージンのブランソン氏がアマゾンのベゾス氏より早く大気圏外へ ...

誰が勝つにせよ、ここでの真の教訓は、十分な資金があれば、本当に何でもできるということだ。このニュースは、Virgin Galacticからの発表という形をとった。

宇宙旅行ビジネス始動へ ブランソン、ベゾス両氏初飛行: 日本経済新聞




エンタメから宇宙へ 早期人的リソース開発へ高校教育の取り組み(武井保之) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース


【宇宙開発】民間ロケット、打ち上げ成功 Momo7号機、高度99キロに 北海道・大樹町 [すらいむ★]

民間ロケット、打ち上げ成功 momo7号機、高度99キロに 北海道・大樹町 北海道大樹町のベンチャー企業「インターステラテクノロジズ(ist)」は3日、小型観測ロケット「momo(モモ)」7号機を同町の発射場から打ち上げた。

北海道・大樹の小型ロケット、あと1キロ「宇宙」に届かず…1年ぶりぶり打ち上げ(読売新聞) - goo ニュース


民間ロケット、打ち上げ成功 北海道の宇宙ベンチャー

北海道大樹町の宇宙ベンチャー「インターステラテクノロジズ」は3日夕、自社開発の小型ロケット「MOMO(モモ)」7号機を町内の発射場から打ち上げた。稲川貴大社長は記者会見し、ロケットは高度約100キロの宇宙空間に到達、打ち上げは成功したと話した。 同社開発のロケットが宇宙空間に到達したのは2019年5月の初成功以来2度目。宇宙への物資運搬事業実現の弾みにしたい考えだ。 稲川氏は「今後(ロケットの)量産化へ進みたいと考えている」との意向を表明。同社を創業した実業家の堀江貴文氏も会見に同席し「思った通りに打ち上げができた」と喜んだ。

リチャード・ブランソン氏、ベゾス氏より9日早く宇宙へ (2021年7月2日) - エキサイトニュース




Tenga | TENGAとIST共同開発の「TENGAロケット」が完成 今年夏に打ち上げ予定 - ライブドア ...

【宇宙へ】「TENGAロケット」ついに完成、今年夏に打ち上げ予定 株式会社TENGAとインターステラテクノロジズ社は30日、「TENGAロケット」完成を発表。「TENGAロボ」を宇宙空間で放出し、海上での回収が試みられる。. アマゾンプライムビデオ、7月配信開始「ジョーカー」や「カイジ」など - ライブドアニュース.

観測ロケットmomo「ねじのロケット」打ち上げ成功! 花キューピットは宇宙までお花をお届けしました|花キューピット ...

花キューピット株式会社のプレスリリース(2021年7月3日 23時33分)観測ロケットMOMO[ねじのロケット]打ち上げ成功! 花キューピットは宇宙までお花をお届けしました

【芸能】堀江貴文氏創業の宇宙新興企業、今年夏にもtengaロケット「Momo6号機」打ち上げへ [しゃぶれよ★]

打ち上げは無観客で行い、その様子を動画配信する。高度100キロ・メートルの宇宙空間到達を目指すという。 6号機は小型ロボットの模型をロケット先端部に搭載し、宇宙空間で機体から放出。太平洋上に落下したロボットを船で回収する。

メスイキロケット、発射成功 [597533159]

北海道大樹町の民間企業が開発したロケット「MOMO」7号機が打ち上げに成功し、目指していた宇宙空間に再び、到達しました。 ロケットは3日午後5時45分に大樹町から打ち上げられました。

うな重 気球で成層圏へ 松工生と観光荘が宇宙食化と地球撮影目指す | 地域の話題 | 株式会社市民タイムス

うな重 気球で成層圏へ 松工生と観光荘が宇宙 ... 観光荘は、宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)の古川聡宇宙飛行士が2023年に国際宇宙ステーションに長期滞在する際の宇宙食として、レトルト殺菌したかば焼きの開発を進める。 ... 安曇野市内に民間初の ...

リチャード・ブランソン氏、ベゾス氏より9日早く宇宙へ(ITmedia NEWS) 米宇宙旅行会社Virgin ...

リチャード・ブランソン氏、ベゾス氏より9日早く宇宙へ(ITmedia NEWS) 米宇宙旅行会社Virgin Galacticの創業者、リチャード・ブランソン氏(70)は7月2日(現地時間)、7月11日に予定している同社の…





北海道の民間ロケット打ち上げ延期 |秋田魁新報電子版


海自ヘリから部品のねじ落下か 那覇上空を飛行:中日新聞Web


海自ヘリから部品のねじ落下か 那覇上空を飛行

 海上自衛隊は3日、那覇空港を発着した岩国航空基地所属のヘリコプターMCH―101から、部品のねじが落下した可能性があると発表した。那覇市上空を飛行し、現段階で被害の情報はないとしている。  部品は尾 ...

観測ロケットmomo「ねじのロケット」打ち上げ成功! 花キューピットは宇宙までお花をお届けしました - Wmr ...

花キューピット株式会社(所在地:東京都品川区 代表取締役:吉川登) がインターステラテクノロジズ株式会社(本社:北海道広尾郡大樹町 代表取締役社長:稲川貴大)とスポンサー契約している観測ロケットmom

民間ロケット、打ち上げ成功 - 福島経済新聞




民間ロケット、打ち上げ成功 - 水戸経済新聞


异界之风流无赖 异界之风流无赖 ,浮世绝香全文阅读 浮世绝香全文阅读 ,韩剧王和我 韩剧王和我



2021-07-05 23:02

7月5日(月)0時23分のあきらお兄さんのPickup記事はコチラ▷ろまんちっくやねえええええええ!!! SpaceXが民間企業で人類史上初の有人宇宙飛行に成功、歴史にその名を刻む | TechCrunch Japan…

2021-07-05 21:48


2021-07-05 21:38

7月4日(日)4時23分のあきらお兄さんのPickup記事はコチラ▷ろまんちっくやねえええええええ!!! SpaceXが民間企業で人類史上初の有人宇宙飛行に成功、歴史にその名を刻む | TechCrunch Japan…

2021-07-05 18:08

7月4日(日)7時23分のあきらお兄さんのPickup記事はコチラ▷ろまんちっくやねえええええええ!!! SpaceXが民間企業で人類史上初の有人宇宙飛行に成功、歴史にその名を刻む | TechCrunch Japan…

2021-07-05 17:20


2021-07-05 13:22

米民間企業ヴァージン 創業者ら民間人乗せた宇宙飛行実施へ | NHKニュース

2021-07-05 10:28

月へ行く前にISSにも行ってきます? 【速報】前澤氏が日本人初の民間宇宙飛行士としてISSへ(テレ東BIZ)hooニュース

2021-07-05 03:02


2021-07-05 02:03

7月4日(日)17時23分のあきらお兄さんのPickup記事はコチラ▷ろまんちっくやねえええええええ!!! SpaceXが民間企業で人類史上初の有人宇宙飛行に成功、歴史にその名を刻む | TechCrunch Japan…


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