

関連ワード (Aldebaran Robotics、CMR Surgical、Fetch、Pepper、Soft Robotics、Softbank、Toggle、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


私たちはピッツバーグでの大規模なイベントを終えたばかりだ。来週にはインタビューや発表されたプロフィール、その他の楽しい情報をすべて見直した上で感想をお届けしたい。一方、山のような投資ニュースに押されているせいで、後回しになっている部分もあることをお伝えしておく。そしてPittsburgh Robotics Network(PRN、ピッツバーグ・ロボティクス・ネットワーク)が、私たちのイベントと同じ日に、独自の大規模イベントを開催したことにも注目したいが、実際今週は国の政治家の訪問も含めて、市内では多くの活動が行われていたのだ。


本アライアンスには、カーネギーメロン大学、Argo AI(アルゴAI)、Aurora(オーロラ)、ピッツバーグ大学、Kaarta(カールタ)、RE2 Robotics(RE2ロボティクス)、Neya Systems(ネヤ・システムズ)、Carnegie Robotics(カーネギー・ロボティクス)、HEBI Robotics(HEBIロボティクス)、Near Earth Autonomy(ニア・アース・オートノミー)、BirdBrain Technologies(バードブレイン・テクノロジーズ)、Omnicell(オムニセル)、Advanced Construction Robotics(アドバンスト・コンストラクション・ロボティクス)など、ピッツバーグ地域のトップクラスのロボット企業、研究機関、大学のリーダーたちが参加している。Richard King Mellon (リチャード・キング・メロン)財団は、今回の会員数の増加を記念して、PRNの継続的な発展を支援するために12万5000ドル(約1395万円)の助成を行った。


しかし、その話を始める前に、Pepper(ペッパー)に対して少々悲しいお別れを告げておこう──少なくとも今は。SoftBank Robotics(ソフトバンク・ロボティクス)の担当者がTechCrunchに語ったところによれば、SoftBank Roboticsは、この愛嬌のある挨拶ロボットの生産を一時停止するとのことだ。ロイターが最初に、フランス国内で330人分の雇用枠を削減することをはじめとする、ソフトバンクのロボット部門の「縮小」を最初に報じた。ソフトバンクはプレスリリースの中で「ソフトバンクの子会社であるSoftBank Robotics Groupは、2012年以降ヒューマノイド(人型)ロボットに投資を続けてきました。PepperならびにNAO(ナオ)ロボット事業はこの先も継続していく意向です」と述べている。

画像クレジット:Aldebaran Robotics(CC-BY-3.0ライセンス)

おさらいしておくと、投資大手のソフトバンクが2021年にフランスのロボット企業Aldebaran Robotics(アルデバラン・ロボティクス)を買収したことで、SoftBank RoboticsとPepperが誕生した。後者は、その分野ではかなり広く普及していた研究用ロボット「Nao(ナオ)」を発展させたものだ。今でも、あちこちの大学や研究機関でこのロボットを目にすることができる。



画像クレジット:CMR Surgical

とはいえ、ロボット投資にはまだまだ期待が持たれている。そしてSoftBank Roboticsも規模は縮小しているかもしれないが、同社の投資部門は、メッセージボードを手に持っているだけではないロボットに対して、非常に強い関心を持っているようだ。たとえばVision Fund 2(ビジョンファンド2)は、CMR Surgical(CMRサージカル)の6億ドル(約669億6000万円)に及ぶ大規模なシリーズDを主導している。英国を拠点とするこの外科用ロボット企業は、いまやキーホール手術の技術で30億ドル(約3348億円)の評価を受け、ユニコーン3個分の価値となっている。


画像クレジット:Soft Robotics

一方Soft Robotics(ソフト・ロボティクス、SoftBank Roboticsに似ているが「bank」が外れている)は、その23億ドル(約2553億円)のシリーズBを1000万ドル(約11億円)拡大する中で、パンデミックによる需要について言及している。すべてがアプトン・シンクレア(米国精肉業界の実態を告発した小説家)の書く世界のようではないものの、食肉加工業界はパンデミックの最中、まったくの地獄のような様相だった(私自身は肉を食べないので、この問題に関する私の個人的な考察は省くことにする)。Soft Roboticsは、損傷しやすい食品を移動させることができる空気圧式のグリッパーを提供しており、ロボットピッキングの分野では以前から注目されていたスタートアップだ。

関連記事:食品加工を柔らかなタッチの「手」でこなすSoft Roboticsがパンデミック関連の需要を見込み新たに約11億円調達


損傷しやすい食品の移動といえば、和たちたちは米国時間7月1日の午前中に、2019年のStartup BattlefieldのファイナリストであるTraptic(トラプティック)が、イチゴ摘みロボットの商業展開を開始したことを独占的に報じた。これは、先に行われた未発表である500万ドル(約5億6000万円)のシリーズAに続くもので、これによってこれまでの資金調達額は840万ドル(約9億4000万円)に達した。他の多くの業界と同様に、パンデミックのためにフィールドワークは大規模な人員不足に陥った。





退屈さを感じている暇はなかった。水曜日(米国時間6月30日)の大きなまとめを、木曜日に向けて書くおもしろさを味わえたからだ。だが時には、朝に大きなニュースがやってくることもある(ロボット関連のスタートアップ企業のみなさん、勝手なお願いだが、木曜日に大きなニュースを発表するのは控えていただけると個人的には大変助かる。ご協力に対してあらかじめお礼を述べておこう)。たとえばZebra(ゼブラ)がFetch(フェッチ)を2億9千万ドル(約323億1000万円)で買収する意向を示したといったニュースだ。この件については、もう少し考えをまとめて、別記事で紹介するが、とりあえず、FetchのCEOであるMelonee Wise(メロニー・ワイズ)氏の言葉を紹介しておきたい。


関連記事:ヒートアップする倉庫や仕分けのロボティクス、Zebra TechnologiesがFetchを約324億円買収



We’re fresh off of our big Pittsburgh event, and I’ll have more thoughts on that for you next week, once we’ve crawled through all of the interviews, published profiles and all of that fun stuff. t  I admit that I’m also partly putting that off because there’s just a ton of investment news to get through in the meantime. Though I do want to note that the Pittsburgh Robotics Network held its own big event the same day as ours — honestly, there’s just a ton of activity in the city this week, including visits from some national politicians.

Per the PRN press release,

The alliance brings together leaders from top robotics companies, research institutions and universities in the Pittsburgh area, including Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Argo AI, Aurora, the University of Pittsburgh, Kaarta, RE2 Robotics, Neya Systems, Carnegie Robotics, HEBI Robotics, Near Earth Autonomy, BirdBrain Technologies, Omnicell and Advanced Construction Robotics. The Richard King Mellon Foundation commemorated this membership milestone with a grant of $125,000 to support the continued growth of the PRN.

I hinted the other week that there would be a uptick in funding announcements, and we’ve certainly seen that come to fruition. Once upon a time, we used to have this thing called the summer doldrums. Maybe it’s the pandemic, but formerly slow season no longer really applies here. VCs are still super bullish on robotics and keep pumping money in across the category.

Before we get started, however, a bit of a somber note to say goodbye to Pepper – for now, at least. A rep for SoftBank Robotics confirmed with TechCrunch that the company will be hitting pause on the production of affable robotic greeter. Reuters was first to report a “retrenchment” in SoftBank’s robotics, including the elimination of 40% of its 330 roles in France. The company noted in a press release, “Since 2012 SoftBank Robotics Group, a subsidiary of SoftBank, has invested in Humanoid Robotics and intends to keep Pepper & NAO robots business moving forward.”

Source: Aldebaran Robotics under a CC-BY-3.0 license

As a refresher, the investment giant’s 2021 acquisition of French robotics startup Aldebaran Robotics gave rise to both SoftBank Robotics and Pepper. The latter evolved from Nao, a research robot that had pretty wide scale adoption in that world. To this day, you’ll still see the ‘bot at universities and research institutes all over.

Pepper was an attempt to bring some of that underlying technology to a broader commercial audience. The robot was made life-size and designed to hold a tablet and greet people. And, honestly, that was kind of it. Technology in search of a problem, as the saying goes – sophisticated robotics that can greet you at an Applebee’s or offer you some information at the airport.

Precisely why Pepper didn’t work out – and how much issues from the past year played into that – is something better saved for a deeper dive, but I’ve always been skeptical of how useful the robot really was. You’d be hard-pressed to find a compelling argument that this was something that required advanced robotics. Of course, a far more compelling argument can be made that specializing in building research robotics is, at best, a loss leader.

Image Credits: CMR Surgical

That said, there’s still plenty to get excited about on the robotics investment front. And while SoftBank Robotics may be scaling down, the company’s investment arm appears very bullish on robotics that go beyond just holding up signage. The Vision Fund 2 led a massive $600 million Series D for CMR Surgical. The U.K.-based surgical robotics firm is now a unicorn three-times over, with a $3 billion valuation for its keyhole surgery tech.

What I find most appealing about the category is its promise of effectively leveling the playing field for highly specialized procedures. That accessibility could prove huge for developing nations and other markets where premium healthcare is more difficult to come by.

Image Credits: Soft Robotics

Soft Robotics (like SoftBank Robotics, but with less “bank”), meanwhile, specifically cited pandemic demand in the $10 million extension of its $23 million Series B. Not to go all Upton Sinclair on you, but the meat processing industry sounded utterly hellish through much of the pandemic (as a non-meat eater myself, I’ll save you from some of my more personal reflections on the matter). Soft Robotics has long been among the more compelling startups in the robotic picking space, courtesy of its pneumatic powered grippers that are capable of moving around easily damaged food stuffs.

Image Credits: Traptic

Speaking of moving around fragile foods, we exclusively reported this morning that 2019 Startup Battlefield finalist Traptic has begun commercial deployment for its strawberry-picking robot. That follows a previously unannounced $5 million Series A, bringing its full funding to $8.4 million to date. Like so many other industries, field work suffered a massive headcount shortage during the pandemic.

Image Credits: Toggle

Botrista also announce a Series A this week, for its drink-mixing robotic kiosk. The company raised $10 million for further deployment of its system, which is capable of mixing up to eight ingredients in around 20 seconds. Toggle’s Series A, meanwhile, netted the New York-based construction robotics company $8 million.

Image Credits: TechCrunch

Never a dull moment. Here’s the fun of writing a large roundup on Wednesday for Thursday. Sometimes big news breaks in the morning (to all you running robotics startups, if you could hold off on announcing big news on Thursdays, that would be great help to me. Thanks in advance), like Zebra’s intention to acquire Fetch for $290 million. I’ve got some more thoughts on this in piece and will be sharing some later, but meantime, a quote from Fetch CEO Melonee Wise,

The Fetch team is excited to join Zebra and accelerate the adoption of flexible automation through AMRs and our cloud-based robotics platform. Together we have the right team with the right technology to provide end-to-end solutions that solve real customer problems. By helping customers dynamically optimize and holistically orchestrate their fulfillment, distribution, and manufacturing operations, together we help enable their ability to stay ahead of growing demand, minimize delivery times and address shrinking labor pools.

Update: This story has been updated to correct the number of roles set to be eliminated on Softbank Robotics’ French team.

*Picking berries not to be confused with picking…anything else. We’re rooting for you, Biz.

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:sako)

SoftBank-Backed Fortress Investment Strikes $8.7 Billion ...

A group of investors led by SoftBank Group Corp.'s Fortress Investment Group LLC agreed Saturday to acquire U.K. grocery chain WM Morrison Supermarkets PLC for more than $8.7 billion, a bet that ...

How SoftBank Wants to Straighten WeWork - Debate Post

Last spring, SoftBank, the Japanese conglomerate led by Masayoshi Son, backed out of a $ 3 billion takeover bid for WeWork shares, a deal that would have

SoftBank : Morrisons accepts £6.3bn takeover bid from ...

Morrisons has accepted a £6.3bn takeover bid from a new group of funds led by affiliates of Softbank-backed Fortress, the firm announced on Saturday.. Morrisons shareholders will receive 254 pence a share, comprising 252 pence in cash and a 2 pence cash dividend.. The agreement comes after the supermarket chain rejected an unsolicited offer of 230p-per-share from private equity group Clayton ...

Plus: SoftBank halts Pepper the robot production

SoftBank has stopped producing its humanoid Pepper robot and is cutting jobs across its robotics unit. Pepper is instantly recognizable by its white body, complete with a head, two arms, torso, lower body on wheels and a screen. It's about the size of a small child, and has two circular black eyes and a small smile on its face.

Britain's Morrisons agrees $8.7 bln takeover by Fortress ...

Morrisons (MRW.L) has agreed to a takeover led by SoftBank (9984.T) owned Fortress Investment Group that values Britain's fourth-largest supermarket chain at 6.3 billion pounds ($8.7 billion) and tops a rival offer from a U.S. private equity firm.

Arm CEO says Nvidia merger better than going public ...

Nvidia Corp's proposed $40 billion acquisition of Arm Ltd would better support the creation of UK technology jobs than the SoftBank Group Corp unit becoming a standalone public company once again, Arm's chief executive said on Friday. "We contemplated an IPO but determined that the pressure to deliver short-term revenue growth and profitability would suffocate our ability to invest, expand, move fast and innovate," Arm CEO Simon Segars wrote in a blog post

Fukuoka Softbank Hawks 7 vs. 1 Hokkaido Nippon Ham 2021/7 ...

1.6m members in the baseball community. The subreddit for the bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players. America's Pastime. Mike …

Fukuoka Softbank Hawks 7 vs. 1 Hokkaido Nippon Ham 2021/7 ...

7.9k members in the NPB community. Welcome to the Nippon Professional Baseball community on reddit! Here is where you can find news, videos, and …


日本Softbank終止生產服務型機器人Pepper。 編按: Pepper機器人是在2014年上市。 短評: 由於人類對話的語句多變,服務型機器人常常無法理解並提供正確的回應,實用性不高,因此一直無法普及。

【SoftBank】ソフトバンク光 34

>>499 わからんがbbユニットの故障か、光ケーブル折れてるなどの損傷じゃない?

RobotLAB and SoftBank Robotics America to Offer Pepper and ...

RobotLAB Inc. and SBRA announced that humanoid robots Pepper and NAO are exclusively available through RobotLAB in North America.

Morrisons accepts £6.3bn takeover bid from SoftBank-backed ...

Morrisons has accepted a £6.3bn takeover bid from a new group of funds led by affiliates of Softbank-backed Fortress, the The post Morrisons accepts £6.3bn takeover bid from SoftBank-backed Fortress appeared first on CityAM.

SoftBank Air Part33

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PressReader - The Japan Times: 2021-07-03 - SoftBank pulls ...

SoftBank's robotics group was created through the 2012 acquisition of Aldebaran Robotics SA. Its French engineers were said to have clashed with managers in Tokyo, including over complaints about unwieldy software. Pepper's main selling point — the emotion engine — became a stumbling block after engineers found the robot pivoted between ...

TOP NEWS: Morrisons agrees to GBP6.3 billion Softbank ...

TOP NEWS: Morrisons agrees to GBP6.3 billion Softbank takeover offer | Financial News


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UPDATE 3-Britain's Morrisons agrees $8.7 bln offer from ...

Morrisons has agreed to a takeover led by SoftBank owned Fortress Investment Group that values Britain's fourth-largest supermarket chain at 6.3 billion pounds ($8.7 billion) and tops a rival offer from a U.S. private equity firm. The offer from Fortress, along with Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Koch Real Estate Investments, exceeds a 5.52 billion pound unsolicited proposal from Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), which Morrisons rejected on June 19.

'Klarna effect' propels digital bank Revolut to £21bn ...

SoftBank's Vision Fund 2 is one of several investors in talks with Revolut about injecting up to $1bn into the digital bank, Sky News learns.

UK's 4th largest supermarket Morrisons agrees to £6.3bn ...

Morrisons, one of the biggest supermarket chains in the United Kingdom, has approved a multibillion-pound takeover from SoftBank’s Fortress Investment Group.

SoftBank : Le distributeur britannique Morrisons accepte ...

La chaîne de supermarchés britannique Morrisons a accepté samedi une offre de rachat du groupe d'investissement Fortress Investment Group, d'un montant de 6,3 milliards de livres, soit 7,34... | 3 juillet 2021

SoftBank, Demeter and Coparion invest $3M into Plan A's ...

Plan A, a Berlin-based automated SaaS B2B startup, has raised $3 million for its platform that lets companies measure, monitor, reduce and report their environmental footprint, thus improving their ESG ratings.French VC Demeter led the round with German VC Coparion; SoftBank joined the round as a strategic investor.The cash will be used to enhance Plans A's carbon emission and ESG management ...

Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks vs Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Figh. on ...

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Morrisons agrees £9.5bn takeover by Softbank-backed Fortress

Supermarket's board backs a higher bid just weeks after rejecting a takeover offer

Softbank Leitz Phone1 Part1

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England cricketer Ollie Robinson can resume playing after ...

England and Sussex bowler Ollie Robinson can resume playing cricket after he was deemed to have served a suspension over a "number of offensive tweets" he sent between 2012 and 2014, the Cricket Discipline Commission has announced.

DetonatioN FocusMe-Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks gaming - 2021 ...

DetonatioN FocusMe-Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks gaming 2021. 07. 03. eredménye és felállás

Morrisons supermarket agrees to £6.3bn takeover bid ...

orrisons supermarket has agreed to a £6.3 billion takeover bid from a consortium of investment groups. The offer, led by Softbank-owned Fortress which has partnered with Canada Pension Plan ...

Little Lola Visits the Farm | Pepper - YouTube

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

Crystal Hot Sauce Review - PepperScale

Crystal Hot Sauce on a spoon Heat Balance. Crystal Hot Sauce uses aged cayenne peppers as its primary ingredients. Aged red cayennes have a similar heat profile to red tabasco peppers, the pepper used in Tabasco Original Red: 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units (SHU).So, it's no surprise that Crystal's heat profile (2,000 to 4,000 SHU) is comparable to what you get from the O.G. Tabasco ...

3436 Pepper Glendale Dr. Murfreesboro TN - MLS #2268549

(615) 301-1650: MLS #2268549 Official listing information! Magnolia Grove neighborhood - 3436 Pepper Glendale Dr. located in Murfreesboro TN 37128, priced at $419990, with 4 bedrooms.

Pepper Lunch collaborates with Burgreens to launch plant ...

Pepper Lunch Indonesia has announced the launch of their plant-based meat series in collaboration with Burgreens. The unique Pepper Lunch Plant-Based Meat


Hot Pepper, Ghost Pepper, Carolina Reaper, Worlds Hottest Pepper ...

The Lark on Instagram: "Grilled Prime Hanger Steak ...

19 Likes, 0 Comments - The Lark (@thelarksb) on Instagram: "Grilled Prime Hanger Steak - blistered shishitos peppers, sungolds, italian long pepper, smoked…"

Wear your Mask, Observe COVID-19 SOPs or Languish in Jail ...

Kampala - With some Ugandans not paying heed to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) especially to wear face masks in public places despite rising cases of coronavirus, the government has announced a two-month jail sentence for anyone who flouts COVID-19 SOPs.. While delivering a comprehensive address on the current COVID-19 situation in the country today on Friday, the Minister for ...

MTN Uganda Revives CallerTunez Awards to reward Artistes ...

Kampala - MTN Uganda has, on Friday, July 2, revived the MTN CallerTunez Awards that will see artistes earn from their music and other content, every month for the duration of the promotion due to end in Dec 2021.. Lucky customers who actively download the MTN CallerTunez will also walk away with cash prizes (MTN MoMo), and smartphones. These monthly awards come in at a time when concerts ...

COVID Vaccines Donated to Africa Not Recognised by EU ...

The African Union (AU) and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have voiced "concern" after it emerged that Europe's digital 'green pass' does not recognize a vaccine that was donated to many African countries through the COVAX initiative.

Carmens Catering on Instagram: "On the take out menu today ...

1 Likes, 0 Comments - Carmens Catering (@carmens_catering) on Instagram: "On the take out menu today 11-1 pepper steak and baked potato casserole"


Pepper機器人是在2014年上市。 短評: 由於人類對話的語句多變,服務型機器人常常無法理解並提供正確的回應,實用性不高,因此一直無法普及。

how to use black pepper for other work केवल खाने को ...

Uses of Black Pepper: अभी तक आपने काली मिर्च (Black pepper) को डिशेज़ का स्वाद (Taste) बढ़ाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया होगा. लेकिन काली मिर्च को केवल खाने के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि कई और कामों के लिए भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है.

Aussie Police pepper spray 12 year-old girl for not ...

Tough big man cops pepper spraying little girls in memory of the transportation guards of the 19th century who raped and abused young girls who had been transported for stealing bread. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply. July 3, 2021 9:07 am. HA HA. Preview — to the End Times where Christians will be persecuted.

Black pepper will give relief from cough and cold benefits ...

जाने माने आयुर्वेद डॉक्टर अबरार मुल्तानी के अनुसार, कई रिसर्च शोध और वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन के अनुसार भी इस बारे में पुष्टि की जा चुकी है कि काली मिर्च हमारी सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद साबित होती है. इसमें पाए जाने वाले तत्व विटामिन ए और विटामिन ई शरीर के लिए बेहद जरूरी हैं. इसका नियमित सेवन करने से आप कई तरह की बीमारियों से बच सकते हैं. वीडियो में देखिए काली मिर्च के फायदे. Watch video on Zee News Hindi

Uganda Clays Limited Bounces Back with UGX4.9B Profit from ...

KAMPALA - Uganda Clays Limited yesterday through the Board of Directors revealed that the company posted good results for the year 2020 with a net profit of UGX 4.9 bn which is a turnaround from a loss of UGX 88 Mn in 2019.. The significant improvement in the performance of the entity resulted in a dividend pay-out of UGX 1.2 bn (UGX 1.35 per share) out of the profits.

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RobotLAB and SoftBank Robotics America to Offer Pepper and ...

RobotLAB Inc. and SBRA announced that humanoid robots Pepper and NAO are exclusively available through RobotLAB in North America.

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Keurig Dr Pepper (KDP) is a leading coffee and beverage company in North America with dual headquarters in Burlington, MA and Plano, TX, with annual revenue in excess of $11 billion. KDP holds leadership positions in soft drinks, specialty coffee and tea, water, juice and juice drinks and mixers, and markets the #1 single serve coffee brewing ...

Lead Cook - Dr. Pepper Job in Frisco, TX at Aramark

Easy 1-Click Apply (ARAMARK) Lead Cook - Dr. Pepper job in Frisco, TX. View job description, responsibilities and qualifications. See if you qualify!

Butchers and Bakers on Instagram: "Lamb ? YAY or NAY? Tell ...

20 Likes, 3 Comments - Butchers and Bakers (@butchersandbakers) on Instagram: "Lamb ? YAY or NAY? Tell us below ? ~ Dijon crusted rack of lamb with baby spring vegetables…"

Chicken Salad Chick Dr. Pepper Nutrition Facts

Chicken Salad Chick Dr. Pepper Nutrition Facts, including calories, ingredients, allergens and Weight Watchers points.

Chicken Salad Chick 24 oz Dr. Pepper Nutrition Facts

Complete nutrition information for 24 oz Dr. Pepper from Chicken Salad Chick including calories, Weight Watchers points, ingredients and allergens.

Chicken Salad Chick 10 oz Dr. Pepper Nutrition Facts

Complete nutrition information for 10 oz Dr. Pepper from Chicken Salad Chick including calories, Weight Watchers points, ingredients and allergens.

Lead Merchandiser Job in Texarkana, AR at Keurig Dr Pepper

Keurig Dr Pepper (KDP) is a leading coffee and beverage company in North America with dual headquarters in Burlington, MA and Plano, TX, with annual revenue in excess of $11 billion. KDP holds leadership positions in soft drinks, specialty coffee and tea, water, juice and juice drinks and mixers, and markets the #1 single serve coffee brewing ...

Chicken Salad Chick 36 oz Dr. Pepper Nutrition Facts

Complete nutrition information for 36 oz Dr. Pepper from Chicken Salad Chick including calories, Weight Watchers points, ingredients and allergens.

Dr Pepper Drumsticks | Cooks Corner |

In a small saucepan, combine the first 8 ingredients; if desired, stir in celery salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, 8-10 minutes or until slightly thickened, stirring frequently. On an oiled grill, cook chicken, covered, over medium-low heat 15 minutes. Turn; grill 15-20 minutes ...

Pepper barbecue chicken wings - PressReader

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Best Pepper Spray | A Complete Guide - Sniper Country

The pepper spray is a nonlethal, compact, capsaicin-bursting self-defense weapon. Find the best pepper spray best suited for you.

SoftBank pulls the plug on flagship Pepper 'humanoid' robot

SoftBank's robotics group was created through the 2012 acquisition of Aldebaran Robotics SA. Its French engineers were said to have clashed with managers in Tokyo, including over complaints about unwieldy software. Pepper's main selling point — the emotion engine — became a stumbling block after engineers found the robot pivoted between ...

SoftBank has stopped production of its Pepper robot, jobs ...

SoftBank has put production of its Pepper robot on hold, which will have a social impact in France where the Japanese group's robotics projects are being

Pepper生産中止・肉の包装・ベリーの収穫、多数の資金調達が行われた今週のロボティクスまとめ ...


Murat Ugurlu - Definition - Junkie Musik Lossless

RELEASE DATE 2021-07-02LABEL Made In BrusselsCATALOG: MIB015 Download AIFF: Murat Ugurlu - Definition (Original Mix).aif - 73.2 MB Murat Ugurlu - In Your

Lunar Orbit Rendezvous - Faith/Reason - Junkie Musik Lossless

RELEASE DATE 2021-06-29LABEL Ran$om NoteCATALOG: RN28S2 Download AIFF: Lunar Orbit Rendezvous - Faith_Reason (Original Mix).aif - 55.8 MB Download MP3:

SoftBank a arrêté la production de son robot Pepper, des ...

SoftBank a mis sur pause la production de son robot Pepper, ce qui va avoir un impact social en France où les projets robotiques du groupe japonais sont développés.

UFO caught on thermal camera in Wales as UK gov urged to ...

Video shows the object moving against the wind as it appears to travel at high speed and is tracked by the police helicopter's FLIR thermal camera near St Athan in Wales at around 9pm on September 17, 2016.

Jaka jest przyszłość robotów humanoidalnych?

Pepper wygrała słodkie głosowanie, ale czy to naprawdę jest przydatne?To humanoidalny robot był gwiazdą obwodu technologicznego – ale teraz właściciele

Robots de entretenimiento comercial Informe de ...

A continuación, se muestra una lista completa de las preguntas clave que deben responderse para cada ELEMENTO en la industria global de Robots de entretenimiento comercial, que puede ayudar a las organizaciones a sobrevivir y desarrollarse. Entonces, aquí hay preguntas clave respondidas en el ...

ドイツとグローバルエンターテインメントロボット玩具市場調査研究2021トップ企業:Hasbro, Lego ...

Aldebaran Bluefrog Robotics Modular Robotics Robobuilder Robotis Toshiba Machines. グローバルエンドポイントセキュリティ市場セグメンテーション. この市場は、タイプ、アプリケーション、地域に分かれています。

Ratusan Hadiah Pasti Dahsyat, Tabungan Dahsyat Arisan!

Untuk program kali ini, ada total 200 hadiah yang terdiri dari Toyota Fortuner, Yamaha NMAX, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Laptop Dell, sepeda lipat Dahon, Apple Watch,...

Российские студенты изобрели недорогого робота для ...

Студенты Пермского Политеха Евгений Тонков и Дмитрий Кучев разработали крайне интересное и необычное устройство. Они создали промышленного робота, кот...

Ramalan Shio Ayam, Anjing dan Babi yang Lahir Sabtu 3 Juli ...

Makna Shio dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Tionghoa dapat memberikan prediksi terhadap masa depan seseorang dilihat berdasarkan tahun, bulan.

Nucléaire: la France en service minimum pour les ...

Ce vendredi 2 juillet , dernier jour de la « table ronde sur les conséquences des essais nucléaires en Polynésie française », à Paris, était aussi un

Nathalie Holscher Baru Saja Bagikan Vidio Sang Buah Hati ...

Nathalie Holscher baru saja membagikan vidio sang buah hati yang dikandungnya lewat media sosial Instagram, istri Sule: aktif banget dek ..

Alami Keram Kaki, Tim SARE Evakuasi Pendaki Suniarta dan 5 ...

Basarnas Bali berhasil mengevakuasi seorang pendaki yang mengalami keram kaki saat tengah mendaki Gunung Agung, Karangasem, Bali.

Jadwal Acara TV Hari ini Sabtu 3 Juli 2021 Trans TV dan ...

Jadwal acara TV hari ini, Sabtu 3 Juli 2021 di Trans TV dan Trans 7 yang akan menemani hari-hari Anda dengan sajian program televisi.

Doctors Go Wild Tayang di Kompas TV, Sabtu 03 Juli 2021 ...

Mengawali hari ini, sebaiknya pemirsa menyimak susunan acara televisi kesayangan Anda. Berikut Jadwal Program Kompas TV, Sabtu 03 Juli 2021

Sinopsis American Assasin, Seorang Pria Lakukan Aksi Balas ...

Tayang di Bioskop Trans TV. Sinopsis film American Assassin berkisah tentang aksi balas dendam seorang pria usai pacarnya tewas oleh teroris

Jin Galunggung Tayang di MNCTV, Sabtu 03 Juli 2021 ...

Mengawali hari ini, sebaiknya pemirsa menyimak susunan acara televisi kesayangan Anda. Berikut Jadwal Program MNCTV, Sabtu 03 Juli 2021

Ayu Ting Ting Kembali Pamer Tarian 'Black Suit' Super ...

Pedangdut Ayu Ting Ting kembali pamerkan kemampuan menarinya melalui lagu Black Suit milik Super Junior.

Empresa global de robótica cirúrgica recebe aporte de US ...

A CMR Surgical, empresa global de robótica cirúrgica, recebeu um aporte de US$ 600 milhões (£425 milhões) em rodada de financiamento série D

华为&TCL前高管团队领投,夏芯微电子获天使轮融资| 镁客网每周硬科技领域投融资汇总|a轮融资|创投|b轮融资_网易订阅

华为&TCL前高管团队领投,夏芯微电子获天使轮融资| 镁客网每周硬科技领域投融资汇总,天使轮,融资,a轮融资,创投,b轮融资,微电子


CMR Surgical是一家英国智能外科手术 机器人 系统研发商,致力于研发、生产和销售新一代外科手术机器人系统Versius,Versius可以广泛应用于腹腔镜手术 ...

Iceland Could Be Related to a Sunken Continent Named ...

Iceland Could Be Related to a Sunken Continent Named Icelandia, Examine Finds 2021-07-02 19:40:10 A brand new scientific report claims that there's a secret sunken continent beneath Iceland. This information comes by means of StudyFinds, which studies that the idea that Iceland sits atop a sunken continent has lengthy been held by some within the


CMR Surgical是一家英國智能外科手術機器人系統研發商,致力於研發、生產和銷售新一代外科手術機器人系統Versius,Versius可以廣泛應用於腹腔鏡手術 ...

Botulinum toxin - Wikipedia

Botulinum toxin (BoNT) is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing flaccid paralysis. The toxin causes the disease botulism.The toxin is also used commercially for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Arab Health in Dubai: Das sind die Neuheiten in der ...

Ein Gips, mit dem man Duschen kann und Roboter, die Operationen vornehmen - die Neuheiten von der Gesundheitsmesse Arab Health in Dubai.

Profissionais da saúde apresentam propostas para o futuro ...

Profissionais da saúde apresentam propostas para o futuro em feira no Dubai

Cita con la tecnología y las soluciones innovadoras en ...

Cita con la tecnología y las soluciones innovadoras en Arab Health 2021

أحدث الابتكارات الطبية في معرض الرعاية الصحية العربي في ...

معرض الرعاية الصحية الذي يقام سنويًا في دبي هو معرض رائد في المنطقة، ففي عام 2020 حقق الحدث صفقات تزيد قيمتها عن 850 مليون يورو.وكان الحدث هذا العام مناسبة للكشف عن أحدث التقنيات الطبية والحلول المبتكرة التي توصلت إليها شركات الصناعة الطبية والصيدلانية من

Ντουμπάι: Η διοργάνωση Arab Health - Η χρήση τεχνητής ...

Ντουμπάι: Η διοργάνωση Arab Health -Η χρήση τεχνητής νοημοσύνης -H καλλιέργεια φυκιών στην Τυνησία

أحدث الابتكارات الطبية في معرض الرعاية الصحية العربي في دبي

معرض الرعاية الصحية الذي يقام سنويا في دبي هو معرض رائد في المنطقة ففي عام 2020 حقق الحدث صفقات تزيد قيمتها...

Arab Health: где бизнес встречается со здравоохранением ...

Мы на выставке Arab Health, где познакомимся с последними отраслевыми инновациями, узнаем, как Дубай использует искусственный интеллект, предсказывая будущее, и что Тунис лидирует в выращивании морских водорослей

Ils font l'avenir de notre santé, de nos villes et de nos ...

Dans cette édition de Business Line, nous découvrons les dernières innovations dans la santé au salon Arab Health, comment Dubaï se projette dans l'avenir et la nouvelle culture des algues rouges en Tunisie.

Arab Health: fókuszban a mesterséges intelligencia és a ...

Arab Health: fókuszban a mesterséges intelligencia és a hínártermesztés

Pepper生産中止・肉の包装・ベリーの収穫、多数の資金調達が行われた今週のロボティクスまとめ ...


أحدث الابتكارات الطبية في معرض الرعاية الصحية العربي في ...

وحضر المعرض أكثر من 20 ألف مشارك من المهنيين والمدربين وشركات مثل شركة "سي أم آر سورجيكال" CMR Surgical وهي شركة تكنولوجيا طبية اخترعت نظام جراحة آلي يسمى فيرسيوس.

私募通数据周报:本周投资、上市和并购共166起事件,涉及总金额752.00亿元人民币(2021年6月26日-2021 ...


شاهد: أحدث الابتكارات الطبية في معرض الرعاية الصحية العربي ...

في حلقة جديدة من برنامج "بزنس لاين دبي" تزور يورونيوز معرض الصحة العربي في دبي وتلتقي بعدد من رواد القطاع الذين شاركوا في المعرض. View on euronews

腾讯内容开放平台 -

成立三年,华为哈勃投资已投资半导体相关企业34家。作者 | 来自镁客星球的波点本周硬科技领域投融资事件一共37起,生物医药领域发生12起融资事件,占比33%;人工智能领域发生10起融资事件,占比27%;半导体领域发生7起融资事件,占比21%;3R(VR/AR/MR)领域发生3起融资事件,占比8%;区块链领域发生2起融资事件,占比5%;...

Dubai, la città che guarda al futuro e che aveva previsto ...

Siamo stati ad @Arab_Health per esplorare le ultime innovazioni, vedere come Dubai stia usando l’intelligenza artificiale per prepararsi per il futuro e scoprire come la Tunisia stia aprendo la strada nella coltivazione delle alghe.

亚马逊将在芬兰建研发中心 开发送货机器人技术-微比恩

【TechWeb】7月2日消息,据国外媒体报道,亚马逊将扩大其在芬兰的业务,该公司将在芬兰赫尔辛基建设一个研发中心,开发送货机器人技术。 亚马逊表示,它建这个研发中心是为了支持其全电动自动送货机器人Amazon Scout。据悉

iPS細胞で角膜治療、慶応大の臨床研究を厚労省が了承 角膜移植に代わる治療期待:健康創造塾:SSブログ

目の角膜が濁って視力が低下する「水ほう性角膜症」の患者に、iPS細胞(人工多能性幹細胞)からつくった角膜の細胞を移植する慶応大学の研究チームの臨床研究計画が6月30日、厚生労働省の部会で了承されました。移植後1年かけて、安全性や有効性を調べます。 水ほう性角膜症は、角膜の ...

Dubai Arab Health 2021: Sağlık alanındaki yenilikçi fikir ...

Dubai Arab Health 2021: Sağlık alanındaki yenilikçi fikir ve teknolojilerin buluştuğu yer

Maserati meets Massimo Bottura -

The GCC Business News Agency. 03 July 2021 Doctor Consult Through Hologram Gives Patients A Real Life And Personalized Telemedicine Experience

Dubai, la città del futuro? sanità in primo piano - BREAK ...

La pandemia di Covid-19 sta mettendo a dura prova il personale, le infrastrutture e la filiera della sanità, accelerando i mutamenti nel settore in tutto il mondo. Eventi come Arab Health aiutano a creare legami fra i vari attori del settore.

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is evolving to become Hitachi Energy

The GCC Business News Agency. 30 June 2021 India Palace Restaurant wins The Best Service Performance outlet award - Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2021

RobotLAB and SoftBank Robotics America to Offer Pepper and ...

RobotLAB Inc. and SBRA announced that humanoid robots Pepper and NAO are exclusively available through RobotLAB in North America.

Microsoft Windows - Wikipedia

Microsoft Windows, commonly referred to as Windows, is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft.Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. Active Microsoft Windows families include Windows NT and Windows IoT; these may encompass subfamilies, (e.g. Windows Server or Windows Embedded Compact ...

SoftBank has stopped production of its Pepper robot, jobs ...

SoftBank has put production of its Pepper robot on hold, which will have a social impact in France where the Japanese group's robotics projects are being

SoftBank pulls the plug on flagship Pepper 'humanoid' robot

SoftBank's robotics group was created through the 2012 acquisition of Aldebaran Robotics SA. Its French engineers were said to have clashed with managers in Tokyo, including over complaints about unwieldy software. Pepper's main selling point — the emotion engine — became a stumbling block after engineers found the robot pivoted between ...

SoftBank a arrêté la production de son robot Pepper, des ...

SoftBank a mis sur pause la production de son robot Pepper, ce qui va avoir un impact social en France où les projets robotiques du groupe japonais sont développés.

List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction - Wikipedia

Apocalyptic fiction is a subgenre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization due to a potentially existential catastrophe such as nuclear warfare, pandemic, extraterrestrial attack, impact event, cybernetic revolt, technological singularity, dysgenics, supernatural phenomena, divine judgment, climate change, resource depletion or some other general disaster.

Information Security Market to See Major Growth by 2026 ...

AMA Research published a new research publication on "Global Information Security Market Insights, to 2026" with 150+ pages and enriched with self-exp

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

Oregon Legislative Information System

Oregon State Legislature Building Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm 1-800-332-2313 | 900 Court St. NE, Salem Oregon 97301

Schedule - I Am Country 106.9

On Air Now Toggle On Air and Now Playing Visibility. On Air Now 9:00am - 3:00pm. Kenny Wall. Morgan Wallen. Whiskey Glasses

"Kimi Räikkönen laments 'very poor' second lap in Austria ...

Kimi Räikkönen is disappointed with his second attempt to get out of Q1 in qualifying for the 2021 Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix at the Red Bull Ring. The Finn will start Sunday's race P16.

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Functions Functional state S - sensorics of comfort. Intellectual activity in the S state is the processing of signals coming from all the senses.

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Difficulty Level: High to Low Quizzes on People & Personalities: Personalities (Scientists)

Lucille McGowan Diener Obituary - Visitation & Funeral ...

Wilkerson Funeral Home & Crematory - Greenville Phone: (252) 752-2101 2100 East Fifth Street, Greenville, NC 27858

U.S. Farm Report 07/03/21 - U.S. FARM REPORT - Farm Journal TV

Share: Share U.S. Farm Report 07/03/21 on Facebook ; Share U.S. Farm Report 07/03/21 on Twitter ; Share U.S. Farm Report 07/03/21 on LinkedIn ; Pin U.S. Farm Report 07/03/21 on Pinterest

July 4th Fireworks in Lake County, OH 2021 Fireworks & Parades

July 4th Fireworks in Lake County, OH 2021 Fireworks & Parades


"Wanna give a try on this quiz on 'Goo..." Created by: Krishnendu nandi. 9 Player(s) 10 Min(s) (0)

Viva! El Paso Tickets Jul 02, 2021 08:00 PM El Paso, TX ...

Toggle Calendar. Fri • Jul 02 • 8:00 PM McKelligon Canyon Theatre, El Paso, TX. Important Event Info: Unfortunately, the Event Organizer has had to cancel your event. No action is ...

Official Watch Party Pres By Bud Light Stanley Cup Final ...

Toggle Calendar. Fri • Jul 02 • 8:00 PM Amalie Arena, Tampa, FL. A cross shape. Close Menu. Search Artist, Team or Venue. A cross shape. Clear search term. Magnifying Glass Submit Search. We're Here to Help. Get Help; Insider; Friends & Partners. Download Our Apps. By ...

700 | Thames Valley Buses

Toggle expansion of sidebar. Timetable for Windsor to Legoland Windsor Resort Toggle expansion of sidebar. 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700; Windsor, Theatre Royal: 09:06 09:41 10:06 10:41 ...

Lizzo Debuts Honey Blonde Brows | HelloBeautiful

Beauties, are you feeling Lizzo's new blonde brows?

STORE - Madtown Mannish Boys

Purchase our first album, Old Dog, by clicking here. Our second album, Live at the Knuckle Down Saloon, can be ordered by emailing us:

Western Canadian Baseball League - scoreboard ...

If you have any questions or problems with the league statistics contact: League Admin

Cynthia Godsoe -

Cynthia Godsoe teaches and writes about criminal law as a a professor at Brooklyn Law School. She represented juveniles at the Legal Aid Society ...

Union of states & a subtle reminder- The New Indian Express

BJP’s somewhat overheated response, accusing the DMK of nursing secessionist sentiments, illustrates that the Dravidian major has made its point.

Just Curious About the Horse Crests — Big Farm - Forum

Does anyone know what we can use the Horse Crests for?

Debris of sunk cargo vessel caused marine disaster in Sri ...

Colombo, July 3 (IANS) Indian Navy informed Sri Lanka that it has identified 54 underwater debris and a ship-wreck in the vicinity of the ill-fated MV X-Press Pearl ship which caused the worse ...

Finder & Map - Walk to Emmaus

The Upper Room is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual formation of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service.

YouPoll - Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei - Episode 1

Toggle navigation YouPoll. Charts; Guides; Sign In; Register; × Poll Requirements. Voting on this poll requires a Reddit account with at least: ...

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Celebrating 120 Years 1901 2021 DANIEL.... FREE DELIVERY Automotive & Vehicles classified ad of the The Tribune-Democrat Retail ads. Browse Automotive & Vehicles classified ads and free ads. Post free Automotive & Vehicles classified ads.

Surgery on Faustina Boah - Wiawso Kyidomhene Foundation

The Wiawso Kyidomhene Foundation - Ghana is a non-government organization (NGO) established in December, 2018 by the Kyidomhene of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area (Nana Elluo Panyin III) dedicated to the welfare of the people in the rural communities of Ghana especially in the Western North Region of Ghana.

News about Boom Radio from Saturday, July 3rd, 2021

Toggle Search Visibility. Search Boom Radio. Search. Search. News about Boom Radio from Saturday, July 3rd, 2021. News Home; Feed; Search. Browse by day. Today Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday ...

$0.00 for Priceline (expiring on Thursday, 07/08/2021 ...

$0.00 for Priceline (expiring on Thursday, 07/08/2021). Offer available at Priceline.

Fetch Robotics' CEO on the company's acquisition and the ...

Yesterday, enterprise computing company Zebra Applied sciences introduced its plan to amass Fetch Robotics. The San Jose-based startup has been a mainstay in warehouse and achievement robotics for numerous years, providing a modular system designed to automate firms behind the scenes. The total deal is valued at $305 million, with Zebra buying the remaining 95% […]

Fetch Robotics' CEO on the company's acquisition and the ...

Yesterday, enterprise computing corporation Zebra Technologies announced its plan to acquire Fetch Robotics. The San Jose-based startup has been a mainstay in warehouse and fulfillment robotics for a number of years, offering a modular system designed to automate companies behind the scenes.

Zebra (ZBRA) to Buy Fetch Robotics, Enhance Product Offerings

Zebra's (ZBRA) buyout of Fetch Robotics will enable it to offer a comprehensive line of advanced robotics solutions to customers.

Von Neumann Architecture I Life Learning Show - YouTube

This will give you a brief description of the Von Neumann Architecture/Fetch Decode Execute Cycle, about the parts of the CPU, their functioning, as well the...

Takotsubo - I'd Fetch the Moon Lyrics | Website that ...

I'd fetch the moon For you, my dear Just for you to Admire, Clearly. Oh, What a wonderful sight To, come see you in delight. Oh, I'd fetch the moon For you, Sunshine So I can admire you Under the moonlight. It will be a beautiful sight to see Nonetheless, is it not yet enough? Aches to see how far apart we've become When I just can't ...

Parejas nacionales e internacionales que tienen una ...

Tener una gran diferencia de edad en la pareja aporta una mayor satisfacción para ambos o a esa conclusión han llegado algunos estudios realizados por científicos de la Universidad de Colorado ...

MySql fetch data error

It seems like line 197 isn't returning a result object but a boolean, how can I resolve it ? Is it a problem from me or CodeIgniter ? I'm using latest version of CodeIgniter (v4.1.3), php 7.3 and MySql 8.0.23.

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We provide information about dog breeds, health, food, training tips, videos, and best selling products.

7 Places For Mid Afternoon Cocktails :: ...

We all need a little something to help us loosen up after a long day. And for that, we've compiled a list of perfect places to grab a mid afternoon cocktail to unwind and have a good time, even if it is 4:00 PM. 1. Dragonfly,Gemmayzeh View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dragonfly Gemmayze (@dragonfly_gemmayze) Pass by the coolest pub in Gemmayzeh that offers nothing but tasty ...

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python - How to play song from YouTube to discord without ...

I had made a discord bot using python that plays music from youtube. I am facing 2 problems with this bot.. 1st problem:-It works properly on single-word name songs but when I play music of naming more than one word it plays a different song.I think it takes only the first word of the song to play.

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Whitstable Fisherman's Huts and New Warehouse Lets Anderson Shed. Whitstable Fisherman's Huts and New Warehouse Lets Warehouse Cottage

Baseball Cards May Fetch Millions - TIANCI Packaging

Source:APKARL Kissner picked up a soot-covered cardboard box that had been under a dollhouse in his grandfather's attic.Taking a look inside, he saw baseball cards b

Fetch and display SharePoint list items on PowerAp ...

Hi, I am using SharePoint list with PowerApps for the field service engineers(users) who install/repair the Air conditioners. On the entry screen,

Fetch Robotics' CEO on the company's acquisition and the ...

Yesterday, enterprise computing corporation Zebra Technologies announced its plan to acquire Fetch Robotics. The San Jose-based startup has been a mainstay in warehouse and fulfillment robotics for a number of years, offering a modular system designed to automate companies behind the scenes. The full deal is valued at $305 million, with Zebra acquiring the remaining […]

DIPS students gave message: Say no to plastic - Punjab ...

DIPS Students celebrated international plastic bag free day and gave message Very strongly say no to plastic. Student made attractive posters

Lewis Hamilton Formula 1 racing car expected to fetch up ...

2010 Turkish Grand Prix winner McLaren MP4-25 can still be track driven

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Fetch the Kasaoka, Japan hourly forecast from AerisWeather.

Scotland based runs & runners 2021 - Page 22 ...

Fetcheveryone Forum Thread: Scotland based runs & runners 2021 - Page 22

!doctypehtml> (window.NREUM||(NREUM={})).loaderconfig ...




ファクタリングによる資金調達事例|トラック運送業の場合 | アルシエ 株式会社

人材不足はトラック運送業でも深刻化しています。人材不足により引き受けられる依頼が減少してしまい、経営が破綻する業者は少なくありません。そんなときの資金調達方法のひとつがファクタリングです。今回はトラック運送業におけるファクタリングの活用についてご紹介します。 人材不足によって引き受けられる依頼が減少してしまった

9億円超を瞬時に集めたコインチェックieoのリスク - Fire: 投資でセミリタイアする九条日記

コインチェックが国内で初めてIEOを実施し、売り出すパレットトークンは大人気です。申込受付開始から6分で、総額9億3150万円以上の申し込みがあり、割り当ては抽選になりました。 しかし多くの人は、IEOのリスクについてあまり考えていないようです。今回はIEOにどんなリスクがあるのか考えてみます。 資金調達手段の1つとしてのIEO 審査がないのに上場できたICO 取引所が審査も行うIEO コインチェックのIEO ユーティリティトークンとセキュリティトークン 4.05円という価格の妥当性 IEOのリスク 資金調達手段の1つとしてのIEO IEOとは何かと考えたとき、最も重要なのは資金調達手段という…

ウッドショック - nico


個別機能訓練加算を取りやすくなる?『リハプラン』の革命が始まる? - ケアマネ介護福祉士のブログ

通所介護のクラウド機能訓練ソフト「リハプラン」を提供するRehab for JAPANが、第3者割当増資により総額7億円を調達。事業展開に向けて組織拡充、採用強化、プロダクト改良などに力を入れる方針。

物体を認識して分類せずに直接意思決定を行うGhostの自動運転・衝突回避技術 | TechCrunch Japan

Ghost Locomotionは、ユニバーサルな衝突回避技術の開発に取り組んでいる。このシステムは、自動運転システムが物体との衝突を回避する前に、その物体を認識して分類する必要はないという考えを前提としている。これは大きなパラダイムシフトだ。

世界最大の借金デベ・恒大集団と、デフォルト慣れしてきた中国 - ジャパン・トランスナショナル


有機半導体レーザー開発のKOALA Tech、4億円の資金調達を実施 (2021年7月3日) - エキサイトニュース


有機半導体レーザー開発のKOALA Tech、4億円の資金調達を実施 - 記事詳細|Infoseekニュース


起業家マー&amp;amp;ボーさんの事業内容一覧|エンジェル投資家からの資金調達&起業家への出資ならFounder ...




国内初の脱炭素「移行債」、郵船が200億円発行: 日本経済新聞


泉佐野市ふるさと納税 返礼品開発補助を拡充 : ニュース : 大阪 : 地域 : 読売新聞オンライン


地雷原跡の中学校を増築 カンボジア、福岡市のCMCが資金調達|【西日本新聞me】


法人の資金調達専門家と言うサイトにアクセスしたら名前が出ました -法- ハッキング・フィッシング詐欺 | 教えて!goo


BMWが支援するレアアースフリーモーターのTurntide Technologiesが約250億円の資金を調達 ...

Turntide Technologiesは高効率なレアアースフリーモーターを開発する米国サンフランシスコのベンチャー企業だ。同社は6月30日、225m$(約250億円)の資金調達ラウンドをConvertible Note(※1)で実施し


最近ちょっと(金融機関開拓と運転資金調達にフォーカスしてて)物件購入意欲が落ち気味なんですが、物件情報だけは見続けています。 そしたら、居住エリア近くに、築30年弱、2sdkで1200万円の物件が出ました。

アルビチア 子ども食堂支援 新潟 協力企業との橋渡し役に | 地域 | 新潟県内のニュース | 新潟日報モア

アルビレックスチアリーダーズが新潟市の子ども食堂を支援している。資金に余裕がなく、食材の調達に苦労している子ども食堂と、食材提供 ...

太陽光メンテナンス技士のブログ 公庫融資チャレンジ

公庫融資チャレンジ ななちゃんさんが羨ましいという事で、私も資金調達をしたいので日本政策金融公庫のコロナ枠...

植物肉のグリーンカルチャー、亀田製菓らと資本業務提携--シリーズAで2.5億円の調達 | bizble(ビズブル)


大学発ベンチャーの「起源」(36) Ciamo - M&A Online - M&Aをもっと身近に。


本日のりく(2021.7.2) / どうか助けて下さい…難病【尺骨形成不全】の手術費用ご支援のお願い - クラウド ...

本日のりく(2021.7.2) 先天性疾患の尺骨形成不全と診断され、走れなくなった愛犬りくの手術費用のクラウドファンディングです。 - クラウドファンディング READYFOR

テンアライドから株主優待が届きました。 | おっさんの優待投資+αのページ - 楽天ブログ

居酒屋天狗などを経営する飲食チェーン、テンアライドから株主優待が届きました。 ランチに使うのに便利なので重宝してる優待ですが五輪が終わるまでは封印かな。 コロナ禍が直撃してるので業績は最悪ですが、資金調達は問題ないようです。まあこのあたりの株価なら損してもまあ我慢できるのでそのままかなあ。

インターネットを介して不特定多数の人々から少額ずつ資金を調達す... - Yahoo!知恵袋

インターネットを介して不特定多数の人々から少額ずつ資金を調達する、いわゆるクラウドファンディングについての質問です. クラウドファンディングにおいて、ぎりぎりで目標額に届かなかったもののURLを教えてく...

「The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem」のKickstarter ...

先日、500万ドル調達の突破をご紹介したアイザックユニバース初のカードゲーム"The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls"の大型拡張パック「The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem」ですが、先ほど無事本作のKickstarterキャンペーンが終了し、初期ゴールの実に67倍を上回る672万471ドル(約7億5,000万円)もの資金調達 ...

夢追う料理人をバックアップ、大阪・中津のフードラボが3周年/関西/芸能/デイリースポーツ online

大阪・中津駅の高架下に位置する「OSAKA FOOD LAB」(大阪市北区)。食の街「大阪」で、起業や開業にチャレンジする人を応援するための空間として2019年に設立され、今年で3周年を迎えた。プロ仕様のキッチンが備わり、人気飲食店の経営者からノウハウを学べる育成プログラムや、食材調達先などのサポートをおこなっている同施設。自分のお店を持ちたい人や新メニューをテストしたい料理人など、プロ・アマ問わず挑戦できる場を提供して飲食業界をバックアップしている。「地元奈良で、フードトラックでお店を持つのが夢なんです」と話す、23歳の千田 瑞紀さんも同施設で学んでいるひとりだ。大学在学中は、専門学校にも通って「健康」について深く学んだそうで、現在は同施設で栄養士の資格を活かし、塩分2g以下に抑えた「健康応援弁当」(880円)やオートミールを使ったワッフルなどを同施設で販売している。そんな千田さんは、「このスペースでお店をさせてもらってると、お弁当を買ってくださるみなさんに、お弁当に込めた思いやテーマなどをお話できるので、それがすごくうれしい」と話す。来年、自身のお店を開業することを目標に頑張っているそうだ。また、もう1人のチャレンジャー・山岡 香代子さんは日々奮闘する1児の母。毎日、同施設と幼稚園を走り回っているという山岡さんは、「食べた人がハッピーになって、またそのハッピーがその家庭や友だちに広がって・・・そんな食事を提供するお店を作りたい!」と熱く語る。飲食店での経験はあるが、経営については知識が全く無かったという山岡さんは、コンセプト作りや、メニュー開発、資金や宣伝についても、手厚くアドバイスしてもらえる同プログラムが、とてもありがたい存在だそう。また、同施設では彼女たちが手掛ける店のほかに、コロナ禍で打撃を受けた大阪の飲食業界を応援するための、マルシェ型フードマーケット「SUNDAY MARKET」が3月からスタート。食に関わるすべての人が参加でき、毎回料理人から野菜や果物の生産者、加工食品生産者や食品卸業者まで揃い、賑わいを見せている。「食」の持つエネルギーで、世界を明るくしたいと願う人たちが集う「OSAKA FOOD LAB」。主催者は、「今後この場所を大阪の食の中心として、食文化を発信していきたい」と話し、2025年の大阪万博に向けてもさまざまなイベントを準備しているという。参加申し込みなどは公式ホームページにて。(


ノルウェージャンクルーズラインNCLHをすべてロスカットしました! カーニバルクルーズCCLのアットザマーケットオファリング(ざっくりいうと市場で乱暴に株を売って資金調達すること)が発表されてから、他のクルーズ株にも悪い空気が流れていました。 チャートも徐々に悪くなってきて、まだ上昇トレンドも崩れておらず我慢できるレベルではあったものの、月曜が休場なこともあって、処分することにしました。 ボリンジャーバンドの幅が狭くなってきていて、もうすぐどちらかに大きく動きそうです。クルーズの再開など、ポジティブなニュースで上げる可能性も十分にありましたが、上に行った場合のじわじわした上げ幅と

本日(07/03_朝)の その他ニュース - 丙丁童子の為替レポート



2021-07-05 20:04

Pepper は数か月前に製造を止めていますよ 元 Aldebaran Robotics 現 SoftBank Robotics Europe は大赤字ですよ

2021-07-05 06:04

Pepper は数か月前に製造を止めていますよ 元 Aldebaran Robotics 現 SoftBank Robotics Europe は大赤字ですよ


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