

関連ワード (FTC、修理する権利等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




それは多くの点で問題だ。iFixitの創業者で修理する権利の活動家であるKyle Wiens(カイル・ウィーンズ)氏は、活動声明を誇らしげにブログに載せるだけでなく、この問題に関して長年、一貫して闘ってきた。FTCはこの問題に関するコメントを2019年に募集し、数カ月前に報告書を発行した。そして今回発表したのは政策声明だ。これらはおそらく新委員長Lina Khan(リナ・カーン)氏の、ビッグテック企業の姿勢を正すためなら何でもやる、という方針の表れだろう。












画像クレジット:boonchai wedmakawand/Getty Images


As phones and other consumer devices have gained feature after feature, they have also declined in how easily they can be repaired, with Apple at the head of this ignoble pack. The FTC has taken note, admitting that the agency has been lax on this front but that going forward it will prioritize what could be illegal restrictions by companies as to how consumers can repair, repurpose and reuse their own property.

Devices are often built today with no concessions made toward easy repair or refurbishment, or even once-routine upgrades like adding RAM or swapping out an ailing battery. While companies like Apple do often support hardware for a long time in some respects, the trade-off seems to be that if you crack your screen, the maker is your only real option to fix it.

That’s a problem for many reasons, as right-to-repair activist and iFixit founder Kyle Wiens has argued indefatigably for years (the company posted proudly about the statement on its blog). The FTC sought comment on this topic back in 2019, issued a report on the state of things a few months ago, and now (perhaps emboldened by new chair Lina Khan’s green light to all things fearful to Big Tech companies) has issued a policy statement.

The gist of the unanimously approved statement is that they found that the practice of deliberately restricting repairs may have serious repercussions, especially among people who don’t have the cash to pay the Apple tax for what ought to be (and once was) a simple repair.

The Commission’s report on repair restrictions explores and discusses a number of these issues and describes the hardships repair restrictions create for families and businesses. The Commission is concerned that this burden is borne more heavily by underserved communities, including communities of color and lower-income Americans. The pandemic exacerbated these effects as consumers relied more heavily on technology than ever before.

While unlawful repair restrictions have generally not been an enforcement priority for the Commission for a number of years, the Commission has determined that it will devote more enforcement resources to combat these practices. Accordingly, the Commission will now prioritize investigations into unlawful repair restrictions under relevant statutes…

The statement then makes four basic points. First, it reiterates the need for consumers and other public organizations to report and characterize what they perceive as unfair or problematic repair restrictions. The FTC doesn’t go out and spontaneously investigate companies, it generally needs a complaint to set the wheels in motion, such as people alleging that Facebook is misusing their data.

Second is a surprising antitrust tie-in, where the FTC says it will look at said restrictions aiming to answer whether monopolistic practices like tying and exclusionary design are in play. This could be something like refusing to allow upgrades, then charging an order of magnitude higher than market price for something like a few extra gigs of storage or RAM, or designing products in such a way that it moots competition. Or perhaps arbitrary warranty violations for doing things like removing screws or taking the device to a third party for repairs. (Of course, these would depend on establishing monopoly status or market power for the company, something the FTC has had trouble doing.)

More in line with the FTC’s usual commercial regulations, it will assess whether the restrictions are “unfair acts or practices,” which is a much broader and easier to meet requirement. You don’t need a monopoly to make claims of an “open standard” to be misleading, or for a hidden setting to slow the operations of third-party apps or peripherals, for instance.

And lastly the agency mentions that it will be working with states in its push to establish new regulations and laws. This is perhaps a reference to the pioneering “right to repair” bills like the one passed by Massachusetts last year. Successes and failures along those lines will be taken into account and the feds and state policymakers will be comparing notes.

This isn’t the first movement in this direction by a long shot, but it is one of the plainest. Tech companies have seen the writing on the wall, and done things like expand independent repair programs — but it’s arguable that these actions were taken in anticipation of the FTC’s expected shift toward establishing hard lines on the topic.

The FTC isn’t showing its full hand here, but it’s certainly hinting that it’s ready to play if the companies involved want to push their luck. We’ll probably know more soon once it starts ingesting consumer complaints and builds a picture of the repair landscape.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

FTC votes to fight illegal restrictions on right to repair ...

The vote follows an executive order from President Joe Biden.

FTC "right to repair" policy to go after product-repair ...

Allowing consumers to make repairs themselves keeps electronics "off the scrap heap," says PIRG campaign director.

FTC votes to fight back against right to repair restrictions

In a policy statement published on Wednesday, the agency said it plans to devote additional resources to enforce existing laws that protect small businesses and consumers from companies that would prevent them from fixing on their own products they purchased.

The FTC vows to 'root out' illegal repair restrictions on ...

In a statement, FTC Chair Lina Khan vowed to use the agency's full range of tools to "root out" illegal repair restrictions. The move is a shot across the bow of companies like Apple ( AAPL ...

FTC Revives Merger Reporting Requirements for Startup ...

The Federal Trade Commission voted along party lines to rescind a decades-old policy that limited the agency’s ability to track the ongoing acquisitions of companies that were flagged in previous deals for competition issues.

FTC moves towards new rules weakening consumer repair ...

Americans would be freer to repair their broken cellphones, computers, videogame consoles and even tractors themselves, or to use independent repair shops, under changes being eyed by federal regulators.

The FTC Might've Finally Found Its Spine On Right To Repair

Following an executive order, the commission is vowing to "root out unlawful repair restrictions."

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ...

As phones and other consumer devices have gained feature after feature, they have also declined in how easily they can be repaired, with Apple at the head of this ignoble pack. The FTC has taken note, admitting that the agency has been lax on this front but that going forward it will prioritize ...

The FTC Votes Unanimously to Implement Proper to Restore ...

The FTC can be encouraging the general public to report guarantee abuse—as outlined by the Magnuson Moss Guarantee Act of 1975, which prohibits producers from telling shoppers {that a} guarantee is voided if the product has been altered or tampered with by somebody aside from the unique producer.

FTC unanimously adopts Right to Repair policy to reduce ...

Back in May, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a report about "anti-competitive repair restrictions" in the US including concerns about Apple. Then, President Biden signed an executive order for the FTC to create new Right to Repair rules. Now that process has started with the FTC unanimously voting to approve a new policy statement…

FTC Addresses Right to Repair

The Federal Trade Commission this week approved a policy statement on the right-to-repair issue on a unanimous vote. Restricting consumers and businesses from choosing how they repair products can substantially increase the total cost of repairs, generate harmful electronic waste, and unnecessarily increase wait times for repairs, the FTC stated.

FTC says it will enforce 'right to repair'

The FTC voted unanimously to increase enforcement actions against companies that prevent the owner of a product from repairing it themselves.

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ...

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ‘unlawful repair restrictions’ – TechCrunch FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ‘unlawful repair restrictions’ – TechCrunch Chop News

FTC lands on crooked charitable fundraisers

The FTC and BBB offer these tips for determining if a telemarketer calling on behalf of a charity is legitimate: Ask specific questions such as the name, address, and phone number of the charity ...

FTC Votes to Prioritize Consumers' Right to Repair ...

The FTC unanimously approved a new policy to prioritize enforcement against manufacturers that make it difficult for consumers to fix products on their own or use a third-party repair shop.

FTC unanimously adopts Right to Repair policy to reduce ...

Back in May, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a report about “anti-competitive repair restrictions” in the US including concerns about Apple. Then, President Biden signed an executive order for the FTC to create new Right to Repair rules. Now that process has started with the FTC unanimously voting to…

FTC Approves 'Right To Repair' Policy in Huge Win for the ...

The FTC's statement today notes that the government agency agrees with tech advocates and repair houses and says that the idea of restricting customers and businesses from choosing how they repair products can substantially increase the total cost of repairs, generate harmful electronic waste, and unnecessarily increase wait times for repairs.

Right-to-repair gets a big win: The FTC will scrutinize ...

Right-to-repair proponents in the U.S. got a big win as the FTC announced they'd investigate bad repair restriction practices from OEMs.

The FTC Votes Unanimously to Enforce Right to Repair

The FTC’s endorsement of the rules is not a surprise outcome; the issue of Right to Repair has been a remarkably bipartisan one, and the FTC itself issued a

The FTC Votes Unanimously to Enforce Right to Repair | WIRED

The move follows an executive order issued last week by the White House urging the agency to secure consumers' rights to fix their own gadgets.

FTC Unanimously Embraces Right to Repair

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has “unanimously voted to ramp up law enforcement against repair restrictions.”

Apple in crosshairs as FTC ramps up repair restriction ...

The Federal Trade Commission today unanimously voted to ramp up law enforcement against repair restrictions that prevent small businesses…

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ...

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential 'unlawful repair restrictions' YouTube to pilot test shopping from livestreams with select creators Ethos picks up $100M at a $2.7B+ valuation for a big data platform to improve life insurance accessibility Clubhouse is now out of beta and open to everyone

The FTC has voted unanimously to endorse right-to-repair ...

UPDATE (7/21 2:55 p.m. ET): CNN’s Brian Fung tweeted the following this afternoon:. “The FTC has voted unanimously to endorse the principle known as ‘right-to-repair,’ approving a policy statement committing the agency to investigating anti-competitive repair restrictions under both the nation’s antitrust laws and a key law governing consumer product warranties.”

270 Dogecoins (DOGE) to Feathercoins (FTC) today

Learn the value of 270 Dogecoins (DOGE) in Feathercoins (FTC) today. The dynamics of the exchange rate change for a week, for a month, for a year on the chart and in the tables. Convert 270 Dogecoins to Feathercoins with an online currency converter.

FTC pledges tough action to strengthen 'right to repair'

Federal regulators are moving to give consumers freedom to repair their broken cellphones, computers, videogame consoles, and even tractors themselves, or to use independent repair shops.

The FTC Votes Unanimously to Enforce Right to Repair

The FTC's endorsement of the principles shouldn't be a shock end result; the difficulty of Proper to Restore has been a remarkably bipartisan one, and the FTC itself issued a



Ftc、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 (2021年7月22日) - エキサイトニュース




FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明(ITmedia NEWS) - goo ニュース


FTC、修理する権利に取り組むことを全会一致で可決 | VTuber・XR情報ポータル


FTC、修理する権利に取り組むことを全会一致で可決 - News Magazines

FTC、修理する権利に取り組むことを全会一致で可決 - News Magazines

Ftc、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 - ものモノ情報館・別館


FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 | mixiニュース


FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 = トレンド - 写真 - goo ニュース

FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 = トレンド - 写真 - goo ニュース. 【新型コロナ特集】最新感染状況と関連ニュース. ニュース. 写真. トレンド. FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明.

FTCがビッグテックの聖域「不法な修理制限」の調査と政策立案を開始 | TechCrunch Japan


FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 - 記事詳細|Infoseekニュース


Ftc、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明 | ニコニコニュース


「シンエヴァ」ラストシーンの修正指示はiPadで カラー、宇部新川駅が映るカットの制作過程を公開

「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版」ラストシーンの修正指示は庵野秀明総監督がiPadで行った――こんなエピソードを、製作元のカラーが7月20日 ...


2021-07-24 18:10


2021-07-24 15:51


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FTC、「修理する権利」制限に対する法的処置強化の政策声明(ITmedia NEWS)hooニュース

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無線機のサービスマニュアルも開示しろよー! 米国で「修理する権利」を認める法律が可決、それでもメーカー側の反発は止まらない |

2021-07-24 10:33

米国で「修理する権利」を認める法律が可決、それでもメーカー側の反発は止まらない - "消費者が健康、安全、幸福のために利用している製品を修理するための効果的かつ…

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「全会一致」とは素晴らしい。FTCの委員もメーカの制限で腹が立つ経験いっぱいしたんだろうな。 > 米連邦取引委員会(FTC)が「修理する権利」に関する法律の施行を全会一致で可決した。 米国で「修理する権利」を認める法律が可決、それ…

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米国で「修理する権利」を認める法律が可決、それでもメーカー側の反発は止まらない ⁦

2021-07-24 01:51

right to repairいいぞ。 米政府機関が「修理する権利」への対応を本格化、iPhoneの自宅修理が可能になるか


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