企業秘密を盗用されたと主張するWisk AeroのArcher Aviationに対する仮差止請求を連邦判事が却下

今回は「企業秘密を盗用されたと主張するWisk AeroのArcher Aviationに対する仮差止請求を連邦判事が却下」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Archer Aviation、Wisk Aero、裁判等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


米国時間7月22日、電動航空機のスタートアップ企業であるWisk Aero(ウィスク・エアロ)は、競合企業のArcher Aviation(アーチャー・アビエーション)に対する仮差止請求を、連邦判事に却下された。これは、Archerがその主力製品の航空機「Maker(メーカー)」の開発において、Wiskの企業秘密を盗んだかどうかをめぐり継続されてきた法廷闘争で下された最新の司法判断だ。

意見書の全文はまだ発表されていないものの、William Orrick(ウィリアム・オリック)判事は、先週初めに提出した仮判決の中で、Wiskが提出した「不正使用の証拠は、仮差止を正当化するにはあまりにも不明確である」と述べた。Wiskは5月に差止命令を要求しており、これが承認されると、Archerの事業は事実上、直ちに停止することになる。



関連記事:飛行モビリティWisk Aeroが特許侵害と企業秘密盗用の疑いでArcher Aviationを提訴



Wiskは2019年に、Kitty Hawk(キティホーク)とBoeing(ボーイング)の合弁会社として設立されたが、その電動航空機開発の歴史はもっと前までさかのぼることができる。同社はもともと2010年にLevtという会社として設立され、後に姉妹会社のKitty Hawkと合併した。Wiskによると、同社は(Kitty Hawkとして)2016年に固定翼に12ローターを採用した機体の設計に着手したという。同社がてがけた最初の航空機である「Cora(コーラ)」は、この設計が中核となっている。

それと対照的に、Archerはこの分野では新参者だ。4月に提出されたWiskの訴状の大部分は、Archerがそのエアタクシーサービスを市場に投入する速さを根拠としている。Archerはまた、多くの元Wiskのエンジニアを採用している。その中には元社員のJing Xue(ジン・シュ)氏も含まれており、Wiskでは同氏が退社前に5000件近くのファイルをダウンロードし、それをArcherに渡したと主張している。


Archerによると、Wiskは訴訟の中心的な主張であるArcherがWiskの企業秘密を受け取って使用したことを示す実質的な証拠を提出していないとのこと。Archerの副法律顧問であるEric Lentell(エリック・レンテル)氏は、Wiskの主張は「陰謀論と明らかな虚偽」に基づいていると述べている。

Archerの共同設立者であるBrett Adcock(ブレット・アドコック)氏とAdam Goldstein(アダム・ゴールドシュタイン)氏は「Archerの勢いと革新の速さを認識したWiskが、自らの成功の欠如を補うために、我々の足を引っ張ろうとして、司法および刑事司法制度を悪用し始めたことは、本件におけるWiskの行動から明らかです」と述べている。



画像クレジット:Youibot / Wisk Aero


Electric aviation startup Wisk Aero’s request for a preliminary injunction against rival Archer Aviation was denied by a federal judge Thursday, the latest in an ongoing legal battle over whether Archer stole trade secrets in developing its flagship Maker aircraft.

A full written opinion has not yet been published. In a tentative ruling filed earlier this week, Judge William Orrick said Wisk’s “evidence of misappropriation is too equivocal to warrant a preliminary injunction.” Wisk filed for the injunction in May; if it had been approved, it would have effectively put an immediate halt to Archer’s operations.

Wisk submitted to the court 52 trade secrets it alleges were stolen and used by Archer, and the injunction would have prevented Archer from using any of them until a final decision was issued in the suit. It’s an extraordinary request and it makes sense that Orrick would need to see more certain evidence of misappropriation.

“There are some arguable indications of misappropriation, but given how equivocal the evidence is, Wisk is not entitled to the extraordinary remedy of an injunction,” Orrick said in the tentative ruling. “Because the merits are so uncertain, Wisk has also not adequately shown irreparable injury based on misappropriation. And the balance of hardships favors Archer because, without solid evidence of misappropriation, an injunction would gravely threaten its business.”

Wisk says the judge’s decision on the injunction has no bearing on the outcome of the case “and does not exonerate Archer in the least.”

“We brought this lawsuit based on strong indications of theft and use of Wisk’s IP, and the initial limited evidence gathered through the court process to date only confirms our belief that Archer’s misappropriation of Wisk’s trade secrets is widespread and pervades Archer’s aircraft development,” Wisk continued. “Following today’s ruling, Wisk will be allowed to begin collecting evidence in earnest.”

Wisk was established in 2019 as a joint venture between Kitty Hawk and Boeing, but its history with electric aviation stretches back much further. The company was originally founded in 2010 as Levt, which eventually merged with sister company Kitty Hawk. Wisk says it (as Kitty Hawk) zeroed in on a fixed-wing, 12-rotor design in 2016. It’s this design that’s the centerpiece of its debut aircraft, Cora.

Archer, by contrast, is newer to the field. Much of Wisk’s original complaint, filed in April, is predicated on the speed with which Archer is bringing its air taxi service to market. Archer also recruited many former Wisk engineers — including former employee Jing Xue, whom Wisk says downloaded nearly 5,000 files before his departure from the company, which it alleges he handed over to Archer.

When he was cross-examined, Xue pled the Fifth Amendment, invoking his right to not self-incriminate, citing an ongoing federal investigation.

Archer says Wisk has not brought forward any substantive evidence of the central claim of the lawsuit: that Archer received and used Wisk trade secrets. Wisk’s allegations are based on “conspiracy theories and outright misrepresentations,” Archer’s Deputy General Counsel Eric Lentell said.

“It is clear to us from Wisk’s actions in this case that after recognizing Archer’s momentum and pace of innovation, Wisk began abusing the judicial and criminal justice system in an attempt to slow us down to compensate for its own lack of success,” Archer co-founders Brett Adcock and Adam Goldstein said.

The court will hold a scheduling conference on August 11, where the judge will outline next steps for the case. A date for the trial has not been set.

The case is filed in the California Northern District Court under case no. 3:2021cv02450.

(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

Atlas Crest Investment Corp. (via Public) / Material Event ...

Other Events. As previously announced, Wisk Aero LLC (' Wisk ') has brought a lawsuit against Archer Aviation Inc. (' Archer ') in United States District Court in the Northern District of California (the ' Court ') alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and patent infringement. On May 19, 2021, Wisk filed a motion for a preliminary injunction. On June 23, 2021, Archer filed an opposition ...

ATLAS CREST INVESTMENT CORP. : Other Events (form 8-K ...

Item 8.01 Other Events. As previously announced, Wisk Aero LLC has brought a lawsuit against Archer Aviation Inc. in United States District Court in the Northern District of California alleging... | July 26, 2021

Larry Page's Wisk Aero takes hit in legal fight with ...

A federal judge in San Francisco has rejected air taxi startup Wisk Aero’s request for a preliminary injunction against rival Archer Aviation, the latest development in a bizarre legal dogfight between the two deep-pocketed startups. Wisk Aero, backed by Boeing and Google co-founder Larry Page’s company Kitty Hawk, wanted to keep its rival Archer from using......

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Choose rejects Wisk Aero's effort to dam rival air taxi startup Archer from utilizing 'stolen' patents. businessdigest-July 23, 2021 0. A federal choose in San Francisco rejected air taxi startup Wisk Aero's request for a preliminary injunction towards rival startup Archer Aviation,...

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Number 59 - 26 July 2021 - African Pilot Magazine

"Contrary to the story Wisk crafted, the evidence in this case has also made it clear that Archer, with input from its outside expert design consultant, evaluated and selected the 12-tilt-6 design of its Maker demonstrator aircraft independently and well in advance of any effort by Wisk to develop a similar eVTOL aircraft," he said.

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企業秘密を盗用されたと主張するWisk AeroのArcher Aviationに対する仮差止請求を連邦判事が却下 ...


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Atlas Crest Investment Corp. (via Public) / Material Event ...

Other Events. As previously announced, Wisk Aero LLC (' Wisk ') has brought a lawsuit against Archer Aviation Inc. (' Archer ') in United States District Court in the Northern District of California (the ' Court ') alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and patent infringement. On May 19, 2021, Wisk filed a motion for a preliminary injunction. On June 23, 2021, Archer filed an opposition ...

Archer obtient gain de cause ; la demande d'injonction ...

/PRNewswire/ -- Un juge fédéral de San Francisco a rejeté aujourd'hui la demande d'injonction préliminaire de Wisk à l'encontre de son rival Archer. Le...

Number 59 - 26 July 2021 - African Pilot Magazine

Last week a federal judge in San Francisco denied Wisk's request for a preliminary injunction against rival Archer. The court determined that Wisk failed to make its case "Wisk has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits that defendant Archer Aviation Inc. has misappropriated its particular asserted trade secrets."

Larry Page's Wisk Aero takes hit in legal fight with ...

A federal judge in San Francisco has rejected air taxi startup Wisk Aero’s request for a preliminary injunction against rival Archer Aviation, the latest development in a bizarre legal dogfight between the two deep-pocketed startups. Wisk Aero, backed by Boeing and Google co-founder Larry Page’s company Kitty Hawk, wanted to keep its rival Archer from using......

ATLAS CREST INVESTMENT CORP. : Other Events (form 8-K ...

Item 8.01 Other Events. As previously announced, Wisk Aero LLC has brought a lawsuit against Archer Aviation Inc. in United States District Court in the Northern District of California alleging... | July 26, 2021

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Choose rejects Wisk Aero's effort to dam rival air taxi startup Archer from utilizing 'stolen' patents businessdigest - July 23, 2021 0 A federal choose in San Francisco rejected air taxi startup Wisk Aero's request for a preliminary injunction towards rival startup Archer Aviation,...

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La demande d'injonction préliminaire de la startup d'aviation électrique Wisk Aero contre son rival Archer Aviation a été rejetée jeudi par un juge fédéral, la dernière d'une bataille juridique en cours pour savoir si Archer a volé des secrets commerciaux dans le développement de son avion phare Maker.

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Now that you have that COVID dog, Embark Veterinary wants to help him or her be in your life for a long time by offering DNA testing with the goal of curbing preventable diseases and increasing the lifespan of dogs by three years within the next decade. The Boston-based dog genetics company raised $75 million in Series B funding in what the company is calling "the biggest Series B for a pet ...

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Judge denies Wisk Aero's request for preliminary injunction against Archer Aviation; Snap had its best quarter in four years; Mint's first PM raises millions for Monarch, an Accel-backed money management platform

企業秘密を盗用されたと主張するWisk AeroのArcher Aviationに対する仮差止請求を連邦判事が却下 ...


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Judge denies Wisk Aero's request for preliminary injunction against Archer Aviation. Jul 25, 2021 admin. Top Technology News Snap had its best quarter in four years. Jul 25, 2021 admin. Recent Posts. Growth marketing roundup: TechCrunch Experts, creative testing and how to nail your narrative; SOSV partners explain how deep tech startups can ...

Archer obtient gain de cause ; la demande d'injonction ...

- Le juge rejette la demande d'injonction préliminaire de Wisk à l'encontre d'Archer - Le juge estime que les preuves fournies par Wisk sont trop incertaines et équivoques PALO ALTO, Californie, 26...

企業秘密を盗用されたと主張するWisk AeroのArcher Aviationに対する仮差止請求を連邦判事が却下

米国時間7月22日、電動航空機のスタートアップ企業であるWisk Aero(ウィスク・エアロ)は、競合企業のArcher Aviation(アーチャー・アビエーション)に対する仮差止請求を、連邦判事に却下された。



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球赛前突现尘卷风 众人躲 他却"风中漫步" | 足球赛 | 裁判 | 球员 | 大纪元


【韓国裁判所】資産差し押さえ命令 三菱重工の即時抗告をまた棄却 - えら呼吸速報

韓国慰安婦象の日本展示が完全に意味不明すぎるやり方で実施されて日本側の失笑を買ってしまう. 【韓国裁判所】 資産差し押さえ命令 三菱重工の即時抗告をまた棄却. ワロスアンテナ. 韓国人「韓日戦に勝利した日本の美人テコンダーを調べてみよう ...



枉法裁判罪立案标准 - 辩护律师 - 律师行业网

涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案: 1、枉法裁判,致使当事人或者其近亲属自杀、自残造成重伤、死亡,或者精神失常的; 2、枉法裁判,造成个人财产直接经济损失10万元以上,或者直接经济损失不满10万元,但间接经济损失50万元以上的; 3、枉法裁判,造成 ...

逆轉裁判復甦的逆轉 - 富忆资讯网

逆转裁判复苏的逆转 - 游戏 - 高清完整正版视频在线观看 - 优 ... 2008年12月21日逆转裁判复苏的逆转是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于20081221033316上线。视频内容 【Android】逆轉裁判 復甦的逆轉 - 巴哈姆特. 為〔逆轉裁判復甦的逆轉〕編寫介紹內容。

Basketball top5 - 影/台灣之光!台灣裁判登上奧運男籃殿堂 賞東77一次T直接回頭+場下和東77聊天 ...




"跳水女皇"郭晶晶換身份再戰奧運會:新工作是給裁判打分 | 電玩01

發佈日期:2021-07-25 18:50:14. 據新浪娛樂報導,近日郭晶晶接受採訪時透露自己的新工作,這一次她主要是給裁判打分,評估裁判工作是否稱職,是否執裁公平,而並非此前傳出的給運動員評分。. 在談到中國跳水隊,郭晶晶也表示:"整個隊伍這次東京奧運真的很 ...



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