関連ワード (Amazon、EU、GDPR、データ保護、プライバシー、個人情報、広告、罰金等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
ルクセンブルグのデータ保護当局National Commission for Data Protection(CNPD)は、ターゲット広告目的で顧客データを使用していたとして、Amazon(アマゾン)に対しGDPR(一般データ保護規則)の罰金として過去最大の7億4600万ユーロ(約971億円)を科した。
今回の罰金は、プライバシー権を主張するフランスのグループLa Quadrature du Netによる2018年の訴えの結果だ。同グループは、政治的あるいは商業目的で行動を不正操作するために欧州人のデータがテック大企業によって使われることがないよう、多くの人の利益を代表していると主張する。Apple、Facebook、Google、LinkedInもターゲットにし、1万人超を代表して苦情を申し立てた同グループは、顧客がどの広告と情報を受け取るかを選ぶことでAmazonは商業目的のために顧客をコントロールしたと主張している。
La Quadrature du Netは「最悪の事態を懸念した3年間の沈黙の後に出された」CNPDの罰金の決定を歓迎した。
画像クレジット:Natasha Lomas
Luxembourg’s National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) has hit Amazon with a record-breaking €746 million ($887 million) GDPR fine over the way it uses customer data for targeted advertising purposes.
Amazon disclosed the ruling in an SEC filing on Friday in which it slammed the decision as baseless and added that it intended to defend itself “vigorously in this matter.”
“Maintaining the security of our customers’ information and their trust are top priorities,” an Amazon spokesperson said in a statement. “There has been no data breach, and no customer data has been exposed to any third party. These facts are undisputed.
“We strongly disagree with the CNPD’s ruling, and we intend to appeal. The decision relating to how we show customers relevant advertising relies on subjective and untested interpretations of European privacy law, and the proposed fine is entirely out of proportion with even that interpretation.”
The penalty is the result of a 2018 complaint by French privacy rights group La Quadrature du Net, a group that claims to represent the interests of thousands of Europeans to ensure their data isn’t used by Big Tech companies to manipulate their behavior for political or commercial purposes. The complaint, which also targets Apple, Facebook Google and LinkedIn and was filed on behalf of more than 10,000 customers, alleges that Amazon manipulates customers for commercial means by choosing what advertising and information they receive.
La Quadrature du Net welcomed the fine issued by the CNPD, which “comes after three years of silence that made us fear the worst.”
“The model of economic domination based on the exploitation of our privacy and free will is profoundly illegitimate and contrary to all the values that our democratic societies claim to defend,” the group added in a blog post published on Friday.
The CNPD has also ruled that Amazon must commit to changing its business practices. However, the regulator has not publicly committed on its decision, and Amazon didn’t specify what revised business practices it is proposing.
(文:Carly Page、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)
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