関連ワード (Alexa、Amazon、eコマース、スマートスピーカー、スマートディスプレイ、スマートホーム、開発者、音声アシスタント等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Amazon(アマゾン)は、過去1年間にスキル数がさらに減少し、サードパーティの音声アプリデベロッパーが関心を失いつつあることを受けて、Alexa音声プラットフォームを活性化しようとしている。現地時間7月21日に開催されたデベロッパー向けイベント「Alexa Live」では、デベロッパーコミュニティに向けて多数の新機能とツールが発表され、新ツールのリリースとしては最大規模のものになった。新機能の中には、すでにAlexaデバイスを所有しているユーザーに向けてAlexaスキルの発見・利用を促すものや、デベロッパーがスキルを利用して収益を得られる新ツール、再びユーザーの日常生活にAlexaを取り入れてもらうことを後押しするアップデートなどがある。
それでも、Amazonは、ユーザーが使いたいスキルを見つけやすいようにするという、音声のみのデバイスでは難しいとされる課題をまだ克服していない(Alexa Showのようなスクリーン付きのAlexaデバイスが発売されたことで、多少改善されたが)。
Amazonによると、同社はこの問題を解決するために、デベロッパーが自分が開発したスキルのウィジェットを作成する方法を導入する。ユーザーはこのウィジェットを使ってEcho Showなどのスクリーン付きAlexaデバイスにスキルを追加することができる。さらに、デベロッパーは「Featured Skill Cards(注目のスキルカード)」を構築できるようになる。Featured Skill Cardsはホーム画面上でスキルをローテーションで表示し、宣伝する機能だ。
すでにAmazonは、消耗品、有料サブスクリプション、スキル内購入などのツールを提供しているが、今回、新たにスキル内購入の一環として「Paid Skills(有料スキル)」に対応する。Paid Skillsでは、ユーザーはスキルが提供するコンテンツを利用するために1回のみ料金を支払う。さらに、スキル内購入の対象地域にインドとカナダが追加される。
・Amazon Alexaのスキルの中でゲームのポイントやヒントを売ることができる、近くSony Picturesも利用
音楽やメディアに関連するスキルのデベロッパーは、新しいツールを利用してユーザーにより楽しい体験を届けることができるようになる。iHeartRadioが開発した、DJがAlexa経由で曲のリクエストを受け付ける「Song Request Skill」はその一例だ。ラジオやポッドキャスト、音楽プロバイダー向けの、ユーザーにインタラクティブな体験を提供するスキルの開発期間を短縮できるツールもある。
例えばレストランはFood Skill APIを利用して、ピックアップやデリバリーのスムーズな注文を実現することができる。新しい「Send to Phone(スマホに送信)」機能では、デベロッパーは自分のスキルをモバイルデバイスと連携させて、外出する際に家の鍵をかけるように促すスキルのような、イベントベースのトリガーやプロアクティブな提案を実現できるようになる。Amazon傘下のWhole Foods(ホールフーズ)は、2021年後半に登場する店頭受け取りサービスに、これらの機能を利用する予定だという。
一方、煙探知機、一酸化炭素探知機、水漏れ探知機などの安全機器メーカーは、Alexaのセキュリティシステム「Alexa Guard」と連携して、モバイル機器に通知を送ることができるようになる。
デベロッパーのスキル開発をサポートするための新しいツールも導入される。また、デベロッパーはAlexa Entities(アマゾンが独自に開発した、ウィキペディアのような一般的な知識をまとめたもの)を利用できるようになる。独自の発音をサポートする新しいツールや、これまで米国のみで提供されていた「Alexa Conversations」の自然言語機能も利用できるようになった(現在、英語圏ではライブ版、ドイツではベータ版、日本ではデベロッパープレビュー版が利用可能)。さらに、既存のツールキット(Alexa Voice Service、Alexa Connect Kitなど)の地域的拡大に焦点を当てたツールや、ユーザーごとのウェイクワードを可能にしてスマートホーム機器との相互運用性を向上させるツールなど、大量のツールが導入されている。
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Amazon is giving its Alexa voice platform a shot in the arm after seeing further declines in skill growth over the past year, indicating lagging interest from third-party voice app developers. At the company’s Alexa Live developer event today, the company announced a slew of new features and tools for the developer community — its largest release of new tools to date, in fact. Among the new releases are those to encourage Alexa device owners to discover and engage with Alexa skills, new tools for making money from skills and other updates that will push customers to again make Alexa more a part of their daily routines.
The retailer’s hopes for Alexa as a voice shopping platform may have not panned out as it had hoped, as only a sliver of Alexa customers actually made purchases through the smart speakers. However, the larger Alexa footprint and developer community remains fairly sizable, Amazon said today, noting there are “millions” of Alexa devices used “billions of times” every week, and over 900,000 registered developers who have published over 130,000 Alexa skills.
Still, Amazon hasn’t yet solved the challenge of helping customers find and discover skills they want to use — something that’s been historically difficult on voice-only devices. That’s improved somewhat with the launch of Alexa devices with screens, like the Alexa Show, which offers a visual component.
But largely, Alexa device owners continue to use its most basic functions — smart home control, playing music, setting alarms and reminders, making lists and other simple queries. It has yet to produce what would be considered, by most, a “runaway hit” voice app.
Image Credits: Amazon
In an attempt to tackle this problem with more features, Amazon says it will introduce a way for developers to create Widgets for their skills, which customers can then add to their Echo Show or other Alexa device with a screen sometime later this year. Developers will also be able to build Featured Skill Cards to promote their skills in the home screen rotation.
In other words, Amazon’s solution is to make Alexa more like a mobile device in terms of app discovery. While perhaps useful to those who have Alexa devices with screens, that doesn’t bode well for Alexa’s future as a voice-only platform.
Meanwhile, for voice-only devices, developers will now be able to have their skill suggested when Alexa responds to common requests, like “Alexa, tell me a story,” “Alexa, let’s play a game,” or “Alexa, I need a workout,” among others. And Alexa will begin to offer personalized skill suggestions based on customers’ use of similar skills, while new “contextual discovery” mechanisms will allow customers to use natural language and phrases to accomplish tasks across skills. Of course, Amazon has tried other ways of suggesting skills before now, but those impacts have been negligible on the larger skill ecosystem. (Some efforts even annoyed users.)
Amazon also said it’s expanding the ways developers can get paid for their skills.
Already, it offers tools like consumables, paid subscriptions and in-skill purchases. Now, it will add support for Paid Skills, a new in-skill purchase that allows customers to pay a one-time fee to access the content a skill provides. It will also now expand in-skill purchases to India and Canada.
So far, in-skill purchases have yet to drive significant revenue. A 2019 report found that Alexa skill revenue in the first 10 months of the year was only $1.4 million, far short of Amazon’s $5.5 million target. It’s uncertain that one more way to make a purchase will change that trend.
Amazon didn’t speak to how much its developers made, instead saying only that developer revenue from in-skill purchases had “more than doubled” year-over-year.
Amazon will now attempt to leverage the developer community to drive sales on its retail site, too.
With new “Shopping Actions,” developers can sell Amazon products in their skill. For example, a role-playing game could suggest customers buy the tabletop version, as sci-fi game Starfinder does. Developers can also now earn affiliate revenue on their product referrals.
Music and media skill developers will be able to use new tools for more entertaining experiences, like a Song Request Skill that DJs can use to take song requests via Alexa, which iHeartRadio will adopt. Others will shorten the time it takes for Radio, Podcast and Music providers to launch interactive experiences.
Other new features aim to make skills more practical and useful.
Image Credits: Amazon
For example, restaurants will gain access to a Food Skill API that will allow them to create pickup and delivery order experiences. A new “Send to Phone” feature will allow developers to connect their skill with mobile devices, and new event-based triggers and proactive suggestions will enable new experiences — like a skill that reminds users to lock their home when they are leaving. Amazon-owned Whole Foods will use these features for a curbside pickup experience arriving later this year, the company says.
Alexa replenishment support, which allows customers to reorder common household items like laundry detergent or batteries, will also expand to replacement parts to better tie in with other sorts of household and smart home devices. Thermostat makers Carrier and Resideo will use this to replenish air filters and Bissell will use this with its vacuum cleaners.
Meanwhile, safety device makers — like smoke, carbon-monoxide and water leak detectors — will be able to tie into Alexa’s security system, Alexa Guard, to send notifications to mobile devices.
Amazon is also introducing a set of new tools that make creating skills easier for developers, including the ability to use Alexa Entities, which is basically Amazon’s own set of general, Wikipedia-like knowledge. They’ll also gain access to new tools to aid with custom pronunciations, plus the previously U.S.-only Alexa Conversations nature language feature (now in beta in Germany, developer preview in Japan and live all English locales). A longer list of tools focus on regional expansions of existing toolkits (i.e. AVS, ACK), and others that enable better interoperability with smart home devices — like those that allow for unique wake words, among others.
(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Dragonfly)
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