

関連ワード (1Password、Accel、トロント、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


左からDave Teare(デイブ・ティアー)氏、Jeff Shiner(ジェフ・シャイナー)氏、Roustem Karimov(ルーステム・カリモフ)氏、Sara Teare(サラ・ティアー)氏。




Accelが再度主導した今回のラウンドには、Ashton Kutcher(アシュトン・カッチャー)氏のSound Ventures(サウンド・ベンチャーズ)、Kim Jackson(キム・ジャクソン)氏のSkip Capital(スキップ・キャピタル)の他、Shopify(ショッピファイ)のCEOであるTobias Lütke(トバイアス・トビ・ルーク)氏、Shopifyの社長であるHarley Finkelstein(ハーレー・フィンケルシュタイン)氏、Slack(スラック)の共同創業者兼CEOであるStewart Butterfield(スチュワート・バターフィールド)氏、Squarespace(スクエアスペース)の創業者兼CEOであるAnthony Caselena(アンソニー・カセレナ)氏、Atlassian(アトラシアン)の共同CEOであるMike Cannon-Brookes(マイク・キャノン=ブルークス)氏とScott Farquhar(スコット・ファーカー)氏、Eventbrite(イベントブライト)の共同創業者兼会長のKevin Hartz(ケヴィン・ハーツ)氏などが名を連ねる。

CEOのJeff Shiner(ジェフ・シャイナー)氏によると、1Passwordは設立当初から利益を上げており、ARR(年間経常収益)は最近1億2000万ドル(約132億円)に達したという。Under Armour(アンダーアーマー)、Shopify、PGA、IBM、GitLab(ギットラブ)、Slack(スラック)、PagerDuty(ページャーデューティー)といった多数のビッグネームを含む9万以上の企業が、同社のSaaSプラットフォームを利用している。2019年11月の調達時の顧客5万社から、ここまでの増加である。

2組の創業者夫妻であるDave Teare(デイブ・ティアー)氏とSara Teare(サラ・ティアー)氏、Roustem Karimov(ルーステム・カリモフ)氏とNatalia Karimov(ナタリア・カリモフ)氏は、ウェブサイト構築の別の会社を成長させていく中で、パスワード管理に関する苦労に着目したことから1Passwordのアイデアを思いついた。



AccelのパートナーであるArun Mathew(アラン・マシュー)氏は両ラウンドで1Passwordへの投資を推進しており「1Passwordは非常にユニークな企業プロフィールを持っています。このようなファンダメンタルズと指標を持ちながら、市場の追い風に乗っている企業を見るというのは本当に珍しいことです。今回のラウンドによって会社全体がこの市場を勝ち抜くためにさらにアグレッシブになれることを期待しています」と話している。


ここ数カ月の間に1Passwordはビジネスサービスを拡大しており、4月にはSecrets Automationを、さらに最近では「重要な」ビジネス情報を保護することを目的としたエンタープライズ向けサービスである1Password Eventsを発表。また、Linux Desktop Applicationや、SlackやRipplingとの統合も始動している。


シャイナー氏によると、Secrets Automationにより企業のインフラの秘密を「マシン・ツー・マシン」で保護することができるという。

「パスワード管理は通常、人間と機械の間で行われます。そのためこれは私たちにとっては大きな勝利であり、今後はより広範なインフラに拡大することができます」と同氏。オランダのSecretHub(シークレットハブ)を買収したことで、Secrets Automationの立ち上げが実現したのである。





この境界線の曖昧さこそが、Accelが1Passwordにさらなる可能性を見出している理由の1つである。AccelのパートナーであるEthan Choi(イーサン・チョイ)氏によると、同社のポートフォリオには24件のアクティブなセキュリティ投資があるという。









Toronto-based 1Password is one of those rare companies that is a) profitable and b) transparent enough to share financials.

And today, the company announced that it raised $100 million in a Series B round of funding that doubles the company’s valuation to $2 billion.

You may recall that the previously bootstrapped 1Password only raised its first round of external capital in 2019 – a $200 million Series A led by Accel that represented the venture firm’s largest single investment in its 35-year history . At the time, 1Password was hardly a startup, having been founded in 2005. 

Accel also led its latest round, which notably included participation from Ashton Kutcher’s Sound Ventures, Kim Jackson’s Skip Capital and a slew of tech executives including Tobias Lütke, CEO of Shopify; Harley Finkelstein, president of Shopify; Stewart Butterfield, co-founder and CEO of Slack; Anthony Caselena, founder and CEO of Squarespace; Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, co-CEOs of Atlassian; and Kevin Hartz, co-founder and chairman of Eventbrite, among others.

Profitable since day one, 1Password recently crossed the $120 million in ARR (annual recurring revenue) mark, according to CEO Jeff Shiner. Over 90,000 businesses use its SaaS platform, including a number of big names such as Under Armour, Shopify, the PGA, IBM, GitLab, Slack and PagerDuty. That’s up from 50,000 customers at the time of its November 2019 raise.

Founding couples Dave and Sara Teare and Roustem and Natalia Karimov came up with the idea for 1Password while they were growing another company that built websites and realized the struggle of keeping up with passwords.

It started out focused on consumers only. Over time, it evolved and began offering its password management services to businesses. This move took an already successful company to another level. 

It also caught the attention of Accel, which has a history of investing in bootstrapped and profitable businesses. In both its Series A and B rounds, the venture firm approached the company about investing.

Accel partner Arun Mathew, who drove his firm’s investment in 1Password in both rounds, noted that “1Password has a very unique company profile. To see a company riding all these market tailwinds with fundamentals and metrics like this is really, really unusual. Our hope is this [latest round] allows the entire company to be even more aggressive about winning this market.”

Since its last raise, 1Password has continued to evolve — a testament to its self-proclaimed intent to never sit on its laurels, said Shiner. For one thing, it has increased its headcount from 174 employees to about 475 today, including the formation of a go-to-market team, which the company never really had before.

And in the past few months, 1Password has expanded its business offerings, launching Secrets Automation in April and more recently, 1Password Events,  an enterprise offering aimed at protecting “critical”  business information. It has also launched a Linux Desktop Application and integrations with Slack and Rippling. 

Image Credits: 1Password

Secrets Automation, Shiner said, allows 1Password to protect a business’ infrastructure secrets “machine to machine.”

“Password management is usually human to machine, so it’s a huge win for us and expands what we do into the broader infrastructure,” he added. It was able to launch Secrets Automation with the help of the acquisition of a Dutch company, SecretHub. 

The company is planning to use some of its new capital for further acquisitions as the number of startups in the cybersecurity space continues to grow.

“Having a stronger balance sheet only helps the company take calculated risks and be opportunistic about potential M&A or investing even more aggressively where we see opportunity,” Accel’s Mathew said. “For almost 16 years, this company has been one of the best-kept secrets, no pun intended, for businesses and consumers alike.”

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting work-from-home shift only led to more demand for 1Password’s offering. In fact, with each business account, 1Password is giving each employee a free family account to use at home. 

“As work and home have mixed, it’s been a huge benefit for users,” Shiner said.

That line-blurring is one of the reasons that Accel sees even more potential in 1Password. The firm has 24 active security investments across its portfolio, according to Accel partner Ethan Choi.

“This doubling down [on 1Password] signifies our belief that this is one of the most important areas of security today,” Choi said. “CIOs and CISOs want their employees to be productive and get into the applications they need to, but they also need them to be secure.”

For its part, 1Password believes that despite being around for 16 years, it’s only “just scratching the surface,” according to Shiner.

“I think that’s what gets us excited, is just this incredible opportunity that we see in front of us,” he said. “We need to keep moving forward, with urgency.”

Gaining the insight of so many experienced tech execs was also a factor in raising more capital, Shiner said.

“We already had a great relationship with Accel, but being able to bring in those additional folks and the experience they bring along with them is tremendously valuable,” he added.

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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左からDave Teare(デイブ・ティアー)氏、Jeff Shiner(ジェフ・シャイナー)氏、Roustem Karimov(ルーステム・カリモフ)氏、Sara Teare(サラ・ティアー)氏。 画像クレジット:1Password カテゴリー:ソフトウェア タグ:1Password、資金調達、トロント、Accel

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米大リーグブルージェイズ・インディアンス(2日・トロント=ロジャーズ・センター) ブルージェイズのブラディミール・ゲレロ内野手が2日 ...

?????? ???? 〜ミクの海外生活〜

2016 トロントに1年間 語学留学. 2018 大学卒業後ワーホリでトロントに戻ってくる. 2019 トロントのカレッジ 入学. 2019 カナダの企業でインターンシップ. 2020 カレッジ卒業。カナダの企業に就職!

【画像】実に2年ぶりに本拠地トロントへ帰還!"ジプシー・ブルージェイズ"の長き流浪の旅路を振り返る<Slugger ...


生産終了したikeaのソファのカバーを作ってもらいました。 - トロントで出会った英単語を調べました。

トロントで出会った英単語を調べました。 2007年夫の転勤でカナダへ引っ越し。2015年トロント大学で2つ目の修士号取得。2016年アナログic設計者で再就職。トロントの様子がわかり、英単語の勉強にもなるブログが目標です。

三冠王視野ゲレロが待望の"本拠地1号" トロント帰還弾でキング大谷追走

◆ 本拠地帰還はタイトルレースへ追い風?  ブルージェイズのウラジミール・ゲレロJr.選手(22)が2日(日本時間3日)、本拠地で行われたインディアンス戦で34号2ランを放った。  「2番・一塁」で先発出場したゲレロは、2点ビハインドの6回無死一塁の場面で、相手先発のモーガンが投じた速球を一閃。打球速度115.2マイル(約185.4キロ)の弾丸ライナーを左翼席へ放り込んだ。  メ ...続きを読む...

Toronto Blue Jays all-time roster - Wikipedia

Toronto Blue Jays all-time roster. The following is a list of players both past and current who appeared at least in one game for the Toronto Blue Jays American League franchise (1977-present). Players in Bold are members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame . Players in Italics have been honoured on the Blue Jays Level of Excellence .

【Mlb】ゲレロ34号 5試合足踏みの大谷翔平に3本差 トップの打点は85に伸ばし3点差に開く - ライブドアニュース


三冠王視野ゲレロが待望の"本拠地1号" トロント帰還弾でキング大谷追走 | マイナビニュース

◆ 本拠地帰還はタイトルレースへ追い風?  ブルージェイズのウラジミール・ゲレロJr.選手(22)が2日(日本時間3日)、本拠地で行われたインディアンス戦で34号2ランを放った。  「2番…

実に2年ぶりに本拠地トロントへ帰還!"ジプシー・ブルージェイズ"の長き流浪の旅路を振り返る<Slugger>(The ...

実に2年ぶりに本拠地トロントへ帰還!“ジプシー・ブルージェイズ”の長き流浪の旅路を振り返る<SLUGGER>(THE DIGEST) 7月30日、ブルージェイズは2年ぶりに本拠地のロジャース・センターへ戻ってきた。この球場でプレーしたのは2019年のシーズン…

カンヌ国際映画祭 Cannes 7

カンヌ国際映画祭 CANNES 7. 642コメント. 164KB. 全部. 1-100. 最新50. ★スマホ版★. 掲示板に戻る . ★ULA版★.

8月 Atpトロント大会&シンシナティ大会 放送時間変更に伴う編成変更 | Gaora - Csスポーツチャンネル

8月 ATPトロント大会&シンシナティ大会 放送時間変更に伴う編成変更. (2021年8月3日). 表題の件、都合により放送時間が変更となりましたので、 以下の通り編成変更いたします。. 8月9日(月)23:45-翌12:30. 【変更前】23:45-翌12:30【生】 男子テニスATPツアー2021 ...



ゲレロ、185キロの弾丸ライナー34号放ち大谷と3本差に接近 トップの打点は85に伸ばし3点差に開く - ライブドアニュース


?|ラプターズのカイル・ラウリーがサイン&amp;トレードでヒートへ 本人もSNSで認める ...


ブルージェイズ・ゲレロ34号 大谷に3本差迫る 打点トップ独走― スポニチ Sponichi Annex 野球

ブルージェイズのゲレロが2日(日本時間3日)、本拠地トロントで行われたインディアンス戦で34号アーチ。本塁打トップのエンゼルス・大谷翔平 ...

三冠王視野ゲレロが待望の"本拠地1号" トロント帰還弾でキング大谷追走 | mixiニュース

◆本拠地帰還はタイトルレースへ追い風? ブルージェイズのウラジミール・ゲレロJr.選手(22)が2日(日本時間3日)、本拠地で行われたインディアンス戦で34号2ランを放った。 「2番・一塁」で先発出場したゲレロ

ゲレロが3試合ぶりの34号2ランで大谷と3本差に接近 トップの打点は85に伸ばし3点差に開く (2021年8月3日 ...


カナダの金融大手、中国人民銀行の年後半の追加緩和を予想 - 2021年08月03日09:45|為替ニュース|みんかぶ ...

 カナダの金融大手トロント・ドミニオン銀行(TD)では、中国人民銀行が金融政策をさらに緩和する可能性が高いとの見方を示している。  2021年後半に人民銀が預金準備率(RRR)を引き下げると予想...



【Mlb】ゲレロ、185キロの弾丸ライナー34号放ち大谷と3本差に接近 トップの打点は85に伸ばし3点差に開く ...

米大リーグ ブルージェイズ・インディアンス(2日・トロント=ロジャーズ・センター) ブルージェイズのブラディミール・ゲレロ内野手が2日(日本時間3日)、本拠のインディアンス戦、6回に左翼へ3試合ぶりとなる34号2ランを放ち、エンゼルスの大谷翔平 ...

【2021年】ナショナルバンク・オープンの大会情報、ドロー、放送予定(マスターズ1000) - テニスk


ラプターズのカイル・ラウリーがサイン&トレードでヒートへ 本人もsnsで認める | Oricon News

ラプターズのカイル・ラウリーがサイン&トレードでヒートへ 本人もSNSで認める|トロント・ラプターズのカイル・ラウリーが、サイン&トレードでマイアミ・ヒートへ移籍するようだ。『ES...

シーザーライト - 日本の辞書

トロント大学アーカイブおよび記録管理サービスで開催されたCecilA.Wrightアーカイブペーパー カナダの法律に関するこ 投稿日: 8月 3, 2021 作成者: admin

カナダの金融大手、中国人民銀行の年後半の追加緩和を予想 - ニュース・コラム - Yahoo!ファイナンス

 カナダの金融大手トロント・ドミニオン銀行(TD)では、中国人民銀行が金融政策をさらに緩和する可能性が高いとの見方を示している。  2021年後半に人民銀が預金準備率(RRR)を引き下げると予想し、...

Fast-growing BankTech Software Provider Abrigo Announces ...

AUSTIN, TEXAS and NEW YORK – August 3, 2021 – Abrigo, a leading technology provider of compliance, risk, and lending solutions for financial institutions, announced today it has secured a strategic growth investment from funds managed by Carlyle (NASDAQ: CG). Abrigo will use the investment to accelerate its commitment to helping financial institutions manage risk and drive growth. Abrigo’s current majority investor, Accel-KKR, will retain a significant equity stake in the Company and partner with Carlyle to support the Company’s long-term growth plan.

Carlyle Is Said to Invest in Abrigo at $1 Billion ...

Abrigo, an Accel-KKR-backed software provider for financial institutions, has secured an investment from private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc. The Austin, Texas-based company is valued at about ...

On Site or Virtual Server: You Can Choose One or Both ...

Servers are necessary even for small businesses and you must choose whether your company is best served by cloud-based, on-premises, or a blend of both types.

Fast-growing BankTech Software Provider Abrigo Announces ...

Abrigo, a leading technology provider of compliance, risk, and lending solutions for financial institutions, announced today it has secured a strategic growth investment from funds managed by Carlyle (NASDAQ: CG). Abrigo will use the investment to accelerate its commitment to helping financial institutions manage risk and drive growth. Abrigo’s current majority investor, Accel-KKR, will retain a significant equity stake in the Company and partner with Carlyle to support the Company’s long-...

Carlyle Is Said to Invest in Abrigo at $1 Billion Valuation

(Bloomberg) -- Abrigo, an Accel-KKR-backed software provider for financial institutions, has secured an investment from private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc.

Carlyle to Invest in Abrigo at $1 Billion-Plus Valuation

(Bloomberg) -- Abrigo, an Accel-KKR-backed software provider for financial institutions, has secured an investment from private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc.The Austin, Texas-based company is valued at more than $1 billion after the investment, according to people with knowledge of the matter who asked not to be identified discussing private information.Terms of the deal weren’t disclosed and Carlyle and Abrigo declined to comment on the valuation. With the transaction, Carlyle becomes an equal

August 3, 2021 - Accel Engineering

Cheap essay writing solutions is an oxymoron of its kind. But it's a fact that some authors can perform cheap essay writing and some cannot.

[v2,21/55] accel/tcg: Drop signness in tracing in cputlb.c ...

[v2,21/55] accel/tcg: Drop signness in tracing in cputlb.c. Message ID: 20210803041443.55452-22-richard.henderson@linaro.org (mailing list archive) State: New: Headers:

Accelerate360 To Acquire Assets Of Dakota News - Daily Finance

SMYRNA, Ga., Aug. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Accelerate360 Distribution, LLC, announced today that it has agreed to acquire assets of Dakota News, Inc. (Dakota), including its wholesale magazine, book distribution and general merchandise business. The addition of the Dakota assets further extends Accel

Exclusive: Byju's infuses $376 Mn in WhiteHat Jr at a ...

This fresh infusion of capital by Byju's will likely be used for the expansion of WhiteHat Jr in new markets and further product developments.

San Diego high rise to deploy automated checkout market ...

Vantage Pointe, in San Diego's East Village, will soon introduce Valet Market, a checkout-free retail solutions powered by computer vision and artificial intelligence provided by Accel Robotics, according to a press release. Designed as a shared pantry for the neighborhood,…

[PATCH v2 20/55] accel/tcg: Report unaligned atomics for ...

[PATCH v2 20/55] accel/tcg: Report unaligned atomics for user-only Richard Henderson Mon, 02 Aug 2021 21:23:41 -0700 Use the newly exposed cpu_unaligned_access for atomic_mmu_lookup, which has access to complete alignment info from the TCGMemOpIdx arg.

San Diego high rise to deploy automated checkout market ...

Vantage Pointe, in San Diego's East Village, will soon introduce Valet Market, a checkout-free retail solutions powered by computer vision and artificial intelligence provided by Accel Robotics, according to a press release. Designed as a shared pantry for the neighborhood,…

Virtual Special Education Coordinator (Lynden) | Lynden ...

ACCEL Schools is seeking Virtual Education Coordinators for the Virtual Preparatory Academy of Washington who are dedicated to providing a superior education for all students for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year! We are seeking candidates who are excited to crea Posting id: 3344e39cbe174

San Diego high rise to deploy automated checkout market ...

Vantage Pointe, in San Diego's East Village, will soon introduce Valet Market, a checkout-free retail solutions powered by computer vision and artificial intelligence provided by Accel Robotics, according to a press release. Designed as a shared pantry for the neighborhood,…

Unimarket, High-Growth eProcurement Platform, Announces ...

Investment to accelerate company’s international expansion and catalyze M&A opportunities. MENLO PARK, Calif. and AUCKLAND, New Zealand (PRWEB) August 03, 2021. Unimarket, a fast-growing provider of procurement software and services, today announced that it has received a majority growth investment from Accel-KKR, a leading global technology-focused investment firm. Peter Kane, Chief Executive Officer of Unimarket, will continue to lead the company supported by the existing management team.

LKML: Alexandru Ardelean: Re: [PATCH 2/2] iio: accel: Add ...

Re: [PATCH 2/2] iio: accel: Add driver support for ADXL313 On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 8:29 PM Lucas Stankus <lucas.p.stankus@gmail.com> wrote: > On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 3:57 AM Alexandru Ardelean

B2B startup Fashinza secures $20M in Series A round led by ...

B2B startup Fashinza has announced that it has secured $20 million in the series A round led by Accel Partners and Elevation Capital. The round also saw participation from Abu Dhabi-based DisruptAD, Alteria Capital, Stride Ventures, and Tradecred. MD at Shahi Exports & Founder, Bhaane - Anand S Ahuja along with Sonam Kapoor Ahuja also…

Carlyle to put money into Abrigo at $1 billion-plus ...

Abrigo, an Accel-KKR-backed software program supplier for monetary establishments, has secured an funding from personal fairness agency Carlyle Group Inc. The Austin, Texas-based firm is valued at greater than $1 billion after the funding, based on folks with data of the matter who requested to not be recognized discussing personal data. Phrases of the deal […]

The Organization | [RD/SBD1] Accel Wonder Flare

The other Double Accel Spellcaster appears, who unites Spellcasters with other Types! RD/SBD1-JP010 アクセルワンダー・フレア Accel Wonder Flare Level 5 FIRE Spellcaster…

Blockchain Startup Tenderly Raises $15+ mln to Boost ...

Tenderly, a blockchain startup has raised $15.3 million in a Series A funding round led by Accel to accelerate the development of the blockchain ecosystem.

AI-Powered Checkout Market Business Opportunity to 2027 ...

The AI-Powered Checkout Market research report includes Market segmentation and overlays shadow upon the leading market players highlighting the favou

FinAccel to go public in a US$2.5 billion SPAC deal

FinAccel Pte Ltd, parent company of Indonesian fintech startup Kredivo, agreed to go public in the US through a merger with a blank-cheque firm that values the combined companies at US$2.5 billion.

Infra.Market raises $125mn funding from Tiger Global ...

The company is targeting the USD 140 billion construction materials market with a strong focus on the infrastructure sector.Infra.Market is expected to significantly benefit from the ongoing increase in allocation for infrastructure projects under the National Infrastructure Pipeline, which has planned projects worth USD 2 Trillion to be executed over the next few years.The new fund-raise will enable Infra.Market to enhance its technological offerings, seed newer markets, and advance their initiatives such as private label brands, direct to retail channel, and exports.

Blockchain Startup Tenderly Raises $15+ mln to Boost ...

Tenderly, a blockchain startup has raised $15.3 million in a Series A funding round led by Accel to accelerate the

Food Service Coordinator -Prepared Meals - PM-Accel ...

Apply for a Preferred Meals Food Service Coordinator -Prepared Meals - PM-Accel Schools Hope Academy N. Coast (Cleveland, OH) job in Cleveland, OH. Apply online instantly. View this and more full-time &amp; part-time jobs in Cleveland, OH on Snagajob. Posting id: 649410715.

Need a replacement or stock source for LSM330DLCTR IMU ...

I’ve got an existing design that uses the LSM330DLCTR IMU ACCEL/GYRO I2C/SPI 28LGA and have a need to build an additional 20 units (1 part per unit), but have run into supply chain issues due to obsolescence. I am conta&hellip;

Kredivo guardian agency FinAccel to checklist within the ...

ET Offers: Dell Alienware Aurora Ryzen 7 5800 and Nvidia RTX 2060 Tremendous Gaming Desktop for $1,499, Garmin Venu GPS AMOLED Smartwatch for $279

100% Discount || Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Freebies ...

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that was launched by Microsoft in February 2010.



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